Photoshop :: Selecting Trapezoid, Would Like To Stretch
Oct 11, 2005
I have a picture that is slightly a rhombus. I would like to select the four corners using the polygon lasso tool, and would then like to paste it, but stretch the corners so it becomes a perfect square.
I have been trying this with the perspective, but am not having any luck.
I love It's the only image editor I use now and has pretty much every feature I need in an image editor. But today I'm attempting a project I can't seem to find the right tools for.
I'm trying to copy and paste a rectangle onto another image. But the object in the image I'm pasting to is tilted slightly. So I need to find a way to change my copied rectangle into a trapezoid that will make it look natural on the new image.
Under LAYERS - ROTATE / ZOOM, I found some tools that seem to work. But now I need to select only the trapezoid to paste to the new image. The only cropping tools I can find only allow a rectangular selection. I can't find a tool to choose a corner to corner irregular selection. Does have such a tool or is there a plugin I can download for this process.
I have created a dynamic block. Herein I placed stretch actions parameter set to strecht parts including anotative text.
Now the block seems to work fine.
- When I am in modelspace and I change the annotation scale the text is changed correct
- When I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value of the dynamic block everything goes fine.
But when I am in modelspace and I change the stretch value in one of the annotiaton scales and then switch to another scale my text is changed annotativly (this is what I want) but the stretch value is set back to default (which should be at the changed value).
I am having a problem with a delay in selecting an object and selecting a command.
When I select an object the pointer has at least a 3 second delay before it starts moving around normally again. It is the same with selecting a command. This has started to get tedious. It has worked fine in the past so I don't think it is a RAM/graphics card problem.
OK, today, or actually just this afternoon I've noticed it has become much harder to select items with the mouse.
Points, nodes, etc...anything where you'd typically hover the mouse over the item and it highlights for you to select it.
For example, lets say you want to project a point from another sketch, or select the center node of a line, etc.
Never really had an issue until this afternoon where now it seems I have to be right on top of the item and I cannot budge one bit or it won't select it. It is now taking me numerous attempts to select things like points (zooming in does not work, points scale accordingly).
Is there a setting somewhere? I can't seem to find such under Tools>Application Options and the like.
i'm doing a CD layout and want to use an image that stretches across all three of the front panels for the cover. the image in question, in it's original form is: 300dpi and roughly 5.75in x 3.8in. i need the image to be able to fit a 14.5in x 5in area (i realize the photo will need to be cropped).
so, how does one make the file larger while retaining the detail of it 300dpi? i've already imported the photo into InDesign and exported it as a PDF, opened the PDF in PS at 800dpi, then resized it with the RESAMPLE IMAGE box UNCHECKED and the pic is ultra grainy.
I'm having problems with some of the things on photoshop stretching the page. Today, I was trying to add a splatter effect (filter > brush stroke > splatter), and when I went to the page, the window was too big, so I couldn't see the settings on the far right. I'm not sure if it's just my computer's screen size. Here's a screenshot if you're confused.
I am using CS2 for creating web pages and Ive run across a little problem. I cant figure out how to "save for web" so that my *.jpg will be stretched across the web browser when people view it. When I view my *.html after "save for web" it places the *.jpg in the top left corner of the page. I can use Dreamweaver to center my image, but it still looks out of place. Ive seen photoshop created pages stretched to resize with the web browser window;
I am new to photoshop and all i want to do is to select an image. then, i want to rotate the image. then i want to stretch the image so that its 6 inches.
I made a little video commercial, where I show album covers, with intermittent quick videos of me in- between. Since I changed locations where I DJ now, I took the original video, and just tweaked it a little with the new internet address, etc. The album covers I used were all originally 300x300, and I have them all centered in the overlay screen.
The problem is, when I play the video within VSx3, everything looks fine- but as I'm encoding into a .flv file to upload on youtube, it's distorting all the perfect "squares", and "rectangulizing" them the long way.
Imagine you have a a box, say 1 foot square. You attach a fat rubber band in the center of one side and then you pull the rubber band up to an edge and around it to the center of the next face. It stretches and the corner is the only spot that controls the change of direction. If you raise one end (the segment from your finger to the corner) it raises, but the segment from the corner to where the other end is attached stays flat on the box until you move your hand far enough away so that there is now no wrap around the edge. Now if you pull and relax, it acts like any normal rubber band. But then if you lower your fingers with the end you are holding and go back down to the face, you wrap around that corner again and can pull and relax around the corner.
What I'm actually doing is animating a muscle that goes around a bone when it's stretched out. But when it's contracted, one end moves out away from that bone it's wrapped around and it's now just a straight line. I need to animate that muscle from that contracted and straight position to the extended position but have the end of the muscle bend around the bone when it hits it.
I have been trying to understand why does TurboSmooth or MeshSmooth modifier tend to stretch the UVs of the low poly unwrapped object. For example I have a simple box which I unwrap and smooth out with TS modifier after applying the map it stretches because the UVs get distorted by the TS modifier. check the image to get a visual idea of what I am talking about:
I use "Add: Pick Points" to hatch my elevations. The hatch does not seem to stretch when I need to stretch the elevations. Is there a way to make it stretch?
I am using Illustrator and I want to be able to select the arm or leg of a line drawing cartoon character and reposition it to create a new position without having to redraw the arm or leg.
I know you can do this in After Effects with the puppet tool. Is there a similar function in Illustrator?
Prior to 2013 I have been able to stretch wipeouts - it seems that this command no longer works!! Is there system variable that needs to be altered? or have Autodesk simply removed the functionality??
Simple problem: When I select a line, normally three grips appear; the ends and the middle. Normally, when I want to stretch (resize) a line I click one end and simply drag it to the desired location. Often it *snaps* to another nearby grip point, the middle selected grip, a line that it crosses, etc. If I zoom in I normally can put the grip any where I want to. It has worked fine up until this morning. Last night when I closed the program it worked perfectly...first thing this morning it doesn't work at all. Restarting the program and the computer had no effect.
The grip will only snap to the other origin (making it zero length) and other random points nearby. I cannot make it a random must snap to those other points, and it *will not* snap to the middle point of the line, which I do all of the time.
Did I accidentally hit a CTRL+ or ALT+ key-stroke which has changed the abilities to snap?
In Revit, how can I stretch a building in one direction, including all floors, in either plan or elevation? Let's say a wing of a 3-story building is 20' long, and I want to make it 24' long.
In ACAD, there is the stretch command that uses a fence.
Granted I would have to use stretch on each plan & elevation drawing, but all elements within the fence are sretched.
Do I have to move a grid, and hope that I've locked all walls on all floors to that grid so they move when the grid is moved?
Any way to get the same squash and stretch (preserving volume) results using 3Ds Max CAT and the Skin Modifier. I heard that using an Expression Controller is one way of doing it but where to find documentation or tutorials on the process.
I have a few horizontal lines parallel to each other. I'd like to make all of those horizontal lines longer by multiplying their length by a factor (let's say 2)
The scale command doesn't work as I intent, since it makes the spacing between those lines "x" times greater as well.
I draw ventilation ductwork all day at work, just recently stumbled across dynamic blocks.
Attached is what i have done so far, the straight section works perfectly, just having some trouble with the radius bend. What I need is for the arc to stretch with the angle of the bend.
In 2k9 in 3d i used to be able to click on a box and then click on a grip and see the height or width...but now i can't see the dimensions how do i get those dimensions back?
I am looking for a method to stretch an image in a non homogeneous way. I am starting with a rectangular image that I want to stretch horizontaly to finally obtain a trapeze in the way that the bottom pixel line does'nt change, and the top one is three times bigger. In a certain way, I want to do a perspective but without the vertical rescaling.