How do I create a blank layer to be used as my "Background Layer" in CS6? I need to do this action before importing anything because once an image is imported, the image is automatically set as the Background Layer.
I need an easy way to fix a high contrast image such as an interior home shot where the windows are blown out and you can't see outside detail,but the interior is either correctly exposed or is underexposed. Basically what i need to do is combine the correctly exposed interior with the correctly exposed windows, showing correct exposure for both interior and exterior detail. To get the correct exposure i have been taking a shot in which i meter the windows, and without moving the camera, take another shot in which i meter the interior.
Here is where i get stuck. the way i've been doing it, which takes way too much time for my purposes, is to either use the magnetic lasso tool or the polygonal lasso tool to select the area of the properly exposed windows, and then cut and paste the selections to the other layer. The problem with this is,
it takes quite a while and i usually have to go back and do some cloning around the edges to fill in the spots that got missed, which takes alot of time as well, because it usually takes me several tries to get it right. Is there an easier way?
I open something with paint and then I do crop and copy the area. Then I open up another document and paste it. Now I am trying to blend it in. I think I can use layers. Create a new layer, then add a layer mask. Then, at least that's how I have seen it online, I can use the brush tool to make the background reappear around the letters ( letters in my case). But this does not work. The brush only paints it in the background color.
way to do this from the layers menu (ctrl-click new layer icon), but is there a key combo? I use shift-ctrl-n a lot to make new layers, but often I need to make a new layer *below* the current layer.
! would assume that something like this has been made but i cant for the life of me find it when shall i find a plugin or default way of doing this i have about 50 layers that need saving as an image each and the idea of doing it by hand scares me.
I want to create an image that will be composed of lots of layer masks that I am going to use to paint different effects back over someone's face. I currently have a hue/saturation adjustment layer that I used to de saturate the image and then I selectively painted that desaturated layer back over the skin of someone, I also want to add some green so I created a color balance layer and made a layer mask out of it and want to selectively paint back some green to the skin tone.
1. Does it matter in the layer stacking order where these adjustment layers/layer masks reside? 2. Any general tips for working with an image with lots of adjustment layers/layer masks?
I`m trying to swich a image on a layer whit a layer mask. I whant to keep the layer mask but change the image. When I paste a copyed image it the laye it creates a hole new layer. How can I change a image but keep the layer mask?
I'm currently using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I create a new layer and set it as current in the layer manager, regardless of what color I set the new layer to, the new layer's color remains the same as the previous one in the properties box even though the colors of the layers are always set to "by layer."
Im working on 4 pages and i want to keep the page sizes different on all 4 of them but whenever i change the pages size on 1 page then all the other pages also follow the 1st page.
i went to object manager but i don't know what i should do to stop it.
How to get a background, the same on every page of a booklet, with bleed for printing? Using Page Layout/Background will only size to the page, no bleed. There must be a way to have a Master Layer as a static background (with bleed) but when I try it always sits on top of every page & I cannot bring the page text to the front.
I add one ore two duplicate layers to the background layer. Then I add multiple adjustment layers (e.g., Hue/Sat; Brightness, Cotrast,etc.). Then I want to use the Clone Stamp to take something off of the background. The only way I am able to remove an item with the clone stamp is to remove it from the background and the duplicate layers ONE LAYER AT A TIME. Of course, I could always remove the object before I make the dups, but is there anyway to do this by going to any ONE layer and removing the object (using the Clone Stamp or any other tool)?
I wonder if there's any way to make a page without the layout of the master page layer? I have made a frame, page number and small stuff that will go on every pages. But I want to make first and last page of the document a little different so I want that the master layer will be ignored for these pages.
I have a GIF image that I need to add something to, but I don't want to add it to every single individual layer. Is there a way to add it over or behind the entire GIF so that it remains static while the GIF's frames cycle - like a watermark or something?
Or if not, is there maybe a script-fu that copies and merges a selected layer over every other individual layer automatically, without messing them up?
I know I'll probably have to just end up manually adding it to each layer, (so many layers...).
I'm new to Paint shop. Is it possible to clip an adjustment layer or image to just the layer below it like in Photoshop? Or maybe Paint shop calls it something else?
I would like to make a composite image with source images making up the various layers (so I can work my magic on each layer indepent of the others). The problem I have is that not all of the images I'm using are to the right scale. What I want to do is resize those layers that are too big. Here's an example...
Let's say I have 5 pictures that I want to use to make one composite image from. The main background layer will be made from an image that is, say 800x600.
Another picture (let's call this subject 1) is 600x600 and is already at the right scale if I cut out the portion I want to keep and lay it on top of the background layer.
Yet another picture (subject 2) is huge (think 2000x2000). I would like to cut out the portion I would like to use and drop it in as a new layer and then obviously re-size it down to the correct scale. I'd prefer to do this directly in the composite image I'm making on its own layer to ensure I get the size right (and without manipulating the image guess-work style before I cut/paste it in).And so on...
I've found ways to make the canvas bigger (not what I want to do)... but not anything on how to resize the images on individual layers without impacting the other layers. Is there a way to do this?
I cannot open a file in either Photoshop CS6 or CC if the file has more than one layer. The application crashes every tme I attempt to open a multi-layer file.
An image of a tree with fine branches in winter against a sky I want to darken. My goal is to create a duplicate layer of the image to darken but where the tree is transparent so I can put the darkened layer on top of the orignal image with an undarkened tree. Before my computer crashed, I used a plugin for this called, I thought, Alpha Mask. In this example, by selecting a spot on the tree I could make either everything the color of the tree or everything not disappear into transparency. But I can't seem to find the plugin now. I did look at the index of plugins and found some listings under Alpha, but none are described as the tool I need here (best I can tell).
I'm putting some images together and when I put one layer on top of the other, the bottom image bleeds thru. The top layer shows 100% opacity but still see thru it.
I've been working at removing the white background from the image and replacing it with an alpha channel. What can I do to make the top image solid?
I can compose my own multi track music, but how to I get it into a format that Corel Video Studio could use -- to allow me to use Set Mood to adjust the layers?
I spent 5 hours on a graphic for my children's book. Saved it, interestingly enough, in Paint.NET as a multi-layer .jpeg, which I thought was fantastic as it had never worked before. Ahhh, and it isn't working now. Now I can't open the file. I've tried Paint.NET, MS Paint, GIMP, MS Picture Manager, Windows Picture Viewer, and Windows Media Center. Maybe other programs.
It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.
I have the following Lisp command that changes a selected layer to a different layer. I have tried modifying it change known layer names to different known layer names. i.e run routine and it changes layer "2" to "3" then changes layer "dim" to "dims" ect then stops.
What if I have created 7 logo versions. I want the client to view these 7 versions as one file (maybe one PDF file with 1 logo per page). Each logo version is on its own layer in Illustrator right now. How do I convert each logo/layer to a multi-page PDF file? Since this is just for viewing, I don’t have to submit EPS files yet to the client.
I have found that when I use the Layer Styles on one layer and then make a new layer or select a shape that creates a new layer that when I go to add Styles to the new layer/new shape the previous layer is affected by how I set the Bevel & Emboss, Direction, Altitude, Drop Shadow etc etc.
For instance, let's say I have a ...
BG > New Layer > draw an ellipse and then add a Bevel with an > Angle of 89 and an Altitude of 30 and then I add a New Layer > open the Styles and go to change the Angle to say +89 or whatever and the Altitude to say 45 ... the first Layer/Shape Effects change.
How I can keep one Layer from being affected by an other Layers Effects'?
I have found that if I Rasterize a Layer Effect that I can add a "double" effect on the same layer but I haven't tried the to do this with separate layers. However, for most of the work I am doing I cannot use the Raster because everything needs to be true vectors.
I have a Dell Laptop/Windows 7 Home Premium that's a 64 bit
I took a picture of myself standing in a pair of bluejeans.
I then duplicated a layer.
Next I want to make the back layer black and white.
Then I will take the eraser tool and erase everything except the blue jeans, thus leaving me with a cool effect.
The problem is I can't seem to make the duplicated layer black and white or I guess you call it greyscale.
My friend said to go to Image>>> Adjustments >> desaturate but nothingt happens. He told me further that their were a couple ways of getting the back layer B&W.