I'm having a problem with Fcheck that no one seems to be able to solve - every time I import a large image it resizes it automatically to a fraction of its size. Notice in the image attached below that my image is 10000 x 10000 pixels but it imports and resizes to 25% of this original size.
According to the Autodesk Maya Online Help there is a command that will "Display images in full resolution preventing automatic rescaling of large images." ...that command is -F
My question to you is how and where do I enter that command? I'm using maya 2011 on Mac
Basically I just need to create a large scale depth map image...
I am trying to insert a block into a file in Acad 2014 and it comes in too large. If I insert the same block into the same file using Acad 2012 it comes in at the correct scale. Doesn't seem to matter if insunits is 0 or 1, or insunitsdefsource or insunitsdeftarget are also 0 or 1.
There must be some variable or variables I'm missing.
I have to photograph a huge wall with retangle objects mounted on it. The sizes and shapes of the objects vary. I need to create a very large image.
I will need to use photomerge. Am I better off shooting it in sections from one center perspective or shooting straight into each section and using photomerge.
I have been asked to produce a large text based image to be printed on a gym floor with a size of approx. 2m squared. I am using a Collegiate style font and then rasterising the text to allow different coloured parts and blending the letters in to each other. I have produced the image in small scale, but now need to redo the image suitable for printing at such a large size. I know I will have to start again from scratch but am concerned that it may be pixelated at such a large size.
how to create "Depth of field" in photographs but the effect is not really what I want.In all of the tutorials they create two layer and blur one of them, then apply a mask and gradient it to create the effect of dof. This is not what I wan't because it does't make the scene gradually more blurry, it only creates an extremely blurry layer and applies it gradually.
So what I'm looking for is a filter or plugin that gradually increases the strength of a blur using a mask.
I am working on a private cartoon project, designing the backgrounds. One of the scences is located in the desert. I really want to create a realistic stone, with depth (like you would in Photoshop with the smudge tool) but I dont really know how. I tried the following things so far:
1) Drawing the shadows ect by hand with the pentool (didnt bring me the results i wanted) 2) Trying to add a texture (same problem^^) 3) Trying the gradient mesh tool (It is just not doing what I want)
Any good way to create good looking cartoon rocks?
I have a bunch of shots in which I have to place layers of smoke in z-depth. I found out that there is a plugin system for Nuke called YUVSOFT which does this but the company will not release their plugins for small market jobs. The depth maps don't have to be anything special or perfect. I just don't want to have to spend days and days rotoing out a 30 or 40 layers per shot with Mocha. Will the Motion Analysis node create the vectors to assist in depth map creation?
I'm creating a large scale banner (12' by 8') which includes a photographic background image with vector based logo elements and typography on top of it.
I am creating the document in photoshop, and wanted to know if using Smart Objects is the best solution for placing the logo elements and typography, but I don't know how they will be affected when the image is scaled for printing.
I am trying to send a file to a printer for a banner for a client.They only accept a pdf or jpeg at 100% scale at minimum 150dpi resolution.
I banner is over 12 metres long (12,935mm X 1100mm) and only contains vector items.
I am using corel draw x5 and have installed service pack 3. And it won't let me do either.
The largest jpeg corel will let me export at 150 dpi is 5080mm long. Any way to export larger jpeg?
When i export to pdf the resulting pdf is just blank! When I import the pdf back into corel, it imports back into corel perfectly and there doesn't seem to any issues (even tho the pdf is blank). however when I sent the file to the printer, they said it was blank as well. I read some forums that said pdfs have a limit of around 5metres, which explains the pdf issue. Even though the printer told they print pdfs larger than 5 metres all the time.
In sections the scale of the hatch appears very large. Attempting to change the scale via /properties/ material/ cut pattern/ fill pattern/ edit/ import/ change scale/... has no effect!
I'm want to add depth to my image. I've attached an image with the effect I'm looking for. Basically, it just makes the shape pop out just a little. I see they've did a fade around the edges, so I'm wondering what the easiest way to do this is. I achieved the same type of effect using the blend tool, fading the edges to black, but it's rather tedious and didn't look as good.
We're putting together a large scale (2000+) development of various housing types. These are modular units, and there is a lot of repetition (obviously). In all there are probably 6 main types, each of which has mirrored alternatives. Whilst the houses are identical, the individual plots do vary to respond to topography and the infrastrucural layout.
What is the best way of organising this in Revit ?Ideally we would like to schedule the types, walls, roofs as well as the ground works for each. I am not sure what the best approach to this will be.
Initially I had tried setting up a few house types as 'groups' then using individual building pads for each plot - this does not lend itself to scheduling overall numbers though.
I had also thought about modelling the house types as a separate file, and linking them into the masterplan, duplicating as necessary (not sure how this will work re. mirroring though). The level of detail needed in the masterplan isn't as detailed, so long as the external / internal plan is visually correct (annotations and drawings for individual houses can be kept in the relevant house type Revit file).
I'm still not sure that the linked model approach will allow scheduling though ?
We would really want to schedule the numbers of overall house types, as well as totals for materials (although that could be extrapolated from number of plots * materials for each type).I'm also concerned over file size and performance. 2000+ houses in the single model is likely to be a pretty big hit.
i m new in auto cad 2010 i today i face new problem i dont this is what? the message is that " the drawing contains a large number of annotation scales do u want to reset the scale list? "
Some weeks ago I had to make a large scale graphic (800mmx2000mm) for a roll-up banner. I wanted to apply a drop shadow to a rounded shape, and ugly lines came up. Since it was a bit urgent, I decided not to use it.
But now I'm curious, so I quickly made an ellipse and added a shadow, so you know what I mean. This also happens when I save it as pdf or image.
Perhaps someday I will have to use a drop shadow on large scale. So, what could I do in case I need to use this effect in these conditions? I use Illustrator CS6 in Mac with Mavericks.
getting the best results when creating 3D images in Photoshop. I've been experimenting in the creation of 3D images using a 2D source using Photoshop CS5. The output is intended to be a lenticular print.
I've achieved some good results by converting my single 2D image into multiple layers, creating 3D postcards and adjusting the parallax and focal plane. This gives a good illusion of depth in the image, but (in my experience at least) I can't get a layer to look like it's popping out of the screen.
I've also tried using a single image and creating a depth map from a greyscale image. This does work to make it look like the image pops out of the screen, but I can't get the same illusion of depth that I get in the other case without distorting the image.
What I'd like to do is combine both methods, using the depth map for the foreground layer and using parallax and focal plane settings for the background. Unfortunately I can't get this to work. If I use a semi-transparent layer as the basis for the depth map I get a light grey fringe around my target layer when I apply the greyscale mask and if I then try and set the parallax and focal plane settings as I would have in the first scenario, the layer with the depth map becomes unusable.
I have some third-party presentation software that requires all images be 8-bit. So I used Photoshop for all photo editing and made sure my PSDs were 8-bit before exporting stills (PNGs) for my presentation. 50+ PNGs were successfully created this way, but i'm having problems with a single file. When I open the correct files in Windwos Pic/Fax View, right click, show properties, go to Summery (advanaced), all the correct files have a bit depth listed as 24.
My problematic PSD says it's in 8-bit, but the PNGs that I create from it are consistently listed as having 32 bit depth in Windows Pic/Fax View. As a test I exported other images formats (TIFFs, JPEGs, etc...) and they all came out as 32 bit depth. How do I fix this? I tried opening the PSD, saving as different name, switching to 16-bit and then back to 8-bit, still didn't work.
I have a scene showing a wide plain heading towards low mountains. The perspective is such that the mountains appear to be about 1/2 a mile away, across a basic southwest desert plain covered by dry-looking yellow grass, sagebrush, some cactus, etc.
My problem is how best to cover the plain with grass so that it's covered well enough to look realistic. Paint Effects works beautifully, and eventually I'll place clumps and varieties throughout, but covering such a large area by painting short grass all over is time consuming. All I've seen by searching online suggests using Paint Effects to paint in grass, which works, but it's extremely time consuming. If the only way is to spray a little bit then convert it to polygons, watch the coverage drop due to the polygon count, then repeat the process...something tells me this can't be the most efficient way.
How to more quickly cover a large area with decent looking grass. I suspect a nice combination of the right surface texture underneath Paint Effects might do the trick,.
I changed the background of a picture and I am satisfied so far, except for the end of the hall. The transition form where the hall ends and the green stuff I pasted begins. The edge is to hard or something. I don't know how to explain it but it is obvious that there can be made some progress there. How to make those edges more natural?
This is the original And this is the result (sofar)
exporting my CorelDrawX6 files as a high quality jpg for large scale printing purposes. In X4 it was very easy - just export as usual to the highest quality cmyk jpg and open in Photo Paint... now when I export this way it takes forever to bring up the preview page and most of the time it ends up being blank. Sometimes even crashes. I have played with all options in the filter dialog menu that I can find but nothing works. Thought it might be a file size problem but never had that problem in X4 and anything under 200dpi will not be high enough quality.
I would like to somehow save the depth reading (in mm or inches) at each pixel of the image through a camera viewport. Currently, I'm using this script to save each reading in inches to a text file but it is really slow. I've learnt that OpenEXR can save a single floating-point channel image. Are there a faster way that I can save all the readings (in mm or inches) to .exr file or other format that support 32 bits single channel? If not, is it possible to scale the output (grayscale) floating point reading in exr to mm. (are they linear?) given that I set the minimum/maximum zdepth range.
startFrame = 0 endFrame = 50 for frameNum = startFrame to endFrame do ( sliderTime = (int(frameNum)) fname = ("H:HAND_DATAdepthh" + (int(framenum) as string) + ".txt") myfile = createfile (fname) rbm = render outputsize: channels:#(#zDepth) vfbff for y=0 to 239 do (
how can I scale an object along two axes? For example along x and z axes, because if I use the scale tool I can only scale along one axis or x, y and z axes at the same time.
When I try and scale anything, I hit the hotkey R and the 3 manipulators appear. No matter what I click on, X,Y,Z,or center, when I move my mouse I get an "automatic" jump increasing the size. I can't seem to get it to do anything but these staged jumps in size. I cannot scale anything down, unless I use the universal manipulator tool. So, for example, if I want to scale a size 2 sphere to a size .8, I would have to use the universal manipulator and Shift-click on one of the matrix corners and that will allow a uniform scaling. I realize that I can always enter the scaling amount in the Channel or Attribute box field, but it may be that I'm trying to visually scale something and entering numbers isn't exactly the best way.
To get from the first to the second picture I used the scale tool on the selected points and scaled manually with the mouse. This however is inexact as I'm eying it. How do you exaclty scale the z and y values?