AutoCad :: How To Change 2009 Layout To Classical Layout
Apr 2, 2011Where is the button to click to change 2009's layout to a "classical layout"?
View 6 RepliesWhere is the button to click to change 2009's layout to a "classical layout"?
View 6 RepliesI use illustrator for several things.So i really need to use shortcut's.But there is one big problem : I have the english version of illustrator and i have a German keyboard layout.An example :
To blank a shape u use '/' ( English Version )
To blank a shape u use '#' (German Version )
I can't use '/' cause i have to press shift+/ ... I dont know its not working.Can i change the "Shortcut-Layout" and use the German layout ?
I have a bit of a problem with Autocad map 3d 2012. When i try to insert a scale bar or a north arrow or any other carthographic element i simply can't find the layout elements that are supposed to be in layout tools tab. I've done a lot of research online and can't come up with anything.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi already know how to change the viewport scaling from 1:1, to 1:10, to 1:20, and so on but my real issue is someone before me change the view scale from 1:1 to 1:.808XXXXX. when i print my figures from the layout everything that is not in the viewport ( like my scale bar) come out shorter that it is on the the screen in paper space. Ive tried to change it back to 1:1 but it wont accept it and keeps the .808XXX value.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I insert a field in the title block in the layouts that will show the date of the last change made to the part of the model that is shown in the layout view.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhy this code doesn't Change the current layout.
Dim acLayoutMgr As LayoutManager
acLayoutMgr = LayoutManager.Current
acLayoutMgr.CurrentLayout = "Model"
Is there a way to change the layout tab name to match an attribute in the drawing? For example, I have a block in my title block named REV and an attribute in that black named RevNum, I want my users to be able to edit that block and the layout tab automatically change to match, i.e. if they modify the RevNum attribute to be A i want the layout tab name to change to A. I want this to be transparent to my users normal workflow.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to change color of layout background in autocad 2013.
View 1 Replies View RelatedStandard in autocad stands in the plot layout plot scale inch en mm.
xxxx mm =
x unit
I want to put meters into it. Is this possible and how to do this?
I have change the orientation of my layout,the whole drawing is out of page ,How to set it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to change a viewport in layout view to show my drawing properly. No matter what I do the page only shows a very zoomed in view or a very zoomed out view. I have tried all menu options witht he word scale in, including the scale list. I have looked in the properties inspector.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn Inventor, when I export my idw to PDF, then open the pdf, the PDF opens with the "layers" browser open. Its easy enough to click the little arrow and close it, but I had rather not do that everytime.
I can change the defualt for this one file (via acrobat>File > properties, initial view tab). But that does not work when I create another new pdf.
Nothing in the Inventor options when I export it makes a difference.
How can I change the display of layout as shown in the picture to small tabs as it was in older version of AutoCAD?
Receive a lot of plans from other guys. I can watch them but when I want to plot I have to change the plotter for every layout. Isn't it possible to change the plotter of ALL layouts in one command? That would be easy!
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to change the paper space(layout) background color?I do not mean the sheet color, but the rest of the space.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy autocad always starts up with 2 layout tabs available on the drawing. In the template that I have created only one layout tab is available and if I create a new drawing according to that template after startup, only one layout tab is available. The template that I have created is set as the basic template for autocad, so it starts up using this template.
Now I want autocad to startup with only one layout tab available.
I setup a dwg with all of my annotations sized just right for model and paper, but when I XREF them to my dwg that has all of my sheets to plot. The points look the same on my model tab, but when I go to layout the points are huge. I then made sure I had the same styles and drawing settings in both dwgs.
AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)
when I demension a drawing in model space, and then go to the layout where I have a viewport set up, if I change the scale for the viewport, the dimensioning disappears and I can't get it back.
This is a coworker's drawing, so I'll do my best to answer questions on how it was created.
Is there any way to change a Profile Type that has "File" assigned to it to"Layout"?
C3D 2012 SP3 & C3D 2014 SP1
Win 7 Professional 64 Bit
I need to print the drawing to PDF ISO A0 size but the output always in to change the black layout from Portrait to Landscape?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI get several dwg's a day with up to 40 layouts in each one. All the settings are correct ACCEPT the plotter. Is there a way to set all page setups for all layouts at the same time? Something like select all layouts and do a page setup for all. Possibly with LISP or VBA?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem with AutoCAd LT 2014 incorrectly locating mouse clicks with respect to the change page layout arrows. In order to reproduce this error you must have enough page layouts in a drawing to highlight the arrows (bottom left) which change the layout tab. Clicking on the right (or left) arrow several times consecutively will be incorrectly identified by AutoCad as a double click on the 1st page layout visible and will execute the rename feature. However the mouse pointer is not over that layout tab, it is clearly over the right arrow.
Why does AutoCAD read a clicks in this area incorrectly and register them instead nearly 30 pixels to the right.
Any work around as I commonly use the arrows to cycle through pagelayouts in drawings which have 50+ page layouts.
I have also noticed that AutoCAD will preview page layouts when hovering the mouse over the page layout change arrows, this reinforces the belief that AutoCAd is not correctly identifying the mouse position in that area.
Where is the icon to change the layout in photoshop cs6? In cs5 it was in the top menu bar. I want to view two files side by side but in their own tabs.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just install the max 2012,but i can just have one viewport,then I go to the viewport configure to change the layout,but it can not change. what is the problem?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI change viewport layout to quad from single and it will not save. I saved a new maxstart file and have followed all directions find in Max books.Nothing seems to work. I save and turn program back on and layout is back to single.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a facility to change the colour layout of Lightroom 4.2 away from what I consider depressing shades of grey?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have one PSD that I moved from one Windows 7 machine running CS5 to another. When I open the file on the second machine all of the text layers have the little alert triangle icon. When I try to edit the text I get the message:
"Rendering the text layer will cause its layout to change. Existing pixel data will be used."
The font being used is Verdana - which I believe is native on both machines. There are no faux files applied to the fonts.Both machines are running CS5.
why text layers from one computer conflict with another computer.
When i open my psd file it says that the some text layers might need to be update. When i press the update button i get the message "Selected font failed during last operation. If problem persists, please disable the font". If i click "no" the file opens, but all text layers has a exclamation mark and a tooltip that says "font is present on system but requires a layout change"
I have create the PSD file using the trail version of Adobe Photoshop CS6 (downloaded from That trail has expired so i have just purhased Photosop CS 6 (from Before installing the version i purhased, i uninstalled the trail version.
I dont understand this. It the same computer and the font is a system font that comes with the OS (Windows). I cannot create any new text layers.
If a create a new PSD file i get the same message ""Selected font failed during last operation. If problem persists, please disable the font" when ever i try create a text layer.I have installed all updates.
The problem I'm having is that when I try to edit a text layer, the layout of the layer changes completely - I have a grey warning triangle in the affected layer thumbnail that states the following message when I hover over it :
'Font is present on system but requires a layout change'
When I double click to edit the text layer, the following warning dialog pops up:
'Editing or Rendering the text layer will cause the layout to change'
I'm forced to click 'okay' to proceed which is when the layout of the text layer changes completely! Obviously this has massive implications for branding and page consitency!!
Now even if I have to do this the long way round, which means rebuilding each individual text layer for every single document, there is another problem, it appears that after I click 'OK' photoshop distorts the text! This means that I can't increase or decrease the font size to match it up! Same font, Same height, same AA, same weight, different circle radius!
I'm using CS5 64bit Cloud edition on Windows 7, I've already tried updating and reinstalling Photoshop but it doesnt remedy the problem, I've reinstalled a sample batch of the fonts affected and deleted any plugins
Like the other posts Ive read in this Forum i did play with the workspace
now the Tools is gone and i don't know a way to bring it back
tried the PF8 trick a few times it says the workspace is back but no tools in the bar
I'm on the X6 trial why i'm waiting for my x6 delivery. How to get the tools back into the bar
I’ve done it before in the past so I know its possible but I have forgotten how. See the attached image I would like to change the printable area of my paper space layout.
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