CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Background In Master Layer
Feb 25, 2011
How to get a background, the same on every page of a booklet, with bleed for printing? Using Page Layout/Background will only size to the page, no bleed. There must be a way to have a Master Layer as a static background (with bleed) but when I try it always sits on top of every page & I cannot bring the page text to the front.
Im working on 4 pages and i want to keep the page sizes different on all 4 of them but whenever i change the pages size on 1 page then all the other pages also follow the 1st page.
i went to object manager but i don't know what i should do to stop it.
I wonder if there's any way to make a page without the layout of the master page layer? I have made a frame, page number and small stuff that will go on every pages. But I want to make first and last page of the document a little different so I want that the master layer will be ignored for these pages.
I just recently purchased a new computer and installed all my software. When I'm in corel draw and click on the icon to send to my plotter/cutter, the cutting Master 2 plug-in opens behind corel draw. It always opened in front of my corel screen on my older pc. how to get it to open in front of corel?
I'm working on a book that has watermark on all pages and jpegs too of a4 size. Working in earlier version [x5], I used to overlap all the watermarks which was located in master layer. When I used to import a fresh jpeg on new pages, the watermark went below the jpegs. What i used to do was create a new master layer and then cut pasted the watermark in that layer, and the watermark came above the jpegs in the pages that were added later. In CorelDRAW x6 this i'm not able to do.
The watermark remains bottom of the jpeg, no matter what i do. if i edit the same file in version X5, it works fine and then i get it into x6 and do rest of stuff it works fine. The watermark problem still exists.
X4 user here that upgraded to X6 a few weeks ago. One thing that's blowing my gord is having my dimensions "lock" to guidelines and/or objects -- My dimensions aren't locked in the classic sense, i understand how to lock a dimension in corel. What i mean every time i create a dimension with master guides, and then try to move my guides, my dimension moves with it.
The worst of it is that i'm mostly getting them linked to master guidelines, so when i create a new page, say page 2, and want to move a master guide, i go back to page 1, and it has messed up all my dimensions.
And no, i do not want to break my dimension apart, I need it to stay as a working dimension!
Is there any way I can choose some Master layers to be present on selective pages only? For example in a 50 page document I have a master layer having a square and a rectangle. Now this should be available on pages say 1-10, 11-23. The rest of the pages should not have them.
I am trying to edit the Master Page in Corel Draw X4. However I can't find how to list it in the obect manager. The first image shows the Object Manager as I see it.
The second image shows an example of the Object Manager as people have posted in other discussion topics.
How do I list all pages within the Object Manager as shown in this second example, and have the + and - buttons to expand the selection ?
I am new to CorelDraw and I have got an issue which might be potentially linked with master page / dynamic text or macros. I have got a multipage template with some text repetition on each page. Unfortunately those text have to be in different position and using different fonts.So setting up master page is not really solution, unless it can be done as above.
I have downloaded an eps file, which I need to cut. I use a graphtec ce5000-60 cutter, and a plugin called cutting master 2 in order to use coreldraw.
when i select application launcher and choose cut / plot, it opens cutting master. when i do this, it only shows the 2 outer lines of the logo i need to cut. I have attached a screenshot so you can see exactly what I mean. I have tried lots of things to recitfy this, but as a complete beginner with this software, I really dont have a clue.
I have a picture of a dog I am trying to print on my dtg printer, but when I import it there is a box around the dog. When I enable the white to print underneath the dog I get the box (which is all white, then the dog prints on top). How do I remove the box and just have the dogs picture?
I have text with a transparent fill (layer 1). Underneath it I've placed a colourful background image that I'd like to keep as the text fill (layer 2). How do I cut away the rest of the background that's showing outside the text
When you open the welcome screen and you choose "New from Template" the welcome screen in the background is missing the left side of the welcome screen.
And when you close the "new from template" window, it stays missing and you cannot choose any of your recent "open documents".
Any good way to extend the background of a picture? I have a picture of a person, and their head is very close to the top of the image. The background has grass and trees. Because of the way I want to print it, I need the background to extend up further. Is there an easier way than just manually using the clone feature? Something like the smart carver - but extending the pic instead of contracting it.
I have a JPG with a graphic over a white background. I converted to GIF using Corel PHOTOPAINT. In the GIF Export window, hitting the background with the eyedropper tool is supposed to make anything that color transparent. Things appeared to be working when I clicked the Preview button. But....
Whenever I try to put this new GIF on top of another bitmap, I still have the white rectangle background. I tried I converting the secondary background image to GIF, but I still have the original white box around the first image.
I'm creating two websites for two different clients, and both gave me scanned copies of their logos. I converted them to GIF, JPG, BMP and PNG (from MS paint program), followed all the directions found online in various combinations to remove the white background from these logos. Here's a sample of what I did:
import logo; edit bitmap; change background; used magic wand on white areas; close paint & export doc. I've tried various combinations of clicking on options like transparency, masking, changing the tolerance and nothing works.
On one the white background simply won't go away after saving to my desktop, and on the other there is a grey/white checkerboard pattern on the background.
When it's all said & done, I need to upload these to as a PNG.
I'm at my wits end been trying to do this for two days after work, wondering if Corel is even capable of doing this, or if my clients' logos are just unusable or if I'm just losing it.
My background in Corel 5 is no longer white. It is a light yellow or cream & is very hard on my eyes Windows update downloaded an update for my monitor (Samsung SyncMaster 2233) & printer. When I opened Corel 5, I was asked what colour management I wanted, I did not know. I believe I selected "monitor based" or something like that, the way the question was, made me believe I was choosing the same setting as before. Obiviously wrong. Using Corel draw 5 help I selected "page background" picked solid: choose white but did not change. I then choose "no background" but did not change.
I need to remove a background from an object which I have imported into Photo Paint and by using the Wand have removed the white background. But when I go to export it and save it as a png file it puts the white background back in with the saved file. I need the object to have a transparent background so that I can place it overtop other objects and not see the white of the background.
I have a BMP image that is part of a larger logo that I need to be cut out on my inline cutter. The problem is, when I convert the whole logo to the plotter file, the BMP image does not show up. I have tried using the outline trace to convert the BMP to a form my plotter will recognize, but when I save the file, it saves it with a white background that shows up in my plotter image. This white background messes up the whole logo.
Is there any way to save the file where the image has a transparent background? I have been saving it as a .cmx file and there is no option to save it as a transparent background.
I need to remove a background from an object which I have imported into Photo Paint and by using the Wand have removed the white background. But when I go to export it and save it as a png file it puts the white background back in with the saved file.
I need the object to have a transparent background so that I can place it over top other objects and not see the white of the background.
I have a curve fill with K100 and 50% transparency placed on top of a solid color background. [TOP]But when I turn the proof color on, or export as CMYK JPEG, or PDF, the result is as below. [BOTTOM]
I've been using an older version of Corel Draw and Photopaint for years on end (Version 10 on win XP). A recent hard drive crash has moved me to the latest version of CDR/PP (X6)in Windows 7/64.
I'm amazed to see that Photo Paint hasn't changed dramatically over the last decade - most of the tools and options are where I am used to finding them. However, one function of the latest build of PP.
I do a fair amount of video editing and I use PP to create .tga files with transparency for the timelines. In version 10 of PP, I would create an object, say a red arrow for example, >mask create from object>image / paper size / background color to red> save as .tga. The background color would appear as red and would become transparent when I changed the image properties in the video timeline to "straight unmatted." Having control of the background color is important for good transparencies in video as any fringes will blend with the objects. The issue i'm having with X6 is that no matter what I do, the background color saves as white, which causes a halo when transparency is applied in the video timeline. How to change the background color when saving a .tga?