I am trying to make a series of curved walls with windows in them as I place the windows they do not place into the walls because of breaks in the wall line between them. I have atempted to make a line out of the wall and convert the line into one single wall segment but it always breaks back down to the geometry of arc+ arc+circle exctra is there a way to make the wall one single wall or to make a series of arcs into a single polyline so I can convert it into a wall face?
I need to connect a rapport with others(print on fabric for textile industry). It looks like a mosaic, however the pieces doesn't connect side by side at the same height, but side by side sometimes higher, sometimes lower.
The thing is: when I try put then together the limit of the layers create an edge that prevents connection. I'm sending some images to try to make this clear: 1- all layers together with the thin line between the 2- closer to junction 3- closer 3200% to see what really happens.
Im having a little issue with connecting lines and circles but not sure how to shorten the question to do a search on here. I have 2 concentric circles (the two circles form the walls of a round tower wall) which have 2 lines (representing a wall) passing through them. I want to join the circles from the circumference to the lines, but each time I try to do it the line seems to default to the center of the circles and to the endpoints of the lines which is not what I want. The eventual aim will be to remove a section of the circles and the lines where the new line connects to them to form an opening in the walls.
Ive tried <shift>right click and selecting tangent on the circles but I cant figure out what to do on the lines and it constantly defaults to the end of the line not to where I want to intersect the lines.
I need to create two separate enclosed objects (a & b) – both of which individually can be reduced/increased in size using the contour tool.
I initially created a rounded oblong shape and added two wavy lines. I'm having trouble removing the unneeded horizontal lines and connecting the other lines up.
I use splines a lot to provide a contiuous smooth curve between two lines which are co-planar. The splines are drawn by connecting the ends of the two lines and then the tangent direction set by hovering over the end grips. I then use the FLATEN command to convert these splines to polylines that can have their lineweights set to a value other than 0. My problem is that sometimes when i use the FLATTEN command, the spline is erased.
I am having trouble with my lines connecting...have tried adjusting the line effects, edge mode, jitter, line extension...but Trim and Facet are not working with certain lines not connecting or not trimming. I attached my dwg file.
how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...
Is there any way to make 2 to sketch lines instead of floating lines so that I can dimension them?
For example, if I have a part that can change lengths and I need to print off a new drawing, it would be good if I could say that the lines were a set distance from each end of the part or some features of the part.
Then I could update the part length, then just open the part drawing and not have to adjust anything.
This isnt so much of a problem as an annoyance. When I try to make poly lines from connected single lines my procedure is as follows...
pedit, right click, multiple, select lines/objects, enter, yes, join x 3, esc
My annoyance is if i hit join once it will not make the lines into polylines, if i hit join 3 times or so and then esc it will.
It just doesnt seem that is right and I think i might be missing something. I have been doing pedit this way for a long time adn its probably finally time to figure this one out.
I am pretty new to Photoshop and I have come across a few things that I would love to do but I cant figure out how to do them. Also, I have elements so I'm not even sure if I can do them. Anyway one of the things I am trying to learn is how to put lines over an image. For example the very first picture on this site: ...
Beyond lines displaying for walls of floor below and cannot get rid of - view range is set with bottom offset at floor level, cannot override beyond line style and nothing else I can find to turn them off. Its walls, door openings (not symbolic lines etc.
Is it possible to import a 3D DWG (lines) to be used as a path for a sweep? I'm assuming (because I've found that it appears not to possible) that model lines must be assigned to a workplane and that "floating" 3D lines from a DWG aren't assigned workplanes and therefore can't be converted into Revit Model Lines.
I have a small residential project with corner lot sloping up diagonally from the intersection. The client wants to raise 'usable' surface of the site by introducing terracing - 3 retaining walls 3' high and 3' apart.
All is interrupted by a driveway and series of steps leading to the main level. I'm trying to modify existing surface, but the topo seems to have 'life of it's own' . I've tried to Split some surfaces to make life easier. That worked to some extent. How to make the topography cooperate? Is there a way to 'turn off' triangulation? ( not the visibility ) . I'm certain the contours I'm creating can be built, but Revit is 'changing' them to something else. Some points that I place are simply ignored.
I am using the default Revit break lines in a few of my plans, and they work great. But when I insert them into an RCP, the masking region does not mask anything. Tried send to front/back, copying, inserting new. My other masking regions will still work as they are supposed to, but this break line does not.
I'm using revit for my college projects.. When I edit an in placed mass I see these dimension texts, i could use guidance on how to hide these... this started happening today
It is almost seeming like you should not try to creat these views in templates to get a jump start on projects. but for the life of me I am not understanding how you can get level lines to appear elevations that have already been create. or in new ones?is there away to successfully get these back?
I am in the process of drawing up an existing building and firstly am setting up with the building mass. I have managed to get the main bodys of the building done and the main roof.The problem now is that when i switch too the east or west elevations to add mass for the roofs on the adjoining wings of the building it wont let me see the model lines when i draw them in the screen i just get an error message " None of the created elements are visible in Elevation: East View. You may want to check the active view, its Parameters, and Visibility settings. "I have my reference line set not far from the building and it seemed fine when i done the roof from the north and south views for the main building. I can see the model lines when i switch too 3D views but i cant create the mass from there.
I am developing my sheets and I noticed that hidden lines are not showing on my pipe penetrations. My discipline is set to Coordination. The walls are part of a linked revit model. Is there a setting I need to turn on?
The problem that I am facing at the moment is the lines are showing through my design. I have tried making the lines invisible but I cant because if I do than the place where I need the lines to show will not.
I've been away from Revit for awhile. Isn't there an easier way to edit lines in elevations without creating dozens of masking regions to hide model lines from walls, roofs etc.?I thought in older versions, (I'm currently on 2012), that you could just select lines to make them invisible.
In the sample file, RAC Advanced Sample File, there is an entry canopy. It is constructed as a generic roof placed on level 2.
I noticed that on the first floor plan, this roof slab shows as dashed lines. How is this done? I tried copying/duplicating this roof, but dashed lines do not show.
I click on my wall, drag the end of a witness line to a new point and the whole thing disappears, preventing me from changing the value of the witness line.I'd like to be able to add a witness line.
My firm has tasked, yours truly, with transferring the CAD Detail Library to our new Revit Standards. I started out by converting our CAD details to Revit and saving them in one file in individual Detail Views. The next step is to convert the line weights to the new company standard styles and widths. I thought it would be as simple as selecting an old detail line type then “Selecting All Instances in Entire Project” and converting all of those line styles to the new standard in one fell swoop (rinsing and repeating until all the old line styles were up to date). However, Revit doesn’t allow you to “Select All Instances” of Detail Lines (oops). We have about 500 standard details that need to be converted.
I have been trying to set up macros which stop lines from printing for our company title block, I have been using and following this website Making Lines Not Print (with Events) | Boost Your BIM - making Revit even better. It keeps coming up with errors and therefore I can't run it.