AutoCAD Inventor :: Thumbnail Not Available In Multi Body Assembly BOM
Jun 11, 2013
Is it correct that the BOM will not show thumbnails for a multibody assembly until the component are dirtied? I initially get 'preview not available' for all parts in the assembly. Opening a part and (for example) moving the EOP back and forth will then cause the thumbnail to show in the BOM.
Is there any quick workaround or do I have to write a macro?
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Sep 12, 2013
Can I export a solid from a multi body part to an other part file. how?
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Dec 7, 2012
Is there a way to get the mirrored hole to go all the way through both parts of the mirrored solid bodies.
I do realize that I can create the hole in a seperate feature, after the mirror. It will only let you select one 'solid' during the mirror command. Here is a simple .ipt to demonstrate the issue.
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Apr 26, 2012
what this error means and what's causing it and how to fix it?
IV2010, editing a multi body part gives these errors:
1. No more memory available. Attempt to allocate 208 bytes of memory failed.
2. See attached.
This error is preventing me from saving or closing the program.
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Dec 10, 2012
Any way of forcing an update of the colour styles from the original Multi-Body part to the assembled/derived components.
I always control colours in the original Multi-body part as I can select groups in one go to change colours, this doesn’t filter down to the derived/assembly component I then have to go into each part and uncheck then recheck the 'Use color override from source component'.
I am aware of the reg file/vba to remove the source override completely but which works for certain ways of working / problems, but I want to control it from the original part which I assume was the way it was intended as it is the default option!
Win7 64 Pro - Asus P8P67 PRO - i5-2500k CPU O/C@4.5Ghz- OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - 8GB Ram - GTX550 Ti - SpaceExplorer.
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Jan 27, 2012
I am working on a multi body IPT and i would like to use some purchased valves and air cylinders in the design.Is it possible to put them into the IPT. I have downloaded the cad files and converted them to IPTs.
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Dec 16, 2012
I have a multibody surface part, which is derived from a multibody part. Therefor there are multiple contiguous surface parts that are isolated from each other.
Is there a way to STITCH or convert one of these contiguous surfaces into a solid part ?
Note: I tried the THICKEN tool but the hole features do not come out right. Some holes are missing or the hole depths are wrong.
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Feb 16, 2012
I am creating a multibody part. I have revolded a surface from a sketch through other bodies and used those bodies to trim the surface. I then thicken the surface to create a solid.
The solid is transparent and no amount of property adjusting or anything else will make it opaque like the rest of the solids.
in the picture the open scalloped portion contains two bodies.
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Jan 26, 2013
I have 17 years of Unigraphics / NX and 2 months of AutoCAD 2013 3D experience . I am designing a welded table that has lots of tubes to be aligned to each other. It appears that snaps do not work on solids and there is no way to do a point to point solid move in Inventor. Is there any way to select a solid, snap to a base point, then move or copy to a snap destination point of another solid? Does this need to be done in an assembly drawing? If so, do I have to create a file for each tube and then bring each of them into an assembly? I would like to draw the table as one part. Designing all the parts together. The lack of snaps is strange to me. I can only snap to end points in sketches. No midpoints?? I must be missing something very basic and easy. I have not tried an assembly drawing yet.
I have been working through hours and hours of training videos. Everything but move, copy and paste has been pretty easy. I think I need to find an AutoCAD to Inventor transition video. There are no training courses in my area. So I'm stuck with online training. This problem is never addressed and I can't ask the question on a video.
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Jun 2, 2012
I have 2 solid bodies in a part file driven by seperate ifeatures.
Why is it when i search down to the surface bodies then into say the first body, then component definition, then features, then i features it shows both ifeatures?
So it goes:
Is there an area somewhere that only shows the 1 ifeature related to a solid?
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Jun 15, 2013
How to derive only referenced imates to the solid from multi body part.
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Jun 12, 2012
When is the functionality of generating a cut list from the multi body part file going to happen?
This is available in Solid Works and ver frastrating its not for Inventor.
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Sep 12, 2013
I have a multi-body part and want to find the both faces which divide the bodys. The first face I pick with the "SelectSet" command.The second one the program should find on its own.
If I pick a boundary face, it should give an error.
One attempt is to create a point on the first face and use the "LocateUsingPoint". But is there a more elegant way for this task?
(Unfortunately there are little examples of the topic multi-body parts.)
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Jun 7, 2012
So there seems to be a problem with the multi body part functions in 2013.
Once you create a multi body, or a multi body feature, and then try to go back and edit it you can no longer select difference bodies.
A little more digging and it almost seems like the problem is that you can not use "ctrl" to multi select bodies.
Inventor Pro 2014 SP1
Vault Pro 2014
Windows 7 x64
2.53 Xeon
Quadro FX 3800
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Jan 31, 2011
After migrating my project from MDT2009 to Inventor 2010, every solid body in MDT became a part file in INV. If I were modeling from scratch, some of the .IPTs should be multibody parts. Is there any way to cut & paste a solid from one part to another to create a multibody part? I’m not talking about deriving a new part from the source parts. The end result should be a multibody part with all sketches intact and all solids fully editable, as if I had modeled them as a multibody part right from the beginning.
I’ve attached a simple example of two separate parts that should be combined into one multibody part, as shown in the .JPG file. Can it be done without deriving the parts?
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May 1, 2012
I am trying to edit a sketch in a multi body part file. While I am trying to edit, it displays all other solid bodies which is not required. How to switch them off displaying unnecessary solid bodies while editing a sketch?
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Aug 17, 2012
I have a multi body part with an extruded cut through all solids. Each solid is derived out to its own part. I edited the extrude feature in the multi body part and removed one solid from the selection set. The cut was correctly deleted from the solid, but when I open the part its still there. The only way to make it update correctly is to manually edit the derive feature in the part. Caught it just before it went off for cutting. 2012 SP2, all hotfixes, win7 64 bit.
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Apr 17, 2013
When I try to suppress the bodies in the multi-bodies part to clarify the drawing view, I can not do that the way I normally do that if I had an assembly and suppressed the component.
Is it something Autodesk can improve on or rather something I overlook.
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Feb 1, 2012
I have a part that is derived from a surface skeleton ipt. The derived surface is thickened and then some holes are added. Then, when I try to add a flange, it gives me the error "Sheet metal features are not supported in multi solid body parts". My part is a sheet metal part and single body.
INV 2013
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Jun 26, 2013
I am building a consumer electronics prototype that has mechanical and electronic components. I have built the assembly I need at the dimensions and measurements required. I am having trouble finding tutorials or instructions on how to derive a shell or frame from the complex inner components of an assembly. What is the general approach I should take, I'll get to the details. So far I've tried a loft that goes through the areas that have very specific measurements.
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Nov 16, 2012
As CAD administrator at my company, which is in the process of implementing Inventor/Vault, I am quite sold on the Layout Modeling/Multi-body part modeling functionality that Inventor supports. Among other things I believe there is a large payoff in assembly stability and simplicity. However, this workflow is very different from the conventional methods of modeling individual parts and manually constraining assemblies. URLs....
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Aug 26, 2013
is it possible to multi select subparts in assembly using vba?
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Nov 28, 2013
I've been teaching myself inventor over the past couple of months so I can design the rear suspension setup for my car.
I've got the IRS modelled with enough detail to show my engineer the concept, but I want the suspension to "work", ie each link will move as the suspension flexes.
I'm attaching the arms (blue, dark green, red and yellow) to the cradle (orange) using the joint command, and selecting "rotational". This works fine and the arms can swivel about a single axis as they should. But as soon as I attach the knuckle (lime green) to the other end of all the arms using the same type of joint (except the joint with the blue lower control arm, which is a ball joint), nothing will move.
I understand that in real life, each joint has a bit of "slop" in it, allowed by rubber bushings, which prevents the whole setup from binding.
To my uneducated mind, the solution would lie in one of 3 methods: Convert all the joints to ball joints (I'd like to avoid this if possible) Add some kind of flexible rubber bushing to all of the joints (probably not possible) Get rid of the rotational joint constraints altogether and somehow mate all the parts to each other using work points, rather than a cylindrical bolt and eyelet, so that each arm has full range of movement in both the X and Y axes.
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Mar 8, 2012
How can I convert a surface body in a solid body?
I attach my file.
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Jun 6, 2012
I am using INV 2012 and I wan to to know a trick how to convert the weldment assembly back to regular assembly template.
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Jul 10, 2012
I'm looking for the best way to create a separate assembly out of various component parts in an existing assembly so that the whole thing can be placed in an assembly as you would a part, I know it's possible to demote components within an assembly but are there any other methods similar / better ?
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Sep 18, 2012
We have an iLogic assembly with to parts in it. Maybe to cylindrical parts. The iLogic rules should do the following.
1. Start a Rule after open document.
2. This Rule starts a Rule in the first cylindrical component.
3. This Rule ask the user for a diameter.
4. The assembly gives this new parameter value to the second component
5. Then the assembly calls another rule in the second component to change it with the new parameter
Everything is working fine when the following combinations are taking place:
1. I open up the assembly out of vault or from a local drive or an accessible server drive
2. I insert the assembly as sub assembly in another assembly from a local drive or an accessible server drive
It don't work with the following situation:
- I insert the assembly as sub assembly in another assembly out of vault
Then the user becomes the dialog "Choose a diameter" twice.
I don't know why, but I have the idea it has something to do with the functionality of inventor to insert a component more than once. If you insert a component in an assembly Inventor gives you the opportunity to add more than one occurence after each other.
change that behaviour? Maybe a switch to change that inventor "add more than one occurence" behaviour.
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Feb 9, 2012
I have encountered a problem with the Tube and Pipe styles.
As you can see, I have a rack assembly with a custom tube and pipe style. A wire as a tube in orange, and a tube support in white. Both have their seperate colorations at a style in the tube and pipe styles editor
When placing the rack assembly into the main assembly, it reverts to the coppor coloration I changed from the original style.
Steps I've taken:
Exported the styles .xml and Imported the styles into the master tubeandpipe.iam
Imported the user created .xml styles into the main assembly file nothing seems to work
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Apr 23, 2012
I am trying to find the interior volume of an assembly (when am I not?!?!) by subtracting the assembly from a block that surrounds the most of it. Somewhere the assembly has a "leak" and I have been trying to use the Cross Section Analysis to track down where the inside lump is connected to the outside lump to be subtracted. Is there a less time consuming way to dynamically drag a plane across and get cross sectional views?
Even better is there a simple way to animate the analysis plane moving across the block so I can hopefully just watch and pause it when I find a leak?
Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
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Oct 30, 2012
it is possible to make a constraint that utilized a parameter of a part within the assembly.
For example, if I wanted to use the thickness of a plate, which I defined in the part, could I call that parameter in a constraint?
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Oct 31, 2011
My assembly has grown (about 50 parts) to where I need to consolodate some parts into subassemblies for reuse and alternate iterations of the basic design.
When I import the original parts into a new assembly, all of the constrains I created are not there of course.
I've tried creating a new empty part and then deriving a new part from the assembly, but I can't add, delete or edit any parts.
I looked at using Shrinkwrap, Substitutes, iParts, Multi-body Parts, and Multiple Solids but I remain confused.
In retrospect, maybe I should have created the subassemblies between the part and assembly stage but I didn't.
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