Lightroom :: How To Sync Changes To Images Over Multiple Drives
May 15, 2012
I keep my photos on two main drives: one archival drive which is the main storage for ALL my images and lives in my studio, and one that is my portable working drive which travels with me wherever I go. Using Lightroom 3, I import images during a shoot onto the portable drive, and then later I copy the images using Finder to the main archival drive. I don't do the copy while importing from my card because I don't have the time to wait during the shoot. Since I carry the portable drive with me, I make metadata and develop and other changes to the images from a particular shoot in Lightroom, all of which are saved to that portable drive.
My question is, is there a way to have Lightroom sync these changes over multiple hard drives? In other words, how do I sync all the changes I made to the images on my portable drive with the images I previously copied to my archival drive? If I make develop, metadata, and keyword changes to the images in a folder on my portable drive, the idea of having to do it all over again for the same folder on my archival drive seems intensely ponderous, and the idea of copying all the files again every time I make changes seems very time-consuming. Lightroom is so brilliant in so many ways, I'm hoping this is something it knows how to do as well.
To explain, the portable hard drive is a small USB powered drive that I can have with me at my day job or take with me to shoots, where I might find time to rate images, make develop settings, add keywords, etc. It's not possible to bring the archival drive with me everywhere, which means I work from the portable drive quite a bit. But I need for the archival drive to be in sync with the portable drive as much as possible, for obvious backup reasons.
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Dec 27, 2012
I have multiple hard drives in my Macpro. If I import photos and videos onto the drives and then remove the drives and swap them with other drives, what will happen? Will the images and videos that were on the drive that was just removed not be found in LR, or can it cause other problems/corrupt the Library, etc.?
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Oct 26, 2012
I want to have multiple copies of the same catalog 3 different drives
i have 3 drives , I want to have the same catalog on all 3 drives along with the photos.
1 drive would be my main catalog
2 drive would be back up with all the photos
3 drive is my traveling presentation drive with all the photos
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Jun 22, 2012
I am using my computer as a combo video editing and Photo editing setup. I using a raid 5 for my video editing work, and two 1TB drive setup as raid 1 mirror where my photos are located. I am down to my last 325 GB that may sould a lot but I am planning on really taking off with my picture taking. I have a NAS were I also have my photos backed up. I have not added my photos to Lightroom catalog. I also have Photoshop. I understand it is better to have the photos located on the computer instead of external. How dose Lightroom handle photos on multiple drives?Should I separate the two 1TB drives so I have two 2TB available and if so were to place lightroom Catalog folder? Or should I make it easy on myself and just purchase a 2TB drives and place all the photos at that location?
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Aug 27, 2012
I have 6 external hard drives containing NEF / JPG and DNG files plus i have some more recent photos on my laptop hard drive some of the files are the same on several of the drives (backup copies)
what would be the best way to merge all this into a single LR 4 catalog ?
or would it make sense to have a separate catalog for each external drive ?
I only have one drive connected to the computer at one time
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Jan 2, 2014
I have several Catalogs, and, of course, the keyword lists are different for each, as they're embedded in each separate Catalog.
I have different versions of the same images in multiple Catalogs (suits my workflow), and would like to sync keywords for these images across Catalogs.
I tried Export Keywords from Catalog 1 and then Import Keywords into Catalog 2, but that results in a lot of duplication of keywords, as the hierarchical structures differ. Obviously, this method is not syncing but simply adding all the keywords from Catalog 1 as if they didn't exist in Catalog 2.
I thought to delete the entire keyword list from Cat 2 but this will remove them from the images as well - leaving me to redo the whole thing; not what I'm after!
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May 20, 2013
In Library Module of LR4.4 under Vista 32, I have corrected a "Capture Time" of a single jpg Photo via the "Edit Capture Time" dialog. The new date correctly shows up in the "Date Time Original" EXIF field of the Metadata panel on the right.
Now, I want to sync that date to other jpgs which all come with incorrect "Date Time Original" - so, I highlight the above photo, mark the other ones to less light grey, press "Sync Metadata". THe dialog of "Sync Metadata" appears, showing the new date under "ICPT image" as "date created" - so far so good. I mark that field, and press the ok button and the sync runs. After that, no change is shown to the respective field of any of the photos metadata fields to be sync'd, no sync has actually happened, and even the "Save Metadata to file" command does cure this situation.
Using the command with a single target file instead of multiple ones does not work either.
Why can't I update a set of superold pictures to their correct "date created" date via Metadata sync? This Metadata sync does not sync.
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Feb 15, 2013
I often use a couple of lenses when I am out shooting. When I return I import all my photos into LR. I would like to apply LENS CORRECTION to all photos so I selected all the photos that I have imported (CNTL A) and then go to the lens correction area in the development panel. I then "ENABLE LENS CORRECTION" and SYNC the photos.
When I do this it applies the lens correction from the len used in shooting the first photo in the series of photos that I have selected. It DOES NOT recognise when I change lenses. HOWEVER, if I go to any specific individual photo and enable lens correction it does apply the correct lens profile.
WHY does the sync not recognize a change in lenses?
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Sep 12, 2013
Lately I've had a couple of folders that I might make a virtual copy in or add some metadata - when I right click to sync the folder, the popup menu says there are 30 new photos to import. When I click the Synchronize button, the screen goes through the import phase and then an dialog comes up saying No Photos or Videos were found.
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Mar 6, 2012
LR4 final seems to have a very annoying bug.
When I select a number of images (in the film strip) and either
1) paste settings that I've previously copied from another image or
2) sync settings from one image to the rest
... the settings are not applied to all the selected images. The settings are only applied to a seemingly random subset of the selected images.
I'm going to try to pin down the exact circumstances that make this occur.
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Jun 29, 2013
I am using Lightroom 4.4 on a 2013 Macbook Air OS 10.8.4.
I cannot see the Switch enables auto sync on the Metadata sync button. Its currently visible on another machine a MacPro with Lightroom v4.3. I find this useful to be bale quickly enable and disable the syncing of metadata. Has this been dropped in v4.4 or have I missed a prefs setting somewhere?
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Jun 12, 2012
I am trying to adjust two D800 files simultaniously. Thus I select both images, toggle the Sync button to the Auto Sync state.
But, the adjustments done to the most selected image do not copy over to the other image, while this is the expected behaviour.
LR4.1 / Mac OS X Snow Leopard 1.6.8 / Macbook Pro i7 2,2 GHz
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Dec 3, 2012
I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.
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Aug 31, 2012
How do I prevent my files from being stored on multiple storage drives?
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Jul 18, 2012
In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?
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Aug 9, 2013
The question is, I have all my photos,in two hard drives and I want to have the LR catalog in both HDs. When I close LR, it creates the security catalog into" A" HD, then I copy this backup folder into the second hard drive"B" but when open the second HD, the photos does not reflect the changes I did in the "A" HD.
How can I do to have the same stuff in two or three different HDs??
For example, I have two HDs, one in my house (disk A), and the other one (disk B) in a friend's house (it has the same photos than the "A" HD) and use it as second security backup.
How can I copy the LR catalog, created as a backup in the disk A, and copy it to the disk B? ? Normally I copy the folder that LR has created into disk "A" when I closed LR and I paste it on disk "B". But when I connect the disk "B" and open LR with this catalog, the modifications are not there.
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May 16, 2013
I want to get some new larger drives to use for my photos and videos. Placing all of my photos and videos on a single 4TB drive vs. splitting them over two 4TB drives. I think all of my photos and videos currently will take around 2.5TB. Are there any performance gains from splitting them over two drives?
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Jul 13, 2012
I have a Macpro with 4 internal hard drives. I keep photos on one of the drives and videos on two of the other drives and swap out these drives with other drives that have videos on them. I also use external drives that have videos on them. I want to import videos from all of the different drives that I swap back and forth.
1. What will happen if I tag videos on the internal drives and then swap them out with other drives? Will it just show a broken link to the video until I put it back in?
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Dec 6, 2011
I'm using Lightroom 2.6 on a Mac G5. I've got 93.36Gb of photos ( 9,000 RAW files plus their sidecar files) on a 500Gb firewire 400 drive. I'm upgraing to a 1TB firewire 800 external, and my file is (I believe) on my internal hard drive under users somewhere.
I can piggy back the new and old externals, or copy my photos to the internal and then transfer to the new drive when I connect it, but I have no way of connecting both firewire drives to the computer at the same time.
What's the most effective and easiest way to transfer my catalog and photo files from one drive to another and have Lightroom find them and sort everything out?
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Oct 25, 2011
When I am in Lightroom all I see in the Folder Section is my internal hard drive. I have many images on my external hard drive. How do I get the external hard drives to show up along with the internal hard drive?
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Mar 18, 2014
In her Youtube video on Lightroom settings Julianne Kost recommends keeping recent images and works in progress on an internal drive for speedy access then moving onto an external drive later on.
Preumably these files must be moved within Lightroom to preserve the links to the thumbnails?
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Aug 17, 2012
When using lightroom on my PC I download the images to an external hard drive. When I am away from home can I use lightroom on my laptop and down load images to the same external hard drive and process them and have lightroom on the PC locate them when I return home.
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Dec 26, 2013
How do I move multiple images at once from All Photos to a Collection or from one Collection to another (it works when I drag them one at a time, but there must be a better way)?
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Feb 24, 2014
I click on the first image, and then hold the shift key and click on a second image, but it only selects the second image. This used to work!
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Jan 7, 2010
I am using Lightroom 2.6 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, and the browse for files or folders dialog that comes up when I need to choose location for my raw files imported as .dng does not list all hard drives of my computer - it only lists contents of my user folder in drive C:/ - thus making it impossible for me to choose any other location than those within my user folder. I attach two screenshots - 1/ Normal browse for folders dialog as it appears from within Windows explorer. 2/ Same dialog as invoked by Lightroom - with all drives missing.
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Jan 3, 2012
I have all of my photos on an external hard drive named "Computer Backup." A new problem has developed. When I import photos, I very carefully select the folder into which I want to import. On the left side of the screen where it shows all of my folders, organized so nicely into "Computer Backup," a second "Computer Backup" shows up and that's where the photos get imported into. It's identical, shows the same space available/used.
So then I have to drag those files into the file where I acutally want them and that shows 0 pictures. When I do that, it says that they files already exist there.What happened!?
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Jun 20, 2013
I use a MacPro. My boot drive is a 3 TB internal hard drive. My .lrdata file (LR 5) is over 275 GB because I have 1:1 previews for all of my photos. I have recently purchased a 240GB SSD which I want to use as my boot drive to increase processing times. Can I have the .lrcat file on my SSD (for speed) and the corresponding .lrdata file on another drive?
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Sep 30, 2012
i have all my raw photos (many1000's) and many lightroom 4 catalogs on my apple time capsule 2TB drive. my new mac book pro only has a 256GB solid state drive. but I have 16gb ram and quad core processor. I get an error message when I try to open a catalog complaining that I can't open catalogs on a network drive. all professional photographers can't possibly only use local drives. since network or external drives have existed for 20+ years, I don't get it. what am I doing wrong. very sad. have lots of work to do. i have the drive connect to my computer with a cat5 cable. it is also accessible wirelessly.
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Aug 12, 2009
I'm running Windows 7 RC but I've been using that for a while. It seems like this problem started after I began running my lightroom catalog from my Drobo, but I'm not sure if that is related as well. When I bring up a Browse for Files or Folders dialog box, for example when chosing where to export or import images, nothing shows up in there except for my user name and folders that are inside there such as documents, pictures, music etc. My drives and folders do not show up at all. If the location I want to import or export to is in the list of previous locations, for example e:pictures then I can still use that location. But if I wanted to pick that location from the browse dialog there is no way to do so. I need to export some photos to a CD, I can't select the drive. I attached an image to make my problem more clear.
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Apr 1, 2007
I was trying to put together a slideshow in the Trial Version of Lightroom 1.0(on WindowsXP SP2) and I clicked on the Soundtrack section to add music. When the browse for music dialog came up it only showed drives below my H: drive. I keep my music on my M: drive and could not add music to the slideshow. I tried sharing my M: Drive and mapping it to my F: drive, but when I selected it I got "The folder F: cannot be used, please try another folder." This is a severe limitation.
I was planning on purchasing this version, but it looks like it is not quite ready yet. Maybe I will wait for 2.0. I was also not able to stack photos or change the folder that I import to from the downloader.
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Sep 6, 2013
I’ve got a question about external drives display in the folder tree. For some reason, when I add a folder on an external drive, I get a new “Volumes” folder, and then the drive appears as a folder under the “Volumes” folder. So, instead of having a quick view of which drives are connected, I get a bunch of “missing images” question marks on the folders when the drives disconnect.I don’t get the extra collapsable bar (Under Macintosh HD) as in your video.
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