CorelDRAW X4 :: Move Created Guidelines On Master Page?
Mar 29, 2012
I want to be able to create guidelines in CorelDraw X4 that show up on every page in my CorelDraw document, but without having to open the Object Manager and highlight the Master Page before I create them.
At the moment when I open a new document and create guidelines they only show up on the first page and although it isn't difficult, it's annoying to have to move them manually on to the Master Page, how I can change the CorelDraw settings permanently so that whenever I open a new document and create guidelines they are created on the Master Page?
On the master page "grid" is not visible, cannot edit or print. Whenever I try to draw an object this message appears, Operation cannot be completed. The active layer "Grid" is locked or invisible"
Cannot do anything but turn grid visiblity on and off.
i want lock all object on all pages. so i make a code but i wnt to run this code except master page (desktop)
my code is ............
Sub LockAll() Dim p As Page Dim s As Shape Dim i As Integer, j As Integer j = 1 For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages p.Activate For i = 1 To ActivePage.Shapes.Count ActivePage.Shapes(i).CreateSelection If ActiveLayer.Printable = False Then ActiveSelection.Locked = True j = j + 1 Next i Next pEnd Sub
Objects on a Master Page layer appear to be in front of all other layers on individual pages. I have a master layer with standard page background graphics, but on each individual page, I want a graphic on top of this background.
Is there a way to send this layer to be in back of all other layers and still be a Master layer? The only solution I see is copying this background across 20 pages, which doesn't seem right. Or change my design around the background, which I'd rather not do.
I wonder if there's any way to make a page without the layout of the master page layer? I have made a frame, page number and small stuff that will go on every pages. But I want to make first and last page of the document a little different so I want that the master layer will be ignored for these pages.
I am trying to edit the Master Page in Corel Draw X4. However I can't find how to list it in the obect manager. The first image shows the Object Manager as I see it.
The second image shows an example of the Object Manager as people have posted in other discussion topics.
How do I list all pages within the Object Manager as shown in this second example, and have the + and - buttons to expand the selection ?
I am new to CorelDraw and I have got an issue which might be potentially linked with master page / dynamic text or macros. I have got a multipage template with some text repetition on each page. Unfortunately those text have to be in different position and using different fonts.So setting up master page is not really solution, unless it can be done as above.
After moving a page in my document the master page elements no longer display on screen or in print. If I move the page to a different location in the document the master displays but if it is in the specific position that it needs to be it will not display. The document has multiple Masters and others do work on the page but the one that I need will not. I've tried deleting the page and adding a new one and that does not fix the problem. I've checked and "Hide Master Items" is not checked. The page in question is in position 48 with F-Master applied. If I move it to position 49 it works, 50, it works, 51, or any other it works. If I apply a different master to the page, it works. If I delete the page, add a new page and apply F-Master it still does not work. The only page that this problem is happening on is page 48.
Indesign CS6: I've years of extensive experience using Master Pages. Now, however, when I insert a single page in a facing page document, the headers shift off the page. I've tried everything I can think of to stop this. I'm not using liquid layout or any of those layout things.
This is very problematic as I do textbooks with hundreds of graphics and I either have to manually move all the master page items on every page after an insertion; or I have to shift all graphics manually to the next page after moving those to the next page, and the next, and so on.
I'm praying this is just a "hey, you must have X set to X and by deselecting it you'll be fine."
I'm a long time user and fan of Corel Draw; are there any plans to mimic Adobe when you draw and move a primitive in Corel Draw.
I love the feature in the Adobe Suite that lets you start a selection or primitive shape and dynamically move and place the shape as you'reinitially marking out it's width and Height "by holding down the space bar". I find this less constricting as you can begin draw the shape from anywhere on the page and move it anywhere before you commit to the size and placement.
I'm a long time user and fan of Corel Draw; are there any plans to mimic Adobe when you draw and move a primitive in Corel Draw.
I love the feature in the Adobe Suite that lets you start a selection or primitive shape and dynamically move and place the shape as you'reinitially marking out it's width and Height "by holding down the space bar". I find this less constricting as you can begin draw the shape from anywhere on the page and move it anywhere before you commit to the size and placement.
We're running InDesign CS6 (version 8.0.1) in my office. When we override and delete a master page item from a page then save out the PDF, the deleted item still shows up in the PDF.
Example: We typeset a string of 250 trading cards. Each card is a separate page, in a single InDesign document, and are all based on one of several possible master pages. On the master page for a given card there are some graphic elements like symbols and directional arrows. During typesetting on a card that uses that specific master page we find one of the pointing arrows needs to be oriented in a different direction. We override the existing arrow and delete it, then replace it with the correct arrow (the arrows are placed graphics). The old arrow is no longer visible in the InDesign file. When it comes time to export the file for the printer we run a script that exports each page as a separate PDF. When we proof the PDFs, the card with the arrow adjustment still shows the deleted arrow, it is visible beneath the new arrow. If we save out that page by itself (with the script or manually), this problem doesn't occur. It only happens when we save out the entire set of cards at once or as a single, multi-page PDF. Though we typically use a script for the export, we still get the same result if we don't use the script.
I have created a new master with a header, footer and main content region. The main content needs to be editable for each page I add to the document but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it! Has this changed since the first Indesign CS?
So the header and footer will remain the same throughout the document - if I change that in the master it will then change throughout. The text region will also remain the same throughout but I should be able to add content to that region on each page I create in my document. At the moment I can't. It won't let me select that region I've created on any of the pages in my document.
Place a guideline on the page.- In the property bar, in the field Angle of Rotation,for example you can put 15 degrees or something else.What's happening?
I was using some horizontal guidelines to line up text, and was infuriated to find that this doesn't work because Draw snaps the bottom of descenders to the guideline, instead of (duh) allowing them to descend below it.
I recently switched to coreldraw x5. is there a way to change default guidelines color. and this setting should remain forever.
one more thing i want the green processing filling, which is now present in the background tasks to be visible. ...just like in older versions how can i do it?
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.
If it's a bug, then I cannot believe it wasn't caught before the release. So here it is. I simply put artistic text down on page 1. Select the text and copy to clipboard. Add a new page and paste the text. On my computer, the text changes from artistic text (as copied to clipboard) to paragraph default text left justified across the center of the page. It doesn't matter how much text I select, it always pastes on the new page as paragraph text left justified and across the center of the page.
However, if I select artistic text and any other object, copy and paste to a new sheet, it works erectly. Apparently, I now have to select text and an object to insure that the paste feature works properly?
Draw a rectangle to allign with ellipse's outer dimension by Alignment Guides (not by Align and Distribute command).
Now the aligned side of the Rectangle must be tangent to the ellipse BUT it's not! To verify, try to search an intersection point. Draw a Guideline and snap it to the rectangle's aligned side. It must be intersection point between Guideline and Ellipse but there isn't...
Then I selected the path selection tool and selected a path.
Clicked right mouse key, choosed "Fill Path..." or "Fill Subpath" (don't know what it means). After filling with a color I get an object in the form of the path and I can move the path to another place.
But I can't move the object in the shape of the path. I can't move it with "Path selection tool" because it's no path. Then I tried the "Move Tool" but I also can't select the object with it instead the whole canvas is moving.
How can I select and move shapes which were created with the pen tool?
Been working in X3 - moved to X6. How do you create NON-MASTER repeating layers that automatically show up on all pages, like in X3, that can contain independently modified items, not master items.
I want create an object. A 0.5 inch hole for instance. I want to place this object into a drawing or mutiples of this object in my drawing. Two things i would like to do. If i decide i want to change the hole to 0.25 inches i want to change one instance of the object and all instances to change automatically. Second is that if i scale the drawing up in size I would like all the 0.5 inch hole to remain at 0.5 inches.