AutoDesk Smoke :: Create Vectors In Depth Map Creation
Jun 20, 2013
I have a bunch of shots in which I have to place layers of smoke in z-depth. I found out that there is a plugin system for Nuke called YUVSOFT which does this but the company will not release their plugins for small market jobs. The depth maps don't have to be anything special or perfect. I just don't want to have to spend days and days rotoing out a 30 or 40 layers per shot with Mocha. Will the Motion Analysis node create the vectors to assist in depth map creation?
I'm trying to use motion vectors that I rendered from Maya 2011 using Mental Ray's 2D Vectors for Toxik preset. The vectors work for blurring in Toxik and Nuke but when I bring them into CFX, the Motion Blur node goes crazy and shows arrows going off in all different directions. Is there a different format for rendering motion vectors from Maya for CFX or is this a Smoke 2013 bug?
I'm specifically looking into using motion vectors to control the position of a texture. For a better idea of what I mean. See this video, especially at 1:08
I'm sure some people will call this the "Paperman" effect.
I see a lot of information out there on how to use motion vectors to do motion blur, but not much else. I'm sure they are capabable of soo much more! All that movement information from 3D in a 2D environment sounds great!
I have motion vector channels correctly exported from Maya and I'm wording which CFX combination I would use to composite a texture in a way that it was controlled by the movement information of the motion vector channel.
When setting up a new project, I'm unable to change the bit depth for the project. It's set to 8-bit and ghosted. The graphics render button has a selector but when clicked it doesn't bring up the drop down.
My guess is that it has something to do with my hardware configuration (read: I need to upgrade my GPU) .
I'm inside cfx where at the end of my network , i attach resize and set bit depth to 10 bit. Then i create a cfx node. The cfx node now cannot be rendered. After finish rendering, it will be back to unrendered state. The project setting itself is set to 16 bit fp. If i set that resize using the same 16 bit , then cfx clip has no problem.
is there a way to create a lightstroke inside of Smoke?
I'm working on a project where I have to create a lightstroke as some kind of transition between shots (all in 3D space), and it would be nice to know if that's even possible?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
how can we create freeze frame like we do in FCP. i tried with Command U but that comes with audio and when i stretch on time line it gives handles. where in FCP when i create freeze frame it is like a still frame of JPG or any other file. when i stretch it just increase the duration of the still file.
Secondly if i did chroma key in FCP and i take the freeze frame of the clip, it creates the freeze with matte(alfa or transparent). how can we create that?
I have a sequence contain couple of clips/cuts. I then create a container and save the container in the desktop. What i want to do is to make this container as a 'master' clip so every time i put it into a new sequence, it will create an instance of the master clip. This means everytime i edit the master clip (change edit /trim etc), it will reflect immediatelly in all the instances. Is it possible ? The current implementation, i can only duplicate/copy which then they become disconnected from the 'master' clip. Do i have that options ? This is handy when i want to have managed control of that container.
I would like to crate some animation in Action or CFX. (Start text or some lens flare, etc). I would like them to start in just the right time on music (on certain beat or place in music). Is it possible to see wave form of an audio clip in Action or CFX?
can i collect multiple nodes and collapsed them into a single node (group) and export it as a single new node (custom node ) where then i can add or expose/hide any original parameter as well as creating my custom (new) parameter or button where the button will be controlled by expression (python or similar) to do custom task. It's like in Sidefx houdini and foundry Nuke (pure node based app). can i do this in smoke.
Using the axis transition how would I go about creating a push, it sounds so simple but I've been screwing around for a little bit and haven't done it.
I've done a "slide in" on my incoming clip but thats just half of it. Also, I saw somewhere that you can reveal the axis nodes on a timeline axis effect, but I'll be damned it I cant remember how.
I have a new project coming up.At the beginning, everything is supposed to be in a black and white world, just the product is supposed to be colored. And everywhere, where you place the product, the surroundings become colored too (as if being washed over with color). I already started playing around, but the result is not yet satisfying.
I'm in thumbnail view (desktop) and i want to create a single coloured frame (right click and select new/colour source). i want to choose color by picking up from a clip in my desktop. The problem that as soon as i choose 'colour source', for whatever reason.... the background (desktop) become darker, so whatever i pick from background will be invalid color.
How to create automatically for each project, a desktop library identical with the same folders (DigitCut, Elemts, Conformation, Rushes, Audio,...), each graphic artists will be able to work with the same tree?
I was wondering, is there no more option to simply create a colored frame like you were able to in smac 2012 (without having to create a cfx or go into paint)? Or maybe I just haven't found it...
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I will receive a 2D object and a normal pass. And from that I need to create some shperical image that will be mapped on to the image without being in 3D space. I know it's somehow possible in Fusion using some global pointers. Is something similar possible in Smoke?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
Any tips for synching audio with on-camera reference mic? Also, once synched in timeline, is it possible to merge audio with video and create a clip that can be organized in media hub/bins?
I have this HUGE maps I have to import to create pan and zooms. The file is a PNG with a resolution of 25000 x 16400px. Smoke doesn't play nice when I import this dil. It's all black and won't render. If there a max file resolution in Smoke? Or is it a problem with PNG files? (I tried with PSD adn it did the same).