I tried Nexus font (finally) and don't see why people have mentioned it. I don't like it and uninstalled it quickly.Which font manager do you think is better than Font Nav?
I've a problem with "DWGtoPDF"-Plotter of Acad2013. I give the textstyle "arial" in Acad and plot it to PDF. In the PDF-Sheet i see the Fontname "ArialMT" in the document-options. I want to give the PDF's away and fear, that he gets an error while opening.
After opening a file from another designer, this Chinese font has taken over my "omens – regular" font file. Anytime I use it, it converts to this font and each time I need to change a font weight, I must do it manually. As you can imagine, I use our company font all day so this slows me down quite a bit. Have you heard of this? It seems like some sort of font virus. I've researched removing it, yet can't seem to find the original font file to get rid of, which is even weirder."
We tried moving the font family to the trash, emptying the trash, rebooting the machine, and re-adding the font family and it still is happening.
I had posted in another thread about wanting to clean up a signature and make it look more font like. I tried that and it seemed to be pretty difficult due to the amount of random in a hand written signature.
So I think I'd like to approach this from the other direction. I have a font I like but I don't want it to look like the font (way too common). Is there a way to alter the font (not the entire font set or even to create a new font but just for a one word Logo)?
I'd ideally like to connect two of the letters and also modify the shapes of the letters just a bit.
Is there a way to specify a given system font that should be substituted for a given missing font? For example, the document I'm working with contains CourierStd and CourierStd-Bold which are not installed on my system. I would like to set Illustrator so that any time a document that contains these fonts is opened, Courier New and Courier New Bold are substituted automatically.
An eps file opens without any problem with the preview as .pdf on Mac OS 10.7.5In illustrator when I open the same file, the main font is not recognized and no warning said the font is not available.
The problem that I am having is that I can not make it change fonts. I have tried reseting the tool. I have checked all of my fonts. I have removed the program and reinstalled it. I am having no luck.
I know that with past versions, changing the word that was used to preview fonts ('sample') was not possible (in 2006 anyway). But, because I believe CS4 came out in 08, I was wondering if this was a feature that had been implemented since then for CS4.
If it wasn't done for CS4, is it currently available for CC? It would be a great feature to have! I know you can change the preview size but changing the word would be awesome if you're doing a 'try out' for how a specific phrase looks and want to glance at the preview list instead of going through each font with the arrow keys to change it.
Every time I try to use the Text tool in PSE10, it won't let me change the font and the page will "jump up and down"and I get the "not responding" message.
Is it possible to change the print font size. I have printed off the reader manual to assist me, but unfortunateley , as an 80 yr/old and with only one eye, I am finding the small font difficult to read and follow. It is not possible to change the printer font size, as I am informed by H P tech dept that it is controlled in the elements 12 programe
Whenever I am editing text and press Return or Enter, Photoshop highlights the 'Set the font family' in the top options bar.I cannot find a way in the keyboard shortcuts to change it.
I've just gotten an ASUS Zenbook ultrabook, and I have to say that it runs PS (CS5) beautifully. Just one problem: with the 1920x1080 resolution, the menus, tools, etc. are tiny. Is there any way to change the size of the font in PS itself without changing the resolution on the whole computer?
I've recently changed from another program to Elements 11. When applying a watermark, whether I set the font to 8 or 72, it appears microscopic on the photo (must zoom to see if its there). I've tried watermarking via adding text and via the "Process Multiple Files" applications with the same result. (The opacity is fine.) I don't know if there's a hidden setting someplace I need to change or if this is ann Adobe defect. Since I've recently uploaded the program, am resistent to having to pay for Adobe tech support!
How can I change the UI-Font-Size of the Creative Cloud (CS6) programs? I'm working an an Dell u2711 with a 2560x1440 resolution on Windows 7 and the menus font size is 4pt or lower!
In Photoshop there is a menu in preferences>interface>ui font size and if I change it nothing happens, also if I restart Photoshop or the whole PC it just stays. The other programs doesn't even have an option like this?
When i open my psd file it says that the some text layers might need to be update. When i press the update button i get the message "Selected font failed during last operation. If problem persists, please disable the font". If i click "no" the file opens, but all text layers has a exclamation mark and a tooltip that says "font is present on system but requires a layout change"
I have create the PSD file using the trail version of Adobe Photoshop CS6 (downloaded from adobe.com). That trail has expired so i have just purhased Photosop CS 6 (from adobe.com). Before installing the version i purhased, i uninstalled the trail version.
I dont understand this. It the same computer and the font is a system font that comes with the OS (Windows). I cannot create any new text layers.
If a create a new PSD file i get the same message ""Selected font failed during last operation. If problem persists, please disable the font" when ever i try create a text layer.I have installed all updates.
I want to get a tattoo, similar to the one Johnny Depp has (Google 'winona forever tattoo' and you will see what I mean). But I want the two words to be different in my tattoo. I was hoping to take a pic to the tattoo artist with the words I want in the image.
Is there any way to take an image of his tattoo, and change the words to the words I want in my tattoo? I can't find the font on any font identifying sites, I don't even know if it is a proper font.
Sometimes Photoshop automatically change my font sizes to uneven numbers. For instance 12 pt changes to 11,98 pt. Why and what could be done to avoid this? Also XY positions of objects in Illustrator get changed to sligtly different numbers like 9,98 px.
I am using PSE12 with Mac OS X Mavericks. If I use the type tool, type some text then want to change maybe the font or size, the text disappears! If I set the parameters before typing everything is OK, but it is really inconvenient.
Also when I do a return in text the first letter of the next line is always a capital whether or not I start a new sentence!
I need assistance. How doI change the font size or sizes of menu options on photoshop elements 9 so I can see to use the program, everything is so tiny, even the X's to close out the program.