CorelDRAW X5 :: Make 3 Layers Into 1 Layer?
Aug 3, 2013How can I make these 3 layers into 1 layer, not in a group, not combine!
View 4 RepliesHow can I make these 3 layers into 1 layer, not in a group, not combine!
View 4 RepliesIt seems to me in X3 I could create a master layer and put it infront or behind all other layers. Now it seems that I can't do that.
How to make a master layer in x5 and move it behind all other layers in all pages at once?
If your answer includes going to the object manager and moving it on all the pages, don't bother. I'm not doing it for 400 pages.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
I was watching one of the tutorials by Scott Georgeson on on Corel X6.  It was on the polygon tool where he was  making a polygon and adding different colored duplicate layers on top to make it multicolored.  He said to hold the plus+ key and then grab handle to shrink one of the layers down to show some of the underlying layer.  When I try this the layers aren't isolated and the whole thing moves.  I saw a check box in the settings to edit layers separately but didn't work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I have an PSD icon set and I want to size a layer to a size that looks good. How do I see the dimentions of that layer so that I can select another layer and make it the same size.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I create layers in an adjustment layer and transfer or duplicate those layers in another image ?
I need to transfer the same colour readjustment from one image to several other images ... I have been told to do this in the adjustment layer platform how ever I cannot drag or copy those layers over to the other images I have open and in need of adjustment to the same layers ...
Images shows my layout and what i've done this far
I'm using CS6 and noticed that whenever I delete a layer that was a dupe of another layer with links (although not linked specifically to the deleted layer), the undeleted original layers become invisible on the canvas even though they are still visible in the layers pallette. I've been able to recreate this several times. Nothing I do will make the layers visible -I've tried moving them all to the top of the layers palette, making sure their opacity is 100%, making sure there are no layer effects, etc.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer.  The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
 Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
looks very different from....
Layer 2:Â a layer style
Layer 1:Â a filter effect
Upon trying to open a line sheet i'm working on, photoshop tells me:
Problems were encountered reading layers
Because the layer is not a valid layer. Some layers will use existing pixel data.
this is how i usually duplicate a layer, by dragging and dropping to the new layer icon at the bottom of the palette. it is not letting me do that.
also, when i select a a single, or group of layers and move them around in the palette, i thought it used.
I have two maps of same area (different years) and I want to match them up as one map. I can load them both as layers and make the older map transparent so that I can see through to newer map, but older map is larger than the newer map (in the background). I can move the transparent map but I cannot make just the transparent map smaller to fit over the other map. I will also need to rotate the map slightly. When I try to resize it changes both maps. I have tried the transform and the move tool. So how can I make one layer smaller and rotate it it leaving the other layer intact?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I make the edges of the top layer blend in with the bottom layer so you cannot tell that there is a line??? I want to make it look like a heart but I don't know how to smoothen the edges to make it look like it is part of the bottom layer so when I merge the layers there is no goofy lines looking like someone cropped another fire picture out...
fire3.xcf (Size: 489.68 KB / Downloads: 38)
I have a large psd. The bottom most Layer can be a background layer is it possible to flatten just this layer to make is a background layer as this may make the file size smaller. Im working in PH5 on a Mac.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow would you take a layer mask, and make it its own layer? If you try copying and pasting a layer mask, you can only dock it to another layer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn order to make a copy of a layer. I know I make a copy of the layer, but then I'm having issues taking the layer, and reversing it horizontally so that I can create a new layer using the previous copied layer. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, and I've been experimenting with it. I'm now able to create really nice and curvy looking hills, but still just not able to copy it, and reverse it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedcan i make halftones from a cdr file to make printing offset plates?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make this one effect on rasterized text. The effect works best on a black background, but the background and text have to be merged or it looks wrong. The thing is, is that I want the effect of the text seperate so that it's got a transparent background. What I was wondering is if there was some way to make 2 layers act as if they are 1, without them being merged.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOnce you create a composite layer at the top of your layer stack w. Option-click on "Merge Visible" in the Layer Panel Menu, is that new layer the only layer that now shows (represents) the image? For instance, if another adjustment layer is added below it, and the Background layer is the only image layer, will the effect of that adjustment be visible? Or do I need to delete the composite layer and create a new one to include the new adjustment layer?
The reason I ask has to do with an illustration (below) I came across from one of Mark Johnson's old NAPP tutorials (Total Control Glowing Montage). In his tutorial "Layer 1" was created as a composite layer of the Background Layer and "Levels 1" which had a Smart Filter applied to it. Then the two "Levels 1" copy layers were added last to fine-tune the effect of the Levels 1 adjustment. Notice they are BELOW the composite layer.
(I'm using photoshop 7)
For instance I want to 'drop shadow' on a specific layer with layer styles and I use angle: 30 degrees and 80 % opacity,..
then on another layer, I want to 'drop shadow ' as well, using layer options, but with angle 120 degrees and 30% opacity.
This doesn't work as when I use for one layer this type of setting for 'drop shadow' all the other layers that I want to drop shadow on, will automatically get the same settings (same angle, opacity,...)
Is it possible to drop shadow in one layer with an angle of 120 ° and another layer with angle 30° for instance..?
any way to merge visible layers to a new layer, yet retain the layers that merged? Does that make sense. So if I want to merge layer 1, 2, 3 into a new layer 4. Can I create a layer 4 with all layers merged as one, yet still have 1, 2, and 3.
I'm looking for a menu item or shortcut to do this.
I'm trying to add a snow layer to a photo, which I've done before quite well.
This time, something ain't working right!
I've noticed that in my layers pallette, for each layer, on the left hand side is the "eye" icon, but then there should be a "paint brush" icon ....... and there isn't.
Is this why the whole process isn't working?
how do I get the "paint brush" icon back?
screenshot showing the pallette (with missing paint brush).
Is it possible to search among the layers of an Illustrator file by layer name?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm tying to make an animation from layers in Photoshop 6, but when I use the timeline window, the "convert frames' options as well as other options are greyed. It doesn't grey when I open a video file. I'm tried using JPEG and GIF files as the layers, but am unsure what I'm to do at this point.Â
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm making ID badges. I have made a template for the artwork and then added each photo individually to a box sized area. The images are already cropped to squares, but I had to resize each one to fit in the box. Then I have to make each one visible in order to save all of the images of the IDs.
I'd like to be able to add a group of images (all square) as layers to a pre-defined area and have photoshop resize each accordingly. It would be great if I could batch save the images, too and not have to hide each successive image.
Basically I have about 15 layers of images that I have to resize so they are all the same dimentions, without loosing quality, but if there are no options, I'm willing to losse quality.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using APS version 6,
If I make a change, like Invert of a filter, it doesn't apply to all open underlying layers no matter if they are Linked, Grouped or anything else I can figure out. Adjustment Layers do apply to all below, but not other kinds of changes/filters.
So whenever I open up Gimp and then a new image, the layer for the background don't show up. > [URL]..
I've this window with all the tabs for the brushes, patterns etc and when I want to make the layers visible, I've to drag the layers window to the tabs and then drag it back to where it first was.. (it's quite hard to explain )
so basically, the layers don't show unless i do something what can i do about this?
How would I go about making certain text and/or layers to gradually move throughout a video? Can I not do that in Gimp 2?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Gimp 2.8.4 and when selecting a new layer to work on, it then switches to another layer which becomes the selected one.The only way I can definitely select the layer I want to work on is to make all other layers invisible.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhy this certain copy of Photoshop CS5 is doing this. I'll be trying to fill a layer or a selection but whenever I fill it, it never fills anything below other objects in completely unrelated layers. Is there a setting I can turn off to make sure that this doesn't happen anymore?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThis has baffled me that photoshop does not do this. But why can't I not ctrl+click on a layer and get to the layers underneath that layer? No matter how many times I ctrl+click the layer to select it, it just selects the same topmost layer.
It is interupting my workflow majorly and it is really frustrating when using a lot of texture overlays to have to hide them and then ctrl+click to find where the layer is that I want to work on. Right clicking on my document just brings up all layers in my document no matter where my mouse is.
This is what shows when I right click: [URL]....
working on Layers and Layer Mask to obtain see through multiple Layers effect.Below is the description of my problem that I am looking forward towards resolution in this forum. I will be glad if some expert can guide me on this.
I have three layers of different colors as below.
Layer 1topmost layer) with Red color filled rectangle.Layer 2(below Layer 1) with Green color filled rectangle.Layer 3(bottom most layer, below Layer 2) with Blue color filled rectangle.When I erase something with brush on Layer 1 using masking Layer 1, it hollows the erased part and start showing the Green color of Layer 2 in hollow section of Layer 1.
What I want to achieve is that, when I erase Layer 1 using layer mask, then it should hollow Layer 1 as well as Layer 2 and should show Blue color in the hollow section of Layer 1.i.e: Hollow section made on Layer 1(using Layer Mask on Layer 1) should also be applied on Layer 2 so that Layer 1 and Layer 2 becomes hollow using eraser and I should see through Layer 1 and Layer 2 and Blue color of Layer 3 should be visible from the hollow section.
Though I can do this by Flattening Layer 1 and Layer 2 together so that it forms one single Image, and then when I hollow this Flattened image using Layer Mask, then it will show me Blue color. But I do not want to do this, as I would lose the flexibility to unhollow/recover the hollow region on both Layer 1 and Layer 2 independently in the future.