I've recently discovered that when using the Merge to HDR function the resulting image is 72 dpi as opposed to the 240dpi of the original files used to create the 32 bit image. I've tried using both psd and RAW files with the same result. Others have confirmed this does not happen on the Mac version of CS3. I am using CS2 but others in a class I am taking have experienced similar problems with CS3 running on Windows. I'm running XP Pro which has been kept up to date. CS2 also has all updates installed.
Apparently, PS is also resizing the image to a relatively huge document size in the process of converting my bracketed images to HDR while retaining the correct pixel dimensions. The work around is to uncheck the "Resample Image" box within the "Image Size" dialog window after conversion so as to restore a 240 dpi resolution but this adds yet another step to the workflow.
I'm geting really ugly "Merge to HDR" results in Photoshop CS6 that were not present in CS5.5. It only happens when using the "Remove Ghosts" checkbox  I use a Panasonic Lumix G2 Photoshop CS6 Lightrom 4 Camera Raw 7  I'm trying to merge RAW images to HDR. I use Adobe Lightroom 4.  1) I right click on multiple RAW exposure images 2) Edit In > Merge to HDR Pro in Photoshop 3) After aligning and merging, I use the "remove ghosts"option, but it creates really ugly blown-out areas on my preview image. The result is just as bad after clicking "OK" and the "creating file" box is done. I can see another thread discussing this in the Photoshop CS6 Beta (read only) area. The guy was using a Panasonic Lumix GH2,(mine's a G2) so maybe it's an isue with RAW support for Panasonic's Raw format.
merged layer results to a slight different color compare to its original unmerged layers. the result is that the merged layer has more bluish, What's wrong and what's the solution?. Im using CS3.
I have installed Infrastructure Design Suite 2014 on one of my users' workstation and one of the several problems she is having I can't find info on anywhere: When she uses the DWG to PDF driver she is getting strange artifacts that, at first glance, look like little blocks randomly placed around her drawings. These are always over/ in viewports. They do NOT show up in plot preview. I tried plot and publish. Both give same results. When zoomed in you can see they are tiny little viewport control dialog boxes that seem to have been placed on the plot at random.Â
I am using Photoshop Elements 4.0 to add color to some images that were hand drawn and have been scanned in as pdf's. When done, they will be enlarged to poster size (18 in x 24 in). I have tried to save them in a variety of formats, but every time I do, they come out very pixelated when they print in poster size. (The originals look fine in the larger size.) how to maintain the image quality so they will look decent when they are enlarged to print?
I was trying to resize some images to 1080 x 1920 (tiff) using Image Processor but the resulting images came out as 1080 x 1620 and the filesize appears to have remained unchanged. Similarly, another time 720 x 576 came out as 720 x 540.
When using image trace in CS6, illustrator seems to be shifting the results. Is there anyway to prevent this. I have several images that I am tracing along with other vector elements that need to stay in alignment with each other.Â
 The Blue is the location of the original image and the black is the tracing result. I'm seeing this shift in each of the view modes and regardless of which preset I use. I've also tried leaving the image linked and embedding the image with no difference.  In addition, I am having a hard time getting black and white images to trace to the same quality I had in CS4. As you can see I'm getting pinched sections on lines even with a Path setting of 97-100% and Noise of 1 px. I also tried a path setting of as low as 20%, the pinching of the lines was gone, but it was so over generalized that I lost a lot of the other character.  In CS4 I was able to use path fitting 2px Min area 10px corner angle 20 and get this much better result
the white hole is preserved, there is no pinching of the line. I keep reading how the new image trace is supposed to be so much better, but I can't seem to find any evidence of it in a simple a black and white image.
I'm working on pdf image files, 300 dpi, and I want to use the Image Trace tool to vectorized these ones. The result has to be under 4 colors, and the file is a mozaic of photos calibrated 3mm x 3mm. Â The purpose is to vectorize the whole image ( composed with approximately 800 photos )I did different tests with the settings of the Image Trace tool with samples of 12 x 12 mm ( 4 photos x 4 photos ) and the result is correct. But when I try to do the same with the entire image, the result is just horrible The entire image is sized 200 mm height and 130 mm width, but the import format is exactly the same than the samlpes I made my presets on.
I was thinking that Illustrator should act the same with the full image than with the small one, it just took more time to calculate the rendering, but apparently not.
I am creating my files in 5x. The final product will be a printed 8.5 x 11 calendar. The company requires 300dpi resolution, and a bleed size of 1/16".
 My page is letter size.The image is a bitmap composed of numerous photographs and vector graphics.
I have saved them to a CMYK BITMAP 300DPI.In Corel the image reads as 11.125" x 8.625"
When I export to a pdf or jpg the image size changes to 11.293" x 8.796" which will not work for the printer. It sets the design elements outside the 'safe zone'.
I've been transferring a lot of old vidoes from analog tape to digital video. All video files have been created as H.264 640x480 mp4 with Elgato Video Capture. And all video-files display fine in, VLC, Media Player Classic, Quicktime and even iMovie. Some of these import fine into Premiere CS5.5 without problem, but some end up looking green, distorted and doubled, like this:
I've tried to Interpret Footage on the broken clips, setting the framerate to a constant like 25fps. But this seems to have no effect.When I try to import the same file into After Effects CS5.5, I get this error: after effects error: overflow converting ratio denominators 17::18..I've crosschecked two video files against each other to find some differences, but there is none, as far as I can see.
I have PS 12.05 64bit version on a Mac with 8 gigs of Ram and a QuadCore I7. I have tried using 3 NEF images, tried DNG images and JPG images, I end up with the same result, a murkey grey image. Hopefully the screen shot will come through showing my results. I have reset Pref file in PS, still the same.
Photoshop CS2, I have two images (ImageA and ImageB),2) I want to place ImageB onto a canvas with ImageA - this I can do,3) When I place ImageB onto the canvas and nudge it to ImageA, I want the RIGHT side of ImageA to Blend/Merge/Feather with the LEFT side of ImageB. The result is that I do not want to see the edges of either images when they are nudged together. I'd like them to "Flow" together. Also, I'd like to be able to put a "Glow Around" then entire merged content, but Ithink I have a link that explains this. I am not sure of the terminology above - Blend/Merge/Feather
I am using Bridge to merge two images into PS as a HDR image. I have done this with multiple images (RAW and TIFF). I am consistently getting screwy results. The image drops almost all detail and a TON of artifacts get dropped in. I am attaching a quick photo which is a brick front of a building.
When I try to merge to HDR pro, the entire photo becomes black. It is still the same photo because when I increase the exposition I can almost make out the original photo. I tried to work on the exposition of the three photos, but that didn't work. I tried everything that I read on the Adobe Forum, but nothing is working. Up until about a month ago, it was working perfectly. I have photoshop cs6 with the latest upgrades and a Mac OS X Version 10.7.5 with 3.4 GHz and 32 GB ram.
I started from Lightroom 4 and did a merge to HDR. All the images opened in Photoshop CS6 HDR. (Unlike CS5 there was only one tab called Untitled HDR) The HDR control panel opened up and I edited the highlights shadows and removed ghosts. I clicked to finilize the process. The panel closed and I find myself looking at a PS CS6 screen with no image open at all. I went to LR4 and looked around. There was no stacked image. There was no imported image. I sorted all edited images. It was not there. I went back to PS CS6 and and tried again only I changed 16bit to 8bit. Still nothing. I had Google Chrome running and nothing else. I am using a iMac running 10.7.5 with 4 gigs of ram. Nothing ran slow.
In Cs6 whenever I touched any of the sliders the image in the preview panel changed quite nicely, now when I start the HDR Pro it comes up with a black image in the preview panel. Thats easy to fix though I switch from 16 bit or 8 bit to 32 bit the preview shows up and I can click on the 16 or 8 bit modes and it shows a preview.
Then when I adjust any of the sliders nothing happens. I can play with the sliders as much as I want nothing happens. I have been using the 32 bit mode in cunjunction with the 'tone in ACR' setting which gives great results, but now I wanted to play with the scott5 preset. If I click ok it creates the image beautifully. So not only won't it preview but my image is completely different to what is in the preview panel.
When I try to merge multiple images into one - like overlays and what not I always end up with 'sharp' edges between the layer - anyone have any suggestions as to how I can soften them up some?
I would imagine part of the problem is I have been using the polygonal lasso to help block off the areas i want to layer mask - I have tried the free hand lasso but the results are too wonky.
I am trying to seamlessly merge two pages of a scanned book into one consistent image. The image sides are slightly crooked and there is a gap between them. I can't seem to align the two sides and merge the two together.
Also when I align one side the other is will not line up. Here is the image:
I just started using CS6, jumping from CS3. A major tool I use is Live Trace, and I have custom settings for that. I cannot find a way to make Image Trace behave the way Live Trace did for black and white line drawings. The results I get in CS6 are far inferior to those I got in CS3 in terms of retaining the look of the original raster image. Otherwise, I will have to leave CS3 installed just to do my Live Trace. Â Here is a sample of what I mean. You can see the quality degredation in CS6 compared to CS3. (And it's much more obvious when it's full size and full resolution.) Â My settings used in Live Trace (CS3) were: Â The settings I tried in CS6 that gave the above result were:
One of the purposes I want to use GIMP for are in scaling the dimensions of objects like musical instruments or sculpture, to create a construction plan. If I have an undistorted photo of, say, a guitar, and I know at least one dimension in the photo, I can SHOW and CONFIGURE GRID to get a "1 square = 1 inch" reference and extrapolate the remainder of the dimensions.
What I need to be able to do is include the grid in a saved/rendered photo file, which GIMP doesn't seem to want to do. The grid appears to be virtual, and disappears when layers are flattened out and the image is exported.
Is there a way to do this, or do I need to generate a standalone grid as a transparent layer and include that in my merge? If so, how do I go about generating a grid layer without having to hand-draw one?
Why cant I save a cdr job with all the merge fields setup so that next time I open the file I can go straight to 'merge to new document'.
So Ive set up a 10 to view raffle tickets job. Inserted 20 numerical merge fields, positioned, resized, applied font size color alignment etc etc etc.. Takes ages..... So then merge to a new document, works nice and I can save it fine.Â
There are a hundred reasons why i may have to close the 'master' merge file before the job has been successfully printed. It may be a repeat print job.
Any which way I really dont get why the live merge data fields are lost on closing the file.
When I remove background and attempt to copy image that left to another picture the imaged that is copied ends up being 4 times bigger then it was and overlaps new picture.
What's the difference between merge layer and flatten image?Especially in terms of saving the image. I understend that flatten image simply takes things down to one layer but what is partucularly different about merge?
The other thing is is it possible to distort just a portion of an image rather than the whole thing. Say for example to lengthen someones neck only? The only way I've found is to cut a selection then move things around leaving a gap that has to be filled using clone etc. Is there some way of stretching and compressing just portions of the image?
Currently looking at buying either Lightroom 4 or Elements 11 at home - can I change image resolution and merge/join photos along with the standard photo editing - would be using this app for my travel pics, family photos and photobooks?
I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?
Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?
I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).
For what I need Photoshop for, I use CMD-E all the time to create raster graphics from vector shapes. I often use this feature to combine shape layers to create buttons. So, this completely destroys my work flow. The only work around I've found is to create an additional raster layer to merge with the vector layers.Â
Is There any way to Merge Image file With Drawing File ? I Have a Topo Sheet Which i am Inserted in Drawing File . Now the Problem is i am sending Drawing file to My Client Office Via Email . The Toposheet File Sized Is Nearly 150 MB . Is there any way to Combine Image and Drawing File.