Photoshop :: Aligning Layers

Oct 26, 2007

I have just found out about layer masks wow they are powerful before this I was cutting people from one picture and pasting them into another

What I am trying to do is have me in the same picture twice as 2 different people I know you do this using a layer mask and then using the brushes as I said above

But when I open both images and drag one onto the other how do I line them up exactly the same so when I do use the brush tool and brush away both images match up exactly the same underneath

I am locking the camera down with a tripod and its kept in the same position for both shots but what i have noticed is if you do not line both images up exactly the same you have like a ghost effect if you know what i mean

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Photoshop :: Aligning Two Layers That Have Layer Masks On Them

Sep 9, 2012

I am having trouble aligning two layers that have layer masks on them. At the moment, the Align Left Edge tool is aligning the layers based off the entire contents of the layer, and not the mask, resulting in the layers not appearing aligned at all. Is there something I can do to tell the Align tool to take the masks into account?
I am using CS6.

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Photoshop :: Animated Gif - Aligning Multiple Layers?

Apr 16, 2013

I am creating a rotating animated gif in PS. Now I have about 37 layers, where I increment the angle of each layer with 10 degress relative to the previous one. But even when aligning all my layers with the aligning tools the layers still not align...How can I align them perfectly?

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Photoshop :: Aligning Objects On Multiple Layers

Jan 11, 2005

If you have raster (or vector) item on seperate layers, I know I can link all the layers together, but when I select the MOVE tool and press the button that centers to the middle of the canvas, it moves every item to the center of the canvas (as it should) But these items, when viewed "together" make up an element that I'd like to be considered "grouped" so the "collectively" then are centered to the canvas as one item. Is this possible?

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Photoshop :: The Advantages Of Grouping Layers Regarding Outlining And Aligning And Such?

Aug 21, 2007

encouterd some remarks about the alignment and outlining of your layers in your group.. I get the impression that you should group the relevant layers, so that its easier to align them or clip them of outline them or whatever.. Which would be great, because Im always having difficulties with shape layers that go outside their bounds.. and adding multiple clipping masks seem to be a lot of work..

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GIMP :: Aligning Layers - Part Of Image Disappears

Jun 25, 2013

I'm a Gimp newbie, using 2.8.4. I have a png image that's 530 pixels wide. I'm trying to merge it with a white background layer that is 960 pixels wide. I need to align the image to the right side of the background layer. This is what I did:

- opened my image
- created background layer (960 px wide)
- made background layer the bottom layer
- clicked on Alignment tool
- clicked the hand cursor on the image (530 px wide)
- made the background layer the active layer
- set "Relative to:" Active layer
- clicked on the right alignment arrow

The image did move to where I wanted it, but most of the image from the right edge disappeared, so all I've got is a small portion of the left side of the image in the middle of my background layer. Then I did the following:

- merged visible layers with Expand as necessary

That action merged the layers, but all I have is a small part of my image near the center of the background.

Attached File(s) Screenshot from 2013-06-25 19:41:24.png (59.32K)

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Photoshop :: Aligning Issues!

Aug 13, 2009

I was wondering when I align a layer to another layer, if there was a way to do it so that only one layer moves. I.e. in visio when you select your first object, that becomes the Master, and all other objects you click after this will all sync to the master, rather than what seems to happen to me in PS, i.e. both layers are moved a little. I'd like to be able to allow the first layer i click on to be static, and any other layres align to it only. can this be done?

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Photoshop :: Aligning Shape

Feb 17, 2008

I am adding a marker to a map, but I do not know how to align my marker (red) square with the street Laurie Shepway. how I can align the shape with the street in Adobe Photoshop CS2?

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Photoshop :: Merge To HDR - Aligning Not Working?

Feb 25, 2013

There is a checkbox called "Attempt to Automatically Align Source Images" in File/Automate/Merge to HDR Pro..It seems to me that it does nothing. Even when I shoot with tripod and the unaligment of source images is very small, the end result is also off.

When and how should this automatic aligment work? I have Photoshop CS5.

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Photoshop :: Aligning And Merging Photo's

Jan 10, 2005

I been given a project to align and merge three photo's to make one panorama. And there will be about 300 panorama's. So thats 3000 photos i have to align and merge. The problems I'm having it that the photographer is using an analogue camera outdoors. And i have been manually scanning them

I have tried automated merge and they don't merge. The 3 photos that make the panorama are all different angles. This isn't because of the scanning. Its the photo's i been given.

So i went with a different way of doing it. That is the first photo to make up the panorama, I tried to align all the first photo's in one go with Photomerge and save them as sperate layers. And they won't align because each photo has a different angle.

What I'm asking is a few hints. Is there addon's or something i can use to help me merge them. Or i can align every single first photo and link them, align every single second photo and link them, and align every single third photo and link them. Then all i have to do when I have done that is only use the first layer of each group to make the merge and every other photo will do the same.

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Photoshop :: Aligning A Layer With A Path

Dec 3, 2002

how to align a layer to a path I've created using the Pen tool;

I'm using Photoshop 6,

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Photoshop :: Aligning Shape To Line

Feb 17, 2008

I am adding a marker to a map, but I do not know how to align my marker (red) square with the street Laurie Shepway. Could anyone please tell me how I can align the shape with the street in Adobe Photoshop CS2?

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Photoshop :: Centre Aligning Of Objects

Dec 5, 2006

The DVD is a music DVD and thus I have text for each song name in the chapter list. I have created each song title on a different layer, but wish to align each of those texts in a position that is central (horizontally) on the page. Is there a quick way to do this?

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Photoshop :: Manually Aligning Images In Photomerge?

Feb 19, 2013

In PS CS2 I used to manually align 3 images in Photomerge to make a triptych (not a panorama).  I can't figure out how to do this in CS6.  Do I need to work with a tool other than Photomerge?

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Photoshop :: Photomerge Vertically Aligning Image

May 30, 2013

I've been trying to use photomerge to create a panoramic. However, it keeps trying to create a vertical panoramic out of horizontally oriented images and then reports an error about being "unable to align" the images. I'm using CS6 extended 64 bit with Windows 7. I've tried auto, reposition, perspective, and the other settings separately all with no luck.

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Photoshop :: Aligning Monitor Brightness With Print...

Apr 8, 2009

Is there a quick way to toggle between the brightness I see in the monitor and what is on the print?  The image on the monitor looks great, but when I print it always seems to be 1.5 steps too dark.  I know I can just keep dialing in a compensation, but is there not a simpler way?

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Photoshop :: Aligning An Object Or Text On A Page

Dec 10, 2007

Is there a way to align text or an object on a page? I have done this using the guides, but there has to be an easier way! I'm looking for vertical and horizontal alignment.

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Photoshop :: Aligning 2 Anchor Points In A Vector Shape

Oct 9, 2012

Trying CS6 for the first time and noticed that I'm having trouble aligning 2 anchor points in a vector shape. For some reason, no matter how much I zoom in, the anchor "snaps" where I don't want it to, which wouldn't be so bad if the anchor I'm trying to align with it snapped at the same place, but it doesn't.
I tried checking/unchecking "align edges" and "constrain path dragging", but neither has any effect on the problem.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Rotates Text 90 Degrees To Right Instead Of Aligning Characters Vertically?

Jun 13, 2012

Type some text and try to change orientation to vertical and the program rotates 90 degrees to the right instead of aligning text.
I did a reset of Photoshop settings file (CTRL + SHIFT + ALT on Photoshop boot) and no change of issue.
Video of issue included.
Windows XP SP3
Photoshop CS6 Extended

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Photoshop :: Aligning 3D Items With Vanishing Point's Perspective Planes?

Aug 18, 2012

I'm really wanting to utilize CS5's powerful 3D capabilites, but am at a loss on how to properly align 3d items in perspective to the filter Vanishing Point's planes.
I'm building a digitial room setting, and want to place a simply painting (extrusion created with Repousse, texture layer merged down onto 3D layer) on the wall in proper perspective, with an extruded canvas like so:

This took plenty of time to accomplish. Nudging, moving, stretching, etc.. You can see my gridlines of course there created by the Vanishing Point filter. Is there an easier or quicker way to match up 3d objects within PS to these perspective planes other than doing it visually this way?

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Revit :: Link CAD Not Aligning?

Mar 7, 2013

For some reason on certain cad files when linked into revit. when I hit the align button. the linked filed doesnt properly select the lines, it selects an area near the line, which causes it to not properly line up to the revit line work

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3ds Max :: Snapping And Aligning Inaccuracy

Feb 11, 2011

I'm making a model of a building over a AutoCAD plan and I’m having problems with snapping and aligning. After I import polylines from AutoCAD, the accuracy becomes a problem, I can’t align or snap anything accurately (as seen on the attached picture). It keeps snapping in midd-air and not in the endpoint/midpoint, align doesn’t work either (the boxes in the picture are all aligned, x-max and y-min). I should mention that the same (similar) problem accrues in AutoCAD and after purging and repairing the dwg and starting over in max, it got better, but is still there.

3Ds Max 2013 Design/Vray 2.3/Win7 64bit
Q6700/8Gb/Radeon HD4870 1GB

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3ds Max :: Aligning Objects Over A Surface

May 10, 2011

I want to create a Picture like the following one with 3ds max, but I don't know how (except of manually aligning the spheres). I tried it with Position Object in PFlow, but i get nothing but random Alignments around my Base Object.

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Illustrator :: Artboards Not Aligning?

Feb 3, 2014

I need to create two art boards in my design document.  They are off by a pixel and won't line up like some weird snap feature is on. I've checked and turned off all snap features. Still not lining up.

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Illustrator :: Scale Is Not Aligning

Feb 16, 2014

I do not know if this is something weird with Creative Cloud, but I use Illustrator A LOT to do art.  Recently, I noticed that if I take a complex shape with angles and curves that I make with the pen tool, and I Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+F it will, like normal, stack the items directly on top of one another, or I can edit copy, and edit paste in place/ in front, etc. So, I have two of the same shape exactly on top of one another. For my example we change the bottom shape to a different color to make it show up when we scale it, and go up and transform the bottom shape bigger, by clicking transform, scale- lets say  to 110%. My problem is now the items seem to be touching and overlapping in places on the edge. They seem to no longer have the same center spot aligned with one another, and I never moved either shape. i just scaled one. I just noticed this the other day, and like I said, I make pattern art  in illustrator all the time.  It doesn't happen if you do this with a circle or a square or a star, just strange shapes you create with the pen tool with lots of points. 

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Point Cloud Not Aligning?

Mar 8, 2011

I can get my stylised map from Promap into Map3d 2011, and I have tried importing the point cloud data which I have as a esri ascii grid file, it is basically 3 columns of numbers:- for north, east and height.

Unfortunately when I choose to format as nez (when importing) it turns the whole lot round by 90degrees ...

I have tried importing it as enz but no joy, and also in niether case will it align with my map (have tried using coords and not using coords).

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AutoCAD .NET :: Aligning Object By Points

Jan 2, 2013

Is it possible to align object by 2/3 point using .net? Its easy to do with autocad, but I can't find a way to do it using .NET.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Aligning Two Axes

Jan 1, 2014

I am trying to align two components together by their axis as seen in the picture attached.  The small mounts are to be mated to the face of the large plate at different radii and the rods connecting the rods are to be aligned along their axis.

I want to align the cylinders together by their axes and mate the mounts to their respective plates. Can axes be aligned with a student license of Inventor and if so, how?

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GIMP :: Aligning Text Over A Graphic?

May 22, 2012

How do I align text? (L,R,C)

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Revit :: Aligning Titles With Drawings?

Jan 19, 2013

Is there no way to control the placement of the drawing titles with snaps? I would like to use the view grids so that they are always lining up at the same place each page, but it seems that they are impossible to nail down, lock, pin etc?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Exact Aligning Of Objects To Each Other

Apr 12, 2012

I am having some difficulty getting objects to exactly align to another. When I zoom in as much as I can I see that the two objects edges are not exactly aligned to each other on one axis despite having the same co-ordinate values. I am working in meters unit value. I have tried going to millimeter unit setup but I still have the object aligning issue using what seems to be the finest level of movement - 3 millimeters per movement action.

3ds Max 2010 educational license for modelling.

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