Photoshop :: Font Is Present On System But Requires A Layout Change?
Nov 1, 2012
When i open my psd file it says that the some text layers might need to be update. When i press the update button i get the message "Selected font failed during last operation. If problem persists, please disable the font". If i click "no" the file opens, but all text layers has a exclamation mark and a tooltip that says "font is present on system but requires a layout change"
I have create the PSD file using the trail version of Adobe Photoshop CS6 (downloaded from That trail has expired so i have just purhased Photosop CS 6 (from Before installing the version i purhased, i uninstalled the trail version.
I dont understand this. It the same computer and the font is a system font that comes with the OS (Windows). I cannot create any new text layers.
If a create a new PSD file i get the same message ""Selected font failed during last operation. If problem persists, please disable the font" when ever i try create a text layer.I have installed all updates.
In PS CS4. On XP. Why do I receive this message? & When the font changes, it moves the text. Why would this occur?The file was designed in PS 7.0. Does that matter? I didn't think it should if that is the problem. & yes I am having that Arial Narrow problem, but I won't get into that. It is not reading my Tahoma font either.
I'm trying to make a layout for a site that requires the height in the file name.So I was wondering if had a function similar to this picture (photoshop) or is there any other way to measure height?
Is there a way to specify a given system font that should be substituted for a given missing font? For example, the document I'm working with contains CourierStd and CourierStd-Bold which are not installed on my system. I would like to set Illustrator so that any time a document that contains these fonts is opened, Courier New and Courier New Bold are substituted automatically.
I use illustrator for several things.So i really need to use shortcut's.But there is one big problem : I have the english version of illustrator and i have a German keyboard layout.An example : Â To blank a shape u use '/' ( English Version ) To blank a shape u use '#' (German Version ) Â I can't use '/' cause i have to press shift+/ ... I dont know its not working.Can i change the "Shortcut-Layout" and use the German layout ?Â
I work in the editorial office of a medical journal and receive AI files from authors. I often get the following message: 'Font not found on the system; missing font has been substituted' when I open a file. This is a particular problem for symbol font as, e.g., a beta would be substituted by a b. I thought that fonts or subsets of fonts were automatically embedded when the file is saved (this is what seems to happen in CS5 and CS6 when you save in ai format).
I have Installed the Creative Suite 6 with InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator under Windows 7 Professional 32bit. A customer specific font has been installed in Windows and shows up in Notepad, Microsoft Office 2010 and other programs including Photoshop CS6. For InDesign I had to copy it to the "Programdirectory"Fonts folder and this worked fine. Only Illustrator CS6 doesn't show this Font (a TrueType font "cust.ttf") as available when I want to format a text with it. I've searched Google and Adobe but no luck so far. Based on other articles I also renamed the "IllustratorFonts.lst file - but also to no avail...
I upgraded to a new MB & CPU. The CPU is 3.20 gigahertz AMD Phenom II X4 955 quad core. Do I need to to anything in the preferences to get full use of the new setup?
In the title block of a my layout template I have tables inserted for revisions, drawing type, numbering etc. I have type already inserted in those blocks that I typically click on and then type in what I need it to say. My template works on all my other drawings except a particular one that I am currently working on.
When I click on the type, it automatically increases from 3/16" to 8" and enlarges the box to accommodate the new font size.
I've attached a screen. The top is before I click on the word "type" in the lower right corner and the bottom one is afterward.
Where is the icon to change the layout in photoshop cs6? In cs5 it was in the top menu bar. I want to view two files side by side but in their own tabs.
Using Photoshop CS6 on Win7 64bit on a brand new machine with 'more than average' specs, I seem to be unable to use any tool that requires me to hold my left mouse button.
- I can't make selections using any marquee tool - I can't draw using brushes - I can't draw shapes (I immediately get the 'Create rectangle' popup, as if I released my mouse button) - etc  Furthermore, I can't reverse the zoom direction by holding Alt.I've reset my preferences to the factory default by deleting Adobe Photoshop X64 CS6 Prefs.psp from the user settings, this does not seem to solve the problem.  There is an exception to the above; sometimes (not always) I can selections on a fresh start of Photoshop. This ability is lost as soon as I use any other tool. it doesn't seem as if another application 'steals focus', as I can always select other tools by using their shortcuts; that would not be possible if PS wouldn't have focus.
She works with a version of creative suite on operating system MS.DOS Â Now she has got an apple computer. Can she install the program and open with the current Product Key?
I use a Mac Pro 2x2.66 Dual Core Xeon tower with 15 GB Ram and OS 10.7.5. CS6 (always the latest update) is becoming very "buggy". It starts slowing way down, then does things like sharpening changes in ACR disappear when the photo is opened as a file in Photoshop, and other random little failures. Resetting preferences in both Bridge and Photoshop doesn't fix it. The only thing that works is re-installing CS-6.
I just installed Windows 8, and while it was very confusing I accidentally deleted all of my programs (I got confused with what the Reset Tab was) and when I went to go and install Photoshop Trial, it's telling me I need to update Adobe AIR because It's not available to my system. Â I've installed it before, the only change was from Windows 7 to Windows 8, and I've seen other people with Windows 8 use Photoshop CS5?
I have been having an issue with CS2 for some time now. Every time I connect an e-SATA external hard drive, the message pops up saying "the licence configuration data is no longer usable. Click OK to continue".  A new popup window appears, with the message: "Your 30 day period to use Photoshop without activation is over. Code:
I have one PSD that I moved from one Windows 7 machine running CS5 to another. When I open the file on the second machine all of the text layers have the little alert triangle icon. When I try to edit the text I get the message:
"Rendering the text layer will cause its layout to change. Existing pixel data will be used."  The font being used is Verdana - which I believe is native on both machines. There are no faux files applied to the fonts.Both machines are running CS5.
why text layers from one computer conflict with another computer.
I am having a problem with creating a curtain wall system. After selecting my mass surfaces and choosing "create system" I am unable to change the type of curtain wall system. It just comes up with a regular grid system on the mass, where as before I was able to choose triangles, rhomboids etc under the properties tab. Now however I see nothing except for the current curtain system and recently used files.
I have also created a custom panel which I want to insert into my project but am unable to do so? I have tried loading it into the project, however because of the above problem I am not able to change it to my custom panel system.
I calibrated my monitor and is using sRGB as working space in photoshop cs2.
If I open an adobeRGB tagged photo, photoshop says profile mismatch. If I choose to convert adobeRGB to sRGB, would some colors get clipped by the smaller sRGB space?
Suppose I want my working space to be adobeRGB, what are all the color management related things I need to change, in addition to choosing adobeRGB as the working space in photoshop? Do I need to change the monitor calibration process?
The problem that I am having is that I can not make it change fonts. I have tried reseting the tool. I have checked all of my fonts. I have removed the program and reinstalled it. I am having no luck.
The problem I'm having is that when I try to edit a text layer, the layout of the layer changes completely - I have a grey warning triangle in the affected layer thumbnail that states the following message when I hover over it : Â 'Font is present on system but requires a layout change'
When I double click to edit the text layer, the following warning dialog pops up:
'Editing or Rendering the text layer will cause the layout to change' Â I'm forced to click 'okay' to proceed which is when the layout of the text layer changes completely! Obviously this has massive implications for branding and page consitency!! Â Now even if I have to do this the long way round, which means rebuilding each individual text layer for every single document, there is another problem, it appears that after I click 'OK' photoshop distorts the text! This means that I can't increase or decrease the font size to match it up! Same font, Same height, same AA, same weight, different circle radius! Â I'm using CS5 64bit Cloud edition on Windows 7, I've already tried updating and reinstalling Photoshop but it doesnt remedy the problem, I've reinstalled a sample batch of the fonts affected and deleted any plugins
I'm trying to model a ceiling mounted arm system with the possibility to change arm lengths and angles.
My problem: I have a box with a cylinder attached to it. No problems there. Then I have another box which is the first arm of the system. I want the arm to move when I change the length of the cylinder so that the arm is always connected to the cylinder and the cylinder always connected to the other box.
When I make a part in Frame Generator, by default it will name the part a big lengthy name like "frame 000001 etc etc". Is there any way that I can change the default naming system and include parameters in the name (the parameters is not necessary, but would be useful).
ALSO, if I name 2 parts the same name will it show up as "QTY 2" in my parts list?