Illustrator :: Grey Transparency In Embedded Photoshop Image?

Feb 11, 2013

When I embed a Photoshop image with a transparent background in an Illustrator file, the transparent area of the image is grey in the print, not transparent.

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Photoshop :: Converting Black/grey Image To White Via Transparency Brush

Mar 23, 2007

I am trying to convert an object's color from black to white. Like changing the color of a killer whale's black coat to sumthin like green or blue.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Get The Embedded Image Out Of Illustrator?

Aug 12, 2008

Someone has sent me an Illustrator file and it has the embedded image I want to use. How do I extract it out of the AI file. I want to use the image in Photoshop or Flash and I am tired of using screen grab. I want the full resolution of the image in the AI file.

The image also has a clipping mask, is there a way of extracting the image as a clipped image because it has all that unwanted image I don't need to use.

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Illustrator :: Extracting Embedded Image At Original Resolution?

Jul 29, 2011

Any tips on how to extract an embedded bitmap at its original pre-embedded resolution from an AI file?

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Illustrator :: Files Size And Instances Of Same Embedded Image?

Nov 27, 2013

My question is, isn’t Illustrator supposed to use and save just one instance of an embedded image regardless of how many times it i used in an document?
A senario: If I import and embed an image and I save the document I get a pretty small files size. But when I copy this image internally in the document, say that I copy the image 10 times, I get ten times the file size. Is it supposed to do that? Why doesn't it just save the image one time?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Updating Embedded Image In PDF But Not All Actions Are Recorded

Feb 29, 2012

i am trying to create an Action in CS3 but some of my actions are not been recorded.
What i want to do is run the Batch option on a folder with a 1,000 PDFs in it. The PDFs (which were created in Illustrator CS3) consist of a single page with a single embedded image at the foot of the page. I am trying to update that embedded image. The Actions i am trying to record are...

1) Select the single image in the Links palette.
2) Choose the "Relink.." option in the drop down menu of the Links palette.
3) Navigate to the new image and select "Place".
4) Save and close document.

But the first two actions are not been recorded.

From trying this manually the new image seems to take on the horizontal and vertical scaling of the previous image which is what i want. But if i am going to have to do a script then that is a factor that may have to be incorporated into the script.

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Photoshop :: Dark Grey Background Instead Of Transparency

May 7, 2012

Windows, PS CS4. I'm trying to erase part of an image such that there is nothing there. However, when I erase the part of the background layer (I have no layers below it, and none above occupying the same space), I do not see the chequered transparency pattern, but dark grey. This grey also remains part of the image as if it were a colour rather than being transparent. To be specific, it is the white between the borders of a comic I am trying to erase..

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Illustrator :: CS6 - Creating Image With Gradient Transparency

Dec 11, 2012

I am trying to creating an eye lid image to for a video.  I would like to make two extremely large black circles that are totally opaque at the top and then as the image approaches the bottom there would be a gradation of transparency where at the very bottom of the circles the image is totally transparent. 

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Photoshop :: Embedded Profiles - Image Print Out?

Jun 11, 2012

I wish to check my understanding of embedded profiles. I will have to print out from a second machine that I will not have the ICC profile I am using installed.

You use Edit>Convert to Profile Edit>Color Settings is set to preserve profiles File>Save As is has the color management box checked with the correct profile.

When you open the file on a second machine you use Print with the following settings:Photoshop manages Color Printer Profile - If the profile is not installed on that machine will the original people appear?Disable Printers color management.Will the image print out in correct profile? What about point 6.

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GIMP :: Embedded Thumbnail As Preview Image?

Sep 1, 2013

I was just choosing a JPG to open in the gimp Open Image dialog andwhen I clicked on the image to open, I think the preview thumbnail wasof the same image in an uncropped and unprocessed form. Does gimp usesome type of embedded thumbnail as a preview image?

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Photoshop Elements :: Alter Background Colour From GREY To Lighter Grey As In Album 2.00

Dec 27, 2012

can I alter the BACKGROUND COLOUR from the Grey to a lighter grey as in P/Shop Album 2.00 which is just what I want..I hate the darker colour as background..I have just purchased the Elements 11. 

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Photoshop :: Grey Image Using Merge To HDR Pro On Mac

Sep 12, 2012

I have PS 12.05 64bit version on a Mac with 8 gigs of Ram and a QuadCore I7. I have tried using 3 NEF images, tried DNG images and JPG images, I end up with the same result, a murkey grey image. Hopefully the screen shot will come through showing my results. I have reset Pref file in PS, still the same.

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Photoshop Elements :: Button To Change Preset Light Grey Background Colour To Dark Grey

Oct 12, 2012

as a user of pse 6 I 'm used to work with darkgrey background in the organizer.

This works perfectly for quickly assessing brightness and contrast of pictures.

In pse 10 however I could not find any button to change the preset lightgrey background colour to darkgrey.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Move Imported And Embedded PDF

Oct 12, 2012

I have the following pdf what was created with Wolfram Mathematica 8: [URL] ....

When I import it in Adobe Illustrator (CS5.5 on mac), embed it, and tren try to move it,  I get the following error message:

"Can't move the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too large".

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Illustrator :: Embedded Link Not Showing Up?

May 31, 2012

I had a client send me a word document as a pdf which I dropped into Illustrator to make it print ready. When I pulled the file into Illustrator, two of the embedded links, which happened to be the logo of said client, did not show up. The file is in the links panel and shows it as embedded, I can even see the bounding box when I hover over where the logos are supposed to be. However, when I open the file in adobe reader or acrobat, or even preview, those logos show up. Illustrator showed no errors and none of us caught it so it was printed without the logos.
Is there an explanation for this and how can I check for it in the future just in case it happens again?

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Photoshop :: [portions Of Grey Image Color]

Oct 9, 2007

I make a duplicate layer of a car photo and use the solarization tool and then erase the portion of the car I want to be in color.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Dragging Embedded Alpha Image Into Action

Nov 28, 2012

I got single clip in desktop and it got an alpha embedded. If i drag that clip into the cfx , the clip will be interpreted correctly where alpha will be recognized. The problem in action is when i drag into action schematic, the alpha is ignored Smoke should know if there's alpha embedded then by default it should use it. ANother problem is when in media list , i add new media then click the clip twice (to grab F and M from the same clip), the result : i got blank alpha. Again it should load the alpha while there's alpha embedded . I think , this should become the dafault behaviour to deal with alpha. Although loading this clip in cfx schematic will solve the problem, i think the action still need to be fixed.

Also it should be cool feature if i can drag the clip from library and drop it in media list , and it will replace the media of the selected item in media list.

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Illustrator :: How Embedded And Linked Images Printed

Jul 28, 2013

I have an illustrtor documcnet which is one quater of the size it will be printed at (50 * 12.5 cm up to 2 * 0.5 m).

It is at one quater on request of the company printing the banner. It has a high res texture image (embedded) on the babk layer and the rest is all vectors.
When the image is printed (and scaled up 400% in the process) will the high res image be printed at the highest resolution available? If not is there an easy way to scale my artboard guides, all objects and effects up by 400%.

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Photoshop :: Color Grey Is Always Redish Grey

Feb 10, 2004

I try to use the color grey its always redish grey and never grey.

I tried changing my color settings from photoshop but it still wont work.

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Illustrator :: Extracting Embedded Images - Appropriate Format For Printing?

Feb 23, 2013

I am doing some freelance work and the client sent me several .ai files. They were a mess, and should have been created in InDesign to begin with, so I transferred them over. At the time, I copied and pasted the links, but of course, the images don't show up in the links panel in InDesign. I'm assuming this will be an issue for printing, is that right?
I went to find the original links, and couldn't find them anywhere in the folders I was given. When I looked at the .ai files I was given, I found out that the images were embedded. When I select an image, I cannot choose to "update link" or "edit original." Those options are grayed out.
How do I get those embedded images to InDesign in an appropriate format for printing?

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Illustrator :: Why Are Blurred Images Converting To Embedded Links

Nov 15, 2013

I am working on a file that has some shapes with gaussian blurs. Everything appears fine until I save it and reopen the file to see that each of the objects with a blur has been converted to an embedded link as a raster image. Is there a setting that I need to change to preserve the vector shapes with the blur effects?

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Illustrator :: Change Colour Profile Of Embedded Objects?

Mar 7, 2013

One of my Illustrator CS6 documents was intially created some time ago without paying much attention to colour management issues. I am now trying to put that right and have assigned the document a profile of Adobe RGB (i998). However, each time I open it I am warned that 'The document has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space'. It also says that the embedded profile is sRGB, while my working space is Adobe RGB. I get this message three times and am assuming that it refers to embedded objects.
Do I have to reimport all items that may have a colour profile, having first ensured that they are tagged as AdobeRGB?

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Illustrator :: Finding Names Of Linked / Embedded Files In CS6

May 28, 2013

I have tried the Links dropdown and the Document info dropdown but no files appear at all.
I have three linked/embedded files.
Need to finding out the names of the files..

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Illustrator :: Embedded Art In SVG File Prompts Could Not Find Link

Jun 19, 2013

I have been using an AI template to produce a lot of art as SVGs. The source Illustrator file has a bottom art layer, and several layers above that (6) which have a small PNG image that is basically a simple gray button. The same PNG is shown as embedded 6 times and then saved out as an SVG with the options of Profile: SVG 1.1; Type: Convert to outline; Image Location: Embed; CSS Properties: Presentation Attributes; Decimal Places: 3; Encoding: Unicode (UTF-8) and Include XMP is checked.
Some of these resulting files have since stopped working, and upon opening, display the error "Could not find link "05AE065BE.png".
The file is not linked, and the requested file name is generated randomly. The file shows no gray button PNGs, just the empty sublayer that they are on.
I've gone round and round on how this is happening, and have only found information on file character limits and even file path character limits, and server character limits. The file name of the embedded PNG is 27 characters, and the crazy file path and file name totals 137 characters.
Why would an embedded file be causing a linking error and random renaming of the embedded file? And also, why is it only happening on some of the files and not all of them? They are built identically within minutes and batch processed!

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Illustrator :: Embedded Barcode Into AI File - Stroke Resize

Aug 3, 2012

I am having a very strange problem in illustrator and I can't work out what is wrong.
Before in a previous version when I embedded a barcode into an .ai file the barcode was fine but now in my new CS6 the stroke sizes go "mad" and resize?
Is there some sort of setting I am not selecting? I need to embed ALL images / barcodes into the packaging design as I need to send it to china for printing. (and create outlines - but can't do this until the barcode has first been embedded)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Get Only Paths Of Embedded Placed Item (without Clipping)

Sep 23, 2012

I use my script to embeding a placed graphic (MyImage.embed();). Then I always get a group with the correct paths and two clipping paths in a grouped grouped groupItem.
My question is: I want to delete the two clipping paths to get only the correct paths of the graphic.

This is, what I always have:

and this is, what i want:

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Photoshop :: Color Image Turns Grey When Paste Into New Layer

Sep 2, 2012

I have an image, all black of a ballerina on one layer, with black text on another. I am trying to put a bouquet of red roses at her feet, but it turns shades of grey when I attempt to do that.

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Illustrator :: Embedded Images Result In Enormous File Size

Mar 31, 2013

I'm using Illustrator to crop and arrange a number of raster images. However, I'm starting to have file management problems, because the Illustrator files quickly balloon in size.
Example: I got public domain jpg image of a deer off the Wikimedia Commons. This jpg image is 0.35MB. I opened up a new Illustrator document, placed and embedded the image, and saved the document (with the 'pdf compatible box' unchecked). The resulting Illustrator file is 7.7MB in size, over 20 times the size of the embedded jpg image.
I've looked around these forum, but other than the 'pdf compatible box', I couldn't find any good solutions. Is there some other option or preference that I could tweak? I need to use embedded images rather than links, but the files are getting out of control (>100MB).
The screen capture at the end of this post shows the situation. In the top folder in the screencapture, the image file is highlighted, so you can see the filesize. In the lower folder in the screencapture, the Illustrator file is highlighted, so you can see it's filesize. Then you can see the open Illustrator document on the right. (edit: the forum software is no longer allowing me to add images, so I've put the screencapture on Google Drive here: [URL]
The .ai file with the embedded image is here: [URL]
I'm using Illustrator CS6 64-bit, v16.0.3 on Windows 8-64.

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Illustrator :: How To Simplify Complex File - Multiple Embedded Live Traces

May 15, 2013

I have created a piece of artwork in illustrator which is to be printed 4x3m for a wall mural. Therefore the file I am working with must either be a vecor or a large enough raster to be printed at such as size. I have set it up at 1 to 10 so its currently A3ish size. Each component of the collage is a separate ai file and contains many points as they are all live traces. It was no problem linking in all these initially but I now need to embed them so as I can give the printers a complete file. I have succeeded embedding every image apart from one last complex one which is crashing the whole thing. Are there any settings I may be able to change to reduce the file size or simplify the graphic (whilst remaining vectors.) Below is the file with the linked images and also the outline of the embedded version so far. The problem I am having is basically because of the final output size required.

The only thing I can think of doing is opening each separate component and saving as a raster then relinking these - but will this be even more problematic for illustrator that thousands of vector points? I can do it in photoshop if needs be but as the final image is to be printed 4x3m will this be too large to handle? The ai file with all images linked was 25MB but now 500MB with the sky still to embed.

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Illustrator :: Use JPG File As Background In Dreamweaver Project - Cannot Edit Embedded Text

Jul 12, 2013

I have a jpg file that I must use as a background in a Dreamweaver project. There is some text embedded in it that I can't edit. I have tried using Illustrator and Photoshop but I lack experience so I'm probably missing something.

The file address is

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Illustrator :: Seamless Repeating Pattern - Using Embedded Images With Clipping Masks

Jun 25, 2013

We struggle a bit creating a seamless repeating pattern that includes embedded images with clipping masks applied.Our pattern is a 550x550mm black square with various embedded inserted on top. All of these images have Clipping Masks applied to hide unwanted areas.These images are placed so they create a seamless repeating pattern and this includes areas that overlap the square.Once we create a swatch from this pattern the repeatable area becomes too big as it includes the unwanted areas hidden by the clipping masks.Because the repeatable area is now too big it's actually not repeatable.
Pathfinder/crop to delete the unwanted areas in the images etc.We though of just live tracing the images, but due to the complexity this is not an option.Do we really have to do our "cutting" in Photoshop .

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