AutoCAD .NET :: Doesn't Change The Current Layout
Mar 18, 2010why this code doesn't Change the current layout.
Dim acLayoutMgr As LayoutManager
acLayoutMgr = LayoutManager.Current
acLayoutMgr.CurrentLayout = "Model"
why this code doesn't Change the current layout.
Dim acLayoutMgr As LayoutManager
acLayoutMgr = LayoutManager.Current
acLayoutMgr.CurrentLayout = "Model"
After setting a layout for printing current,
LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout = LayoutName
btblRec = CType(tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
db.CurrentSpaceId returned the ObjectID of the ModelSpace and not of the Layout set current.
Is there something that could prevent this from happening?
I have a bit of code that batch processes from a template drawing. It all works fine until I get to the SaveAs() function. I have narrowed down the problem to have something to do with the drawing starting and saving in a paperspace layout. When I run the code with the template saved in model space it works fine but whe the current tab is a paperspace layout I get an error during the saveas() function "eInvalidInput"
I am using VS2008 and Autocad 2011. Is there a difference in saving with a paperspace layout current?
Where is the button to click to change 2009's layout to a "classical layout"?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to automate an attribute extraction in the form of a table. I create the .dxe file but when I use this template file with -eattext (or -dataextraction), in a drawing different than the one the .dxe was created in, I still get the original table and not the one with the attribute values of the curent drawing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use illustrator for several things.So i really need to use shortcut's.But there is one big problem : I have the english version of illustrator and i have a German keyboard layout.An example :
To blank a shape u use '/' ( English Version )
To blank a shape u use '#' (German Version )
I can't use '/' cause i have to press shift+/ ... I dont know its not working.Can i change the "Shortcut-Layout" and use the German layout ?
I've got a drawing of a site, which is about 144 meter long, so 144000 mm to put it in autocad units. I drew it completely in millimeters, and made a new scale in the layout view 1:500, all my units are set to millimeters.
I would expect when chosing the scale 1:500 it would precisely fit on my paper, as 144000/500=288 and the longest side of an A4 paper is 297.
But somehow, when chosing the scale, things get seriously messed up... My drawing is no longer recognizable at all as it is zoomed in way to far...
Also, when watching youtube video's about lay-out, I always see a little toolbar under the main frame (the one where your title stands) saying things like new viewport and page setup. Somehow it's not visible with me... How can I turn it on?
I have the filmstrip set to auto hide/show. As I browse through my library, I'll pick an image to work on in Develop. I may then want to work on an adjacent image. Instead of going back to the library to select it, I want to hover over the film strip and select the image that is 1 or 2 away from the current one.
When I first hover over the filmstrip, it shows my current location but then quickly slides to a different part of the strip. Usually no where near where I'm working. I haven't been able to determine a pattern. Sometimes it will go to the beginning, sometimes the end. Sometimes to an image I was working on the last time I closed Lightroom (if I am still in that folder).
I need the filmstrip to follow me as I move through a set of images.I don't remember having this problem in 3.x
I want to insert another drawing layout tabs contents in current drawing.
It's easy for MODEL tab, but for LAYOUT tabs, I dont know how!?
I prepared a code for INSERTING MODEL tab in current drawing:
(defun INS_DWG (TAB path dwg P / blk)(setq blk (strcat ""*" path dwg """));(setq N (vla-get-count (vla-get-layouts)));;Number of LAYOUT TABS in dwg(if (or(= TAB 0) (= TAB nil))(command "INSERT" blk P 1 0)); TAB=0 or omitted ==>Insert MODEL;(if (= TAB 1));==>Insert the 1st LAYOUT in dwg file;(if (= TAB 2));==>Insert the 2nd LAYOUT in dwg file;and so on....);;;usage:;;(INS_DWG 0 "c:\test\" "test.dwg" '(0 0))
I have a small application that zooms on an entity with specific properties. The problem is that if I am in paperspace and the entity is in model space, i cannot see the entity. How can I make the entity's space to become the current space?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to change current WCS to the object's UCS.
In AutoCAD I manually do this:
a) WCS -> OBject.
b) I'm selecting object;
c) PLAN.
I wrote this
if (sourceObject is Entity) {
Entity ent = (Entity)sourceObject as Entity;
Point3dCollection pts = new Point3dCollection();
ent.GetStretchPoints(pts); Point3d pt = pts[0];
double viewsize = (double)Application.GetSystemVariable("VIEWSIZE");
how to set current coordinate system to the object's UCS?
In Library mode, the Navigator does what I'm used to from previous versions of Lightroom -- it shows a preview of the currently selected photo. However, when I go into "Develop" mode, the Navigator chooses another photo from the collection I'm working on (always the same one, it seems) and shows that one. This is frustrating, because I like to use the Navigator in Develop mode to see previews of an edit I'm working on. It's also just nonsensical that it shows a different photo.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI cant change layers and make it current. The layer manager is stuck on layer 0.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to use the tcase command to change text case on a current drawing. some of the text is listed in properties with :A1 and various other squares and ( etc .). Any way to change this text. When I try exploding it and changing to mtext the fractions and all parts of the text is exploded as well.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi have this drawing which i created data reference to the wrong project in the wrong coordinate system and worked off that. then now i am trying to correct it. so i copied the dtm and did coordinate transformation and got that right. now the model drawing is still linked to the original dtm from the other project folder.
if i remember right back in 2007 version there was a completely built in shortcut editor which allows you to change the path in current drawing. now it's all greyed out. there is no access. so is there a way to bypass this? probably pretty common thing to do. say you want to try different version of the same object to try your design just swap it back and forth.
They should make a right click button on the data shorts in current drawing and says "browse data reference" not show up when only broken reference occurs.
one way i can think off now is copy the files to local. disable network drive, then let it broken reference show up then browse to desktop one then delete desktop one and hopefully it get the broken reference again and not look for the very original one. i think it's probably gonna do that, there is some "hidden" thing stored in the object to point to the original path which not available to users.
Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710
I want to navigate along my feature line, viewing which point is screen is the current point at the grid.
My feature line shows its points with blue circle & square grips and the current point is showed by a green circle.
The problem is the zoom level, Grips have always the same size but circular green indicator does not.
You can only view this last at a very detailed zoom.
I'd like to have a "big" arrow or something similar.The problem is the great difficulty to identify points....
Civil 3D (2013)
how can i know if the current view/display is align with the current ucs?
let's say i have rotate the ucs about z axis 45 degrees and make it plan now i draw some things and then i change back to world
worlducs = 1
viewdir = 0,0,1
ucsxdir = 1,0,0
ucsydir = 0,1,0
but the display is still in the ucs z 45 (ucsfollow = 0) set the view to PLAN current (now the view is aligned) but the system vars does not change.
For a plan UCS, you would need to compare the VIEWDIR system variable and the cross product of the UCSXDIR and UCSYDIR system varaibles.
Is there a macro/script/deisel that will automatically print a pdf (cute pdf autocad lt 2007) to current plot settings in current drawing directory and give it the current drawing view name and number? Disk space not a problem these days and would save time to have a pdf copy of all drawing tabs readily stored in the directory ready for issue.
View 3 Replies View RelatedTechnique that can check the current plotter name for the current tab and assign it to a variable? i.e. can it be assigned to a variable to check if if equals "myplotter1". The next step - is there a technique to change the plotter name to "myplotter2.pc3".
I have partially done the latter part of this in the past using the -plot command line to ASSIGN a new plotter but I would really like to only run the routine if it really needs to.
I do not recall making any changes to current settings and I'm not even sure how to do that.All my new detail lines are green. I have to change them back to black using overides.
Does this signify something? How do I change the current color back to black?
i already know how to change the viewport scaling from 1:1, to 1:10, to 1:20, and so on but my real issue is someone before me change the view scale from 1:1 to 1:.808XXXXX. when i print my figures from the layout everything that is not in the viewport ( like my scale bar) come out shorter that it is on the the screen in paper space. Ive tried to change it back to 1:1 but it wont accept it and keeps the .808XXX value.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I insert a field in the title block in the layouts that will show the date of the last change made to the part of the model that is shown in the layout view.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I copy a viewport in a layout it does not create another viewport, only a poly line.....
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the layout tab name to match an attribute in the drawing? For example, I have a block in my title block named REV and an attribute in that black named RevNum, I want my users to be able to edit that block and the layout tab automatically change to match, i.e. if they modify the RevNum attribute to be A i want the layout tab name to change to A. I want this to be transparent to my users normal workflow.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to change color of layout background in autocad 2013.
View 1 Replies View RelatedStandard in autocad stands in the plot layout plot scale inch en mm.
xxxx mm =
x unit
I want to put meters into it. Is this possible and how to do this?
I have change the orientation of my layout,the whole drawing is out of page ,How to set it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to change a viewport in layout view to show my drawing properly. No matter what I do the page only shows a very zoomed in view or a very zoomed out view. I have tried all menu options witht he word scale in, including the scale list. I have looked in the properties inspector.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn Inventor, when I export my idw to PDF, then open the pdf, the PDF opens with the "layers" browser open. Its easy enough to click the little arrow and close it, but I had rather not do that everytime.
I can change the defualt for this one file (via acrobat>File > properties, initial view tab). But that does not work when I create another new pdf.
Nothing in the Inventor options when I export it makes a difference.
How can I change the display of layout as shown in the picture to small tabs as it was in older version of AutoCAD?
Receive a lot of plans from other guys. I can watch them but when I want to plot I have to change the plotter for every layout. Isn't it possible to change the plotter of ALL layouts in one command? That would be easy!
View 6 Replies View Related