Photoshop :: Create A Large Text Based Image In PS7
May 28, 2012
I have been asked to produce a large text based image to be printed on a gym floor with a size of approx. 2m squared. I am using a Collegiate style font and then rasterising the text to allow different coloured parts and blending the letters in to each other. I have produced the image in small scale, but now need to redo the image suitable for printing at such a large size. I know I will have to start again from scratch but am concerned that it may be pixelated at such a large size.
Illustrator cs6 - I have used image trace to create a 3 colour image of a photograph. Is there a way to create layers based on the three colours? (One layer for each of the three colours)
I have to photograph a huge wall with retangle objects mounted on it. The sizes and shapes of the objects vary. I need to create a very large image.
I will need to use photomerge. Am I better off shooting it in sections from one center perspective or shooting straight into each section and using photomerge.
make a LISP that will work with my room dimensioning? I'd like to be able to specify the width and depth of the room using a command similar to the "dist" command, and then click a point to place a text based on the distances gathered. I'd also like the text to be formated into architectural units and displayed like this: 12'-0" X 13'-5". Also, if possible, round the result to the nearest inch (to avoid 1/2" and 1/4" dimensions).
the expression in question is part of larger lisp routine to create and rotate text based on the object selected and the viewtwist variable (we use dview twist to rotate our views when needed)
So the expression in question: (< (/ pi 2) ang (* pi 1.5) where ang is the total angle used to determine proper rotation of the text.
Now the problem. In most cases where ang = 90 (or 1.5708 radians) this works fine. the two exceptions i have encountered
in testing are a line at 70 degress, viewtwist 20, and line at 50, viewtwist 40. For whatever reason at these two conditions the expressoin evaulates True instead of nil and rotates the entire text object incorrectly (180 degrees). So question is how exactly is this being evaluated? i know its comparing ang (* pi 1.5) to (/ pi 2). is there some sort of rounding error? or maybe the expression needs a wee bit more definition? attached image and full lisp routine for reference of what is happening, blue text is angle of the line as created by routine at viewtwist 0.
I'm having a problem with Fcheck that no one seems to be able to solve - every time I import a large image it resizes it automatically to a fraction of its size. Notice in the image attached below that my image is 10000 x 10000 pixels but it imports and resizes to 25% of this original size.
According to the Autodesk Maya Online Help there is a command that will "Display images in full resolution preventing automatic rescaling of large images." ...that command is -F
My question to you is how and where do I enter that command? I'm using maya 2011 on Mac
Basically I just need to create a large scale depth map image...
I am wondering about the text in my images. I am compiling images that end up 1000px across and will use them at 300dpi.
Is it better to put large text into the image whilst it's still large (2-3000px) and then resize down to 1000px or is it better to not subject the text to a resize by resizing the image first (down to the 1000px) and then pop the smaller text straight into the finished size image.
Which was will give sharper text (assuming a 2 point sharpen if resizing the text in a large image). I'll attach a sample image to show the kind of thing....
I learned to move over to PNG this week after reading that the JPG I had been using as 'standard' loses quality, looks like I was the last to find out.......
i am trying to use a seamless vector pattern i created in illustrator in photoshop, however when i resize it it is rasterized. is there a way to keep it a vector and use it as a layer effect?
With any lens, there is an inherent distortion. I've seen grids at in their lens reviews. If possible, I want to use Photoshop to create the same distortion my lens would create. For example, if I photograph a sheet of graph paper, the result would be a distorted grid. Can I get photoshop to take an UN-distorted grid, and distort it in the same manner? How complicated is this, if possible?
Can i create a saturation mask based on a gradient map? For the example a gradient blue from 2441f6 to 6075f6 , and have a luminosity mask based of this gradient.
I'm trying to finally utilize iLogic and all of its functionality (after using the basic features of inventor for the past 3 or so years) and I was wondering if there was a way to use iLogic (or some other feature for inventor) to resize text in a title block field of an IDW based on the length of the text entered (i.e. if the part's name was "Cam Retainer" the text height would be .12, but if its part name was "Spacer Cam Retainer Bushing" the text height would shrink down to .085 or something) so that it would still fit nicely into the text block?
I have PSE 11. Trying to create bevel text on top of image. Does not work for me. I add text, Times NR, black or grey, grey 50% opacity. Switch to effects, choose bevel and nothing happens? Is there a tutorial clip for this?
I just downloaded a trial and I want to be able to correct and creat text and save as images (for flier or ticket content that I later convert to jpgs).How do I do that on Elements 10?
I have a family photo including many text layers. I'm trying to edit the text in a selected large multi-line text layer. I'm following the steps from the appropriate PSE article, but I always end up creating a new layer and the red/green no-go/go option. I thought I should just be able to double-click the text layer and start editing.
What is the best place to start learning Elements? Also, can I create a text only image in Elements to print to canvass (i.e. inspirational quotes, etc.)?
So I'm working in 3D again in CS6 and find myself wishing to "scale down" my image based lighting to give greater detail to my reflections. It seems like all I get with IBL is very large and blurry reflections. sharpen up and focus my IBL?
So here's the problem. I managed to delete a photo from my digital camera. Now I need it back. I recovered the file, but strangely, it's not actually recovered.
Now, I know file recovery is hit and miss, and since this was a photo from the camera itself (not a memory card), things get more complicated. Anyway, I manged to get back the photo...sort of.
The file I now have is 160x120, instead of the 3040x2288 it should be. Now, if this was an actual thumbnail, I would expect the file size to be pretty small. Instead, this little 160x120 image is 2.16MB. This leads me to belive that somehow I can get the real photo (or at least something better than the little image) back from the file. There has to be a reason for that much extra data, right?
Does anybody know how to do this? I figured Photoshop might have some advanced sort of raw file reading or some sort of rebuilding/recovery. Alternatively, someone could point me to a good recovery program (or even some other way to do this).
If it helps, the camera that the file came from is an HP Photosmart M627.
i'm having trouble creating image based slices and rollovers... where the frick is everything? i can make slices just fine but then how do i manipulate the rollover states (over, click, selected, out)?
I'd like to either use Grid view sorted by dimensions, or create a Collection based on dimensions. I can do this in Adobe Bridge, but thought Lightroom would add functionality to this.
It seems once you enter a custom name for a text layer in the Layer palettes, it breaks the connection between the text content and the layer name.
Is there any way to get a text layer's name to be the same as the content of the text layer? (In After Effects, if you clear out a custom name of a layer, it will automatically rename a text layer to what the text contains.)
Any method or script that enables generation of an image based of all the colors currently in the swatch? I would want it to fill a grid, with a patch of the color with the colors name underneath it, and with the name of the swatch as a header on a black background. Maybe even with the lab, cmyk and rgb values underneath each color.The colors need to be arranged in the same manner as in the swatch.
My vision is when someone inserts "block A", a promt will come up and ask "how many of "block A" do you need?" Based on how many you need, it will insert the block along with the arrayed amount the user has typed in.
I want to create a pyramid with a base of three sides with different lenght. In the end i want to have a solid where i can drag and move the notes to change the hight,lenght and the angle of the sides.
I already managed to draw it in 3d but now i want to convert the drawing into a solid and keep it flexible to change the parameters by draging the notes.
I also tried to extrude a triangle with a specific angle but then i was only able to move the top note up and down changes the hight. Doing it this way the top note also kept beeping in the center-point of the triangle.
I work a lot with Processing to create picture based on mathematical formula, but i need to do the same in Illustrator in order to print those picture.
Is there any way to do this, like the expressions in After Effects, or a third party plugins.
Or did i have to find a way to output good picture from Processing.
how to create a selection set based on a specific Multileader style? I can currently creating a typedvalue array to define the filter criteria, but cannot find the DXFCODE for the Multileader style.
I am doing some animations involving sine waves, and I can make an expression that controls the translation of an object such that it travels along the path of a sine wave, but I can't figure out how to dynamically create an editable sine wave curve.
Is there a way to have Maya generate a curve based upon the path that an object travels upon?
For instance I have a sphere that is moving along the X axis with time, and also moving up and down on the Z axis back and forth. I would like to make an editable curve object of this path of motion.
I can see in Maya 2012 we will have motion trails where we can see the actual path an object is moving along, and that we will be able to interact with this path to alter the animation, but what if we could take that path and make it an actual curve or NURBS object?
I want to re size them based on document sized in 'inches' to be set by resolution say for example: If the width or height is less than 4.72 inch the image resolution should be 150dpi; if the width or height is less than 1.33 inch the image resolution should be 300dpi; and the last one if the width or height is greater than 4.72 inch the image resolution should be 75dpi.