I have a georeferenced image which I have used to drape over a surface - so far so good
If I change to Realistic View the quality between the original image and the draped image is marked i.e. the draped image is dire and can't be used for a 3D view etc as the quality is so poor.
How can the image quality be retained when draping an image?
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I've brought a PNG image into a Civil 3D surface model and attempted to drape it on the surface. The image is scaled to the topography when it's first brought in, but when it's draped on the surface it gets placed very small in the bottom left corner . I've attached the same image to another surface file (without the regrading in this one) and it works fine. why doesn't the image drape over the whole surface?
I'm running into problems with Civil 3D 2010 trying to render a TIN suface with a draped JPEG.
I've inserted a JPEG aerial photo (supplied by municipal GIS services) and applied it as a drape to the TIN surface terrain model. When I go to the 3D Modeling workspace and try to render the scene, the following error message is displayed:
"This scene cannot be rendered. The scene must contain at least one 3D wireframe or solid model object to render."
The DWG co-ordinate system is UTM83-17. Sometimes these issues can be caused by objects being too far from the origin, and I've tried moving everything to 0,0,0 all to no avail. The surface style confirms triangles as being displayed in Model view, so I really don't know what the problem is here.
I'm using the DaylightBasin Subassembly along with the "Place Lined Material" option & it works everywhere except along the flat 0% (very bottom portion of the ditch).
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1 Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
When I use Lightroom with the LG 29EA93 29 inch Widescreen LED Monitor Lightroom 5 initially looks and works OK but when I try and make changes using develop I get a gray area where the image should be (see below). I have tried other resolutions and that made no difference. Other apps/programs work fine.
I tried my old monitor 1680x1050 and Lightroom 5 functions fine on that one.
I am using inventor 2012 but the material library is not loading.Then i go to the Manage> Styles Editor> and clieck on color or material it only gives me the option of defualt.
The drop down box in the top right is greyed out so i cannot change this either.
It works fine on another PC just not mine.I have downloaded the material pack from the website also.
I have also changed the hardware settings. I have tried all 3 hardware settings and it makes no differance.
Running windows 7 x64, 8 gigs of ram 3.4 quad core, 128gig SSD.
Everything is up to date.When i installed the material library download the material library was working, but when i opened a file the material library went back to how it was above.
The files i am using are from models i made in inventor 2010, but there is no problem on another PC i use.
I have upgraded my Lightroom from 5.0 to the new update, so I am using Lightroom 5.2 . Yesterday I went into my old Lightroom 4 on my computer, retrieved a photo, exported it and shut down. Late last night I went to open Lightroom 5.2 and when I did all the photos are a screen of light grey with a light grey border. It seems all the date is there, but no photos show in either Lightroom 5.2 or Lightroom 4.
Recently I have Installed Autodesk Inventor Proffessional 2013 SP 1.1 Update 2 on few new systems, it is not showing correct Material Appearance (Customised Material). I observed that it is not browsing images from correct folder location.
Following image showing error.
Older systms showing correct appearnace and it takes picture from following location shown in image.
I checked Application Options>File>Design Data (Styles, etc.) for new systems showing correct folder location i.e. From User>Public Documents.
I have created Customized Materials in Inventor 2013.When I try to apply customized material to part it is showing different result for Drop Down list and for Material Browser.
1. Picture showing appearance of part for Wood Pine from Material Browser.
2. Same Material I tried from drop down list showing following result (Customized library has checked it is in active form)
I have recently modified the CC of a part family so that different materials for the same part can be chosen. When I exit the editor and place the component I can see the choice of the materials in the dialog box - no problems (See 1st attachment" But when I go to another users PC they cannot see any of the new materials in the "Place content center" dialog box!?!
For information, we are running Inv. 2011 with Vault Professional 2012
The CC libraries are stored on the server and we have one custom library to which I have publish the modified part family.
The custom CC has been fully synchronised with the Vault server.
The materials.xml containing the new materials used in the part family has been downloaded to the users local workspace.
Inventor 2014 Pro SP1, Vault 2014 Pro SP1 Windows 7, 64-bit Intel Xeon 3.6GHz 32GB Nvidia Quadro 4000
I am using Revit 2013 and have built a material library for the company I work for. It has been working fine up until about an hour ago. Now when I try to open up the material library I created it says "No assets in this library". I can't figure out why there is nothing there. And I don't want to have to recreate all my materials I already created! I can still find the file in my folders and it says theres 3930 KB of information in the file. I included a picture of what my Assest Editor and Asset Browser show when I try to open my library.
I have successfully draped an orthophoto over a DEM in Map3D but the resulting quality of the the image is so poor it is unusable. I have attached a couple screen shots of the 2D and resulting 3D images. Is the resolution in 3D dependent on the 'resolution' of the DEM? The orthophoto is 10cm resolution.
I have tried REGEN and to Resample Raster but I haven't had any luck.
I am currently running Map 3D 2012 with CadWorx and I am having an issue with one of my multi tab drawings. Any object set to plot grey (any grey), that is in paper space, is plotting black only in one of my layouts. similar objects in model space and in both spaces on other layouts are all plotting accordingly.
I have recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2012. I am using some drawings that I created in 2011. In those drawings, I have attached some PDF's. With 2011, the PDF's printed as expected. Now, in 2012, the PDF's print greyed back. I assume it is simply a setting in Autocad and I don't know what that setting is. The fade for the PDF's is zero and the layer is not set to print transparent.
The above sums it all up. Note the properties are NOT GREY they are what they are supposed to be.
The file was created in version 2012 by another designer now it is being completed in 2013 by myself.
I can do a quick fix by creating a wblock of the problem lines and text etc to enable a print out without the GREYING
problem but once the drawing is closed and opened once again the drawing has GREYED whatever is in model space again. (note that xrefed lines etc are fine)
Ps I have attached the problem file with all the xrefs and jaz unattached/taken off etc
I am working on setting up a Template to suit my company. For some reason, whenever I make a profile view (see attached), the data bands are filled with a solid grey. This disappears when I am zooming in or out but will return once I stop.
Setting up my first press parts list and already I'm regretting it...
How do we report material? Lower case letters spelling ductile iron is not acceptable in this office. How to I edit this to be 'DI' or anything else? I have looked in the press part catalog editor or whatever it's called and did not see a way to add to the list of all lower case materials.
Do I have to rely sole on part description for material in labels? ....and why do they still think that no one needs to use the " symbol with these parts? Freakin crashing all morning tring to get this going...
can I alter the BACKGROUND COLOUR from the Grey to a lighter grey as in P/Shop Album 2.00 which is just what I want..I hate the darker colour as background..I have just purchased the Elements 11.
Specifically to Subassembly.LinkWidthAndSlope / I only have Top or Datum options for that sub and if I assign either one in the code set it seems to overwrite all the other subassembly materials such as asphalt, curbs etc...with none set my realisic view has a gap between the back of curb and slope to existing.
Civil 3D 2012 SP1 on Win 7 64-bit SP1 Intel i7-2600kcpu @ 3.4ghz 16mb ram ATI FirePro V4800
Trying to get the cut/fill quantities by computing the materials & I'm getting confused.
I imported another criteria & for ground removed it has existing as below & my datum as above. For fill, it has the datum below & existing above. The cut/fill matches a comparison between the 2 surfaces, but I just want to make sure I'm doing it right. Explain why for cut the datum's set to above & for fill it's set to below,
A pipe network has been created & labeled. All pipes labeled correctly except one. The material for 15", 18", 24" RCP pipes labeled "RCP" but all the 12" pipes labeled "Reinforced Concrete Pipe". So I know I need to change the Material of the 12" pipe to read "RCP". I was hoping to just go to Pipe Properties & change it there for this dwg but it doesn't change.
I was thinking it might be in the part xml file but why would some label "RCP" and the 12" didn't? The Parts Catolog used in this dwg is the default from Autodesk. Also, in the Part List, Material is greyed out. That's the first place I went to change the Material.
I am able to easily import sanitary sewer pipe and structure information from existing GIS information using the import wizard. I do have one issue that I can't figure out how to fix: even though I match the material field in the GIS shapefile to the material field in the import wizard, the material for the imported pipe network defaults to concrete pipe. I have tried updating the shapefile and the part in Part Builder so that the material information matches exactly, but it still happens. I can work around this by selecting "Swap Part" for each pipe and then selecting the correct pipe material and diameter, but this can be tedious when dealing with a lot of pipes.