Lightroom :: Multiple Copies Of The Same Catalog 3 Different Drives?

Oct 26, 2012

I want to have multiple copies of the same catalog 3 different drives

i have 3 drives , I want to have the same catalog on all 3 drives along with the photos.

1 drive would be my main catalog
2 drive would be back up with all the photos
3 drive is my traveling presentation drive with all the photos

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Lightroom :: How To Have Catalog In Two Or Three Different Hard Drives

Aug 9, 2013

The question is, I have all my photos,in two hard drives and I want to have the LR catalog in both HDs. When I close LR, it creates the security catalog into" A" HD, then I copy this backup folder into the second hard drive"B" but when open the second HD, the photos does not reflect the changes I did in the "A" HD.

How can I do to have the same stuff in two or three different HDs??

For example, I have two HDs, one in my house (disk A), and the other one (disk B) in a friend's house (it has the same photos than the "A" HD) and use it as second security backup.

How can I copy the LR catalog, created as a backup in the disk A, and copy it to the disk B? ? Normally I copy the folder that LR has created into disk "A" when I closed LR and I paste it on disk "B". But when I connect the disk "B" and open LR with this catalog, the modifications are not there.

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Lightroom :: Export Catalog - Virtual Copies

Sep 5, 2013

If you export a group of photos as a Catalog, does this export all virtual copies including their own repsective xmp data? I need to send a batch of RAW files to someone but need them to be able to see all the virtual copies as well.

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Lightroom :: Catalog - Virtual Copies Not Properly Linked To Master

Jan 26, 2012

A small set of 36 images in a  catalog of 12500 are behaving strangely and virtual copies do not appear to be linking to masters correctly.
Difficult to remember exactly the steps taken but including
- adding initial selection of 100+ masters to Quick Collection
- adjusting selection using colour flagging, star rating, and rejected photo marking
- creating virtual copies of 35 images 4 star picks
- adding virtuals to other manual collection
- apparent duplicate virtuals appearing when I don't THINK I asked for new virtuals in collection but must have done
- flagging duplicate virtual copies as rejected
- editing 1 image in photoshop twice
- various other editing post process
Anyway I now see in the Library panel that 35 master photos, the 2 photoshop files, and 1 of the vitrual copies are indicated as being 1 of 38, 2 of 38, etc. The virtual copies of all but 1, which was added at a later stage, do not indicate being 1 of 2 although the file name is _MG_9999/Copy 1 or Copy 2 varying from image to image. The images are sequencing the 38 "linked" photos first, then the virtuals and that 1 late master when the sort sequence is Capture Time or File Name.
Every thing is there but the reported linkage is obviously wrong and this worries me and I'd like to correct it if I can. The catalog is backed up every time Lightroom closes but as I have been opening and closing several times a day and did not recognise when this corruption happened I don't really want to be loading up a succession of backups and losing post process changes or causing other damage. I have just realised that I do NOT have Automatically write to XMP checked in catalog settings although I was meant to have.
I did export the folder of 1413 that the masters were selected from to another catalog and resynched. Didn't expect much and didn't get anything.

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Lightroom :: Multiple Drives That Get Swapped In-and-out?

Dec 27, 2012

I have multiple hard drives in my Macpro. If I import photos and videos onto the drives and then remove the drives and swap them with other drives, what will happen? Will the images and videos that were on the drive that was just removed not be found in LR, or can it cause other problems/corrupt the Library, etc.?

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Lightroom :: Delete Folder Containing Master Image And Its Virtual Copies From LR4 Catalog?

Jun 6, 2013

I have created virtual copies of an image in Lightroom 4 and I am wondering what will happen to these if I delete the folder containing the master image and its virual copies from the LR4 catalog? Will the virtual copies be automatically deleted? If so, is this reversible in any way? Will i recover these virual copies if I add the folder back into LR's catalog later on?
Also will Adobe Bridge be able to read these virtual copies in both before and even after the folder has been removed from LR4? Or is the 'virtual copy' functionality specific to LR and that the only way to preserve it is to keep the original image within LR and never delete it?

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Lightroom :: How To Sync Changes To Images Over Multiple Drives

May 15, 2012

I keep my photos on two main drives: one archival drive which is the main storage for ALL my images and lives in my studio, and one that is my portable working drive which travels with me wherever I go. Using Lightroom 3, I import images during a shoot onto the portable drive, and then later I copy the images using Finder to the main archival drive. I don't do the copy while importing from my card because I don't have the time to wait during the shoot. Since I carry the portable drive with me, I make metadata and develop and other changes to the images from a particular shoot in Lightroom, all of which are saved to that portable drive.

My question is, is there a way to have Lightroom sync these changes over multiple hard drives? In other words, how do I sync all the changes I made to the images on my portable drive with the images I previously copied to my archival drive? If I make develop, metadata, and keyword changes to the images in a folder on my portable drive, the idea of having to do it all over again for the same folder on my archival drive seems intensely ponderous, and the idea of copying all the files again every time I make changes seems very time-consuming. Lightroom is so brilliant in so many ways, I'm hoping this is something it knows how to do as well.
To explain, the portable hard drive is a small USB powered drive that I can have with me at my day job or take with me to shoots, where I might find time to rate images, make develop settings, add keywords, etc. It's not possible to bring the archival drive with me everywhere, which means I work from the portable drive quite a bit. But I need for the archival drive to be in sync with the portable drive as much as possible, for obvious backup reasons.

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Lightroom :: Handle Photos On Multiple Drives

Jun 22, 2012

I am using my computer as a combo video editing and Photo editing setup.  I using a raid 5 for my video editing work, and two 1TB drive setup as raid 1 mirror where my photos are located.  I am down to my last 325 GB that may sould a lot but I am planning on really taking off with my picture taking. I have a NAS were I also have my photos backed up.  I have not added my photos to Lightroom catalog.  I also have Photoshop. I understand it is better to have the photos located on the computer instead of external.  How dose Lightroom handle photos on multiple drives?Should I separate the two 1TB drives so I have two 2TB available and if so were to place lightroom Catalog folder?   Or should I make it easy on myself and just purchase a 2TB drives and place all the photos at that location?

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Lightroom :: How To Manage Multiple External Drives

Aug 27, 2012

I have 6 external hard drives containing NEF / JPG and DNG files plus i have some more recent photos on my laptop hard drive some of the files are the same on several of the drives (backup copies)
what would be the best way to merge all this into a single LR 4 catalog ?
or would it make sense to have a separate catalog for each external drive ?
I only have one drive connected to the computer at one time

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Lightroom :: Virtual Copies In LR4 - Page Turn Icon / Copies Not Appearing?

Jan 13, 2013

I am having an issue that cropped up as of late - I try to create a virtual copy of a photo, but instead of the normal page-turn icon in the bottom left and it auto-expanding to show the copies, it just creates a stack, and says "2" or "1 of 2" and the double line bars on both sides of the preview in Grid Mode. Is there a setting that I changed that caused that?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Running Script Multiple Times Produces Multiple Copies?

Sep 1, 2011

I have this script that basically makes a shape expand by adding an outline, conveting the outline to an object, and then welding the whole thing together.

I have the script set to execute with hotkey ctrl+numpad+

The odd thing is, when I run it once, it seems to work fine and only one object is left, but when I hold down ctrl and press numoad+ over and over again, it seems to produce a new copy of the object everytime.

I'm not sure why this is happening, but I need to get it to stop. 

Sub Expand()    EventsEnabled = False        'Dim vars    Dim c1 As New Color    Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange    Dim OrigColor As Shape    Dim width1 As Double    Dim height1 As Double    Dim minSize As Double    Dim Thickness As Double        'copy color of current selection    Set OrigColor = ActiveShape    If OrigColor Is Nothing Then Exit Sub    If OrigColor.Fill.Type <> cdrUniformFill Then Exit Sub    c1.CopyAssign OrigColor.Fill.UniformColor        'get thickness to increase by    Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange    OrigSelection.GetSize width1, height1    If width1 <= height1 Then minSize = width1    If width1 > height1 Then minSize = height1    Thickness = minSize * 0.035        OrigSelection.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 0)    OrigSelection.SetOutlineProperties Thickness, ScaleWithShape:=True        'weld    Dim s1 As Shape    Set s1 = OrigSelection(1).Outline.ConvertToObject    Dim s2 As Shape    Set s2 = s1.Weld(OrigSelection(1), True, True)            'auto reduce    's2.Curve.Nodes.All.AutoReduce 0.001    's2.Fill.ApplyUniformFill c1        'delete remnants    OrigSelection.Delete    s1.Delete    'OrigColor.Delete            EventsEnabled = TrueEnd Sub

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Lightroom :: 4 - Share Catalog Between Multiple Users

Mar 12, 2012

How can I share a catalog between multiple users? I'm sharing on three iMacs and using Lightroom 4.

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Lightroom :: How To Import Multiple Catalogs Simultaneously Into One Catalog

Nov 28, 2013

I would like to import multiple catalogs simultaneously into one catalog.
The thing is that I lost my main catalog in a hard-drive failure and my last backup is too old. Fortunately I always "export a folder as catalog" into the original pictures folder, so I always keep starring, color editing, etc.
What I would like to do now is to import each of these litle catalogs into one new main one, without having to import each at a time, but all simultaneously, which would save me an enormous amount of time.
Is there a way to do this?

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Lightroom :: Sharing V4 Catalog With Multiple Users On Same Windows Machine

Jul 19, 2013

I just started out using Lightroom 4 for managing family photos. What I want to do is to share the LR catalog so that my kids and wife can access the database from their own accounts. I tried sharing the directory with the catalog and all the photos. But when I open lightroom from my kids's account, I keep getting an "unexpected error openning the catalog".
I am using Windows 8, 64bit

The catalog was created in my account (adminstrator)

the other accounts are normal accounts
I have searched around but all the questions ask about sharing on network drives. But I just want to share the catalog on the same machine on local harddrive. I made sure that all the other lightrooms are closed in the other accounts (everyone else is signed off) before I tried to open it from my kid's account.

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Photoshop Elements :: Prevent Files From Being Stored On Multiple Storage Drives?

Aug 31, 2012

How do I prevent my files from being stored on multiple storage drives?

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Photoshop :: Print Multiple Copies

Apr 29, 2004

Does Photoshop have a multiple print option outside of the pciture package feature. I need to print multiple copies of one piece of art work. So say i make a post card or a business card and iwant 37 copies of it or i want to see how many can fit on one page. Does that make sense?

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Illustrator :: Multiple Copies Opening?

May 29, 2008

I am working in Illustrator CS (but this also happens when I open the file in CS3). I am on a Mac.

When I choose "open" or when I double click a particular file in the finder to open it, Illustrator opens two copies of it. FYI, the original file is named "" But, when Illustrator opens the file, it opens one copy as "" and the other "". If I edit one of them it makes the changes simultaneously on both.

All of my files do not open this way so I must have saved it with a certain setting? What did I do to make Illustrator behave like this and how do I stop it?

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Photoshop :: Creating An Image Using Multiple Copies Of One

Mar 14, 2005

i have an image of a babys eyes and want to make a page of that same image in mono, sepia, taking out the green, blue etc. in other words, all different representations of the eyes on one image.

i ve no problems with the changes in the eyes image, but dont know how to fill a new blank image with multiple copies of the eyes.

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Lightroom :: Keeping Color Labels On External Drive With Catalog For Multiple Computers

May 6, 2013

I currently have my LR 4 libriaries and catalogs on a external drive that i can transport between my laptop and office mac.  The only issue I am having is when I color label photos on one computer it does not show up on the other computer.  Is there a preference for this?  It is the only thing I can't figure out and is frustrating after rating them on one computer and then not having them later on the other. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Batch Plot Multiple Copies

Dec 14, 2012

We upgraded to AutoCAD 2013 earlier this year (from 2002 - archaic!), and I've run into an odd glitch when using the batch plot utility. It seems to work fine when I'm only making one copy of a set of drawings. When I need to print more than one copy, Bathc plot does one of two things: it either plots a single complete set instead of the quantity I have entered, or it prints the correct quantity of all but the last sheet I've requested. It doesn't seem to matter how many sheets in the set, or how many copies, and I have yet to find a way to predict which outcome I'm going to get.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Printing Multiple Copies On Primera And Signature CD Printers?

May 3, 2011

I have used Corel since Version 8.0 on Macintosh and Version X3 on PC with no problems with printing to Primera CD printers of various models. Also on Mac running Parallels and X3

I have had to go back to X3 on XP and Windows 7 to enable multiple copy printing.

Using the latest printer drivers where available and removing and reinstalling the drivers under XP and Win 7 with Corel X5 has had no effect. Both versions of windows are new clean installs on a dual processor XEON PC.

why this doesn't work. I have noted that other Primera printers have the same problem and I don't want to use the PDF option.

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Photoshop Elements :: Renaming Multiple Files Creates Two Copies Of Each?

Sep 2, 2012

I want to rename multiple files, but each time I try, it creates two copies of each file, and as they are numbered sequentially, I cannot just delete the extra ones at once. I don't understand why it does this, and how I can avoid it!

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Photoshop Elements :: Organizer Creating Multiple Copies Of Same Picture?

May 29, 2013

1. Elements 11 Organizer often creates multiple copies of the same picture. How can I stop this?

2. Many pictures has a small questionmark in the upper left corner, stating that the file is missing, even though I can see the picture (a bit blurred, but still). What's wrong?

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Illustrator :: How To Duplicate Multiple Shape Copies Using Transform Dialog In CS6

Apr 18, 2013

Create shape > Transform > Move horizontal or vertical > select number of copies (missing!)
This was one of my favorite tricks but it looks the ability has been removed in CS6!  So now if I want to make a sequence of shapes how can I do it?
Adobe fail? or am I missing something?

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Photoshop Elements :: Preventing Multiple Copies Of Slides From Occurring

Oct 8, 2012

How do I prevent PSE 9 from creating and displaying multiple copies of a given slide ? I have not asked for or made copies yet I often find multiple copies of a given slide, sometimes as many as 20 or 30. It's very annoying when trying to edit slides.

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Photoshop :: Characters Panel Displays Multiple Copies Of Font Styles / CS6

Jul 20, 2012

I see numerous redundant copies of every font family style listed when I select a font family STYLE of any typeface, such as Helvetica or Arial, for example.
Throughout the day the list increases copies of each style exponentially by the hour. At the end of the day I am scrolling through 98 copies of Helvetica Bold to get to the next style, like Black. There should only be one Helv. Bold, one Black, one Condensed, and so on.
My fonts are cleaned and organized frequently with any corrupted fonts being removed immediately. I use FontExplorer X, Font Doctor and other type apps to manage fonts because FontBook is still retarded.

OS X 10.8 (12A256)
 Mac Pro 2x2.4GHz Quad Core
40 GB ram
ATI Radeon HD 5870 1024 MB
(1) 27" Apple LED Cinema Display, (2) LG W2361 23" Displays

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Print Multiple Copies - Result Is Just Single Copy Of Image

Jan 10, 2012

I'm having an issue printing to a Panasonic DP-C322 PS printer.  I send my image and ask it to print multiple copies.  The result is just a single copy of my image.   If I use the PCL driver, the image prints in multiples, as expected. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Referenced Profiles Bring In Multiple Copies Of Alignment

Aug 24, 2010

I have a design file that has and alignment with 3 profiles (one surface profilke and two layout profiles)

All these are data referenced to the project. Then they are data referenced into a new file. I bring in one of the profiles that brings in the alignment. Lets call it "Main Street". Then I create another reference to another one fo the profiles and it brings in a copy of an alignment and calls it "Main Street (1)"

This is a pain because I cant get a profile view to show all the profiles because the profiles are associated with three different alignments "Main Street", "Main Street(1)", "Main Street(1)(1)"

This is only happening with one of the of the alignments. The other alignment has all its profiles listed under one alignment.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Print Multiple Copies Of Same Image (with Specific Fixed Dimensions) On Single Page

Feb 23, 2013

I am using Photoshop Elements 10 on Win 7 PC.  I am trying to print multiple copies of one image on a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper? The images are artwork for buttons (to be used in button-making machine) so the dimensions must be exact on the duplicated images.  When I select Picture Package, the images are resized to fit the dimensions in the picture package. When I select Contact Sheet, the images are resized to fit the number of columns I selected.  Neither is acceptable.  How can I repeat the same image on a single piece of paper without having the system re-size the image?  I know that I can manually create a new PSE file and manually insert the images into this file.  This is what I have been doing as a work-around. 

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Lightroom :: Placing All Media On One Or Two Drives?

May 16, 2013

I want to get some new larger drives to use for my photos and videos. Placing all of my photos and videos on a single 4TB drive vs. splitting them over two 4TB drives. I think all of my photos and videos currently will take around 2.5TB. Are there any performance gains from splitting them over two drives?

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Lightroom :: Swapping Drives With Videos?

Jul 13, 2012

I have a Macpro with 4 internal hard drives. I keep photos on one of the drives and videos on two of the other drives and swap out these drives with other drives that have videos on them. I also use external drives that have videos on them. I want to import videos from all of the different drives that I swap back and forth.
1. What will happen if I tag videos on the internal drives and then swap them out with other drives? Will it just show a broken link to the video until I put it back in?

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