Photoshop :: Automatically Change Font Sizes To Uneven Numbers
Jul 15, 2013
Sometimes Photoshop automatically change my font sizes to uneven numbers. For instance 12 pt changes to 11,98 pt. Why and what could be done to avoid this? Also XY positions of objects in Illustrator get changed to sligtly different numbers like 9,98 px.
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Jul 3, 2013
If I'm creating a batch "text" for a number of files the strangest thing happens. I have to change 10 files all with the same or very close to the same pixel size. In this case 1024Lx . I want to insert a "copyright" text across the image. I create the action, that includes: text, text size of18pts and opacity. and then batch.
The resulting font sizes are very uneven. They are all show up in the individual files as 18 pt but some are invisiblley small some are gigantically large and some are just right. And my name's not Goldilocks. I've tried this on PS3 and PS6 with the same results.
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Dec 21, 2012
I have a drawing that draws from a .dxf template, this drawing is for a piece that travels along on a basket. Often times there's more than one "traveler" so in order for me to differentiate each traveler I added an "XX of XX" on the template, the XX's referring to the traveler number and the total travelers (i.e. 01 of 03).
Before I print out the sheet I have to replace the XX's with the real numbers then I can print it, so if theres 45 travelers i have manually click each time and then type the number in, 01 of 45, 02 of 45, 03 of 45... 45 of 45. Is there a way I can get this process automated like where I'm asked how many sheets I need then it automatically populates the sheet?
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May 3, 2013
I've got a customer that needs 1000 serialized artwork for a project. Is there a way in CorelDraw to layout a series of artwork and have the numbers automatically change from 0001 to 1000?
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Feb 22, 2012
How do I write a script to change the font sizes of ALL text in a vector layer?
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Sep 13, 2012
There is a ovelap happening in the centre. I am unable to change fonts or font sizes. Never faced this problem in 12 or X3.
The screen shots are attached for your reference.
Using this on Windows 7 Professional.
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May 16, 2012
I have been using Xara for a very long time. I have recently started a side business generating signs and banners and continue to use Xara as my primary graphics editor, but I've discovered a tiny issue and I'm hoping there is some way around it. The Font Size live preview slider is limited (for some reason?) to sizes less than 32pt, and the font drop down list starts getting coarse after 24pt and tops out at 72pt sizes. Since most of what I'm doing involves text sizes larger than 72pt and much larger than the 32pt the slider allows, both of those options for adjusting font size have lost their usefulness.
Is there any way for me to adjust the values for the slider and/or for the drop down list to allow larger numbers? I realize I could use a scaling factor and layout my signs as a fraction of their intended size, but then I have hope to remember to change the scale when I import it into my sign cutting software or run the risk of wasting vinyl, so that would be my last choice.
Surely I can't be the only person who uses large text?
Also, any issues with exporting text into EPS and getting a change in the case of the text? If I export "This is Text" as an EPS file, when I import it into my sign cutting software, I sometimes get "tHIS IS tEXT", but if I import the same EPS into Xara it looks normal. Not sure if that is Xara or the sign cutting software (LXi Express Expert edition)... Until I figure that one out, I make sure to convert text to editable shapes before exporting it...
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Aug 7, 2012
If i had a file called example.jpg already saved in a folder how can i get Photoshop to save the same image again but as example(1).jpg (or similar). At the moment it will just save over the original file if i don't change the name .
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Dec 30, 2012
Is it possible to automatically add numbers to faces in a picture?Next step is to insert the picture in a Word file where I can create a legend which tells which number in the picture is who.I understand that I need to insert the picture twice in the Word doment, 1: the original without numbers, 2: the numbered version with the legend.
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Mar 17, 2012
I am playing with the book module and I love it. Hwever, I wonder whether there is a possibility to automatically create captions that show the date of the creation of a picture. More generally any subset of the Exif data would be welcome. This is possible for slideshows, but I could not figure out how to do this with book pages.
Is there a way to automatically insert page numbers?
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Apr 8, 2014
there a way to make a Number Climb or count up like in this After Effects tutorial?It's a type of thing that's really useful for infographics.
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Feb 20, 2013
I'm in a Photoshop document, and I'm working with two different text areas. Both area registering as 14px in size in the Type menu, and yet, they're radically different in size. One is tiny, whilst the other is at least twice, maybe thrice the size. Why is this happening?
I've checked there's no overlapping text areas and things like that, everything should be fairly normal, it just isn't.
I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS6 v13.1.2 x64 for Mac, running on a Macbook Pro Retina 1.83ghz and 8GB ram.
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Mar 28, 2013
A client provided me with 100 dpi Photoshop files containing text. When I changed the file to 300 dpi, the type was slightly fuzzy. On closer examintation, I discovered that the type that was 11 pt was now reporting 3.7 pt after uprezing - but it was the correct new physical size.
I opened the same file in PS 5.5 and the font size was reported correctly and was not fuzzy.
Bug? Operator Error? This is all from Adobe Cloud.
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May 14, 2013
This problem of the font size being incorrect in the Character Palette is driving me nuts.
(Type Layer shows one size. Selected type shows another size. Single placed cursor shows another size...)
Is there a solution?
Seems like a major bug?
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Aug 15, 2012
I need to export with artboard. Illustrator automatically adds a number to my original file name. It won't even let me replace the old file. It is extremely annoying and makes flow with other programs really hard because they can't auto update, since the file name changes. When you have multiple files, you can't be manually renaming all the time.
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Oct 10, 2013
using Paint for a few months with great results, but i'm having problems trying to get font sizes to fit a page i.e.A4, i set the canvas size dpi etc, but can't get for example the the letter H in Stencil font to fit to the page without selecting it and stretching it manually which makes it not look correct, the font size won't go past 288.
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Sep 29, 2013
im writing text inside a shape and ive got that far ive even changed font sizes, now id like to write smaller text in the gaps between different font sizes. im using PSCS2.
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Apr 15, 2013
Basically, I have one text size in the model space, say 20, and one text size in the paperspace, say 0.008. These are dramatically different. I assume that the reason is due to scale, because your model could be enormous etc, and therefore it makes sense to have such a small font size in the model space.
The problem I'm really having is that I use the same dimstyle in the model space as in the paper space because sometimes I will dimension in the model space and sometimes in the paper space.
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Oct 28, 2013
I keep getting the error message "For the Photoshop UI to display correctly, open System Preferences, click Appearance, and turn off text smoothing for font sizes 8 and smaller." I go into preferences and into general but there is no setting to turn off text smoothing for a specific font. I'm in osx mavericks and all it says is "use lsd font smoothing when available" and when I uncheck it, the error message in photoshop still pops up.
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Jun 12, 2010
I am creating a restaurant menu which has a lot of different sized text. Is there a way to mass change the sizes of the fonts all in one go?I'd like to be able to reduce all the lines by 1pt in one go, is there a way to do that?
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Sep 2, 2013
I created some posters last year and I need to make them again this year. For some reason I'm not able to increase the font size past 1000.
I wrote down the instructions last year. The only thing I can't remember is how I increased the font to 2000. I can get the font size to 1000, but as soon as I increase it nothing shows up on the screen except the blinking cursor.
I'm using 3.5.10 build 3.510.4297.28964 on windows 7. I have the image resolution set to 300.
I have also tried this same thing using the latest version of on windows 8. I get the same behavior but I can't increase the font size past 900.
The file I created is too large to attach.
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Mar 27, 2012
I've been experimenting with large font sizes on a base image of 2000x3000 pixels. I've been using a basic white type face on a dark gray background and adjusting the lightness and contrast of the white color to different levels. Also, I created the type as as png first and then brought into Gimp. When the image is at full size, the type looks fine, but when I shrink the image down, say a quarter of the size, the edges of the fonts get very jagged and look like they're breaking up.
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Feb 13, 2012
I'm using C5 Extended and have been using PS for years and suddenly I'm seeing something I haven't encountered before. My font sizes are being reduced "to the closest integer" which goes to 624.14 pt. My image is only 1000px x 150px so I'm not sure where the measurement discrepancy is happening.
I noticed it first when I made a copy of a box of text and then tried to drag the text copy.
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Apr 11, 2003
When I make a text, and if I like to change the font style how can I do this with out having to click on the new font,
every time I choose a different font I have to click on that font, and if I don't like I have to click on a different one
I like to do it like in Flash MX I move the pointer over the list of fonts and may text change the font style with out click on it
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Jul 14, 2007
through some difficulty I'm having in getting the leading (ie, line spacing) I want with artistic text, in CorelDraw 12? I have three lines of text, the first line of which has a font size of 20 pt, and the second and third lines having a font size of 13 pt. The default leading is greater between the first and second lines than between the second and third -- probably due to the font size difference. I would like to make the leading equal for all lines, regardless of font size, but can't figure out how to do that. "Format Text - Spacing - Lines" seems to offer leading only in relation to character height -- which automatically makes the leading between the first and second line larger (due to the larger font size used in the first line) than it is between the subsequent lines.
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Jul 30, 2005
I'm working with two layers how do I change the size of one of them and not the other.
I'm using APS CS
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Dec 31, 2013
I have just installed elements 12 on my Lenovo Ultrabook which is running windows 8 - the icons and menus are so small I need a magnifying glass to read them.
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Mar 24, 2011
how to auto fit overset text in a fixed text frame?
I import many languages into fixed text frames and it is a pain to keep resizing or scaling manually.
As of yet I've been unable to source any javascript or applescript that can do it. The closest has been "JET_AutoFitVertical.jsx" but this resizes the text frames.
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Oct 24, 2013
My ai doc has a stretched font and when i subsequently added indepented words/phrases in different locations, they are all stretched as well. I only wanted the one stretch, so I will have to go in manually and will never get them exact, or just start fresh, so I wondered if there is a way to restore them to their original properties. Also is there a way to avoid what I did? It also stays in "stretch mode" when I typed in a different font, which is how I noticed because the o's are supposed to be almost a perfect circle and they were ovals, so it was obvious, although the first font wasn't to me.
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Feb 22, 2014
I'm using Elements 11. In order to add watermarks to many JPG pics at once, I use the function "Process Multiple Files".
I select a source folder and a destination folder, and adds a three digit serial number to each file. I do NOT tick the checkbox marked "Change picture size". After that I define the watermark I want printed on my pics and hits OK. All the files in the source folder are processed and saved, with a new name in the destination folder. Fair and square.
But. The file size of the new file is heavily reduced, compared to the original. It goes from 10 MB down to 500 KB (in general). Why is that? Is there any way I can prevent it?
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Apr 6, 2011
I am working on a project that involves animated gauge readouts. There are several sets of numbers across different areas screen that need to change, along with other gizmos and needles. I got the gizmos and needles' movement covered, but the changing numbers are tough.
for instance:
33 to 32 to 31, etc.
12:53 to 12:54
00182.7 to 00182.8
and so on...
I am running max 8. I downloaded and installed counter text but how to use it.
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