AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Station Tick Marks Take On Current Layer?
Feb 24, 2011
Using C3D 2010, I have a drawing that has a horizontal alignment and it is stationed. I see text at every 100 feet and tick every 50 feet. Perfect. I have that drawing x-refed into another drawing. The station ticks take on the properties of the current layer in the drawing they are x-refed into. If I change to layer defpoints, the tick to not plot! Shouldn't the ticks be fixed to a certain layer?
I have been working on a drawing and out of the blue, when I opened it the other day, all this tick marks where peppered all over the drawing. I discovered they were like point marks from dimension layers that were turned off. If I freeze the layer on top of turning it off, the tick marks do go away. I am running an old version of Autocad, 2007.
The linear stretch works fine but changing the length affects the position of the tick marks of the polar stretch. If I change the degrees to 0-360 then it's not a problem but I want to restrict to 285-345 deg.
I can't figure out how to move the base angle of the polar stretch with the linear stretch.
I need to recreate this dial and I've learned how to create evenly spaced tick marks within a circle, but this is an ellipse. Here, I attempted to draw two ellipse then used the scissors to cut them to size. Then I used the line tool and drew each of the tick marks. Then I adjusted the weights of each tick. This is not a good method because the end ticks are not meeting the ends of the ellipse perfectly, leaving a tiny bit of tick mark outside the ellipse. Here is what I ended up with:
But this is what I need to create: (I only need to create the arched part with tick marks of this dial)
I learned out to make the tick marks using copies and rotation. My question now is, how is the rotation calculated so A) I get the correct placement of the tick marks, especially the small ones as there are so many and B) how do I calculate the rotation degree so that I have the proper amount of space at the bottom of the guage/dial?
I know how to get the large tick marks and the small tick marks, if I were placing them evenly around the entire circle, I would know how to do that also - but since I'm placing them around only a portion of the circle (although still evenly) I'm lost. I can only figure out the space by hit and miss calculations and that is taking much too long. I would also need to know how much to rotate the entire thing by in order to get the open space at the bottom as shown.
Is there a way to adjust the length of the tick marks used in dimension strings? I'd like something other than the supplied Diagonal 1/8" or Diagonal 3/64" options.
We are introducing a new graph design, but has a problem with not being able to override the tick marks in the category axis in Illustrator CS5. A typical graph (line layout) can have 250 observations, and since we have the tick marks on full width, the graph gets "crowded" with black lines.
In the value axis there is possibilites for overriding the values, but not on the category axis.
Is there any way to script so that the tick marks in the category axis can be reduced/overrided to e.g. 1 in 20?
how do you change their layer? i have been through the settings tab under "alignment", "station offset". i also right clicked on one and went through the properties.
I use the same label style for multiple objects (surfaces) with different layers (i.e. Concrete, Pavement, etc.) I have the label style set to Layer 0, to take on the layer properties I want the label on. When I insert a label, it defaults to Layer 0, then I have to change it's layer. Is there a way to insert a label on the current layer?
We have survey files that we xref into our design files. In the survey files themselves, the points don't change color. When we xref them in, the point markers (only the circular node on the actual point, not the line coming off of it) take on the color of whatever the current layer is in the drawing, only fixable by changing the current letter and regenerating.
How come when you try and check a distance on an alignment, and say I try and click on one of the tick marks it will not snap to the intersection of the tick like jumps off like half a foot and will not give you an accurate measurement?
how to change the style of the tick symbol for the cut/fill labels? In the attached you can see its a good size circle and I want to change it to just a small cross. I dont see that setting in the label style anywhere.
I have the bottom axis selected and trying to change my minor tick interval from 5' to 2.5' on the grid in the Horizontal Axes tab, but each time I type in 2.5' my minor horizontal tick intervals disappear. The lowest I can set my interval is to 3.5'. What is causing the interval to disappear? The major tick interval is set to 50' in the Horizontal Axes tab and my Major tick interval is 20' in the Vertical Axes tab with 2.5' for the minor. My Display settings have everything unfrozen and turned on.
When i click on the green line has you can see on the image. The layer toolbar wont show me the right layer, like if it's not working. But i can see the right layer inside propreties.
Is there a system variable to ajust to see my layers inside the Layer tool bar?
I'm currently using AutoCAD LT 2012 and when I create a new layer and set it as current in the layer manager, regardless of what color I set the new layer to, the new layer's color remains the same as the previous one in the properties box even though the colors of the layers are always set to "by layer."
way to do this from the layers menu (ctrl-click new layer icon), but is there a key combo? I use shift-ctrl-n a lot to make new layers, but often I need to make a new layer *below* the current layer.
Within my road corridor, I have one section where the excavated material cannot be used as fill elsewhere. I see a place where I can specify a factor for reusable volume when I compute earthwork materials. But it looks like I can only use 1 factor for the whole corridor. Is there a way to say from Sta XX+XX to Sta XX+XX the reusable fill factor is 0, but the rest of the project it is something else?
All I can think to do is copy the quantity report to Excel and manually change the reusable volume in that station range to 0. But, since the report comes in as just numbers (no formulas), I then have to enter all the formulas to recalculate the volumes.
First - the alignment station label text size when viewed in model space is fine but when viewed in paper space it comes in way to big. How do i adjust this so i see things in paper space as they are in the model?
Second - Would like to adjust the station label style from the defalt 0+00.00 to 0+000.000
When an alignment needs to have stationing modified, what is the best process for this when a proposed grade line and corridor have been established? I know the proposed grade line can be edited via edit profile geometry>profile grid view.
But what from I have found each station has to be modified individually, which is cumbersome. I would hope to be able to modify the proposed grade line by changing only the beginning station and the rest would update, similar to the alignment.
I have a problem with some station labels I have, when I open the drawing(s) the labels display ??? instead of the station. After I manually sync the alignment in prospector, the drawing switches to the model tab with the ? now showing correctly.
Like entering a station and going there?I've used the 'SO with Zoom C. That is not simple.12+ miles of a single road alignment with 3 equation stations makes for a LOT of panning.
Im trying to make a label that will call out pipe replacement in reference to an alignment. I know how to call out from multiple alignments, but I need multiple stations from the same alignment, such as sta xxx to sta xxx.
Windows 7 x 64 bit NVidia Quadro 2000 Dual Monitor 6.00 GB RAM Intel Xeon W3550 @ 3.07 GHz Civil 3D 2013 SP 2, Civil 3D 2012 SP2, Civil 3D 2011 V3, Civil 3D 2010 V3
I have an alignment that starts at station 1+00 and runs through 20+00.
By right clicking the station labels and editing the label group, I have updated my major station increments to 200' and my minor stations (ticks only) to 100'. The problem is, I want the 200' increments to begin at my starting station (1+00), so that the labels would read 1+00, 3+00, 5+00, etc.
As it is now, the above settings make my labels read: 1+00, 2+00, 4+00, 6+00, etc.
I have a station equation in my alignment that happens to fall in a vertical curve in my profile. I'm using the PVC and PVT station and elevations from the plans and the K value to draw a Fixed Vertical Curve. It doesn't seem to be taking into consideration the station equation. It is calculating the wrong PVI station and elevation.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to split an alignment so that I do not disturb the stationing of the alignment beyond a station equation. I have a very long alignment with a finaized design. I have a design change to make, which means I need to move a section of the alignment, and I want to do it without changing the stationing past a defined point so that it does not affect the design (corridor) past that point.
I currently have a drawing with a road alignment and stationing. Is there a way to automatically station and offset a point that is not on the alignment line?
For instance, our alignment line is the centerline of the road. I need a station and offset of the new right of way line points at different places in the drawing. I want to use the alignment stationing to have it automatically create the station and offset at the point I choose.
When I am in the file with the labels everything is the proper size. When I reference this file into my sheet file everything becomes tiny. Any legitimate solution?
After editing an alignment in my drawing the stationing did not update to the new edited alignment. I tried selecting the alignment and in alignment properties changing the end stationing, but I get the error "Either outside alignment limits or within gap created by a station equation". The stationing stops at my first edit point 66+24 when the total length of edited alignment is 103+15. Is there a way to re-station alignment.