Been working in X3 - moved to X6. How do you create NON-MASTER repeating layers that automatically show up on all pages, like in X3, that can contain independently modified items, not master items.
Objects on a Master Page layer appear to be in front of all other layers on individual pages. I have a master layer with standard page background graphics, but on each individual page, I want a graphic on top of this background.
Is there a way to send this layer to be in back of all other layers and still be a Master layer? The only solution I see is copying this background across 20 pages, which doesn't seem right. Or change my design around the background, which I'd rather not do.
I'm working on a book that has watermark on all pages and jpegs too of a4 size. Working in earlier version [x5], I used to overlap all the watermarks which was located in master layer. When I used to import a fresh jpeg on new pages, the watermark went below the jpegs. What i used to do was create a new master layer and then cut pasted the watermark in that layer, and the watermark came above the jpegs in the pages that were added later. In CorelDRAW x6 this i'm not able to do.
The watermark remains bottom of the jpeg, no matter what i do. if i edit the same file in version X5, it works fine and then i get it into x6 and do rest of stuff it works fine. The watermark problem still exists.
Is there any way I can choose some Master layers to be present on selective pages only? For example in a 50 page document I have a master layer having a square and a rectangle. Now this should be available on pages say 1-10, 11-23. The rest of the pages should not have them.
Im working on 4 pages and i want to keep the page sizes different on all 4 of them but whenever i change the pages size on 1 page then all the other pages also follow the 1st page.
i went to object manager but i don't know what i should do to stop it.
How to get a background, the same on every page of a booklet, with bleed for printing? Using Page Layout/Background will only size to the page, no bleed. There must be a way to have a Master Layer as a static background (with bleed) but when I try it always sits on top of every page & I cannot bring the page text to the front.
I wonder if there's any way to make a page without the layout of the master page layer? I have made a frame, page number and small stuff that will go on every pages. But I want to make first and last page of the document a little different so I want that the master layer will be ignored for these pages.
A lot of times I'll be working on multiple .psd files and as I'm moving between files I'll notice that all the layers & layer comps will disappear from their palette
I can bring them back by doing something like clicking on the text tool and then clicking on a text item on the stage. It's annoying because it takes a couple of clicks for the palette(s) to redisplay.
Is this a bug or is there a setting in preferences that can control this?
I am currently updating and coming up with a better system for are plant layout file for AutoCAD. When this project is complete, it will be set up so if someone needs to make a change they can just make a copy of the X-Ref file for the area they will be updating and hand it back in when there done. I will review the updated X-Ref then switch out the old X-Ref file for the updated one.
Problem: the problem I am having is when I am in the master drawing that contains all the X-Ref files, the layers list becomes enormous. There are about 30 to 40 different X-Ref files with 15 layers each. Those 15 layers contain the exact same information but you have to edit them individually.
Question: Is there a way to make the 15 layers in the master effect the corresponding layer in all the X-ref files? For instance, you hide the “Machines” layer in the master and it hides the “Machines” layer in all the X-ref.
Side Note: If you were going to make the suggestion “use Xbind” I’ve tried it and it doesn’t work well because “Xbind” creates a new layer you have to assign to things instead of making the layers relate to one another.
Lets say I have 2 page drawing set of a damper, page 1 contains the main views and all the related part number ballons.
Page 2 contains fabrication details for the parts, brackets, blades etc.
For the parts I just inserted those into the drawing from their respective part file, allowing me to create the necessary amount of views to capture the needed dimensions for the shop.
When I go to apply a balloon to that part it wants to make it part #1 when it may be part # 7 of the assembly.
Inventor 2014 Windows 7 Pro SP1 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770k CPU @ 3.50GHz 16GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro
I merged my layers down to scale to proportion and I thought I was done with the project, so I saved it and exported. I then learned that I did something incorrectly, so I went back to the project only to remember I merged the layers and I don't know how to undo that. How do you revert the layers back to layers?
On the master page "grid" is not visible, cannot edit or print. Whenever I try to draw an object this message appears, Operation cannot be completed. The active layer "Grid" is locked or invisible"
Cannot do anything but turn grid visiblity on and off.
I want create an object. A 0.5 inch hole for instance. I want to place this object into a drawing or mutiples of this object in my drawing. Two things i would like to do. If i decide i want to change the hole to 0.25 inches i want to change one instance of the object and all instances to change automatically. Second is that if i scale the drawing up in size I would like all the 0.5 inch hole to remain at 0.5 inches.
i want lock all object on all pages. so i make a code but i wnt to run this code except master page (desktop)
my code is ............
Sub LockAll() Dim p As Page Dim s As Shape Dim i As Integer, j As Integer j = 1 For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages p.Activate For i = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes.Count ActivePage.Shapes(i).CreateSelection If ActiveLayer.Printable = False Then ActiveSelection.Locked = True j = j + 1 Next i Next pEnd Sub
I want to be able to create guidelines in CorelDraw X4 that show up on every page in my CorelDraw document, but without having to open the Object Manager and highlight the Master Page before I create them.
At the moment when I open a new document and create guidelines they only show up on the first page and although it isn't difficult, it's annoying to have to move them manually on to the Master Page, how I can change the CorelDraw settings permanently so that whenever I open a new document and create guidelines they are created on the Master Page?
I just recently purchased a new computer and installed all my software. When I'm in corel draw and click on the icon to send to my plotter/cutter, the cutting Master 2 plug-in opens behind corel draw. It always opened in front of my corel screen on my older pc. how to get it to open in front of corel?
X4 user here that upgraded to X6 a few weeks ago. One thing that's blowing my gord is having my dimensions "lock" to guidelines and/or objects -- My dimensions aren't locked in the classic sense, i understand how to lock a dimension in corel. What i mean every time i create a dimension with master guides, and then try to move my guides, my dimension moves with it.
The worst of it is that i'm mostly getting them linked to master guidelines, so when i create a new page, say page 2, and want to move a master guide, i go back to page 1, and it has messed up all my dimensions.
And no, i do not want to break my dimension apart, I need it to stay as a working dimension!
I am trying to edit the Master Page in Corel Draw X4. However I can't find how to list it in the obect manager. The first image shows the Object Manager as I see it.
The second image shows an example of the Object Manager as people have posted in other discussion topics.
How do I list all pages within the Object Manager as shown in this second example, and have the + and - buttons to expand the selection ?
I am new to CorelDraw and I have got an issue which might be potentially linked with master page / dynamic text or macros. I have got a multipage template with some text repetition on each page. Unfortunately those text have to be in different position and using different fonts.So setting up master page is not really solution, unless it can be done as above.
Mac // CS5 // lion...I'm working on a business card in photoshop. I always save as .psd until the finished product, then save a front and a back as a .pdf.
I finished, saved my front and back as a .pdf everything is good. When I save the document as .psd again and close the file, the next time I reopen, it has 0 layers, everything is flattened. I've never had this happen before and am scared to close down the file I am working on for fear that it might not return.
I had this happen once already earlier today on a seperate business card. I knew I saved my final copy as a .psd and when I opened that .psd up again to find that there were no layers, but one flattened image. Is my PS corrupted? Or did I miss a simple check box somewhere?
This is the original document I'm working on. I saved 2 .pdf files from this .psd...For Good measure I save the .psd above as a "test" and then open it up in another window. Notice how the thumbnail has a curved triangle shape. Also the file size is only like 9 mb...very small for my normal size
Ok, so I open it up, and this is what I see. One flattened picture. No layer masks, layers...anything.
How do I create layers in an adjustment layer and transfer or duplicate those layers in another image ?
I need to transfer the same colour readjustment from one image to several other images ... I have been told to do this in the adjustment layer platform how ever I cannot drag or copy those layers over to the other images I have open and in need of adjustment to the same layers ...
Images shows my layout and what i've done this far
The Paint.Net tutorial shows tools to move layers forward or backward. I couldn't find these tools in the layers' drop down menu.
Edit ------------------------------
Never mind -- I did find out where these commands were hidden... I'm working on a map, and I'm trying to get latitude and longitude lines to overprint the actual map. As I moved the layer with the lat/longitude lines "forward" they don't appear to overprint the map in the background. Is there some other secret here to get the desired effect?