Revit :: How To Stretch A Building In One Direction
Apr 4, 2013
In Revit, how can I stretch a building in one direction, including all floors, in either plan or elevation? Let's say a wing of a 3-story building is 20' long, and I want to make it 24' long.
In ACAD, there is the stretch command that uses a fence.
Granted I would have to use stretch on each plan & elevation drawing, but all elements within the fence are sretched.
Do I have to move a grid, and hope that I've locked all walls on all floors to that grid so they move when the grid is moved?
I want to subdivide my Revit building model including its components in many segments. These segments will be carried out one after another in the reality. How can I do that without need to subdivide every component (walls, ceilings....) ?
Sometimes I'm unable to place a truss in my building. When I am able to get it in, it's never at the right height (either too high or too low). I've tried moving it in an elevation and section, but it will only move left and right, not up and down. My teacher said something about changing the view range, which I did.
I created a curtain panel family and loaded it into my project where I had created a mass and divided the surface, and changed the panels to be my curtain panel family i created. The mass has a curve that I want the panel to be on the inside of, but the panel is always placed on the outside. File is attached. So on the smaller curve on the north side of my building, the panels are placed on the inside of the building instead of the outside. How can I place the panels on the outside of the building along the curve?
I have a 3 story building. We are almost finished with design development. I need to raise the building's first floor which will cause all the other floors to change their level heights. I have been told that we need to fake in level markers because to change the level heights will cause all the information (for example dimensions) to disappear because they are 'tied' to the original level height. Is there a way to raise the building without loosing all the work that has been done?
I have multiple building pads in a model because I have multiple phases to represent. The problem I'm having is that the pads are cutting the topo surface in all phases. When I check the properties for each pads they all appear to bel properly identified as being created in the appropriate phase and yet there doesn't seem to be any way to turn off the building pad for future work in the existing conditions. See attached image.
I suppose the other possibility is that the pads are not really in the views, but the topo, having been excavated in one view,stays excavated in all views and won't fill in?
how to disable the pads where and when they're not needed? I've tried hiding the pad elements in the views, but that doesn't seem to do anything.
I need to model a building that cascades down a steep sloped hill. Should I create a toposurface first and then model onto that or should I make my model and then apply it to a toposurface?
I need to swap my level 1 and level 2 of my building's floorplans. What is the most efficient way to take the walls etc. from level two and place them on level 1, and take whats on level 1 and place them on level 2? I am swapping the floorplans.
I seems that SolidWorks Live Building is better than Revit, so I'm going to wait until Autodesk buys it and tell us to forget Revit, as they did with AutoArchitect S8 and more recently with ADT:
I modeled an apartment building with 4 floors, etc, and I'd like to make an exact copy of this building twice, because this area has three identical apartment buildings side by side. How can I do this properly?
I have a highrise that steps inward in various areas. Since I model structural concrete, there are no window walls stopping my depth of view.
Is there an option where I can vary my depth in areas? I don't want to create more views. An option is to halftone the areas that are set and hide walls that are way in the interior, but this is very time consuming. In addition, if I halftone a slab, the slab portions that are not inset turn halftone too, then I have to fix the linework.
I'm trying to export Revit into Navisworks Simulate but there's no Navisworks tool in External tools. I did a full install of the Design Suite and checked Control Panel/ Programs/ Programs and Features for " autodesk navisworks simulate 2013 exporter plugins" but they're not installed. Are the plugins included in the Suite or do I download them from Autodesk?
I am participating in a architectural design draft, regarding renovation of an industrial building. The building is only uploaded in .DWG and .3DS, which presumably means it´s origanally drawn in Auto Cad. But when i link the DWG (ACAD) file to Revit, it treats it like a component making it impossible to edit walls, windows, making cross sections, floor plans, checking room heights etc. Is there anyway i can resolve this problem other than learning how to draw AutoCad better ?
i have an office building designed in Revit and i want to put a Fascia around the top- it just will not work for me!the same to the roof- i want a flat roof, so i did a roof by extrusion and it asks me for workplanes etc?then it tells me this:Extrusion roof sketch must be open. The roof's thickness and material composition are defined in its type.
Regarding a building footprint that is long from south to north and then about 2/3s (two thirds) of the length the footprints turns 45 degrees to the left (making this angle the 135 degree angle of AutoCAD), then I want to create a long Building Section parallel to the building footprint with the bottom 2/3 of the section from south to north and then the last 1/3 of that building section turned 45 degrees to agree with the 1/3 angle of that part of the building.
I'm placing lighting fixtures in an RCP, and after I place the light and select it, I only get temp dims in the vertical direction on screen, not the horizontal. Before I click to locate the object, the temp dims in both directions show up, but as soon as I click to place, only one tmep dim shows up.
If I place an aligned dimension from a wall face to the center of the light, and then selct the light, the dimension is not activated to adjust the distance. If I want to move the light, I have to drag it - I cannot input the distance into the dimension.
This makes trying to center a light in a room, or a set distance froma wall, next to impossible and extremely annoying and ecessively time comsuming.
I downloaded a toilet stall that looks pretty good. But the door swing is on the wrong side for my plans.
Short of starting from scratch, is there a way to change the hinge side? Some restrooms have the hinge on the right side and others on the left. I'd like to be able to change this via a parameter. If I could figure out how, I'd add the param to the family. URL>...
Is it possible to create a View Title Family which have objects which stretch? I know I single line can, but I need to have more that moves to match our graphics standards.
Possible to create a Detail item with Instance Parameters contraints so that I can adjust to get both solutions?I guess the solution could go along some diagonal stretch of the diagonal lines?
by default revit shows roof plan in the Site plan view.
Is it possible to show site plan that one line would represent building contour? Also is it possible to cast shadows of all the building if the first floor is selected?
i was trying to make site plan from the fist floor, but since i gave intense topography ground is being cut and i need full topography. i am using 2013 revit.
I have modeled a building that's a typical shoe box (rectangular shape building).
When I searched the address in Google earth, the true north of the site is not perpendicular to the building: it's angled.
When I chose "Acquire from Google earth" at the Site level, it gave me exactly what I saw in Google earth.
My question is:
I have finished the model of the building in Revit which doesn't align with what I acquired from Google earth. How do you align the model to the Google earth image? Do you have to literally rotate the entire building to align the Google earth image?
Also is there a difference between Google earth and Google earth pro for this task?
Any way to move objects in vertical direction (z-axis) in 3d views, without having to turn the view everytime to be of frontal direction. I would like to move entire objects - for example mass objects - up or down directly in a 3d view of random orientation, now only top- or bottom face can be moved vertically, the whole object moves only on xy -plane. Can vertical movement of an object be done intuitively graphically and/or can it be be numerically, feeding coordinates?
Have tried all sources, but cannot find solution, and refuse to believe that Revit would be the only 3d/bim software on planet where direct vertical manipulation of objects is not possible.
I have a contractor that created several families for us, and they left all the ref. planes full length, and I what them nearer to the objects. When I open the family all I see is ref. planes, I need to see them, I just want the closer to the parts not stick extremely far away. I can pick them one at a time, but sure would be nice to grab them at once.