I have a sphere body whose material is partly removed by a boolen subtraction with another sphere. When I query the EdgeLoop of sphere for Outer edge loop using function InvEdgeLoopPtr::GetIsOuterEdgeLoop(), I always get a value of VARIANT_TRUE. check for the inner and outer loop of a sphere? use the attached file for reference.
1. find the attached “Rays on Oval.png” file. (Tried attaching .cdr file but the File Size is 400KB.)
2. I would like to Repeat / Duplicate that Black Color on Outer Path of Oval Shape. (Like shown in the Yellow versus Black. The Yellow is a Circle and the Black is from Star Tool)
3. I think the Best Bet would be to Link the Rays to the Outer Path of Oval Shape.
4. I need the Rays and Oval as 2 Different Objects so that I could Change the Color Scheme.
I have a picture that is slightly a rhombus. I would like to select the four corners using the polygon lasso tool, and would then like to paste it, but stretch the corners so it becomes a perfect square.
I have been trying this with the perspective, but am not having any luck.
I love Paint.net. It's the only image editor I use now and has pretty much every feature I need in an image editor. But today I'm attempting a project I can't seem to find the right tools for.
I'm trying to copy and paste a rectangle onto another image. But the object in the image I'm pasting to is tilted slightly. So I need to find a way to change my copied rectangle into a trapezoid that will make it look natural on the new image.
Under LAYERS - ROTATE / ZOOM, I found some tools that seem to work. But now I need to select only the trapezoid to paste to the new image. The only cropping tools I can find only allow a rectangular selection. I can't find a tool to choose a corner to corner irregular selection. Does Paint.net have such a tool or is there a plugin I can download for this process.
Is there away to use an IFeature creating a new body?
I mean, modeling a part as multibody, i would like to insert a feature with an iFeature, but i would like too that that new feature will be a new body.
I have tried in many ways.. including inserting in the ifeature a Split Feature..but with no sucess.
I have an insert that I'd like to split into several layers. Is it possible to do this with the split tool, or is it limited to only one "split tool" at a time?
In the picture, the wireframe is the 'insert', the letters indicative of cavities cut into the insert. The purple sketch lines would be typical of where the solid part would be split into multiple parts.
I'm trying to emboss a sketch to a lofted body. The same sketch is embossed perfectly on a flat/round/extruded/chambered body, but on this particular lofted body I get an error ("Thicken operation would result in a large topology change. Try with a smaller thickness"). I already tried with 0.01mm thickness and still not work. What could be the cause. (I'm using IV 2013)
Is there a way to get the mirrored hole to go all the way through both parts of the mirrored solid bodies.
I do realize that I can create the hole in a seperate feature, after the mirror. It will only let you select one 'solid' during the mirror command. Here is a simple .ipt to demonstrate the issue.
I'm making drawings of assemblies in Inventor 2012 and was wondering how to turn off the visibility of specific solid bodies within a single part containing multiple bodies, or make it match the visibility in the assembly and part file itself.
In particular my situation is that I have a camera whose part model includes a solid body for its view cone. The visibility of this solid is turned off, so when opening the camera itself, or the assembly containing it, it doesn't appear, but when I place that assembly or part in a drawing it's included, and the only way I've figured out to get rid of it is to turn the whole camera's visibility off within the drawing.
Whenever I place a view of a derived part (or an assembly containing derived parts) the body of that from which the part was derived is also displayed, even though when viewing the part or assembly file they are invisible. It is almost as if there is a "ghost" reference to the parent body of the derivation - surely there must be a way to turn this off?
I want to make an ipart of a container with as customizable parameters (the Diameter and the Volume of one of the solid bodies).
Here comes the problem:
when i was changing the volume parameter, i recieved an error that this property was read-only.is it possible te use the volume calculation from inventor the calculate back to the diameter or height? ,and also for a solid body?
If so, what do i need to do? I am using inventor 2013 (basic).
Any way of forcing an update of the colour styles from the original Multi-Body part to the assembled/derived components.
I always control colours in the original Multi-body part as I can select groups in one go to change colours, this doesn’t filter down to the derived/assembly component I then have to go into each part and uncheck then recheck the 'Use color override from source component'.
I am aware of the reg file/vba to remove the source override completely but which works for certain ways of working / problems, but I want to control it from the original part which I assume was the way it was intended as it is the default option!
Win7 64 Pro - Asus P8P67 PRO - i5-2500k CPU O/C@4.5Ghz- OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - 8GB Ram - GTX550 Ti - SpaceExplorer.
I am working on a multi body IPT and i would like to use some purchased valves and air cylinders in the design.Is it possible to put them into the IPT. I have downloaded the cad files and converted them to IPTs.
I have a track that uses gravity to pull a ball along it. I have gravity entered in my simuation but I cannot get the ball to move. How can I give the ball the ability to move in each direction.
Is it correct that the BOM will not show thumbnails for a multibody assembly until the component are dirtied? I initially get 'preview not available' for all parts in the assembly. Opening a part and (for example) moving the EOP back and forth will then cause the thumbnail to show in the BOM.
Is there any quick workaround or do I have to write a macro?
Is there a way to get that long tube and that rectangular part all around that middle circle.
Open this picture. In the end it would end up looking something like that lamp shade. I got one part down so is there a way to get a bunch of those around instead of redrawing it?
I am trying to draw a series of flow channel (in a row) in a rectangular parallelepiped.
So I sketched a rectangle -> extruded (cut) -> sketched another rectangle -> extruded -> sketched another rectangle inside of one of channel -> extruded, and finally made a flow channel like in attached file.
What I hope to know are :
(1) Is there a way to copy that flow channel? Or should I have to do same repeatedly for tens of flow channel? (2) Is there a way to make a flow channel easily?
I am trying to convert this composite surface into a single solid body, however when I try to stich the surfaces in the construction environment it always crashes. I have also tried edditing the STEP file import options but it still always opens as a composite surface.
I have created two solid body in the modeling mode &maintained seperate body ( Didn't combine) there after hide & visibility off one solid body .while taking the detail that time two solid body is appearing. how to switch of the body in detail.
I've created an assembly by using "Make Components" from a part comprised of solid bodies. If I suppress a feature in the "Control Part.ipt" (the part that holds all the solid bodies) it removed the part from the assembly, but it does not remove it from the BOM. What do I have to do to make the BOM follow what the assembly looks like?
Wonder if there is a way to split the body at the central region only and not across the whole length. Like to split the solid into 7 solids along the v-grooves.