3ds Max :: How To Save Pixel Depth Reading To Image File
May 23, 2012
I would like to somehow save the depth reading (in mm or inches) at each pixel of the image through a camera viewport. Currently, I'm using this script to save each reading in inches to a text file but it is really slow. I've learnt that OpenEXR can save a single floating-point channel image. Are there a faster way that I can save all the readings (in mm or inches) to .exr file or other format that support 32 bits single channel? If not, is it possible to scale the output (grayscale) floating point reading in exr to mm. (are they linear?) given that I set the minimum/maximum zdepth range.
startFrame = 0
endFrame = 50
for frameNum = startFrame to endFrame do (
sliderTime = (int(frameNum))
fname = ("H:HAND_DATAdepthh" + (int(framenum) as string) + ".txt")
myfile = createfile (fname)
rbm = render outputsize: channels:#(#zDepth) vfbff
for y=0 to 239 do
I need to look at the pixel intensity of a gray scale image to write some code. I have used some trivial softwares like paintshop pro earlier where you can see the pixel intensity being displayed along with the co ordinates of the pixels as you slide your mouse pointer across. In Gimp 2.8 for windows, i can see the co ordinates but not the intensity. My image is a grayscale image.
I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?
So I am making digital color prints at 24x30. the photography work is about color fields and gradients, so I need super high res files. I have set the size to 24000x30000 pix at 1000 dpi..now my problem, when i go to save the gimp file as a jpeg i get this error message "JPEG image plug-in could not save image"
I am trying to find a way to save my image file as a jpeg and add -web or -print to the existing file name. This way I can easily see which files are lower resolution for web posting or high resolution for printing.
I'm want to add depth to my image. I've attached an image with the effect I'm looking for. Basically, it just makes the shape pop out just a little. I see they've did a fade around the edges, so I'm wondering what the easiest way to do this is. I achieved the same type of effect using the blend tool, fading the edges to black, but it's rather tedious and didn't look as good.
getting the best results when creating 3D images in Photoshop. I've been experimenting in the creation of 3D images using a 2D source using Photoshop CS5. The output is intended to be a lenticular print.
I've achieved some good results by converting my single 2D image into multiple layers, creating 3D postcards and adjusting the parallax and focal plane. This gives a good illusion of depth in the image, but (in my experience at least) I can't get a layer to look like it's popping out of the screen.
I've also tried using a single image and creating a depth map from a greyscale image. This does work to make it look like the image pops out of the screen, but I can't get the same illusion of depth that I get in the other case without distorting the image.
What I'd like to do is combine both methods, using the depth map for the foreground layer and using parallax and focal plane settings for the background. Unfortunately I can't get this to work. If I use a semi-transparent layer as the basis for the depth map I get a light grey fringe around my target layer when I apply the greyscale mask and if I then try and set the parallax and focal plane settings as I would have in the first scenario, the layer with the depth map becomes unusable.
I have some third-party presentation software that requires all images be 8-bit. So I used Photoshop for all photo editing and made sure my PSDs were 8-bit before exporting stills (PNGs) for my presentation. 50+ PNGs were successfully created this way, but i'm having problems with a single file. When I open the correct files in Windwos Pic/Fax View, right click, show properties, go to Summery (advanaced), all the correct files have a bit depth listed as 24.
My problematic PSD says it's in 8-bit, but the PNGs that I create from it are consistently listed as having 32 bit depth in Windows Pic/Fax View. As a test I exported other images formats (TIFFs, JPEGs, etc...) and they all came out as 32 bit depth. How do I fix this? I tried opening the PSD, saving as different name, switching to 16-bit and then back to 8-bit, still didn't work.
I tried the solution given in another message to change the doc to BITMAP mode and greyscale. When I open the file to work on it, CS2 says its CMYK / 8 bit. Is the file truly 1 bit depth? Our scanning software won't allow the creation of templates on any other color depth.
I changed the background of a picture and I am satisfied so far, except for the end of the hall. The transition form where the hall ends and the green stuff I pasted begins. The edge is to hard or something. I don't know how to explain it but it is obvious that there can be made some progress there. How to make those edges more natural?
This is the original And this is the result (sofar)
I'm having a problem with Fcheck that no one seems to be able to solve - every time I import a large image it resizes it automatically to a fraction of its size. Notice in the image attached below that my image is 10000 x 10000 pixels but it imports and resizes to 25% of this original size.
According to the Autodesk Maya Online Help there is a command that will "Display images in full resolution preventing automatic rescaling of large images." ...that command is -F
My question to you is how and where do I enter that command? I'm using maya 2011 on Mac
Basically I just need to create a large scale depth map image...
For my work I have to cut and change the size of images a few thousand times a day.
When I want to save a edited image to a file(every image goes to the same file all the time),I always have to search this file. How can I program CS5.1 to always go to that specific file to save the image. Instead of searching for the file all the time!
Second thing is that the images always have to be changed to the same resolution. Is there a way to 'automate' this. I Know: - File - Automate - Fit Image. But is it possible to do this with a key combination or make a 'button' somewhere?
when I need to "save as" a file, or insert an image, pdf, etc, instead of a pop-up window where I can browse and select folder or files, Autocad wants me to insert this information in the command window at the bottom of the screen. For exemple (in french):
Entrez le format de fichier [R14(LT98<97)/2000(LT2000)/2004(LT2004)/2007(LT2007)/2010(LT2010)/Normes/DXF/G abarit] <R2007>:
I open a jpg file in gimp and use the crop tool. I see the cropped part highlighted and the part to be discarded as a surrounding shaded area. I am happy with the cropped part and open a file-save-as dialog through the file menu. I type in the file name and think I am done. But when I open the saved file, it looks the same as the uncropped file that I started with in the first place. What am I failing to do to make the gimp save my change? I guess the answer is that I didn't really make a change but only thought I did. So how do I actually change to the cropped image?
I purchased LR for the simple purpose of removing dust spots. I bought and read a book. I removed the spots, and tried to save a file of the corrected image, and could not find a way to do that. I know all about catalog = DB, but really, this product cannot save an image to disk?
Recently I have been making cloisonne pins and was referred to Vector Files. I take a bitmap and use the trace outline to either detailed or clip-art depending on which looks better.
My problem occurs after my artwork is finished and needing to create a general outline of the object to show what the border of the pin would be. I am also trying to provide a look with the slightest bit of depth to show how the impression of the lapel pin should look.
I'm currently in the process of organizing my music collection with album art. I found a great site with high quality images[URL] .... and would like to resize pictures to 600x600 within the range of 200-300KB. Is there a way to automatically do this without changing the quality percentage by trial and error?
I used to be able to save a layered image as an .apng file [and set the delay time etc], which I would then convert to a gif using apng2gif. I found that the quality was turned out better than the other ways I've used to try and make gifs, and it seemed easier.
Anyway the other day I had to format my laptop and as a result all the programs were uninstalled. When I re-installed Paint.net I found that I couldn't save images as .apng anymore.
As far as I can remember the only changes I made to Paint.net were downloading some pyrochild effects.
I have a document which has has a non-square pixel ratio thus requires pixel aspect ratio correction to be turned on to view the image correctly.
I want to save it as a JPEG for use online however I cant find an option anywhere to make the saved file have the corrected aspect ratio.
Essentially when I save the file as a JPEG (or any end format) the image is squished. How can I save the file not squished? (i.e. burn in the ratio correction)
how to delete the one pixel line which surrounds Illustrator JPG and GIF images in the Save for Web dialogue box. I can import the image into Photoshop, but I'm trying to retain a bright red color on an image for the web (#FF000), and the color becomes darkened in Photoshop.how to get rid of that one pixel line?