Revit :: Change Color Of Exterior Of Building Which Is Brick?
Dec 21, 2007I am trying to figure out how to change the color of the exterior of my building, which is brick.
View 2 RepliesI am trying to figure out how to change the color of the exterior of my building, which is brick.
View 2 RepliesIn the Style Manager Can we change the color of the brick instead of the imposed red one. I'am looking for a sand color.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am currently tring to build a logo in illustrator. I would like to have it change color as it goes from the top to the bottom. An example of what I want is the logo on this African Tours website. I can get it to work in photoshop but I dont see the same tool in Illustrator. Otherwise is there a way that I can easily bring the file from Photoshop into Illustrator?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI don't know if I am doing something wrong but I made exterior elevations in views for a building and the interior partitions are also displayed. An exterior elevation should only display exterior walls.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIn any event, how do does one use the numerical offset to offset an exterior wall and achieve the new offset wall to be in the correct orientation and location, i.e. exterior brick on the exterior and interior gypsum board on the interior?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble on how to show the brick pattern on my 3d views. Some shows some do not, only the shade color. i am exporting or printing to pdf these 3d images under consistent shade mode no shadows. I tried flipping wall orientations, didn't work. Apparently when v viewing afar the patterns do not show, when zooming in to the view they show up. but the savifn the current 3d viewing with the patterns partly showing yields the same output prints.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am currently modeling a 2-Story Home. I have everything modeled the way I want it, but when I go to the elevations I see a gap where the siding and the sheathing don't touch between floors.
My exterior walls:
Core: 3 1/2" stud + 1/2" SheathingExterior: Air Barrier + 3/4" SidingInterior: 1/2" Gyp BdMy floors: Main:
Core: 3/4" Sub-Floor + 11 7/8" TJI + 1 1/2" Rim-JoistMy Floors: SecondCore: 3/4" Sub-Floor + 11 7/8" TJI
The floors are modeled to the stud to allow sheathing and siding to extend. I knew of this situation beforehand because tutorials on the interwebs say this is the way to combat your problem:
I go into the my exterior wall, select edit type, edit structure, (set preview to section) select siding, and then zoom in on the bottom of the wall in the section preview. The bottom of the siding highlights and a "unlock" toggle appears. I unlock it. I do the same to the sheathing. Then I go to my elevations, cut a section, and zoom in to extend the sheathing and siding.
Side Bar: Why don't the two extend independently? They should.
To the top of wall below.
Part of the design for vinyl siding includes corner trim pieces, it's a standard application. We would like to show that in our models, how to creat a vertical sweep. Is there any way to add a small piece like this in a wall type? It must extend the full height of the wall, and appear only at the corners.
Also, in many of our models, we employ a dutch gable roof style on the front with a wood shingle facade. On the top of the shingles are vertical metal battens spaced evenly from top to bottom. I am wondering/ hoping if there might be a way to add this feature (battens) to a wall type.
I'm modeling un hold house and one of the exterior walls have variable thickness.
I don´t need two walls with different thicknesses but just one that is changing is own thickness along his development.
I got trouble connecting my exterior wall to the roof or in other words, it would be good, if the insulating layer would not be pierced by concrete (-:
Picture attached.
What I want to do is create a material that has both a brick surface pattern and an underlying solid grey surface pattern. Is this possible? The reason for this is, to represent different colors of brick in the same plane.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to use a 6" concrete curb under exterior walls for California schools? are you using a stacked wall, and if so how do you get the exterior finish to cover up the concrete curb. Or if you are using basic walls stacked upon one another, I seem to have trouble getting my wall joins to look correct in plan.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn assigning a material for a new wall exterior component, I see no other material option other than brick, yet there are many materials sutable.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to get the brick hatch pattern on my elevations to line up between levels. I have a two story residence with one wall the front that has brick all the up to the roof (the rest of the house has cement board side on the second story). My problem is that the brick pattern on the second floor wall does not line up with the brick pattern on the first floor.
I tried to just extend the first floor wall up to the roof, but I did not like how it wrapped around the corner of the second floor to tie in with the siding. Surely theres is a way to set the hatch patterns origin like in ACA so that all the bricks line up nice and pretty. Also would lining up the brick pattern on the quoins, which are, whatchamacallums... in-place-edit components?
At Home>Opening tab>Wall in Revit 2012 I cut an opening in a brick rainscreen wall and the brick coursing turned vertical at the wraps.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am creating a two-storey single-family house. The exterior wall assembly is Core Boundary, 3/8" Stucco (we apply a Stucco material to our Sheathing so in Section we aren't showing a finish material on the exterior), 5 1/2" <By Category> (our studs), Core Boundary, Air Barrier, 1/2" Gypsum Wall Board. We draw the floor system to the face of our studs and extend our walls to the bottom of the floor system, then when we join geometry the floor cuts out the wall leaving only the wall sheathing extending to the face of our floor system.
My problem is when I create a 3D perspective view with the camera my floor system is showing through the walls. It seems to thin out/disappear the larger the perspective view is on the page, but I can only make it so big on C-size page.
Is there a way to hide what Revit shows detailed behind the face of a material?(I tried hiding the floor system in my perspective view but it stills shows the floor outline, I'm assuming because it is being cut out of the assembly).
I am creating a folding door model and would like to use a parameter called EXERIOR WALL OFFSET. I have used this parameter before but am having trouble getting it to work within my family. The only difference is that I created one frame/jamb instead of 4 seperate profiles. The question is, why can't i get the jamb to move within the wall using the exterior wall offset parameter? It seems to move the sash/panels just fine but the jamb is constrainted somehow.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat would cause lines to move left/right some seemingly random distance in an elevation view? Rarely, I run into an issue where detail lines and filled regions added to an elevation view (not text, or leaders) will move some random distance, I've attached a PDF showing the issue. No other elevations, plans, or sections have anything wrong with them. The model has not moved to a different position.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAm using the "pre-defined" walls in Autocad Architecture 2010, with equally pre-defined windows.
I have found where to change ("Edit window style") virtually every parameter of the window, e.g. frame and sash depths.
However - I can not find a way to change the position of the the glass in the window relative to the interior/exterior of the wall. (see attached image for clarification)
I hope I am making myself understood - the glass could for example (assuming the depth of the frame is the same as that of the wall it sits in) be located 40mm from the exterior of the wall - or 10mm.
I want to subdivide my Revit building model including its components in many segments. These segments will be carried out one after another in the reality. How can I do that without need to subdivide every component (walls, ceilings....) ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created a color scheme based on the Department parameter. I've named them accordingly and assigned colors to my liking. I've created Department types for Circulation, Classroom, Core, Elevator, and so on. Now I want to change the value of Classroom to Student / Instructional. I can't seem to change the value with in the editing dialog for the Color Scheme. Also when I change on of the Departments to the new name it creates another color and value.
How do I change the name of a value once placed?
In Revit, how can I stretch a building in one direction, including all floors, in either plan or elevation? Let's say a wing of a 3-story building is 20' long, and I want to make it 24' long.
In ACAD, there is the stretch command that uses a fence.
Granted I would have to use stretch on each plan & elevation drawing, but all elements within the fence are sretched.
Do I have to move a grid, and hope that I've locked all walls on all floors to that grid so they move when the grid is moved?
Sometimes I'm unable to place a truss in my building. When I am able to get it in, it's never at the right height (either too high or too low). I've tried moving it in an elevation and section, but it will only move left and right, not up and down. My teacher said something about changing the view range, which I did.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLike in Autocad is there a way to put building elements onto layers to turn off and on when needed?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to change the color of the boundary (outline) of a family type?
I couldn’t find the option by which the boundary (outline) of a family type can be changed..
Is there a way to change the screen color and line type of scope boxes so they don't look like the rest of my project?
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
Is there a way to change the color of the dimension text?
I wanted to have the color of the dimension text different from the dimension line but couldn’t find where such option might be found.
I know you can change the color of a rendering background, use and image, change clouds etc but can you just turn the background OFF? I can't find where to do this in 2013
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have problem when i try to use function analyze mass model in revit building they show message like attached file.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a curtain panel family and loaded it into my project where I had created a mass and divided the surface, and changed the panels to be my curtain panel family i created. The mass has a curve that I want the panel to be on the inside of, but the panel is always placed on the outside. File is attached. So on the smaller curve on the north side of my building, the panels are placed on the inside of the building instead of the outside. How can I place the panels on the outside of the building along the curve?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a 3 story building. We are almost finished with design development. I need to raise the building's first floor which will cause all the other floors to change their level heights. I have been told that we need to fake in level markers because to change the level heights will cause all the information (for example dimensions) to disappear because they are 'tied' to the original level height. Is there a way to raise the building without loosing all the work that has been done?
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