And a new pull down menu would be created and my listing of bolts could be inserted from the std libs bolt file as I clicked through the route. Â I developed all of this on older versions at a different company. Â With 2014, I went to the CUSTOMI ZE under the main Drafting and Annotation / AutoCAD Classic pull down and created a New Menu, renamed to BOLTS and then pulled the INSERT command and dropped it ontp the BOLTS pull down and changed the DISPLAY NAME to 1/4" and edited the MACRO from ^C^C _insert to ^C^C_insert;F:/STD/LIBS/BOLT-01/BOLT025A;;;; Â Seemed to work fine....until I added another 10 bolt assemblies and then noticed that they all showed up as whatever the last bolt I had put in the Macro line was. Â The display name stayed correct but the insert was gloabally changed on all pull down to whatever the last item was. Â I have reset 2014 back to the original settings now to clear out everything I had done.
I am wondering if it is possible to have pulldown menus items be brought in on the layer that they were created on versus the layer that your template has current. I created pull down menus and (not thinking ahead) put them all on layer 0. They come in with all the attributes they were created with, but come in on the current layer. Can I change that?
I've been forcing myself to accumulate to the new marking menu and gestures system. I'm starting to get used enough to them to see that it's really worth it.Â
I've found that the defaults are crap for what I do in IV, which is fine because I can customize it to whatever I do use.
However, when I RMB on a component pattern it displays a unique menu for which there appears to be no option for under customization. I'd really like to replace the craptastic useless options with things that I actually use.
By the way, why does AutoDesk neglect component patterns so much?
I want to create an iproperty that has a pull down menu where I can make a selection. Can this be done? Can I import this data from a txt, csv, xml file?
I am unable to use pull down menu commands, for example when I want to save as, I have to type it manually in the command open a file I have to type the file name at command line..
when I click save as or any other command from the pull down menu, it does not work, the command line apprars at the buttom of the drawing asking me to manually make an imput...
The Marking Menu of 2012 so far is a big brake for me. Â I wish I can make some alterations but I did not find in this huge variety of possibilities the option to alter the context menu of the Sketch. Â I am in Sketch. I drawing the line. I want to quit. I do right click and have the menu. the name and probably the sub name of that menu. I cannot find it at all in the Customization list. I wish at least to locate the Escape to bottom. Did not find also the option to turn the Marking menu off.
I have installed the two service packs hoping to fix this issue. There appears to be a limit to the quantity of items that can be selected if trying to change a property using a pulldown menu. For example, if I select all items in a drawing (say 25,000 items, didn't test the limit), using (CTRL+A) or with mouse, and all items are not the same color, the OBJECT COLOR menu should be blank (have not value) because there is not only one color for the objects. Same would be true of the Layer menu if all objects are not on the same layer. This does not happen, the current Color or Layer are shown in the menu's. WIth the objects selected, changing the color (say from red to green) has no effect. Same is true if trying to assign all selected items to a specific layer. WIth less items selected (didn't test the limit), things work as expected.Â
I tried to see if the problem was with the menu, so I used the command line commands. Change, Property, Color, with all items selected works fine. Is there a bug with 2011 LT re this? I didn't have this issue using ACAD LT 2008 previously.
All of the sudden, when I go to the pull down menu and click "Save As", instead of the window opening where I can physically choose where I want to save or save over, I get the file directory in the command line. I even typed in the folder directory and it still doesn't save it there. Why the sudden change?
way to Rename menu bar commands? Move menu bar commands to other menus? Add new menu bar commands wherever you want and bind scripts to those commands?
I am trying to create a pull down menu in a door schedule. My goal is that when I load a door family into my model it will generate as much as the required schedule information as possible. Eliminating the need to manually fill out the schedule.
I have already set up shared parameters for typical schedule items; such as door material, door type, frame material, etc. I would like to set up pull down menus for the schedule items that will differ from door to door (fire rating for example), via the door family type parameters. The research I've done seems to point to using nested families. This is something I am not all that familiar with. Do I need to use nested families to do what I'm trying? If so, what would be the best way to do it? How would I create a nested family?
I've tried to figure out the pattern of how the command works for inputting partial customization menu toolbar names but I'm unsuccessful.
You should be able to show and hide partial customization menu toolbars with the -toolbar command because it can hide all toolbars including my partial customization menu toolbars currently shown. I've tried the toolbar menu alias (defined in the CUI command) and the name (refer to this link to the same image embedded below) and none work.
We people are doing the Autocad CAD customization using COM & .NET API.
Now I have heard that we can read or write thedwg file using realdwg toolkit without installing AuotCAD on my machine so it is beneficial that we can do without AutoCAD.
Rather than this advantage, how it can be usefult to our team if our organization will but it ?
Trying to migrate my copy of AcadLT 2010 from and XP to Win7. I have successfully moved my menu customization, but do not have the custom settings for point mode/size and leaders that I had set. What file(s) am I looking to move to get this done?
I am now looking to work with custom iProperties that will populate our company's new BOM standard. I have not done much with regards to customizing a BOM (I've always used the generic fields). Now my boss has come to me and wants to use the following headings for our BOM....
While I understand some of these fields will require the user to manually type information in (Comments and Ref. Dwg.) The others, from my understanding, can come straight from iProperties or Parameters. I am running INV Pro 2013.Â
Is there a way to customize the BOM columns so that Inventor remembers which columns I need? I know that I can add in the file name column etc. but I use the same columns over and over. I find myself in every assembly adding these columns in.Â
So when using C3D, I have my right-click setup so that when I click on an object, say a multi-leader, surface, etc, a long menu pops up with object-specific options. Such as multi-leader styles and scales, pipe network options, etc.
So today, AutoCAD decided to be lazy and not show that menu. I've tried turning off the R-C customization, then turning it back on, switching the custom options around, applying, then setting them back to the way I had them, starting a new drawing, restarting CADD, and finally restarting my computer. NOTHING.
This has happened to me several times in the past and it just starts working properly again at some point. To draft, modifying C3D objects, without the r-c menu is such a time consuming PITA.
My right click customization, which would bring up properties as an option, or could unlock a viewport by selecting it and right clicking. and can also select an x-ref to open, or edit in place, and modify attributes, etc.....has disappeared.
All I get now are basic pan/zoom commands, action recorder, clipboard, etc.....I checked my options, nothing has changed in my right click customization field, but for some reason, it's just not working. Any way to get that back?
I have been working on creating custom content center families that will populate our company's part numbers and descriptions into the browser and drawing BOM. I have been quite successful in this except with the material. I've created custom materials for the fasteners that have the specified strengths and finishes per the fastener. By doing this I've created a different problem.
How can I create a custom property that will insert a specified value for material into the BOM? I've tried to change the link for Project.Material and then the part inserts as Inventor's default. I don't think creating individual material styles for each fastener is a viable one since I'll end up with duplicate style names.
IV 2012 Running on: Windows 7 64 bit 12 GB Ram Intel Xeon processer
when I wanted to copy objects from one drawing to another or even inside of one drawing, I could right click, "Copy with Base Point" . In 2013 (possibly before) they moved that command along with copy, paste into another command called "Clipboard".Â
I've been searching for a way to customize that to remove that extra click to access a commonly used command with no luck.
Is it possible to have the area portion of the PROPERTIES PANEL display Acres instead of, or in addition to, square feet for a closed object? If so, how to I accomplish this?
I have created a drawing from the parametric model assembly where i have clevis, lug plate and pin arrgt.
the model has been generated using the input excel spreadsheet where i have given the inputs like clevis thk, lug thk,pin dia etc.,
while creating the drawing partlist i have included the column of clevis thk, lug thk etc., using the iproperty, but these columns are coming separately, i just want the thk of clevis and lug in the same column so that i will make Bom for the assembly.
How to get the parametric inputs in the same column of the patlist in drawing.
how to load .NET project dll file in AutoCAD LT for customization ? Because in plain AutoCAD command is there named NETLOAD to load DLL file but this command is not working in AutoCAD LT.
I have altered my CUI so when I double click on civil 3d objects it opens up their properties for quick editing. Never had a problem pre 2013 and I am sure this is something I did but am lost.
Every time I double click on any object it just opens up the properties box. It skips right over my double click customization.
I am using civil 3d 2012 and i want to use rail assembly for my single track rail project. i want to know how can i customize my assembly. As in given defaulf assembly i can keep the width of sub base same on both side of track centerline. But my requirement is to use different widths on left and right side of centerline of track.
im using acad 2010 in work and in home. i want full sync of all the customization i'vei made in both sides. itried to use a cloud service like Dropbox, i copy and paste there all the supportfiles and i set the path to there inboth machines but for some reason acad wouldn't use it.