Photoshop Elements :: How To Create Layers In Adjustment Layer And Transfer Those Layers
Nov 11, 2012
How do I create layers in an adjustment layer and transfer or duplicate those layers in another image ?
I need to transfer the same colour readjustment from one image to several other images ... I have been told to do this in the adjustment layer platform how ever I cannot drag or copy those layers over to the other images I have open and in need of adjustment to the same layers ...
Images shows my layout and what i've done this far
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Jan 19, 2014
One thing I have never understood is: why use layer masks and adjustment layers, instead of simply creating a copy of the subject layer (the one I want to make changes to) and experimenting with that? It's quick (Ctrl-J), I can do it as many times as I want, I'm not affecting my Background layer. If I like the changes, I can keep them. I can switch the copy on and off to compare with the Background layer. I can do any type of blend or combination I desire. I can insert Gradient layer(s), select any part of the copy and (Ctrl-J) create a new layer containing only the selected part. I can adjust size, rotate, do anything.
It almost seems that "layer mask" and "adjustment layer" are mainly another layer of terminology; how they are intrinsically different from or superior to working with copies of the Background layer?
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Dec 19, 2012
I ran to a little trouble using photoshop today. I wanted to get rid of the "adjustment layer" but leave the effects.
For example:
I have two layers and I want to apply the adjustment layer effect to them. I don't want to leave that "adjustment layer" on top of everyone. I can't use groups because my real project is too complicated. By the way, applying the adjustment layer to all of them means all the layers remain an image but they have been modified (for example: color, black and white, etc.).
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Dec 1, 2011
I have 20+ layers that all need the same levels adjustment, so I put them in a group, and applied a Levels Adjustment Layer to the group.
Is there a way to bake that adjustment in to every individual layer, while retaining them as separate layers?
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Jan 3, 2013
I am wondering if there is a way to create an adjustment layer that only affects two layers that are spread apart. What I'd like to be able to do is change the color of both layers at the same time.
The problem is, I can't group the layers together and add an adjustment to the group because one of the layers (Number Color Flare) has to stay on top of the rest.
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Oct 17, 2006
I would like to add an adjustment layer to a photoshop CS2 file that has an effect on a particular layer rather than all of the layers. I have tried adding the adjustment layer from the icon at the bottom of the layers palette, from Layers, New adjustment layer, and I have also tried linking the two layers. In all cases the adjustment made applies to the whole image. I am sure that previous versions of Photoshop had this facility.
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Sep 6, 2013
How to Apply adjustment layers to multiple layers that have different blending modes and keep the colors the same as the adjustment done?
I work in Animation painting Backgrounds. My files are sometimes upwards to 200+ layers.I will use adjustment layers to quickly balance colours and constrast on top of those many many layers.
The only way that I know of how to apply adjustment layers it to every single layer ( by applying I mean I need to get rid of the adjustment layers because we cant use them in production but i need the new colours be applied to all layers underneath ) in a psd is to manually do it By duplicating the adjusment layer 200+ times and then merging each layer to one of those adjustment layers so that that layer can take the adjustment layers effect permanently.
The issue is that Within Those 200 layers I have some layers set to Multiply or OVERLAY. IT obviously wont apply the adjustment layer properly to those layers because those layer blend mode affect the layers under them. The colour wont be the same anymore in the spots that had the multiply blended mode.
I have 2 adjustment layers up top. I need to get rid of them by applying them to each layer! I cannot merge any of the layers. We need all those layers for production.I can apply the adjustment layers manually and this works GREAT for all Layers set to normal. THey take on the colour change just FINE.
However, The issue is that layer 6 and layer 4 are both set to mutiply and this screws up the colour once i apply the adjustment layers to each layer manually...
How can i apply my adjustment layers to a file like this with some layers being set to multiply while keeping the layers exactly the same configuration and The new colour taking effect exactly how i looks before i apply the adjustment layers? Now the simple solution is to merge the multiply layers to the layer that it affects HOWEVER I NEED those multiply layers to be separate!
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Aug 3, 2013
I want to add the same 3 adjustment layers to about 20 photos and then in scripts, export layers to files, so that each photo includes the adjustments.
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May 31, 2012
I have now exactly the same problem as below with over 1000 images, I have saved them in .psd that has over 100 layers each. On top of those there is curves and levels layer that affects every layer below. I want to save all images to .jpg for videoedit with those curves at least. I don't want to merge same curves 100 times. Is there a solution in phothoshop cs5 or cs6 available? Would save alot of working hours. All I have got by this far is blank white images of adjustment layers and non adjusted jpg-files.
This discussion was opened in 2010 and I quess this is same problem:
How to merge adjustment layers to hundreds of layers?
Jul 28, 2010 10:38 AMSay I have a photoshop File with 100 layers.
And say I created 3 adjustment layers on top of those 100 layers to get the adjustments that i want for those layers. I'm happy with the adjustments but Then I NEED to merge those 3 adjustment layers to ALL those 100 layers.
Is there a way to easily permanently apply the adjustments to each of those layers without having to do it manually? I absolutely need to merge the adjustments to the seperate layers because of how the layers are being used in a seperate 3d program.
So far what I've been doing is duplicating the adjustment layers for each layer and merging them to said layers separately.. I wish I could just right click the adjustment layer and Tell it to merge to everylayer it affects or apply to every layer underneath it!
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Jul 4, 2012
I scanned a drawing I made as a .jpeg, opened it in PS CS4, converted the background to a layer, added a curves adjustment layer, and when I try any of Flatten Image or Save as Jpeg the results disregards all or part of the effects of the adjustment layer. The same happens for a levels adjustment layer . I have attached the original jpeg and the .psd with the curves adjustment layer.
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Jun 5, 2013
I need to merge 2 adjustment layers with 2 image layers. When I do, the look changes. Are there ways to do this without changing the look? I have attached a screen capture of the layers affected. Additionally the "Stars" layer has a "Screen" blend mode. This is on a Mac.
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Dec 28, 2011
Using Photoshop Elements 10. I am unable to edit an Adjustment Layer. When I double click the layer thumbnail or click layer content options, nothing happens. This is the case with new files as well as files that had adjustment layers created with Photoshop Elements 6. Fill layers work ok, but adjustment layers such as Levels and Hue/Saturation won't work....
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Nov 19, 2004
If I make an Adjustment Layer, I notice that it effects EVERY layer underneath it. Is the only way to apply that adjustment layer to layers you WANT is to drag those layers under the adjustment, and then hold ALT and click the line BETWEEN the adjustment layer and the layer you want affected, thus making it a "Clipping?" layer?
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Aug 12, 2013
We use AutoCad to name our dxf files for our Burn Table and whenever we get a new part it is a repetitive task to input layers and common text. So what I am curious is can AutoCAD input the layers and text automatically using a Macro?
I want the Macro to put in 6 layers and choose the layer color and title then input text boxes with word in 3 different layers. There will be about a total of 10 different text boxes with text already put in the boxes by the Macro.
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Mar 20, 2013
All of my image layers have randomly converted to smart object layers and I can no longer resize them in the ps document. Why would it do this and how can I undo it?
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Nov 23, 2011
I'm trying to create a nice example of a paintscheme. In order to do this correctly I need to cut lots of pieces from a picture taken from the original truck end make them in to several layers.
Now I have done this, as you can see here, not very well. There are a lot of lines that aren't cut very nice and smooth. Most of this cuts I did with the scissors tool. The tank I cut with the path tool.
What is the best way to cut pieces from images?
ps the coloured pieces are experimental
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Oct 5, 2012
Why in the heck do Macs show layers in a PDF that are HIDDEN at the time of saving if "Create Acrobat Layers from Top-Level Layers" is checked is checked -BUT- PC's don't??
I just proofed a business card with my boss accidentily showing him some type on a layer that was hidden. He approved it. Now I have to make a bunch of type set up in very tight margins work in production.
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Mar 28, 2012
I am trying to develop an animated GIF to use as a web-ad, I have readthe docs and googled but still having problems :-(
The ad (portrait format) is very simple: a background logo at thebottom of the ad, and three different text messages which rotate. Ithus created a bottom layer with the logo covering the bottom third; asecond layer with nothing but the first text message on the upper2/3rds, another layer with the second text message also in the upper2/3rds and finally a layer with the third text message in the upper2/3rds. While the logo at the bottom should be displayed at all timesthe three different text messages are shown one at a time.
After reading the docs I then expanded each layer with a text messageto be as large as the ad itself. My next step was to try to create alayer mask - for each of the three layers with the text messages, saidlayer mask to cover only the lower 1/3 where it would be transparent.
This is where I ran into problems, no matter what I tried, I could notaccomplish this. There must be something very basic I have yet tounderstand!
Last, in order to create the animated GIF, I exported all four layersusing "replace" in the dialog box. I also experimented with "combine"to no avail. No matter what I tried, I either ended up with an animatedGIF where the logo and the three different text messages over timebecame overlaid, or, an animated GIF where only one thing was shown atone time.
What have I missed?
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Jan 16, 2014
Started working with PSE and when I tried to "stamp" a brush shape (whether default brushes or otherwise), the program does something it had never done before....SEE ATTACHED. I will create a new layer to use my brush, but when I try to "stamp" it onto background, the program then creates a layer mask where I can see the brush shape AND a new layer, however ALL that shows up on the background is the icon you can see in my screen grab I am attaching here. What is this icon? (The teeny one middle right of image, black square, outlined in red, with two red circles in the middle) I called Apple, we did a few things, they said it wasn't on there end. I reset my tools, I uninstalled, reinstalled, to no avail. Again, I've reset all tools, the "eye" icon on layers panel shows it should be visible, I've tried layers-->merge visible, I've uninstalled and reinstalled.....
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Jul 21, 2013
So impressed with the quick answer from my last question that I have another. In Photoshop CC (think it's the same in CS6 . .) is there a shortcut for closing the adjustment layer panel instead of having to move the cursor over and press on the cross. I used to be able to just press return in Photoshop CS3
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Aug 13, 2013
I use adjustment layers (curves) to modify the tonal scale of my files. In CS5 I could command click on the image with the eyedropper and a corresponding point would be placed on the tone curve in the curves window. When I try this in CS 6 (command click) the curves window collapses. What should I be doing differently.
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Jun 21, 2006
I was wondering how you can make an adjustment layer in CS2 only affect the one layer beneath it, not every layer.
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Jun 23, 2008
I have a portrait of two persons. They are treated differently
so I have them on separate layers with layer masks.
So the new retouched background gets through.
These layers are:
P1 and P2.
The background is:
I have some color correction adjustment layers.
Some of these are just for P1:
Some of these iare just for P2:
Some of these are just for B:
I now place my layers this way:
Group1{ C1 P1 (linked as a clipping group)} ,
Group2{ C2 P2 (linked as a clipping group)} ,
GroupB{ CB B }
That works OK.
I also have some color correction adjustment layers
that is for both P1 and P2 but not for B.
How do I place them ?
I do not want to place them both in Group1 and in Group2.
I Want to have them in just one place.
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Jan 26, 2009
how to make an adjustment to a specific Photoshop layer (in this case a tweaking the color on a person extracted from the background by green screen) without affecting the other layers. I have tried Adobe help but can't seem to find the solution.
I am using Photoshop CS4.
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Feb 15, 2013
why don't I see all the layers in the Layers palette
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Jun 27, 2013
Whenever i try to add adjustment layers on my gifs, the result of the adjustment only comes in effect on the first frame, even when the adjustment layer is on the very top?
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Aug 7, 2012
In CS5 alt clicking in an adjustment layer (eg curves) permitted naming the layer and making a clipping path This does not happen in CS6.How do you do that in CS6?
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Sep 25, 2012
I have a problem with my layers which I can not figure out how to solve.
see picture:
I have a group called: "Hele akvarier" " where I have used "Create new fill adjustment layer" - "Brightness / Contrast" to the layers which are under. (Layer 2, Original Copy, Original).Over is there are two layers named "Layer 3, Layer 1". These layers, I also need to use the "Brightness / Contrast" to they're going to look right, but the top "adjustment layer" affects all the layers under.
How do I get my layers divided into two groups, each with its "adjustment layer" to use each with its own settings?
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Jun 20, 2012
Suddenly, the adjustment layers I am trying to use have no effect. Moving the sliders has no effect.
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Apr 24, 2012
Lets say I have an area of a picture to which I want to apply a adjustment layer such as Hue/Saturation. I select the area and create a mask. I then apply a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer.
The problem is that the adjustment layer affects the whole image rather than the masked area.
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Feb 9, 2005
What method do you guys use in applying an Adjustment layer to MULTIPLE Layers but NOT everything underneath it?
I tried using clipping masks, but I think my solution isn't "the best way".
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