It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.
how to change the colour of the selected layer in the layers pallete? It's quite annoying the way it is (Dull grey/blue) and sometimes hard to see what layer's selected?
when I added a layer mask to a layer, it would display in the palette as the alpha channel, which was very handy. Now, when I add a layer mask, it only appears as the mask icon; i.e., gray square with white circle in the middle. I have no clue what I did to change from the one to the other, but I would certainly like to get the alpha representation back!
A lot of times I'll be working on multiple .psd files and as I'm moving between files I'll notice that all the layers & layer comps will disappear from their palette
I can bring them back by doing something like clicking on the text tool and then clicking on a text item on the stage. It's annoying because it takes a couple of clicks for the palette(s) to redisplay.
Is this a bug or is there a setting in preferences that can control this?
When I select a layer, it is highlighted in grey (in the layers palette) and I am unable to edit it. My current process for making a layer editable is as follows: Select layer (highlighted in grey)Double click layer (opens "Layer Styles" dialogue box)Close "Layer Styles" dialogue boxLayer is now highlighted in blue and can be edited. I am currently running Photoshop CS5.1 on a windows machine which is using Windows 7.
I just installed the X4 trial. I still have X3U installed but not open. I keep the layer palette open all the time.
I open an existing image and the current layers are displayed correctly. I open another image and it looks fine too. I then copy the 2nd image or a layer from the 2nd image and paste it as a new layer onto the first image. No matter which image is active, the layer palette continues to show the layers from the 2nd image until I close it. At that point there are no layers displayed in the layer palette at all; not even the background. If I do a paste as new image or even just create a new image, there is nothing in the layer palette then either. It doesn't change if I close and reopen the layer palette. The only way I have found to get the layers to display is to click on something outside of PSP X4 such as an open browser screen and then go back to PSP X4.
I'd like to select the whole gradient that I have created on its own layer. So I cmd-click (Mac) on the layer's icon. But after doing this not the whole gradient is selected but only the darkest part of it!
With every other layer it worked so far... But not with gradients...
I used to be able to select a layer (getting the Marching ants of a layer on a image) via the Layers palette (I think I used to press ctrl + mouse-click) but now, in Photoshop CS2, I can't get it to work.
Photoshop cs4 crashes when i drag a layer under or over another layer/try to change layer order.
this problem occurred suddenly after having used the programm for years. i tried to reinstall cs4 and install all available updates, but it did not work...
I have two layers. Upper most with text is locked.Bottom layer is an image I have applied a transparency/gradient mask for the raster image. Now, seems my layers palette is stuck in a mode called 'Layers (Opacity Mask)'.Not seen this before, but this is CS6. How do I get out to the main, root level of the layers palette?
How can I select a shape on a layer in PSD in the layers palette?
In my past version of PSD, I was able to simply click on the Layer and hold either select or control to have marching ants go around my image - but with CS2 I am not able to do that.
Every once in a while I print that has two side-by-side images on one piece of paper. My usual routine is to create a new document that is larger than the two images--say, 10x8 (horizontal) with a transparent background and the same resolution as the two images that I'll be placing on the canvas (say, two 4x3's). Then I simply click on the image I want to move and drag it from its layers palette onto the blank background canvas, and move/edit/size as needed.
when I drag an image over to the blank canvas, it assumes the size of the entire canvas. so I just have the image... enlarged. With no background canvas. when I click on the new image (the one dragged to the canvas), all of the editing commands are grayed out. So I cannot resize or move it.I'm on CS5 (mac)
I'm adjusting a photographic image and am using both a filter effect and a layer style in the same layer on a Smart Object. I want to separate the two effects into two layers, so one layer has the filter effect (Nik) and one layer has the layer style (Color Overlay) (with the goal of merging/rasterizing the Nik filter effect with the Smart Object but keeping the layer style unmerged). I can make two layers and move one effect without problem, but the visual result of each effect on a separate layer is quite different from having both effects in the same layer. The Blend Mode for all my layers is Normal. Within the Color Overlay panel, the blend mode is Linear Burn.
Layer 1: a layer style and a filter effect, stacked
I have a large psd doc several layers deep. I have a smaller sized psd file open.
I want to drag a layer from the large to the smaller one and have it resize. Much like if i have the option in prefs for place. I thought holding ctrl when dragging or other keys, but i can't seem to find a solution. I know there are a few other workarounds but they are all long winded.
Did i miss something here or is it just not actually possible to say drag a 4000x4000px layer into a 150x150 document and have it auto fit the layer, just as place would do if importing a file.
Trying to simply drag one image onto another to add it is a layer. PS will not let is happen, both images are jpg - RGB 8 bit. When i try to deop the image onto the other one, I get a blue line outlinging to windows, but the image will not 'merge' and it just bounces back to its own window.
When I loaded some photo actions into my new PSE11 it show only a generic icon in the effects palette, not the icon from the maker so it takes extra time to search for the action I need. How can I get the icon from the maker to show as the icon in the palette?
Shift-dragging centers it, but I have multiple documents (pngs with transparency) of the same dimensions and layers in a variety of positions that need to be preserved (I'm composting some 3d renders). Is this possible?
I'm trying to figure out why my layers panel is not resembling tutorial.
By creating a new adjustment layer via split ball icon at bottom of panel, and doing a curves adjustment, text shows adjustment layer with Curves icon and Mask icon. Same goes with adjustment with Photo Filter, showing Photo Filter icon and Mask icon.
When I follow directions, my adjustment layer shows the adjustment layer icon and mask icon, I also can't paint on the mask properly.
I drag a layer on to a pic it goes to free transform and I cant flatten it or do anything even image undo greys out and wont work, I have to close the image to back, I think it must be something I have done but I cant seem to switch off free trasform.
A Levels Adj. Layer sits above a regular Layer. When I make a change with Levels, the image updates normally, but the icon of the image in the Layers Panel does not change--it always reflects its original appearance.
I believe that the icon updated in CS5. Am I dreaming? Is there a new setting?
On one, in the Layers palette, next to the "eye" that turns layers on and off, a thumbnail image shows for each layer making it very easy to identify the layer you are working on.
On my other PC, the thumbnail is not there.
What setting must I change? How do I turn that thumbnail on?
I was working in Photoshop CS6 and I must of accidentally clicked on something. My layers palette went from showing me a picture of what was in each layer to only showing a brush in every layer. Now I can't see which layer is what.
I've tried Googling a fix but I can't find anything. Here is what it now looks like. I want each layer to show me what is actually on that layer.