AutoCad :: Delay In Selecting Object And Selecting Command?
Sep 25, 2008
I am having a problem with a delay in selecting an object and selecting a command.
When I select an object the pointer has at least a 3 second delay before it starts moving around normally again. It is the same with selecting a command. This has started to get tedious. It has worked fine in the past so I don't think it is a RAM/graphics card problem.
I experience a delay when i want to select a line or curve in a scetch, part or assembly. Normally when you move the cursor over a line it highlites red within a fraction of a second. Now it takes 3 or 4 seconds to be selected.
is it a wrong setting or a bug. Never had the problem before. Not in 2012 or in 2013.
What might be the cause of a several moment delay when selecting objects and/ or their grip points. It doesn't occur when a command is entered first. The longer a drawing is open the worse it seems to get. Is there any fix or adjustment that can be made?
OK, today, or actually just this afternoon I've noticed it has become much harder to select items with the mouse.
Points, nodes, etc...anything where you'd typically hover the mouse over the item and it highlights for you to select it.
For example, lets say you want to project a point from another sketch, or select the center node of a line, etc.
Never really had an issue until this afternoon where now it seems I have to be right on top of the item and I cannot budge one bit or it won't select it. It is now taking me numerous attempts to select things like points (zooming in does not work, points scale accordingly).
Is there a setting somewhere? I can't seem to find such under Tools>Application Options and the like.
Since upgrading to AutoCAD Architecture 2013 I've noticed that the sequence in which I type my commands no long works. I used to be able to highlight various items and then type in the command I want to apply to these items - i.e. Mirror, Erase, Scale, etc. But now with 2013 I will select the items, then type in the command, and the it asks me to again select the items I wish to apply the command to. What settings I need to change in order to fix this?
My AutoCAD Map 2014 still allows me to select objects and then type the command to, for example, delete the items. I was able to do it in my Civil3d but it seems something was toggled so that I'm no longer able to. Now if I select items, once I select a command, it essentially unselects the objects or doesn't recognize that they are selected.
Back in Acad2002 when I selected a command (line, for example) the crosshairs would lose the pickbox around them and I could precisely pick the area I want with no obstruction. I see in 2012, that following those same steps, leaves the pickbox around the crosshairs and thus makes it obtrusive to precisely pick exactly what I want. Is there a system variable to make that pickbox disappear while I am making my selection?
Before this problem appears, if I select one line then another line one-by-one, they are all selected.
But now, when I select one line then another line one-by-one, only last one is highlighted as selected (dashed line, two blue endpoints, and one blue middlepoint), the other one is not.
I am trying to select End point of line for drawing rectangle and trying to select rectangle in PressPull command but i am not able to select in one side on other side i can do very nicely.
I am using AutoCAD 2012. first i draw floor plan in 2D . Then i switch to 3D Basic mode and i like to PressPull windows so i like to place and draw rectangle for PressPull but not able to do.
Virtually all coordinate entry as well as many other tools and operations reference the current UCS. 2D tools.  Â
Absolute and relative coordinate entry Absolute reference angles Definition of horizontal and vertical for Ortho mode, polar tracking, object snap tracking, grid display,and grid snap Orientation of horizontal and vertical dimensions Orientation of text objects View rotation using the PLAN command              Moving or rotating the UCS can make it easier to work on particular areas of a drawing. However when selecting an object or a portion of the dwg. crossing - window , (a good exemple is stretching) the selection of the area is still 'rectangular' from the ortho of 0° or 90°. This cross-window selection should follow the direction of the ortho angle selected. Is there a command or a setting in order for this operation to take place? IF NOT for future autoCad releases or a update for current releases should be reviewed and implemented
I created a legend in paperspace with a white background hatch. I want to move all of the text and symbols. When I select everything at the same time, it also grabs the hatch fill underneath. I can't do a window select to grab everything and shift select to subtract out of the hatch underneath.
Starting a few weeks ago Photoshop CS6 crashes every time when selecting the print command with the error : "Adobe Photoshop CS6 has stopped working" This happens using different printers and when printing anything, including a blank page. Printing works fine from other applications.
Running Photoshop CS6 v.13.1.2 x32 on Windows 7 Professional 64bit
This is a Dell Optiplex 990, I7 3.4GHz, 4GB RAM, 250GB HDD system, AMD ATI RADEON HD 6350 PCIe Video Card on a 16x bus  1) Photoshop has been updated 2) OS has been updated 3) Video drivers have been updated with new ones from the manufacturer 4) I tried new drivers for our Kyocera TaskAlfa 3550ci 5) I tried new drivers for our Kyocera FS-3140MFP 6) I also tried removing all of the printers except "Adobe PDF" printer
Here is an example event from the Windows Application Log after photoshop crashed.
Is there a way to keep the visual style when i select a object.
Example, when i want to align 2 blocks the block i select to move get in to 3d wired ... but the blocks are so complex that i no longer can find the right align points.
so i want to keep then in "conceptional are realistic", don't know if this is possible.
I edited a .jpeg in Photoshop, and removed the baground. I have a picture of a snowflake. It is on a blue rectangular background. I ONLY ant the snowflake in Publisher, so I edited the picture in Photoshop and now I have JUST the snowflake with softened edges in Photoshop. But when I go to paste it into Publishe, I always get an image with a white rectagular background, which defeats the purpose of the editing in the first place.. How do I get JUST the snowflake layer to paste into the flyer?
I'm trying to complete the code to select a p-line on layer G-POLY-GSF w/o asking for input. this (setq ent (ssget "X" (list (cons 8 "G-POLY-GSF"))) dosen't seem to work. What I'm I missing here?
(defun cf8 (/ ent dist obj) (vl-load-com) (setq ent (car (entsel " Select line to offset: ")) ;(setq ent (ssget "X" (list (cons 8 "G-POLY-GSF")))
I selected an object (a hand) using the magic wand tool and filled it in, black. I want to select everything else in the image (other then the hand I just filled in), and fill it in white. What is the bes way of going about this? Can I fill in the hand white, and so some kind of inverse of the image? (The background is of an office, so lots of different colors and objects).
How do you select an object with a complicated background. For instance if I want to select a pine tree in forest and the tree is in the foregrond and there are trees of the same color in the background, I have found it hard to select because of the similar colors...all of the tutorials I have seen all have a single color back ground ie a girl with hair and doing a refind edge is pretty straight forward....but how do you do that with a busy background..(for instance ) I want to select a pine tree with all of it componets and plant it in the middle of the desert.
Whenever I switch renders layers I get the following error
/ Error: ...cameraMaskChange(unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow|rgMainForm|tabForm|mentalRayTabLayout|mentalRayCommonTab|scrollLayout|commonTabColum // // Error: Invalid use of Maya object "unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow|rgMainForm|tabForm|mentalRayTabLayout|mentalRayCommonTab|scrollLayout|commonTabColumn|rgRenderableCamerasFrame|renderableCamerasSW|mayaSoftwareCameraLayout|columnLayout27|columnLayout28|columnLayout29|checkBoxGrp71". // [code]....
Error: Invalid use of Maya object "persp" will happen for every camera in the scene until I close and re-open the scene! I do not know what causes it but it seems like whenever I delete a render layer it starts happening and it is driving me positively bonkers!
there's an invisible 10px border around each object/shape. it's so frustrating when i'm working on small icons or whatnot.i'll try and give an example the best i can... say i have two squares overlapping and are offset from each other by a 5px or so. if i want to select the back square, i'd normally... click on the part of the square i can see. in cs6, if i just click on the visible part of said square, it would select the front square. i have to click at least 10px out from the back square to select it.
I just upgraded to X5 the other day and started working with it. All seemed pretty normal until I drew a rectangle with a hairline and no fill. I typed in some text and went to click off of it to start a separate line of text only to find out when clicking inside this shape, and any other shape I made, it would select the shape.
I've asked this in the X5 board before, gave up, and it's still bugging me with X6.
So I group a few objects, apply drop shadow to the group, and now I want to select one of the object in the group (to move it or resize it, etc).
I just can't find an effective way to do this without discarding the drop shadow, edit, and reapply the drop shadow. There have been many suggestion that seems to work for certain people, i.e. Ctrl+Click, Ctrl+Alt+Click, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Click, but none works as desire.
In the attached example, I try to select the red square. If I Ctrl+Click, it selects the whole group. If I Ctrl+Alt+Click,  it either selects the yellow circle, or edits the drop shadow.
If I Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Click, the result is random. It either selects the blue background square, or selects the yellow circle, or edits the drop shadow, and once in a blue moon successfully selects the red square.Â
The options window will not display when typing "options" in the command line or selecting from the drop down. The options menu has to be hidden somewhere because AutoCad will not allow any other commands after typing options until I hit escape. I have tried restarting CAD and rebooting my computer with not luck.
When you draw a marquee around several objects and you want to eliminate one thing from the selection, is there a way to unselect just one object from being selected without having to unselect and reselect everything else?
How to disable border highlighting when selecting a smart object in the layers panel? Designing pixel-to-pixel is cumbersome when the highlight appears and temporarily extends the size of the shape by 1 px.Â
Is there a way to assign just specific vertices to a bone by selecting a separate part of an object? Like for example, I have a model of a gun which I'm trying to rig now and this gun has two barrels, one obove the other, and each of this barrel needs to be assign to a different bone. Those bones are there, but the problem is that certain parts (vertices) of second barrel are assigned as well to the second bone, which is incorrect. How do I select only part (an element) of an object and assign it to the bone?
I'm going to connect my AI file to After effect. So I had to create lots of layers in order to edit them seperatly in After effects. But it seems like my amount of layers are too large because AE always crashes (not responding -> Force quit) Â So I wanna break some stuff down in multiple AI files, but I don't wanna go and select every layer and delete it. That would take too much time. Is there a way to select the multiple objects in Illustrator and delete that but also its layer its in?
In AutoCad LT 2013, on Windows 8, I experience a 1/5 - 2 second delay afte 'enter' on a Copy command. Â The enter may be used in either right-click command or spacebar modes. Â This is the only delay I am experiencing in any command used so far. Â Other than that, the 2013 is flawless in Windows 8.
Any way to select an Invalid Xref that is attached on multiple layouts and delete them at once instead of going through every single layout and deleting it manually.