AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Customized Material Showing Different Appearance
Nov 23, 2012
I have created Customized Materials in Inventor 2013.When I try to apply customized material to part it is showing different result for Drop Down list and for Material Browser.
1. Picture showing appearance of part for Wood Pine from Material Browser.
2. Same Material I tried from drop down list showing following result (Customized library has checked it is in active form)
I have recently modified the CC of a part family so that different materials for the same part can be chosen. When I exit the editor and place the component I can see the choice of the materials in the dialog box - no problems (See 1st attachment" But when I go to another users PC they cannot see any of the new materials in the "Place content center" dialog box!?!
For information, we are running Inv. 2011 with Vault Professional 2012
The CC libraries are stored on the server and we have one custom library to which I have publish the modified part family.
The custom CC has been fully synchronised with the Vault server.
The materials.xml containing the new materials used in the part family has been downloaded to the users local workspace.
Inventor 2014 Pro SP1, Vault 2014 Pro SP1 Windows 7, 64-bit Intel Xeon 3.6GHz 32GB Nvidia Quadro 4000
Recently I have Installed Autodesk Inventor Proffessional 2013 SP 1.1 Update 2 on few new systems, it is not showing correct Material Appearance (Customised Material). I observed that it is not browsing images from correct folder location.
Following image showing error.
Older systms showing correct appearnace and it takes picture from following location shown in image.
I checked Application Options>File>Design Data (Styles, etc.) for new systems showing correct folder location i.e. From User>Public Documents.
I have problems with material appearance in the frame generator. I have created a new material 316 stainless steel and assigned a specific colour to it. I have now decided to change that colour but it only changes when I change the material in iProperties of the part. I still get the old colour when I use the frame generator to change the material. The only way to change the colour of my material is thru the appearance tab in the frame generator pop up window.
I was trying to add a new appearance to our libray this morning, got confused and started searching here and ran across an old thread of mine.
".... Note that you can have a single custom library that contains both physical materials as well as appearances, or keep them separate if you prefer...."
I had always thought that these were two seperate things. After I read this, I noticed in my .ipj that the Inventor Materials Library is listed under both Appearance and Materials.
I tried copying the "InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib" but that did not work when I tried to add it under my materials library in the ipj.... It said "No Materials are available". HOW to go about creating a single library that contains both materials and appearances?
Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram Intel i7-930 @ 2.80ghz nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42) INV Pro R2013, SP1 (before it was pulled) Vault 2013
When selecting a material from the dropdown list the material isn’t downloaded correctly.
I had just edited the appearance for that material, pointed it to a new bitmap, then added the appearance & material to the library. Then purged it all from the document.
Restarting Inventor results in the material being downloaded from the library correctly.
Video showing the behaviour [URL]
Factory Design Suite Premium 2014 64bit Vault Professional 2014 Win7 Pro 64bit
I know the material-appearance feature is appalling and badly implemented, but I can not wait until SP1, so any simple method of adding new colors to Inventor. I have looked through the wiki help and there is no simple explanation.
In our company the way we generally work with Inventor is to assign certain colors to parts and sub-assemblies, thus making it easier to build the final assembly. In previous versions of Inventor this was easily done. In 2013 some of the bold (primary) colors are missing and almost all of the various shades of these colors are also missing.
Migrating files across to 2013 has also caused problems with the color appearance not updating correctly. I won't go into the details but the problems and niggles aren't consistent, and there doesn't seem a way to clean/refresh the document library.
What I want is about a dozen bold colors (with a matte finish so when editing the part you do not have to overcome the optical illusion of starring into a morphed mirrored image of a carpark).
We use different types of sheet metals, from stainless to bronze, and different thicknesses.
Currently, in order to show the correct material on a parts list, I have to duplicate the material Stainless Steel, and rename it to say 20 Gauge Stainless Steel. Then again for 16 Ga, 14Ga, 12 Ga, etc...
I'd like to have the parts list show the common material such as "Stainless Steel", with another column for the sheet metal style such as "20 Gauge."
We also use items such as Plastic Laminate. I'd like to create a generic material for the physical properties of "Plastic Laminate", and then change the material appearance to say "Formica #1234 Walnut". Again, i'd like to be able to put this in (2) columns on the parts list.
I'm trying to apply a Knurled Face appearance to a bar the color will change from the current yellow to a polished steel but either the diamond patter is to fine or not there at all. I've be into the Appearance setting moved the sliders back and forward the preview image changes but NOT the actual appearance on the bar itself.
I am using inventor 2012 but the material library is not loading.Then i go to the Manage> Styles Editor> and clieck on color or material it only gives me the option of defualt.
The drop down box in the top right is greyed out so i cannot change this either.
It works fine on another PC just not mine.I have downloaded the material pack from the website also.
I have also changed the hardware settings. I have tried all 3 hardware settings and it makes no differance.
Running windows 7 x64, 8 gigs of ram 3.4 quad core, 128gig SSD.
Everything is up to date.When i installed the material library download the material library was working, but when i opened a file the material library went back to how it was above.
The files i am using are from models i made in inventor 2010, but there is no problem on another PC i use.
I have an xml file with RAL colors I used befor the new appearance was added in Inventor. Now I want to use ral colors in Inventor 2013 but that I can not manage. how I can add ral colors and also properly be given in my parts.
In 2012 (and earlier) you rotated the texture in Style Editor. This was limited vs the new method.
I have parts with lots of faces and need to rotate all the faces at the same time, like 2012.
Also, I need the changes to be updated in all iparts, whereas at the moment the Adjust only seems to affect each one. Again, much less limited, but I need the option to update all at once too.
Can't seem to locate the Inventor Material Library....under Default in Projects, the Inventor Material Library is highlighted in Red. Where I need to browse to inorder to locate it?
I knew how to do this in inventor 2011 but now that i installed inventor 2013 I forgot. How to create a new material and save it for future use in inventor 2013?
I've made my own material library containing a short list of materials from the Inventor default library. And I have set my Project ipj to use it as the default library. All works OK. But, every time I make a new project ipj I have to go find my custom library adsklib file to add it to the project. Is there a certain folder the adsklib file need to live in so that new projects will pick it up automatically?
how to edit or delete existing material in the library?In a part, I can rename, delete and create new materials using the Material broser.But how to transfer this modifications to library?
The only way i see is to "save styles to style library", but with this feature only the NEW created materials get saved in the library. But how to delete or modifiy materials that are already in the library?
All the assemblies that I created in 2012 are showing with lighter color steel that I don't like. Is there any way other that selecting each member to change the display color to a darker steel color? I want to change the display quality to show the member edges as straight lines and not dull zig zag looking edges. How would I do that?
I have a lot of project files to migrate from INVENTOR 2012 to 2013. So I created an VB.NET application to get and check out all project files from my VAULT, change the different paths and check in the files in the vault. However, I need to include the new material library in each project files.
I found that we could change almost everything, but not include material library.
I have a customer who uses negative material mass in Inventor to calculate buoyancy for submerged constructions. After upgrading to 2013, we have a problem: Inventor 2013 does not accept negative material mass
In Inventor 2012 user has ability to change the material properties globally.
All parts using certain material will follow the changes made to properties and written to single library. It is clear and predictable.
In Inventor 2013 material properties belong to individual file.
When changes were done to appearance properties of a single part there could be situation when the same material parts in the assembly could have different appearance.
Here is the fact I do not understand and it is contradict to actual reality since the same material with the same standard must look absolutelly the same when switched to Master view.
Seems like to make parts look the same or to change the appearance I should click on each single file and make the same changes to each file.
I do not intend to change the appereance properties in single file on purpose to make problems to myself but I am sure I will take somebody else part and it will be changed due unnecessary reflection or other too much realistic things added in 2013. So finally I will get some sort of parrot collored assembly without clear and most importand easy way to make an order.
So I wish I could equalize all same material parts in apearance view. I do not count the way of clicking each file.
2013 working on an existing part not made from 2013. Density needs to be corrected. Where is the material browser? or What happens to older part materials that were created by customer when you upgrade (or downgrade as it has been for our company) from 2011 to 2013.
Im having a layer state issue with ACADE 2013;Vive saved a Layer state ("trial state") that has about 30 layers and some of them have been frozen.
I made the trial state the current layer state, however, when I save and close the drawing and then reopen it, "Trial State" is no longer the current state. Instead the layer state is changed to "Unsaved Layer state", and I have to manually select my trial state each time. I haven't even modified any layers or added more layers and it does this.
Im wondering if there is any way to keep/lock my customized layer state on a drawing.
I installed a brand new install of 2013 Product Design Suite Premium on a new machine. When I go to run Inventor everything seems to work fine. I make a drawing of a part and export to DWG. That's a requirement here. When I go to open the file in AutoCAD, the hatch pattern doesn't show and it looks like the boundaries for the hatch move to 0,0,0. Very stange and I haven't been able to figure this out. I installed Premium on another machine and performed the same export. Works fine on the other machine. The other machine however, has 2012 installed as well. Could this simply be a bad install?
I can delete every unused material except one in the Material Editor.I am trying to make the custom Material library and somehowI have got the Material I cannot delete. URL....