Photoshop :: Create New Layer *under* Current Layer?

Sep 21, 2006

way to do this from the layers menu (ctrl-click new layer icon), but is there a key combo? I use shift-ctrl-n a lot to make new layers, but often I need to make a new layer *below* the current layer.

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AutoCad 2D :: Create New Layer And Set It As Current In Layer Manager?

Nov 18, 2011

I'm currently using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I create a new layer and set it as current in the layer manager, regardless of what color I set the new layer to, the new layer's color remains the same as the previous one in the properties box even though the colors of the layers are always set to "by layer."

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layer Toolbar Won't Show Current Layer Selected

May 8, 2012

When i click on the green line has you can see on the image. The layer toolbar wont show me the right layer, like if it's not working. But i can see the right layer inside propreties.

Is there a system variable to ajust to see my layers inside the Layer tool bar?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Pick An Existing Line To Create A New Line With Current Layer?

Sep 12, 2013

For example, I'm making revisions to a plan and drag a block or xref of the floor plan changes where walls/doors/windows have moved.  I want to be able to simply pick the underlying linework as opposed to tracing over each line of said xref/block.

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Photoshop :: When / Why To Create Master Layer In CS6 For Multi-layer Image

Sep 14, 2012

A link or a brief explanation of"when & why" and "how to use" a master layer when working with a multi - layered image (psd or psb) file in CS6.
I've seen a couple of tutorials that make use of a "master layer" but I don't understand the "when & why.

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Photoshop :: Create A Blank Layer To Be Used As Background Layer In CS6?

Jun 26, 2013

How do I create a blank layer to be used as my "Background Layer" in CS6? I need to do this action before importing anything because once an image is imported, the image is automatically set as the Background Layer.

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Photoshop :: How To Create A Hilightes Layer And A Shadow Layer For Same

Jun 5, 2006

I need an easy way to fix a high contrast image such as an interior home shot where the windows are blown out and you can't see outside detail,but the interior is either correctly exposed or is underexposed. Basically what i need to do is combine the correctly exposed interior with the correctly exposed windows, showing correct exposure for both interior and exterior detail. To get the correct exposure i have been taking a shot in which i meter the windows, and without moving the camera, take another shot in which i meter the interior.

Here is where i get stuck. the way i've been doing it, which takes way too much time for my purposes, is to either use the magnetic lasso tool or the polygonal lasso tool to select the area of the properly exposed windows, and then cut and paste the selections to the other layer. The problem with this is,

it takes quite a while and i usually have to go back and do some cloning around the edges to fill in the spots that got missed, which takes alot of time as well, because it usually takes me several tries to get it right. Is there an easier way?

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Photoshop :: Create A New Layer / Then Add Layer Mask

Aug 18, 2012

I open something with paint and then I do crop and copy the area. Then I open up another document and paste it. Now I am trying to blend it in. I think I can use layers. Create a new layer, then add a layer mask. Then, at least that's how I have seen it online, I can use the brush tool to make the background reappear around the letters ( letters in my case). But this does not work. The brush only paints it in the background color.

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Photoshop :: Eyedropper Current Layer Sampling

Apr 17, 2012

Using the "current layer" sampling setting for the eye dropper before I apply any top layer adjustments (adding a top layer with a different blending more or adding an adjustment layer) it works fine. When I use any adjustment layers or any layer that has a blending mode, it affects the way the eyedropper picks color especially when set to current layer.
For instance, If I paint a new blank layer with random colors, I create a black and white adjustment layer on top of that one, I select the first color layer I go to pick a color using the eye dropper with the current layer sampling set, it picks a grey color (which is wrong). BUT!! if I open up the color picker with the color layer selected it picks the correct color. Now, if I delete the black and white adjustment layer, and I am back to only having the color layer, I then go to pick a color with current layer sampling still set, it chooses a grey color again?!?! There are no more layers on top of the original color layer I painted first, and yet it chooses a grey color?
I am working on Photoshop CS5 12.1 64bit

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AutoCad :: VP Freeze A Layer In All BUT The Current VP

Sep 17, 2013

I'm working with a DWG that already has a-gazillion VPs.

I'm currently making new layers, but the "New VP Freeze" option only seems to apply to new VPs made AFTER the creation of the layer.

I need the new layers I'm making to be Frozen retroactively, if you will, in all previously-made VPs.

Short of going into each and every VP and manually VP Freezing these few layers, what can I do?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Making A Layer From Xref Current

Mar 27, 2013

I want to make a layer from external reference current.

I tried to identify it with its full name, but I got an error: eInvalidInput. So I found out, I have to use only the part behind the pipe.But then there is a problem, because this name is not unique withing the drawing.

Any number of xrefs can have such layer and also the drawing itself can have a layer with the same name. How exactly can I set a layer from xref current?


layer from xref1: Xref1|LayerName1
layer from xref2: Xref2|LayerName1
layer from the drawing: LayerName1

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AutoCAD .NET :: Obtain The Current Layer State?

Sep 10, 2013

how to obtain the current layer state?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Lock Current Layer - Turning On / Off

Apr 9, 2012

Is there a way to lock the current layer (to say layer 0) so that is STAYS the current layer regardless of my isolating, turning layers on and off etc?

Really annoying to keep getting those "Are you sure you want to turn off the current layer" messages and it would prevent me from either drawing thing on a layer I don't intend to, or drawing on a layer which is off (which confuses me every time).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Insert Label On Current Layer?

Mar 20, 2013

I use the same label style for multiple objects (surfaces) with different layers (i.e. Concrete, Pavement, etc.) I have the label style set to Layer 0, to take on the layer properties I want the label on. When I insert a label, it defaults to Layer 0, then I have to change it's layer. Is there a way to insert a label on the current layer?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Change Layer To Current

Jun 14, 2011

I cant change layers and make it current. The layer manager is stuck on layer 0.

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AutoCad :: Blocks From Palettes Coming In On Current Layer

Nov 7, 2011

I thought when you created a tool pallet with blocks on a certain layer and put them in your drawing that the block would be placed on the layer it was created on? When I put a block that was created on 0 layer it will insert on my current layer? These blocks are on a network and I am the only one that has rights to modify them.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Suppressing Current Layer Off Dialogue?

Sep 12, 2013

Had a trawl through the options and settings - couldn't find a way to stop this message appearing? Even EXPERT <1> didn't stop it.

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After Effects :: Way To Trim Precomp To Current Layer Time?

Feb 3, 2009

I've got an animation pretty much done as far as timing goes and everything. Now I'm going back and editing some things that require adding a few layers to add some things to the current layer that already is trimmed appropriately to the correct time.

Any script or something that will create a composition from a layer using the length of the layer's in and out point instead of the whole comp time?

Right now I'm opening the precomp, hitting "i" "b" "o" "n", then right clicking on the comp range bar, choosing trim to comp time. Then I go back to the main comp, move the time back to where the layer previously started and hitting "["

So it all goes by pretty quick, but I consistently have to do that like 20 times. And no, it isn't completely necessary, but if I have to give the file to someone else it makes it Much easier to see what's going on if they can see the actual length of a layer. If you leave it at default it appears the layer is needed for the entire composition.

So, is there a way to script that or something? I usually just need to do something like add some text, simulate a graphic display, or create some fake animated depth of field or something like that. I don't like to add more than one layer per action in the main comp, so if more is needed then i usually precompose it as to not have more than a hundred layers or so for the bulk of the comp.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Apply Layer Filter To Layer Toolbar Disables Function Of Layer Filters In Tool Palette

Aug 1, 2012

It appears that the Layer Filters functionality is broken again with 2013. Unchecking the "Apply layer filter to layer toolbar" disables the function of layer filters in the tool palette.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Insert Block To Inherit Current Layer?

Jan 12, 2010

There are certain occasions where I would like to insert a block to inherit the current layer in an active AutoCAD drawing. This happens frequently when a client requires a certain layering standard and I have a block from another drawing with different layering standards. To correct this it usually involves several steps - Explode and change the layer, setbylayer, bedit, etc,

Is there a command to where I can directly insert a block and its layers change to the current layer of the active AutoCAD drawing?

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AutoCAD VB :: How To Make The Selected Value In Combobox Current Layer In Drawing

Dec 19, 2012

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim layerColl As AcadLayers Dim entry As AcadLayer Dim LayList As String Set layerColl = ThisDrawing.Layers For Each entry In layerColl ComboBox1.AddItem entry.Name Next End Sub

I have a form with a combobox. That combobox is filled up with all layers in a drawing. (see above)

Now I want to make the layer that I have selected (value) in the combobox the current layer in my drawing.

How can i make it current?

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AutoCAD LT :: Set Default Layer Setting In Hatch Command To Use Current

Feb 1, 2012

In the hatch dialogue there is a setting to target the hatch to a specific layer. How does one set the default to ALWAYS be "Use Current"?

Attached jpg shows the target layer as ffbrg, but I want that to ALWAYS read "Use Current" when creating a NEW hartch. In other words, I am happily working in a specific layer creating all these hatches and then realize LATER that all the hatches were in different layers causing great confusiion and havoc. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Station Tick Marks Take On Current Layer?

Feb 24, 2011

Using C3D 2010, I have a drawing that has a horizontal alignment and it is stationed.  I see text at every 100 feet and tick every 50 feet. Perfect.  I have that drawing x-refed into another drawing.  The station ticks take on the properties of the current layer in the drawing they are x-refed into.  If I change to layer defpoints, the tick to not plot!  Shouldn't the ticks be fixed to a certain layer?

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AutoCad :: Disable (current Layer Will Be Off) Popup When Hiding Layers?

May 12, 2011

How can I disable the "the current layer will be off" popup when hiding layers? I found this:


but I'm afraid the expert command is only valid for commands

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Current Layer - Every Object Or Line Selected In Drawing Appear On It

Jan 16, 2013

When I set a layer as current, every object or line I select in the drawing appear to be on that layer in the toolbar. Although in the properties toolbox, I see that the line I selected is still on the right layer.

I can't work in paperspace either, when I freeze a layer it freezes all objects. It seems like whenever I give a different layer to an object, it attributes to all object that same layer.

When I open the same drawing in acad 2008, everything is ok, the objects have the proper layers.

Is there a command for that or it's an acad 2013 problem?

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GIMP :: Showing Masks As Overlay And Command To See Layer Underneath Current One?

May 20, 2012

1. Is there a "show quick mask" feature for showing masks?

I know Gimp has a "*Show quick mask*" feature which shows what you have(and haven't) selected by displaying a red overlay over your image,allowing you to add to or subtract from a selection by using the paintbrush, but I haven't found a similar feature for showing masks.

Photoshop has this feature (it's called 'reveal mask' I think) and it basically just shows a red overlay of your mask on your image so that,similar to the quick mask feature in Gimp, you can see where you have and haven't masked through.

(I don't own Photoshop so I'm not sure if the red overlay shows the opacity with which you've masked through or whether or not you can edit the mask when it's being shown as a red overlay.)

2. Is there a command for showing the layer underneath the current layer I'm working on?

This is another feature that I've seen Photoshop has that is useful for blending multiple exposures (and lots of things, really).

Basically it's just a keyboard shortcut for showing the layer underneath your current when you hold down a certain keyboard command (it's not something you toggle since it's meant for quickly viewing what's on the layer underneath your current one).

I know I can press space bar to show or hide the layer I'm currently working on, but I can't do that unless I focus into the layers dialogue first. It'd be nice if I could activate that functionality from anywhere,regardless of whether I'm focused on the layers dialogue.

Do either of these features exist in Gimp?

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Illustrator SDK :: How To Make All Arts In Current Layer Rotate 30 Degree Around Origin

Apr 7, 2013

Open a new document in AI (CS5/CS6), and then draw some arts (rectangles), given an original point (such as 0,0), now I want to all arts in current layer rotate 30 degree around the origin. How to realize it?

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Illustrator Scripting :: JavaScript To Send Selected TextFrame To Current Layer?

Feb 20, 2013

Is there a way to send a selected textFrame item to a layer using javascript?
I don't mind if it is send to current layer or some other way to accomplish the task.
(Using Adobe Illustrator CS4)

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Properties Palette Shows Any Selected Object On Current Layer

Aug 13, 2013

Just starting to use 2014, and so far not so good.  I tend to keep the Properties Palette open and docked.  In 2014, if my current layer is 0, any object I select in a drawing shows as Layer 0 in the Design tab of the Properties palette.  If I change to a different layer, any object selected shows that layer in the Properties palette.    If I start a new drawing, enter WALLADD and draw a wall segment, the A-WALL layer now correctly appears in the Layer Manager, but when I select the wall, the Layer in Properties is the current layer, not the A-WALL layer it should have gone on.  Also, Quick Properties is on, but doesn't pop up anywhere.

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Photoshop :: How To Keep Layer Effects On One Layer From Affecting Another Layer

Jun 7, 2012

I have found that when I use the Layer Styles on one layer and then make a new layer or select a shape that creates a new layer that when I go to add Styles to the new layer/new shape the previous layer is affected by how I set the Bevel & Emboss, Direction, Altitude, Drop Shadow etc etc.
For instance, let's say I have a ...
BG > New Layer > draw an ellipse and then add a Bevel with an  > Angle of 89 and an Altitude of 30 and then I add a New Layer > open the Styles and go to change the Angle to say +89 or whatever and the Altitude to say 45 ... the first Layer/Shape Effects change.
How I can keep one Layer from being affected by an other Layers Effects'?
I have found that if I Rasterize a Layer Effect that I can add a "double" effect on the same layer but I haven't tried the to do this with separate layers. However, for most of the work I am doing I cannot use the Raster because everything needs to be true vectors.
I have a Dell Laptop/Windows 7 Home Premium that's a 64 bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: XREFed COGO Point Markers Pick Up Color Of Current Layer?

Aug 7, 2012

We have survey files that we xref into our design files. In the survey files themselves, the points don't change color. When we xref them in, the point markers (only the circular node on the actual point, not the line coming off of it) take on the color of whatever the current layer is in the drawing, only fixable by changing the current letter and regenerating.

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