AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Style Of Tick Symbol For Cut / Fill Labels?
Aug 2, 2013
how to change the style of the tick symbol for the cut/fill labels? In the attached you can see its a good size circle and I want to change it to just a small cross. I dont see that setting in the label style anywhere.
Is there a way to change the marker style on general note labels that are already in the drawing without having to select them all and change it in the properties? I want to change the marker style from "basic" to "none" on the note labels but I'm not seeing a ToolSpace setting to change them all at the same time without having to individually change it...
I am in C3D 2012 and using Romans.shx for my text. When labeling an Arc, the degree symbol comes out too close to the following text/number. Is there any way to adjust the spacing on curved text. On a straight line it looks fine.
My sections are showing a label for some of my links that are coded as "top". My label style for the "top" link is set to none and some of the labels are still displayed.
The labels show in the sections, but not the assembly. We are running Civil 3D 2012.
I need write Cut and Fill Labels on Volume surface in each 10x10 meters. Civil 3D can write Spot Levels on grid, but I need write Cut and Fill values in grid area. Using Surface >Utilities>Bounded volumes I can get the values on selected closed polygon, but write to all is very long work. How to do write Cut and Fill labels on grid.
I followed the steps I found online to create color-specific surface labels (I assigned red to the cut elev and green for the fill elev.), but when I display them using the spot elevation on grid, I am getting both red and green elevations on same point (they are both fill elev or cut elev.), and why are there two elevations (cut-red and fill green) displaying?
When I generate a band and the points that need to be labelled are very close to each other there is the possibility to stagger the labels (left, right, to both sides).
This works as I would expect it to.What I haven’t been able to determine is whether it is possible to adjust or influence the spacing between the staggered labels.
I am in the process of modifying our current company standards to conform to another set of standards. The main change is switching from "simplex" font style to "Tahoma".
Simple in theory but problematic in execution, our main alignment label style "GEO-LABL", used for P.O.T, PC, ect. utilizes an underlined reference text object in order to control the length of the line under the call. The base insertion places the call perpendicular to the alignment, when dragged to the left or right it switches to stacked text plan readable. Works like a champ with the "simplex" text style - 1.jpg see attached.
Now simply changing the font to "Tahoma" - 2.jpg the larger you make the text the larger the gap.I am trying to stay away from adding a line for the underline due to the difference in lengths needed when the call gets longer or shorter based on alignment name or stationing.
Using 2012 in my CUI I could set the general note label to use the double click function. When I double clicked on any label I'd get the editor box pop up. Now in 2013 for some strange reason that no longer seems to work.
I am trying to change the default label styles for AddSegmentLabel under general styles using .NET...
Dim X As Autodesk.Civil.Settings.SettingsCmdAddSegmentLabel = CD.Settings.GetSettings(Of Autodesk.Civil.Settings.SettingsCmdAddSegmentLabel)()
X.Styles.LineLabel.Value = strChildStyleName ... says name does not exist
X.Styles.LineLabelStyleId.Value = oidChildStyle ... "The type of objectId is wrong"
If I manually change it to a child style and then check the values, they are the same as what I'm trying to set them to. If you use a "parent" style then these both work. Am I doing something wrong or this another limitation?
Civil 3D 2013 - Windows 7 Pro 64 - Dell T3500 - Xeon 2.67 - 24gb - Quadro 600
I have created Table styles for Structures in Autocad 2009 Civil 3D, but now I have Autocad Civil 3D 2011 and the Table Style Fill appears black in paper space.
I have a drawing containing a surface with contour labels. There are two tabs representing two separate drawings. On one of the drawings I want to change the viewport color of some of the layers so certain features will plot lighter than on the other drawing.
When I change the color of a layer within the viewport, however, the masking on all the contour labels takes on a color (not associated with the color of the layer they're on, or anything else for that matter). Once the masking takes on the color, you can't undo it. You have to exit the drawing without saving it and call it up again in order to have the labels appear properly.
i am trying to change my contour label precision from 700 to 700.50, i am working in a very flat area and i placed .25' and 1' contours on my site plan but can only get even foot labels to show. where do i change the precision, i tried in units, no luck.
I have a question on Alignment PI's. (Point of Inflection/Intersection)I have an alignment where some PI's have curves, others are merely hard bends.
Is there a way to automatically label the PI's even if they have an associated curve? (I'd like PI, PC and PT)Alternatively, can I only show markers at PI's without curves?
I have a long document with text variable running headers along page edges. Behind each running header on the Master Pages, there is a black band. I want the color black to change to several different fill colors, when the running header changes, to define different "sections."
It's one document, no separate chapters or sections, at this point. See attached image.
Is there a way to tie the fill color of these colored bands to the running header so that it changes when the running header does? I think what I'm looking for is a way to make a variable object style (fill) to be triggered by the running header change. I have no experience writing scripts, but am willing to try. Plan B will be to unlink the master items and manually recolor on each page.
I have a feature line that is perpendicular to another and connected to it at a PI .When I modify the elevations of one of the feature lines, the labels for slope and PI elevation of the dependent feature line do not react and update without having to invoke a REGEN.
I have an alignment and have station labels. The alignment is labeled with "Major Stations" at every 100 feet. I need to change the station increment to 25 feet and have labels. I have done this although station 1+25 is still reading 1, station 1+50 is reading 1, etc. There is a precision variable somewhere, and I can't figure it out. I have played with the alignment labels style but no luck. Is there a global drawing settings somewhere that might be controlling this?
Trying to change the position of the "elevation" labels on the horizontal axis. They come default as being inside the profile and i want them shown on the outside of the profile box.
I am trying to create a surface rise:run slope label for our company template file. I have it set using the default values that I want. But right now the text is just 1:1...where we want it to read 1V:1H.
how I can keep the label dynamic to the surface, but put the V & H in the label after the values.?
I think it is normal to want a style showing stationing, speed design stattions, etc.But.... Radii of curves ? Clothoid parameters ?
Why is the reason Autodesk developers think that designers dont want to see this information instead of "add labels, aligments, multiple segments,. etc ....
i've got a drawing from another company that has a bunch of points. i need to change all the styles to flatten them to a 0' elevation instead of the elevation they were shot at. i don't want to go through each point style to change that one setting. is there a way to do them all at one time?
How come when you try and check a distance on an alignment, and say I try and click on one of the tick marks it will not snap to the intersection of the tick like jumps off like half a foot and will not give you an accurate measurement?
When creating a style, (for example a Spot Elevation style), I'd like it to be in a dragged state upon insertion, rather than having it plop down right at the point and then having to click and drag it off to where I want it.
I can't seem to find the option to change this though..........
I did some search and got some code from 2009 post which not really working for me. Since I am not a pofr for autocad civil3D and just staring to learn how programing with autolisp, I am having trouble to debug the code:
(defun xp()(setq sset1 (ssget "X" '((0 . "AECC_PARCEL_SEGMENT")))) (COMMAND "EXPLODE" SSET1 "") if (= (setq ss (ssget "X" '((0 . "AECC_COGO_POINT")))) nil) (setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "AECC_COGO_POINT")))) ); FILTERS UNCLOSED POLYLINES(defun c:changestyle() (setq xlabel (vlax-ename->vla-object (car (entsel))))
I have Civil 3D 2013 and would like to define the station tick marks. Unfortuantely, the only style that appears on the Import pull down is "Standard". How do I go about downloading or loading from an appropriate program folder the "Tick" style set?
I am trying to figure out how to change the labeling of my sample line style from (<[Sample Line Number(Sn)]> which out puts a count of 1,2,3,4 etc to output A,B,C,D etc.
This has got to be something simple, but I can't get my head around it. I want to take a feature line that has been created by the "stepped offset" command and change its style, in LISP, of course. I have the entity name and have dumped the object, but the style of the FL is not one of them. It shows up in the properties box, but how do I get to it to change it?