I am using the default Revit break lines in a few of my plans, and they work great. But when I insert them into an RCP, the masking region does not mask anything. Tried send to front/back, copying, inserting new. My other masking regions will still work as they are supposed to, but this break line does not.
I teach in a middle school computer lab...imacs and use CS. On some computers every image that opens...it opens with the lines...I apple-H to hide it but why does it come up and how can I avoid it.
Drawing a 2D wall including bricks and mortar - when i add color the original outlines are hidden - some bricks have black outlines and some don't - how can i get it all the same?
I have a swept solid that FLATSHOT will not hide the obscured lines for. In the FLATSHOT dialogue box, I have tried all options, with different results. Any setting that I can change or alternate method that I can use to get 2D geometry from this solid that I can use in my 2D drawing?
I have created my model, and have placed the floor assembly in. It is concrete and I see the concrete pattern on the floor. How do I hide or turn that off? I cannot find anything in Visibility Graphics or in the actual floor family...
I am having an issue with plotting a drawing that includes an xref. I have also included an attachment as reference.
I am working in AutoCAD 2010; I have a drawing that includes another drawing as an xref. The xref is on layer “0” in model space and my titleblock, annotation and viewports are in paper space (layout tab). I am using color dependent plot styles (.STB). The xref is a 3D model created with basic AutoCAD solids representing steel shapes, there are also some line segments representing the steel centerlines. The viewport is a plan view of the 3D steel model, the view is not clipped. Since the xref contains 3D objects when I print the drawing I don't want the “hidden” lines to show up, I accomplish this by setting the viewport shade plot setting to “HIDDEN”.
Here is the problem:
When I print the drawing the xref’s layers do not print correctly but rather take on the properties of layer “0” which has a plot style of “NORMAL” so everything prints in color and with a default lineweight. I want the xref to print using the xref’s layer properties that are defined in the .STB file. One variable that changes the outcome of the printed drawing is the viewport shade plot setting.
If the viewport shade plot is set to HIDDEN the xref prints using layer “0” properties (undesired) and the3D object lines are hidden (desired). See attached Viewport #1
If the viewport shade plot is set to AS DISPLAYED the xref prints using the xref’s layer properties (desired) but the 3D object lines are not hidden (undesired). See attached Viewport #2
The ONLY difference between the two viewports is the shade plot setting, there are no layer overrides and only the xref objects are affected, the objects in paper space print as expected. This only happens with an xref or block. If I bind the xref into the drawing and explode it so the objects are “live” in the drawing everything works fine. Unfortunately I need it to work correctly with an xref.
If I use a color dependent plot style (.CTB) where the .CTB file controls the color and lineweight I am able to achieve the desired results, unfortuneatly my company is determined to use .STB files
I have some Plumbing "Fixtures" that aren't showing up when the plan is printed. In the view they are visible, but in the print they disappear as if to be covered up by the wall. Unless the "Fixture" is slightly outside of the wall then it will show up. What could be causing this? The fixtures that we're using are simply model lines that form a circle since they're only there to hold a place in a schedule for its info.
So as you can see the dots are visible but when I go to print they disappear...
Putting in a simple berm crest, and the triangles skip right over a certain section. Swap edge does nothing and adding points seems to make things worse. I have been able to fix this problem before, but only by deleting my surface and then putting all the pieces back in at once. Then it's perfect.
I think part of the problem may be that the "Contour help" I put in at the blue major contours is screwing things up.I have had the same issue when putting in down-slope channels as well.
Who can tell me if Break lines in Inventor 2012 will be constrainable? I mean come on... All the new fancy stuff Inventor gets every year is great but when will the simple things get done?
I have a part that when I adjust its length additional fabs are needed. Now in my idw for this part I want to secure the break lines on the part at a exact distance from the end / each other to display these fabs. Is there a way to parameterize or set the break lines so they adapt to the change in length and move accordingly?
I used the "break" command to split some lines into segments, but now I can not join them again using PEDIT. They are all on the same elevation. What is preventing me from joining them? I've attached the file in question, I'm trying to join the red (metal layer) lines.
I'm importing my Revit file and when I try to select only the roof to apply materials it gives me a selection of "Wood-Sheathing-particlboard/osb" which includes the second floor sheathing and other things I don't want in my selection.
I thought I could add an edit poly modifier and select the individual roof polygons and apply materials to them but when I "Apply materials to selected objects" it applies to all of the wood sheathing,... selection.
I am running Autocad Civil 3D 2012. I created a figure prefix database that our surveyors were familiar when coding in the field. It is a numeric code list. I received a survey last week that had 6 break lines coded in the point file. Only one of the 6 acts as a break line.
All break lines start and stop with the right line work commands but they fail to break crossing triangle legs. I've checked everything I can think of and the setup looks correct . The only difference between the one break line that works and the others is that break line has sequential point numbers while the other break line codes are scattered throughout the point file.
does Inventor offers any option to break geometry lines in drawing behind the text (e.g. notes and dimensions)? I tried this in IV 2009 as well as in IV 2011, but the result is the same in both version, shown on first image. The text is sometimes difficult to read when it is crossed with geometry lines.
When adding break lines to a surface, a dialog box like appears that asks for weeding factors and supplementing factors. What I would like to know is, how can I change the defaults to reflect the settings needed on my project.
a routine that has the option to break vertical or break horizontal, depending on the option, the lines that cross either the horizontal or vertical (again, depending on the option) a specified distance (say .05) on either side of the line you wanted to keep. So if I choose BREAKH, the vertical lines that I choose would break any horizontal lines that cross them. Same applies to BREAKV. Hopefully I communicated clearly enough.
I have some sections and am using the break line with a masked region but in Revit 2013 the masked region only works in the Wireframe Graphics display option. It does not work in the Hidden Line display. It was fine in 2012
So I've created this wall section and used viewbreaks to break the crop regios up so i can fit the final view on a sheet.The problem is, when I place the broken up section on a sheet, the viewport does not break up like the view region.
How do i break up the viewport on the sheet so I can squeeze the visable regions together?