Photoshop :: CS6 Killed Merge Layers / How To Merge Layers

Sep 4, 2012

For what I need Photoshop for, I use CMD-E all the time to create raster graphics from vector shapes. I often use this feature to combine shape layers to create buttons.  So, this completely destroys my work flow. The only work around I've found is to create an additional raster layer to merge with the vector layers. 

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Photoshop :: Merge Layers :: Results To A Slight Different Color Compare To Its Original Unmerged Layers

Jun 19, 2009

merged layer results to a slight different color compare to its original unmerged layers. the result is that the merged layer has more bluish, What's wrong and what's the solution?. Im using CS3.

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Adjustment Layers To Several Layers And Export To Files

May 31, 2012

I have now exactly the same problem as below with over 1000 images, I have saved them in .psd that has over 100 layers each. On top of those there is curves and levels layer that affects every layer below. I want to save all images to .jpg for videoedit with those curves at least. I don't want to merge same curves 100 times. Is there a solution in phothoshop cs5 or cs6 available? Would save alot of working hours. All I have got by this far is blank white images of adjustment layers and non adjusted jpg-files.
This discussion was opened in 2010 and I quess this is same problem:
How to merge adjustment layers to hundreds of layers?

Jul 28, 2010 10:38 AMSay I have a photoshop File with 100 layers. 

And say I created 3 adjustment layers on top of those 100 layers to get the adjustments that i want for those layers.   I'm happy with the adjustments but Then I NEED to merge those 3 adjustment layers to ALL those 100 layers.  

Is there a way to easily permanently apply the adjustments to each of those layers without having to do it manually? I absolutely need to merge the adjustments to the seperate layers because of how the layers are being used in a seperate 3d program.   
So far what I've been doing is duplicating the adjustment layers for each layer and merging them to said layers separately.. I wish I could just right click the adjustment layer and Tell it to merge to everylayer it affects  or apply to every layer underneath it!

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Photoshop :: Merge All Layers?

May 24, 2012

Looking for a quick, one-step method for merging all layers. 
Usually, I Select the top-most layer, then shift-click the bottom-most layer (selecting all layers between), then right click and hit "merge layers".
Simple enough - but I'm working on an "action" and recording the method above is limited because it relies on a file's specific layer names.  I want to be able to use this action as a generic action for any project with multiple layers.
Is there a better way to do this or a File > Merge All option I'm missing?

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Photoshop :: Layers - Group VS Merge?

Jun 1, 2013

I have an image of a beach-house on a deserted beach. I wanted to add a levels adjustment layer to just that area of the image, so I selected the house and the beach with two different tools. After making two different selections, one with the freeform pen tool and one with the regular pen tool, I now have 2 layers, both containing information I'd like to further edit.
Now what's my better option? To group these 2 layers or to merge them into one? I'm an obvious newbie, so I'm thinking that the least destructive way is to group them and then go about my editing. It seems to me that once I merge them, there's no going back. But is that the only difference? What are the shortcomings of each in a real world work environment?

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Photoshop :: Merge Layers To A New Layer?

Nov 13, 2008

any way to merge visible layers to a new layer, yet retain the layers that merged? Does that make sense. So if I want to merge layer 1, 2, 3 into a new layer 4. Can I create a layer 4 with all layers merged as one, yet still have 1, 2, and 3.

I'm looking for a menu item or shortcut to do this.

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Photoshop :: Temporarily Merge Layers?

Sep 1, 2006

can you temporarily merge layers? is that possible? also can make the back ground layer the fist and put other layers beneath?

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Separate Layers In Paths Tab

Jul 2, 2013

how to merge objects in the paths tab. Here is an example: [URL].....
I have created different areas of outlines of a picture and placed them in separate paths. I would like to know how to either merge the paths (so that the 'banner' path is on top of the others), or how to move them into the 'Layers' tab.

I would like to view all these paths/outlines at once, as of now it doesn't let me while in the Paths tab - It only lets me view one path at a time.
I am using Windows 7, Photoshop Version 12.0 x32

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Photoshop :: Merge Layers That Have Blending Modes?

Oct 9, 2013

Made some bubbles using Photoshop, the trouble is I can't flatten the layers into one because of the layers blending mode. The reason I want to is to blur some of the bubbles to give a foreground & background perspective.

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Photoshop :: Merge Layers + Retain Visual Look

Dec 30, 2004

I'm currently working on a design and come to a point where I want to optimize my work. I have two layers both have its blend mode set to "Overlay".

The top one is at 40% opacity and the second one is at 19% opacity. My question is... How do I merge the two and yet still retain the look that I see on screen?

It perfectly fine if both Layers are identical in terms of blending mode and opacity, but when both are different I have a hard time collapsing the two together so that they look exactly what I saw before collapsing it. I've been living with this for a long time but now I need to know a solution to this.

Is it possible?

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Photoshop :: How To Import Layers? To Merge Two Images Together

Feb 28, 2005

how to import layers? I need to merge two images together, but they are on seperate files and so on seperate layers, how can i put these two images onto one file?

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Photoshop Elements :: Why Can't Merge Visible Layers

Oct 17, 2012

why cant I merge visible layers?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Layers And Copy Merge Saving As PDF?

Mar 27, 2012

I need to make multiple duplications of the same layer. This will solve my problem, however after I get the results I want, if I merge the layers, it reverts to the look as if I only had one single layer again. This will also happen if I do not merge the layers but save it as a PDF to get it ready for print. This results in a very muddy/neutral results. I have tried to simply select the layers and copy as merge, select everything and copy merge into a new document, and flatten/merge the image. None of them worked and reverted the image to the original one layer look.

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Photoshop :: Stamp / Merge Visible Missed Some Layers?

Sep 5, 2012

I am using Photoshop CS5.When I stamp/merge visible, it did not seem to produce what was last seen on my screen. It seems like it missed some adjustment layers, which I am not sure which one.

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Photoshop :: How To Merge Layers Without Losing Layer-mask

May 18, 2012

I'm trying to save a file that looks great in Photoshop and preserve it as a PNG. I'll create the image, simply "merge layers" and lose the transparency of it. How do I get my PNG to look like it does in photoshop.
The red background show through in photoshop originally...but then after "merge layers" or saving the PNG every way possible (or so I think)... the degree of transparency isn't preserved.Below looks great. (red bleeds through nicely, good transparency)

Now doesn't look so good. (all i did was merge layers and red doesn't bleed through properly anymore, same result when saving as png)

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Photoshop :: How To Merge And Export 2 Layers With Blending Modes

Sep 12, 2011

I'm working on some graphics for an iPhone app for which I need to export images to png.

The image has an inner and an outer glow to create a glowing LED effect. The problem I have is the outer glow has the 'screen' blending mode applied and when I export this the blending mode defaults to 'Normal'. The image must have a transparent background because it will be used in different locations on top of a brushed aluminium background effect.

I understand that the blending mode takes the background layer into account when determining the output. Any alternative way of creating this glowing LED effect which I can export with a transparent background?

I have attached an example of this, the first 'light' is how I want it to appear when merged. The second 'light' is how it currently looks when merged.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Layers Grouped Into A Folder / Merge Groups

Jun 1, 2012

I have recently ran into a few issues with Photoshop CS6. When working with Layer Groups and Blend Modes.
Here is what happens:
I am working with a document and have layers grouped into a folder. All is good when I merge that group any layers that I had with a blend mode change from that mode to Normal, thus messing up the merge. Another instance where I had this issue is if I had any hidden layers that were not displayed. If the layers were merged they would be changed from hidden to displayed. Again messing up the image and the merge. Not sure what do to here.

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Photoshop :: Merge Layers To Create One Step Action

Aug 14, 2013

Is there a way to merge the layers from a photoshop action to create a one step action?

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Photoshop :: Image Merge :: Sharp Edges Between Layers

Oct 31, 2004

When I try to merge multiple images into one - like overlays and what not I always end up with 'sharp' edges between the layer - anyone have any suggestions as to how I can soften them up some?

I would imagine part of the problem is I have been using the polygonal lasso to help block off the areas i want to layer mask - I have tried the free hand lasso but the results are too wonky.

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GIMP :: Unable To Merge Layers

Jun 11, 2011

Whenever I work with layers to try and achieve an effect I want, I have 2 or more layers. Then when I try to merge them to get the desired effect, "nothing happens!".

The other layers in the layers menu disappear and my picture remains unaltered, it's like whenever I draw in GIMP, all that editing is seen on my image, but when I try to merge my layers to get say, a glow effect, nothing happens to my image. It's like I didn't do anything. So frustrating!

Basically, what I do is this:

1. I create a new image.
2. I beginning stages of my image on whatever I want to do.
3. I create a new layer (or more than one, doesn't matter) to tinker around to try and achieve a certain effect (doesn't matter what effect I'm trying to achieve, always has the same results).
4. Then when I'm done tinkering around, I go to "Image--Merge Visible Layers"
5. Nothing happens. The multiple layers I had in the layers box vanish, but the effect I was trying to achieve is not merged with my image!

Layers are useless to me because I can't use them, yet I need them to achieve the things I need to have in my art. I am not looking for how to merge two images together in one, I want LAYERS not images.

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Photoshop :: Merge Layers With Multiple Layer Styles Added To Them?

Jun 8, 2013

I have this issue where I have to merge lots of layers in order to finish the job. Thing is that two of them have layer styles added to them. Each one has two different layers styles added to it. If I try to merge the layers, the effect won't stay the same and only one layer style will apply (and not even this one works correctly).

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Photoshop :: Possible To Select Multiple Layers (with Layer Mask) And Merge Them

Aug 12, 2013

is it possible to select multiple layers (with layer mask) and merge them?
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
tell current document
set current layer to every layer of layer set "bloem 1-9" of layer set "Bloem"
tell current layer
end tell
end tell
end tell

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Photoshop :: Automatically Merge Base Layer With All Other Layers Individually

Sep 27, 2013

I would like to know if there is a way to automatically merge a "base" layer with all other layers individually.  For example, Layer one is an image, the "base layer".

Layers 2 thru 200 are images that need to be merged with the base layer individually and then saved as individual files.  We are now turning layer 2 on and saving, turning layer 2 off, turning on layer 3 then saving, etc.  Hoping to find an easier and quicker method. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Merge Layers

Mar 14, 2011

so, for some reason when i choose the body of this cow i drew to fill, it fills its hind leg, and stubbornly refuses to fill the body at all. i have tried all the fill tools to get this too work. i figure if i flatten the image the fill tool will work a bit better. 

there is no such thing as flattening the image or merging layers in the help section and the info online hasn't been so great. How do you merge layers?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: XREF Layers - Any Way To Merge

Apr 26, 2013

When you XREF a drawing from another file that file is brought in along with all of its layers. Personally I do not need these layers for my access is there anyway I can combine all these to eliminate the large quantity of layers in my file? Say by layer merging. And if I do will this affect the ability of the file to revise itself?

Explanation: What I am doing is taking a bunch of engineering drawings, XREF them into my file, then creating seperate viewports for each drawing referenced in. But the key is I need these files to adjust automatically when the engineers make changes (This is done through the XREF command from what I gathered from one of my previous posts).

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Closes Every Time When Trying To Merge Layers

Oct 9, 2012

Well I've got a problem when I work with layers, when I want to merge the layers, PSP closes everytime. If I register my work before merging the layers, it's ok.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Crash Every Time When Merge Layers

Nov 2, 2012

Let me give you the details, as they are fairly specific to this issue -

First, here's my puter info: Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E520, Intel i5-2410M Core proc @2.3Ghz, 4Gig RAM, Win 7 pro 64 bit.
PSP X5 - version

Here's da scoop:

Open X5
Open jpg file (have tried various sizes, both physical and pixel, and makes no difference)
Add Raster layer
Create tiny color dot on new layer
Merge layers
Dies, freezes up, have to shut it down and lose what I just modified.

Now, mind you, I've been using PSP since way back in the Jasc days. For years I was one of their beta testers, because I USE THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY! Literally, I'm in it every day. I love X4, still trying to get into X5, but similar to when X4 came out, X5 is slowly PMO'ing me! I create hundreds of scripts, and lots dozens of plug-ins, and so far the majority seem to work fine in X5, however this whole issue of it crashing and freezing up my puter is really getting on my nerves.

After the crash, I can re-open X5 and it'll work fine on the first image. Then next image, SSSD!

Really is getting aggravating this constant crashing. Starting to think that Corel isn't creating this software but Microsoft is

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Merge Drawing Templates / Layers

Dec 9, 2013

I have created a drawing template in C3D with layers, blocks, descriptor keys and all the fun stuff, but this was just for the survey section of the engineering group I work with.  Now the engineers, who had another template set up with design layers which they don't use but may want to use, asked me if I can add their layers to my template.  The have about 2000 layers and I do not want to manually add this information.  Is there any way I can either export their layers or merge the layers?

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GIMP :: Finding Merge One Layer With All Layers Plugin?

Oct 1, 2011

I'm looking for a plugin that will merge one layer with all of the individual layers below it. So this would be the equivalent of duplicating one layer multiple times and then moving each duplicate between all the layers below and then merging the duplicate layers down to each original individual layer.

It could be seen as putting an ace on top of the deck, duplicating that ace 51 times, and then putting a duplicate ace in between each of the cards below and then merging each duplicate ace card down to each of the other individual 51 cards below in the deck.

I've found allot of nice multi-layer plugins (Like "LayerGroups") on the GIMP plugin registry that have worked doing things that I need, but now I'm looking for this one on the GIMP plugin registry and I'm not having any luck.

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Paint.NET :: Mass Merge Specific Layer Into All Other Layers?

Jun 16, 2012

I'm using the animated gif extension that allows one to edit gifs that are in the .agif format and I was wondering if there was any way to quickly add in a certain layer into each "frame" of the gif. This is mostly for overlaying text onto a gif and it gets tedious duplicating, moving and merging all the layers one by one.

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After Effects :: Merge / Blend 2 Layers To Move And Track Together?

Nov 8, 2013

I have an old man whose eyes are slitty and so I have created a white with a layer and feathered it round his wrinkles and it looks ok.  I can add mask track to this in ae and also track it in mocha. I have an iris import clip that I then need to add to the white.  It is in .png.

I cannot make a mask path appear on the layer information to the left of the screen so the iris dances about and can't be tracked.
How do I blend the white mask layer and the iris layer so they move as one?   Do I put them together then track them togethr in mocha?
I have spent a day on this trying to figure it.  On top of that I would also like to clone an eyelid half open so that I can put this on top of white layer, iris layer and then eyelid and track all together. But if possible the white and iris moving together would be enough.
In the instructions on youtube I have also found that when I hit 3d little cube icon I get a black background on the iris and not the old mans face how do I get rid of that?
This is for a man who gets wolf eyes in the film.  Would it be easier to get some wolf eyes in photoshop and stick those on? the clip is just 4 secs long.

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