Lightroom :: Displays Multiple Identical Images
Mar 20, 2013
I am in the process of organizing my Literoom images and filter displays MULTIPLE IDENTICAL IMAGES, under METADATA STATUS changed. .
Computer info - Literoom 4.3, windows 7, some 55,000 images on the hardrive, one catalog used.
When I go to folders, and click on J drive which holds these images, they all come up if filter is off of course. Now using metadata I search on a date, a camera, lense, etc. But I just want to find all of my images on a particular day. I can find those with no problem. My problem is that I may have 2 or more identical images display in grid and view as well as film strip. Looking up metadate status I find that these images are CHANGED. I understand that status, but there is no way that these multiple images would result from my work.
I searched for multiple files located in multiple folders - What is creating those multiple files, they are identical as to date, how they look, etc?
If I go to CATALOG, and work with the all the images there, found at the top of course, I get the same functionality, BUT THE MULTIPLE IMAGES ARE ABSENT.
It makes it difficult to keyword on images on a certain date, because of the multiple files.
Filters are NOT a powerful tool for organizing collections and keywords when this problem exists. My problem is not using filters, but understanding why multiple images.
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Mar 15, 2013
I have not been able to find why multiple identical images are displaying in gridview when filters are applied. There is only one image in the folder. This obviously makes it difficult to apply images to keywords.
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Mar 23, 2013
Lightroom 4.3 version. All updates applied. Windows 7 64 bit. Single hardrive used. No problems on disk. Memory 8 gig. Speed 3 MHZ. OK
Here is how I use filters. Select folders/SE:ECT drive letter where it shows number of images/turn on filters/select metadata/ use flat or hierarcy does not matter, select a date. No problem, all the images from the entire drive relating to a day display.Â
PROBLEM - multiple images are displayed in grid or filmstrip. Search of the hard drive reveals those multiple images do not exist. Now what is the solution ? Metadata status ALWAYS displays image changed always. Status responds correctly when images are displayed - no problem there.
When Catalog is selected as above, same results are obtained. Does not matter - raw data or processed images into JPEG.
I can't express this problem any better - all the details are there. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? I need the metadata filter to use dates.
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Feb 15, 2013
I would like to know how I can produce multiple identical small images (10mm x 10mm) on the same sheet of paper?
I used to be able to do this in older versions of Adobe Photoshop.
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Jan 12, 2013
I have been consolidating all of my images into a catalog using Lightroom 4.3 64-Bit and I have run into an issue where around 300 images (of over 15k) have an issue with CR2 format. Lightroom is using Camera Raw 7.1.
I have tried opening the "trouble" images in PS CS6 and I have the same problem. All CR2 images came from the same camera, Canon 5D. It seems odd that most would work, but some wouldn't. All worked with previous LR...I think it was LR 2.
How to import these?
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Oct 1, 2010
i have an assembly with 100+ parts that i have to show in my parts list.
my question is :
how can i add identical sheets showing identical view of the assembly but the ist page will show the first 50 parts and the second page will show the rest of the part list?
inventor 2011
vault 2011
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Jul 17, 2013
iLogic code question concerning how Place iLogic Component and retain the ability to push parameters from the subassemblies to the parts after being renamed.
I have ASSEMBLY.iam containing:
and sometimes SUBASSEMBLY-02:2.iam
each SUBASSEMBLY.iam contains PART1.ipt and PART2.ipt which have variable LENGTH and WIDTH. LENGTH and WIDTH are entered manually at the SUBASSEMBLY.iam and are infinitely variable.
To transfer the parameters I'm using iLogic code in the SUBASSEMBLY:
 Parameter("PART1.ipt", "LENGTH")=LENGTHParameter("PART1.ipt", "WIDTH")=WIDTHParameter("PART2.ipt", "LENGTH")=LENGTHParameter("PART2.ipt", "WIDTH")=WIDTH
Issue 1: When I place the SUBASSEMBLY as an iLogic Component, the parts are renamed to PART1-01.ipt which renders my Parameter transfer useless. What am I missing on writing this code so it can find the new part name?
 Issue 2: I like the automatic renaming that happens with Place iLogic Component. Is there a better way to handle this automatically through Place Component -> Save & Replace?
Inventor 2013
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Dec 4, 2008
I am trying to figure out how I can rotate many different circles (could really be any shape) aound a single point? For example, say I have 10 identically sized circles and want to rotate each one tangent to a single point every 36 degrees.  Hopefully I am making sense and explaining the situation correctly. Is there a quick method using CorelDraw's tools/features to accomplish this task?
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Jun 5, 2013
I have three layers each with an identical pattern out of which I am trying to make a bigger pattern (for textile printing). Everything lines up but there is a very fine white line between the images. I have tried feathering, blurring, masking and feathering, blending, anything I can find in the online manual and in Photoshop for dummies.
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Dec 3, 2012
I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.
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Jul 18, 2012
In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?
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Aug 28, 2012
I need to make a block with one attribute named SIZE which will be filled in when the block is inserted into the drawing. On this block I would like to display the value for SIZE in 3 additional places besides the attribute SIZE.
So to make a long story short I would like to take 1 attribute and display it 4 times. If I change the attribute I would like for all 4 displays of it to update with the change.
I've tried making the 2nd, 3rd and 4th occurrences attribute with fields pointing to the value of the 1st attribute object but it is not working. How do I go about accomplishing this.
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May 27, 2009
I just downloaded and installed PS CS4 Extended, and set to use the Trial. Okay so my problem is that whenever i open a new document and start to color in it, it displays in some triangles or well spikes. You can see a Screenshot i took. So, I tried resetting the settings, but still came up with this problem.The graphic card that im using, is Ati Radeon HD 2600 - with fully updated drivers.
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Jul 20, 2012
I see numerous redundant copies of every font family style listed when I select a font family STYLE of any typeface, such as Helvetica or Arial, for example.
Throughout the day the list increases copies of each style exponentially by the hour. At the end of the day I am scrolling through 98 copies of Helvetica Bold to get to the next style, like Black. There should only be one Helv. Bold, one Black, one Condensed, and so on.
My fonts are cleaned and organized frequently with any corrupted fonts being removed immediately. I use FontExplorer X, Font Doctor and other type apps to manage fonts because FontBook is still retarded.
OS X 10.8 (12A256)
 Mac Pro 2x2.4GHz Quad Core
40 GB ram
ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB
(1) 27" Apple LED Cinema Display, (2) LG W2361 23" Displays
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Oct 3, 2013
Why is Photoshop CC displaying images 25% smaller than my other applications? If I open a 72 ppi square pixel aspect image in Photoshop, I have to zoom to 125% for it to be the same size on screen as in my browser or any other image viewer. Photoshop reads the correct pixel sizes, but displays it smaller.
I design and build websites and have been using Photoshop for over 15 years and haven't noticed this until CC. If I save the images and build out the site, or even just drag the image into a browser and then overlay that browser window above the Photoshop window to see both images side by side, I can clearly see a 25% difference in size.
If I zoom in Photoshop to 125%, then the sizes match. So, the problem is when designing a website, everything looks smaller in photoshop. Then when I build it out, everything is way too big.
My browsers are definitely at 100% zoom and I can open the image in any other image viewer at 100% and the affect is the same. Is there a setting that can be adjusted in Photoshop to correct this?
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Feb 8, 2013
I took a promo portrait of a book author that needs to be in color and b&w depending on where it will be used (b&w on the book sleave, color on a flyer, etc). I have a vitual copy for the b&w image which has different contrast settings, otherwise they are identical. Normally I only have one photo to deal with if I need to use Photoshop, and it's aways my last step. This is a little different in that if I don't want to adjust the contrast on the edit, I will have to eyeball the same brush strokes both copies, which will never exactly match. Is there any way to do an identical Photoshop "Liquify" edit on both?
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Aug 17, 2012
When using lightroom on my PC I download the images to an external hard drive. When I am away from home can I use lightroom on my laptop and down load images to the same external hard drive and process them and have lightroom on the PC locate them when I return home.
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Dec 26, 2013
How do I move multiple images at once from All Photos to a Collection or from one Collection to another (it works when I drag them one at a time, but there must be a better way)?
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Feb 24, 2014
I click on the first image, and then hold the shift key and click on a second image, but it only selects the second image. This used to work!
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Mar 11, 2012
I have a smart collection with the only criteria "Is greater than or equal to" 5 stars having changed from "is" 5 stars. I'm gettin 4 copies of each image.
When I go to folder view and all photos I have only one copy each.
How can I make this not-so-smart collection smart?
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May 15, 2012
I keep my photos on two main drives: one archival drive which is the main storage for ALL my images and lives in my studio, and one that is my portable working drive which travels with me wherever I go. Using Lightroom 3, I import images during a shoot onto the portable drive, and then later I copy the images using Finder to the main archival drive. I don't do the copy while importing from my card because I don't have the time to wait during the shoot. Since I carry the portable drive with me, I make metadata and develop and other changes to the images from a particular shoot in Lightroom, all of which are saved to that portable drive.
My question is, is there a way to have Lightroom sync these changes over multiple hard drives? In other words, how do I sync all the changes I made to the images on my portable drive with the images I previously copied to my archival drive? If I make develop, metadata, and keyword changes to the images in a folder on my portable drive, the idea of having to do it all over again for the same folder on my archival drive seems intensely ponderous, and the idea of copying all the files again every time I make changes seems very time-consuming. Lightroom is so brilliant in so many ways, I'm hoping this is something it knows how to do as well.
To explain, the portable hard drive is a small USB powered drive that I can have with me at my day job or take with me to shoots, where I might find time to rate images, make develop settings, add keywords, etc. It's not possible to bring the archival drive with me everywhere, which means I work from the portable drive quite a bit. But I need for the archival drive to be in sync with the portable drive as much as possible, for obvious backup reasons.
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May 4, 2012
I will be shooting a series of photos that inludes a gray card in each image. How can I use Lightroom to obtain the same exposure in each image relative to the gray card?
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Apr 20, 2012
I'm using LR3.6. Haven't upgraded to 4.1 yet. I created a PS droplet that I want to use in my LR Externa Editor. Everything works fine as far as calling the droplet from LR. However, when I select multiple images in LR, then go to external editor and select "Edit In <droplet name>", wait for the "What do Edit" dialogue box, select "Edit a copy with LR adjustments" and hit "edit", it only takes the very first highlighted image in the selection into PS to run the droplet/actions. Even if I just choose the droplet name as an external editor preset (instead of the "Edit in" option), it still only applies to the first image in the highlighed selection.
On occassions I get lucky and get it to work for multiple images but I can never get it to work again. For instace, I tried it from the Library module (instead of the develop module) and it worked flawlessly. On the next set of images, I could not get it to work again.
I really need to be able to run this over night. By the way, I know that I can use the droplet on Export, but I really want to round trip my images from LR to PS and back into LR without having to Export, run droplet and reimport.
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Jun 17, 2013
In LR5, when two images are selected in Library view, the results in the Keyword Tags panel are incomplete. In my instance, two images were selected. They have some common keywords and those are properly displayed. However, the keywords assigned to only one image appeared with an asterisk in previous versions of LR, a behavior I would like to see continue.
In my instance, one keyword for, we'll say, Image A only, appears but with no asterisk, it should display an asterisk. And, one keyword unique to Image B does not appear at all when both images have been selected, it too should appear with an asterisk.
I'm on a Mac running 10.8.4 and LR CC.
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Feb 27, 2012
The problem I have is that my cameras internal clock drifted out and I need to adjust the capture time of a number of images by an odd amount i.e not an integer number of hours.
That is alter the capture time on multiple images by an amount such as -1h 25m 35s and they are RAW image files.
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Mar 15, 2012
It's easy enough to move the map marker for a single image. But I can't find a way to move the marker when multiple images are represented by the marker (thereby changing the location information for all the images). What should I be doing?
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Jul 24, 2013
How would i accomplish this procedure in lr5. I know you can click on an image and drag it to the target folder. But for multiple images this is the ?
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Feb 23, 2014
I have been using Lighroom for many years.
Now I have scanned my old dia pictures and want to change capture time for multiple images in lightroom 5.3. It works for one image whem I in library view use Metadata, Edit Capture Time... and set the date using "Adjust to a specificed date and time". If I try to change for more than one image by marking them and edit the capture time it fails. The pictures gets both different date and time.
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Oct 23, 2011
When I finish adjusting (in the Develop Module) and I click "copy" and select the items I want to copy, then what I want to do is apply (paste) these settings into a number of images.
What I'm doing is then I highlight ("Crtl+Click") several images in the Filmstrip. Once these images are highlight (filmstrip images highlighted), I then click "Paste" - but the only image that is changed (settings applied) is the first filmstrip image.
How do I select in the filmstrip the images I want to adjust (apply the copied settings) and have the settings applied to all the selected images?
I'm sure this is obvious and there has got to be a way to apply this "recipe" to all the selected images without having to create a collection or do it one-at-a-time.
This is proably the same issue, but when I want to rotate several images (in the Library module), if I select them in the flimstrip, only the first image rotates when I click the clock-wise or counter-clock-wise arrow. Same issue? Can this be done in the filmstrip?
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Jan 18, 2013
Is there a way to apply a slight boost in exposure to multiple images that have different exposure settings?
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Oct 14, 2012
Is there a way to burn a disk of multiple images with your logo on each image?
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