Photoshop :: Grey Image Using Merge To HDR Pro On Mac
Sep 12, 2012
I have PS 12.05 64bit version on a Mac with 8 gigs of Ram and a QuadCore I7. I have tried using 3 NEF images, tried DNG images and JPG images, I end up with the same result, a murkey grey image. Hopefully the screen shot will come through showing my results. I have reset Pref file in PS, still the same.
can I alter the BACKGROUND COLOUR from the Grey to a lighter grey as in P/Shop Album 2.00 which is just what I want..I hate the darker colour as background..I have just purchased the Elements 11.Â
When I embed a Photoshop image with a transparent background in an Illustrator file, the transparent area of the image is grey in the print, not transparent.
I have an image, all black of a ballerina on one layer, with black text on another. I am trying to put a bouquet of red roses at her feet, but it turns shades of grey when I attempt to do that.
I think it might be the GPU but i used apple computers with intel hd 4000 and it didnt do that. I have amd hd 7750 with an i5 and 4gb ram. Photoshop doesnt run slow its just the picture going in and out.
I am currently running Map 3D 2012 with CadWorx and I am having an issue with one of my multi tab drawings. Any object set to plot grey (any grey), that is in paper space, is plotting black only in one of my layouts. similar objects in model space and in both spaces on other layouts are all plotting accordingly.
Photoshop CS2, I have two images (ImageA and ImageB),2) I want to place ImageB onto a canvas with ImageA - this I can do,3) When I place ImageB onto the canvas and nudge it to ImageA, I want the RIGHT side of ImageA to Blend/Merge/Feather with the LEFT side of ImageB. The result is that I do not want to see the edges of either images when they are nudged together. I'd like them to "Flow" together. Also, I'd like to be able to put a "Glow Around" then entire merged content, but Ithink I have a link that explains this. I am not sure of the terminology above - Blend/Merge/Feather
I am using Bridge to merge two images into PS as a HDR image. I have done this with multiple images (RAW and TIFF). I am consistently getting screwy results. The image drops almost all detail and a TON of artifacts get dropped in. I am attaching a quick photo which is a brick front of a building.
I've recently discovered that when using the Merge to HDR function the resulting image is 72 dpi as opposed to the 240dpi of the original files used to create the 32 bit image. I've tried using both psd and RAW files with the same result. Others have confirmed this does not happen on the Mac version of CS3. I am using CS2 but others in a class I am taking have experienced similar problems with CS3 running on Windows. I'm running XP Pro which has been kept up to date. CS2 also has all updates installed.
Apparently, PS is also resizing the image to a relatively huge document size in the process of converting my bracketed images to HDR while retaining the correct pixel dimensions. The work around is to uncheck the "Resample Image" box within the "Image Size" dialog window after conversion so as to restore a 240 dpi resolution but this adds yet another step to the workflow.
I have a large single catalogue of photos. Some of the thumbnails in the library are now appearing greyed out. I think they were all there a few days ago, and since then the only things I have done are upload more images, cull those I did not want and backup the catalogue. I do not recall having this issue with LR3, and they all seemed OK when I upgraded to LR4. I have restarted LR several times, and it makes no difference. My Mac tells me all programs are up to date.Â
When I try to merge to HDR pro, the entire photo becomes black. It is still the same photo because when I increase the exposition I can almost make out the original photo. I tried to work on the exposition of the three photos, but that didn't work. I tried everything that I read on the Adobe Forum, but nothing is working. Up until about a month ago, it was working perfectly. I have photoshop cs6 with the latest upgrades and a Mac OS X Version 10.7.5 with 3.4 GHz and 32 GB ram.
I started from Lightroom 4 and did a merge to HDR. All the images opened in Photoshop CS6 HDR. (Unlike CS5 there was only one tab called Untitled HDR) The HDR control panel opened up and I edited the highlights shadows and removed ghosts. I clicked to finilize the process. The panel closed and I find myself looking at a PS CS6 screen with no image open at all. I went to LR4 and looked around. There was no stacked image. There was no imported image. I sorted all edited images. It was not there. I went back to PS CS6 and and tried again only I changed 16bit to 8bit. Still nothing. I had Google Chrome running and nothing else. I am using a iMac running 10.7.5 with 4 gigs of ram. Nothing ran slow.
In Cs6 whenever I touched any of the sliders the image in the preview panel changed quite nicely, now when I start the HDR Pro it comes up with a black image in the preview panel. Thats easy to fix though I switch from 16 bit or 8 bit to 32 bit the preview shows up and I can click on the 16 or 8 bit modes and it shows a preview.
Then when I adjust any of the sliders nothing happens. I can play with the sliders as much as I want nothing happens. I have been using the 32 bit mode in cunjunction with the 'tone in ACR' setting which gives great results, but now I wanted to play with the scott5 preset. If I click ok it creates the image beautifully. So not only won't it preview but my image is completely different to what is in the preview panel.
When I try to merge multiple images into one - like overlays and what not I always end up with 'sharp' edges between the layer - anyone have any suggestions as to how I can soften them up some?
I would imagine part of the problem is I have been using the polygonal lasso to help block off the areas i want to layer mask - I have tried the free hand lasso but the results are too wonky.
I've got an image sequence that uses white on pngs, once they've been made into animated gif the white turns less white and slightly grey, how do i remedy it?
A friend of mine has been happily using / importing Sony Nex 7 Raw images into Lightroom 4.2 / 4.3 for a long time when suddenly this happens.  Note the grey border all around the image.  This file was imported with: No develop presetNo metadata preset.Process 2012.Various std in the box profiles. Here is a screen paste of the file dimensions (also showing that it is a raw file and not cropped).   All Sony Nex raw files imported to a particular machine (Win 7, 64 bit) demonstrate this behaviour. So, in trying to trace the problem.  The crop tool was checked to make sure there was no crop applied. They grey border is not just a visual border. If you examine the jpg it is actually grey pixels consuming a large percentage of the native 6000x4000 Nex 7 resolution.The Reset button was pressed also,to make sure the raw file conversion was restored to basecamp.History reset.A raw image imported into the same machine / software from a Nikon D300 behaves perfectly.Previously imported Nex 7 Raw images are ok.When the images are imported into two other machines they imports perfectly.Scrapping the preference file makes no difference.Overlay mode was checked, an overlay image loaded and then overlay mode turned off… just to make sure this was NO overlay.Applying a crop and then removing a crop still leaves the grey border.Applying the crop reduces the image dimensions to approx.. 4946 x 3293.  Exporting an image to jpg (as shown) leaves image with grey border. This grey border can be cropped out, but it means the resolution will reduce.Exploring various scene modes / in camera crops / resolution settings on the camera does not seem to make any difference.Formatting the card in the camera, take a picture, import directly from card. 3 different cards used.  (No change).When using the Catelog on a different machine the grey border remains.Â
NB Camera set to RAW + jpeg. Jpeg's import without border.  So finally last night…
……. we uninstalled Lightroom 4.3 and re-installed into a different folder. (No change).
When I use Lightroom with the LG 29EA93 29 inch Widescreen LED Monitor Lightroom 5 initially looks and works OK but when I try and make changes using develop I get a gray area where the image should be (see below). I have tried other resolutions and that made no difference. Other apps/programs work fine. Â I tried my old monitor 1680x1050 and Lightroom 5 functions fine on that one.
I am trying to seamlessly merge two pages of a scanned book into one consistent image. The image sides are slightly crooked and there is a gap between them. I can't seem to align the two sides and merge the two together.
Also when I align one side the other is will not line up. Here is the image:
One of the purposes I want to use GIMP for are in scaling the dimensions of objects like musical instruments or sculpture, to create a construction plan. If I have an undistorted photo of, say, a guitar, and I know at least one dimension in the photo, I can SHOW and CONFIGURE GRID to get a "1 square = 1 inch" reference and extrapolate the remainder of the dimensions.
What I need to be able to do is include the grid in a saved/rendered photo file, which GIMP doesn't seem to want to do. The grid appears to be virtual, and disappears when layers are flattened out and the image is exported.
Is there a way to do this, or do I need to generate a standalone grid as a transparent layer and include that in my merge? If so, how do I go about generating a grid layer without having to hand-draw one?
Why cant I save a cdr job with all the merge fields setup so that next time I open the file I can go straight to 'merge to new document'.
So Ive set up a 10 to view raffle tickets job. Inserted 20 numerical merge fields, positioned, resized, applied font size color alignment etc etc etc.. Takes ages..... So then merge to a new document, works nice and I can save it fine.Â
There are a hundred reasons why i may have to close the 'master' merge file before the job has been successfully printed. It may be a repeat print job.
Any which way I really dont get why the live merge data fields are lost on closing the file.
When I remove background and attempt to copy image that left to another picture the imaged that is copied ends up being 4 times bigger then it was and overlaps new picture.
What's the difference between merge layer and flatten image?Especially in terms of saving the image. I understend that flatten image simply takes things down to one layer but what is partucularly different about merge?
The other thing is is it possible to distort just a portion of an image rather than the whole thing. Say for example to lengthen someones neck only? The only way I've found is to cut a selection then move things around leaving a gap that has to be filled using clone etc. Is there some way of stretching and compressing just portions of the image?