Photoshop :: Use 2 Identical Video Cards In Mac Pro
Nov 13, 2012
Is it ok to use 2 identical video cards (Nvidia GT 120) in a Mac Pro with 2 monitors and PS? Any benefit or problems from using 2 cards - each monitor getting a seperate card?
There might be instances where I might need to run 3 monitors but it will mainly be 2 (a 21" and 24" NEC multisync's).
i have an assembly with 100+ parts that i have to show in my parts list.
my question is :
how can i add identical sheets showing identical view of the assembly but the ist page will show the first 50 parts and the second page will show the rest of the part list?
I'm trying to set up my Dell U2711 monitor for use with 10 bit display (30 bit color) in Windows 7 via Displayport. I noticed that CS6 now has a "30 bit display" option in the Advanced GPU settings, and saw Chris Cox's commentary in another posting that CS6 no longer relies upon the GPU driver to enable 10 bit display. Â Has CS6 changed what video cards are able to work with 10 bit display? Â I know previously it needed to basically be either a AMD Firepro or possibly a Nvidia Quadro workstation class card with their advanced drivers in order to work. Can 10 bit display now work with the more mainstream Radeon HD 6xxx/7xxx or GeForce GTX 5xx/6xx cards? I'd like to buy a more powerful video card for general purposes, but not have to pay the very high price of a workstation class card.
I have three monitors connected to two separate graphics cards, an 8800GT and an FX5200 (PCI). Now, this setup works fine in regular XP Pro, with driver 175.19; Photoshop CS4's OpenGL works without a problem save for the brush cursor bug. However, I installed Vista x64 as a dual boot for the RAM boost, and ran into a bit of a wall.
Photoshop now refuses to work at all with the OpenGL enhancements on. It loads (an improvement in itself, used to get stuck at "Reading preferences"), but it'll freeze when I try to open a file or go to the performance settings. I'm currently using driver 171.16; I know it's outdated, but it's the most recent one that works with both cards in Vista x64. I'm also quite sure it's not the problem; Photoshop works perfectly with OpenGL on if I disable the FX5200.
I've tried the registry key AllowOldGPUs_ON to no effect. I've also tried both the 64-bit and 32-bit versions, with no difference. Is it possible to get Photoshop working with both cards, short of replacing the FX5200?
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.50GHz
Over 300GB HDD space available for scratch disk use
I just set up a new rig (specs below) and everything was going great. I added a second monitor and suddenly PS CS6 starts crashing randomly. I think I discovered that PS will not support a dual monitor config if each monitor is on a different video card.  My main monitor (30" dell) is powered by an ATI Raedeon HD 4850. My secondary monitor (HP Elite L2201x) is powered by the on board Intel HD Graphics 4000 because the display only uses Display Port. Both are supported cards and PS runs fine with either one used independently with or without GPU support.  When I have BOTH connected the Graphics Processor Settings box is greyed out and when I mouse over that section the description box below says "Graphics hardware acceleration is unavailable. You will need to upgrade your video driver and possibly your video card" and the programs crashes randomly. The same behavior occurs regardless of on which monitor PS is being displayed.  I have attempted to tweak BIOS settings to establish a hardware priority so PS would only see one card but to no avail. As this issue prevents me from using my second monitor entirely (I use PS daily), I'd really like to get it resolved.  Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-Z77X-UD3H Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K CPU RAM: 32GB Boot Drive: OCZ 128GB SSD OS: Win7 64  Video card details: Current drivers on both Primary: ATI Radeon HD 4850 Secondary: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (HD4000)
Adobe accepts only NVIDIA and ATI series of video cards. I just bought a Sony laptop with a different video card (INDVID-001637-64) with 1.8 GB onboard RAM and with Open GL capabilities but PS CS4 extended 64bit does not recognize the card. Is there a work-around to get PS to recognize this card or am I just not going to be able to use the Open GL for PS. I have been to Sony Vaio to see if there are any other possibilities but can't find any updates that work on my particular computer. I am running a Windows Home Premium Vista, 64 bit system with 4 GB of RAM so I am sure all of that is OK. I just don't know where else to go for information except back to where I purchased the computer. Maybe replace the video board if possible. Or maybe Open GL just isn't worth going to the trouble. Seems like that might be the case also according to some of the discussion here.
Does Premiere Pro CS6 support Open QL video cards in Windows. I am looking at the AMD Fire pro w500 as I want to speed up rendering of Magic Bullet Looks, Colorist and Mojo?
Say i make a curvy line using the pen tool and then stroke the path and then delete the path (maybe i shouldn't?) and then i want to make a identical path say offset 5 pixels on one of the sides of the aforementions stroked path. for example i just drew the left side (border) of the road and i need to make the right border of the can I do this?
I have three layers each with an identical pattern out of which I am trying to make a bigger pattern (for textile printing). Everything lines up but there is a very fine white line between the images. I have tried feathering, blurring, masking and feathering, blending, anything I can find in the online manual and in Photoshop for dummies.
I want to get a tattoo, similar to the one Johnny Depp has (Google 'winona forever tattoo' and you will see what I mean). But I want the two words to be different in my tattoo. I was hoping to take a pic to the tattoo artist with the words I want in the image.Â
Is there any way to take an image of his tattoo, and change the words to the words I want in my tattoo? I can't find the font on any font identifying sites, I don't even know if it is a proper font.
Ps CS6 OS X 10.6.8 Â Save For Web offers 5 resampling algorithms (the same 5 as in Image Size, ignoring "Bicubic Automatic", of course) for when the output is being resized. Â All choices except "Nearest Neighbor" output an identical image (which is different to all results of Image Size). Although the "Bilinear" output contains the same pixels as the output of the 3 bicubics, its file size is slightly different than their shared file size.
I have a bunch of photos that are duplicates -- exact duplicates, with the same filename and date taken etc, but stored in different folders. Â The Duplicate Photo Search function finds pictures that look the same. Â Why isn't there a function that finds photos with the same filenames and date/time? That way you could easily delete the duplicates.
I took a promo portrait of a book author that needs to be in color and b&w depending on where it will be used (b&w on the book sleave, color on a flyer, etc). I have a vitual copy for the b&w image which has different contrast settings, otherwise they are identical. Normally I only have one photo to deal with if I need to use Photoshop, and it's aways my last step. This is a little different in that if I don't want to adjust the contrast on the edit, I will have to eyeball the same brush strokes both copies, which will never exactly match. Is there any way to do an identical Photoshop "Liquify" edit on both?
I'm having difficulty with the BOM. Â I have a number of identical parts with different file names from the frame generator and other tools such as mirror. Â They all show up as individual parts in the BOM.
I have "Enable Row Merge on Part Number Match" cheched and even though their part numbers do match, the rows are not merged.
On on 2011. Â New Inventor User, recently moved from 2011 to 2014 - Win. 7.
I am wondering if there is a way of showing same identical items separately on the BOM. for example, I have 2 nozzles on the ASME Vessel and want to give it two different call-out like 5A and 5B to match with the as me calculation requirement.
When I draw a line and then draw something else how do I go back to edit the first line. Along these same lines how would I mirror a line so that both halves are identical.
I am in the process of organizing my Literoom images and filter displays MULTIPLE IDENTICAL IMAGES, under METADATA STATUS changed. . Â Computer info - Literoom 4.3, windows 7, some 55,000 images on the hardrive, one catalog used. Â When I go to folders, and click on J drive which holds these images, they all come up if filter is off of course. Now using metadata I search on a date, a camera, lense, etc. But I just want to find all of my images on a particular day. I can find those with no problem. My problem is that I may have 2 or more identical images display in grid and view as well as film strip. Looking up metadate status I find that these images are CHANGED. I understand that status, but there is no way that these multiple images would result from my work.
I searched for multiple files located in multiple folders - What is creating those multiple files, they are identical as to date, how they look, etc?
If I go to CATALOG, and work with the all the images there, found at the top of course, I get the same functionality, BUT THE MULTIPLE IMAGES ARE ABSENT.
It makes it difficult to keyword on images on a certain date, because of the multiple files.  Filters are NOT a powerful tool for organizing collections and keywords when this problem exists. My problem is not using filters, but understanding why multiple images.
If you wanted to locate and delete identical instances, not knowing if there are actually identical instances only concerned that there may be some double counting in your schedules, how would you do it?
iLogic code question concerning how Place iLogic Component and retain the ability to push parameters from the subassemblies to the parts after being renamed.
I have ASSEMBLY.iam containing:
SUBASSEMBLY-01:1.iam SUBASSEMBLY-02:1.iam and sometimes SUBASSEMBLY-02:2.iam
each SUBASSEMBLY.iam contains PART1.ipt and PART2.ipt which have variable LENGTH and WIDTH. LENGTH and WIDTH are entered manually at the SUBASSEMBLY.iam and are infinitely variable.
To transfer the parameters I'm using iLogic code in the SUBASSEMBLY:
 Parameter("PART1.ipt", "LENGTH")=LENGTHParameter("PART1.ipt", "WIDTH")=WIDTHParameter("PART2.ipt", "LENGTH")=LENGTHParameter("PART2.ipt", "WIDTH")=WIDTH  Issue 1: When I place the SUBASSEMBLY as an iLogic Component, the parts are renamed to PART1-01.ipt which renders my Parameter transfer useless. What am I missing on writing this code so it can find the new part name?
 Issue 2: I like the automatic renaming that happens with Place iLogic Component. Is there a better way to handle this automatically through Place Component -> Save & Replace?
I have 2 identical files. same character, same rig, same character sets. One has animation. Can I just copy the curves of one character set and somehow put it into the character set of the other file?
I'm working on a animation with a female model. It's a simple animation which I did with a couple of soft modification points. After that was done, I created the UV texture in Photoshop. At the point in the animation that the soft modification points deform the mesh the texture goes all crazy.
I know why that is, because the UV is projected and is not stuck on the mesh yet. I've worked the wrong way. Next time I will first add the UV texture and then animate the mesh. Now I'm having a duplicate of the model and deleted the history. The UV sticks on that mesh, but the softmodification points are also deleted. So the mesh doesn't deform anymore.
I've tried a lot of ways, but didn't find the solution yet. That's why my question is. How do you copy/reconnect the soft modification points on a identical mesh with a sticking UV texture? It's the same polycount, so I think it's possible. I've tried connecting the soft mods in the new mesh in the Hypergraph, but I didn't know which atributes I should connect. I also tried to bake a simulation, but Maya says he is calculating, but I can't see if it is working and how long it would take. I tried to export the animation and import it in a new scene with the history deleted model, but that wasn't the solution either.
I don't know if my story is all clear, but this i my goal. I want the animation on a model that has the UV texture sticking on it. What is the best way to get there?
I've got two trajectories from the bottom of two tires and I want to create a road surface, an object whose shape will match the trajectories, thereby creating a perfect shadow catcher.
The trajectories are virtually identical in shape and number of points because the two point helpers that created them were wired together. I've converted them into splines and messed with the loft tool, with not so good results. I ended up brute forcing the shape of the object into some kind of shape but I think there has to be a good, dependable way to do this in a program like max.
We'll be getting a laser engraver, and have been considering Illustrator to format the designs. Some of our engravings will include serial numbers. So I was wondering (having never used Illustrator) if I could create a file containg, say 10 identical engravings - except for an automatically incrementing serial number (I would set the first serial number, and the 9 others would follow). The 10 engravings would be applied to 10 similar parts simultaneously.
I have not been able to find why multiple identical images are displaying in gridview when filters are applied. There is only one image in the folder. This obviously makes it difficult to apply images to keywords.
Lightroom 4.3 version. All updates applied. Windows 7 64 bit. Single hardrive used. No problems on disk. Memory 8 gig. Speed 3 MHZ. OK  Here is how I use filters. Select folders/SE:ECT drive letter where it shows number of images/turn on filters/select metadata/ use flat or hierarcy does not matter, select a date. No problem, all the images from the entire drive relating to a day display.  PROBLEM - multiple images are displayed in grid or filmstrip. Search of the hard drive reveals those multiple images do not exist. Now what is the solution ? Metadata status ALWAYS displays image changed always. Status responds correctly when images are displayed - no problem there.  When Catalog is selected as above, same results are obtained. Does not matter - raw data or processed images into JPEG.  I can't express this problem any better - all the details are there. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? I need the metadata filter to use dates.
I am trying to figure out how I can rotate many different circles (could really be any shape) aound a single point? For example, say I have 10 identically sized circles and want to rotate each one tangent to a single point every 36 degrees.  Hopefully I am making sense and explaining the situation correctly. Is there a quick method using CorelDraw's tools/features to accomplish this task?
Just started comming back to photoshop after all my sommer activities. Since i graduated from my high school this year i am going to make a greeting card or rather a "thank you card". I tried to make one and actualy i find it prettay hard.