Lightroom :: How To Import Multiple Catalogs Simultaneously Into One Catalog
Nov 28, 2013
I would like to import multiple catalogs simultaneously into one catalog.
The thing is that I lost my main catalog in a hard-drive failure and my last backup is too old. Fortunately I always "export a folder as catalog" into the original pictures folder, so I always keep starring, color editing, etc.
What I would like to do now is to import each of these litle catalogs into one new main one, without having to import each at a time, but all simultaneously, which would save me an enormous amount of time.
Is there a way to do this?
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Dec 27, 2011
I would like to know how to ingest multiple cards simultaneously using lightroom.
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Dec 15, 2012
I'm using Lightroom 1. I tried to merge catalogs by importing a catalog into a master catalog, but there were some problems. The one I noticed immediately was that the collections are not correct. It imported the collections, but for example one collection now has only 4 photos when the originbal had 140? How can I fix that? (Although not necessariy a problem, it seems to have the wrong number of photos imported too. It says the previous import was 3175 photos when it was more like 10,000.)
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Jan 8, 2013
How do you keyword all photos in a folder simultaneously after import?
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Feb 22, 2012
I have one catalog that contains about 300 000 pictures that are located in about 14 different hard drives. Some hard drives contains modifications that were done in Lightroom 2 but most of my recent work is with Lightroom 3. It is getting way too big now. Doing my backups takes forever.I want to separate my catalog into 14 catalogs, one for each hard drive. I don't lose my metadata, selections, collections, and histories.
I have tried to do copies of this catalog (one for each hard drive). Go in one copy and then delete all the pictures and folders from the 13 other hard drives but it is was taking forever and it ended up that my catalog was corrupted. I was also thinking of "exporting this folder as a catalog" but this mean exporting the pictures as well which is not what I want since it will be relocated and it will also take forever to do.
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Jan 28, 2013
I merged a small catalog with my master catalog and I am unable to open the master catalog. The error message reads "The Lightroom catalog named “master_catalog-2” cannot be opened because another application already has it opened.". There are no other applications running the catalog.
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Jun 10, 2013
how do you import catalogs from lr4 to lr5?
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Jun 24, 2013
I have a catalog for personal photos, and another for stuff I will print, etc. I just imported all my photos into my print catalog from a trip, and was wondering if some of the photos can be in both catalogs. I have a few pics of my wife and I, and since they are just virtual copies would like them in each one.
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Jan 2, 2013
I want to create a book wich contains fotos from multiple catalogs. How can I do that?
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Oct 12, 2012
I am splitting my LR4 catalog (which contains over 150,000 images) into yearly catalogs for performance reasons. The big issue is how will I ever find anything if I don't know what year an image was made? Is there a catalog of catalogs? Or some way to index everything?
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Dec 13, 2012
I'm using multiple catalogs (one for each client). Is there a way to transfer watermarks from one catalog to another or do I have to build them from scratch in each catalog?
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Nov 16, 2011
When metadata is saved in the underlying photo (whether JPG, DNG or side-car XMP) it would be very nice to include the Lightroom develop history states. This allows the photo and state to exist outside Lightroom or later be moved to a different catalog or different machine without the need to export/import catalogs themselves. It would also assist in rebuilding a catalog from scratch if the catalog were damaged but the underlying files were not.
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May 12, 2012
I have had a couple of catalogs that were accessible under "open recent" under the "file" tab. Suddenly those other than lightroom 3 catalog have disappeared. They arrived after passing 9,999 photos. Is there somewhere elser I should look?
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Jan 2, 2014
I have several Catalogs, and, of course, the keyword lists are different for each, as they're embedded in each separate Catalog.
I have different versions of the same images in multiple Catalogs (suits my workflow), and would like to sync keywords for these images across Catalogs.
I tried Export Keywords from Catalog 1 and then Import Keywords into Catalog 2, but that results in a lot of duplication of keywords, as the hierarchical structures differ. Obviously, this method is not syncing but simply adding all the keywords from Catalog 1 as if they didn't exist in Catalog 2.
I thought to delete the entire keyword list from Cat 2 but this will remove them from the images as well - leaving me to redo the whole thing; not what I'm after!
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Oct 28, 2012
I used Lightroom 1 and then 2 for years. Now I am purchasing LR4 and doing a fresh install. Will LR4 recognize my LR2 catalog(s)? I do not have the LR 1 or 2 serial numbers. I don't mind matching everything up manually, I just want to make sure LR4 will read my previous catalogs.
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Sep 5, 2013
I wasn't aware of using keywords and can see how useful they can be.I have more than one catalog and am having a hard time accessing all my photos. I'm thinking of uninstalling Lightroom and starting from scratch using only one catalog.
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Jan 6, 2014
I prefer using multiple catalogs rather than 1 large one, as I prefer to organize via event/date. The issue I've encountered is, that every time I create a new catalog, I have to reenter my information on the flickr plugin, and assume that all the plugins work this way. So simply, is it possible to enter the login info the 1 time, and have it load for every catalog? The other option I can explore if there is no simple fix for this issue is to edit the existing flickr plugin, the biggest issue with this however is that the 1 in SDK 5.0 is now outdated/unuseable and the plugin installed is a single file and not multiple editable lua files.
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Dec 30, 2012
Updated my preivous copy of Ligtroom 4.2 to 4.3 when I opened lightroom 4.3 it was a new copy without any of my previous catalogs or images or publishing. How can I transfer 4.2 information to 4.3?
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Apr 17, 2012
I have images that I export as a catalog from my notebook and external drive to my desktop . Did this all the time before the release candidate 4.1 without a hint of problems. With 4.1, it crashes 90% of the time....average export/import of a catalog I am running is about 3000 images. What is particularly wierd is that it crashes on multiples of 500. Normally first crash is at 500, the next at 1000 or 1500 and so forth.
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May 19, 2012
I'm using LR4 with a Canon camera setup (Wind 7 Ultimate). I've got the auto import setting all configured with an incoming folder and destination. The app recognizes when an image is put in incoming folder and in fact it moves it to the destination folder. What is really annoying is that it leaves me at the import settings dialog and then I have to make all these choices as I would if I were manually importing.
Shouldn't the images be places in the desination folder and some view of that image be displayed in LR? It could be the folder view or ideally I want to see the last image imported at 1:1 size so I can review it and see if I want to take another shot? Maybe there is some flag I've got set incorrectly.
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Aug 31, 2012
I believe that only exporting the smart collection settings is not enough. I have in my collections a hierarchy of collection set, collection and smart collection that works with my workflow:
-special [CS]
-- pano [SC]
-- fuse [SC]
-- holiday... [SC]
-- ...
- worklist [CS]
-- dominant color [CS]
--- dominant color to review [SC]
--- dominant color reviewed [C]
-- weather [CS]
-- geography [CS]
Being able to export the hierarchy from one specific node would be great when I switch from catalog to catalog. After all, smart collections content can be re-created.
I've seen that in the DB, there are these two tables that would need to be 'copied' : agLibraryCollection & agLibraryCollectionContent. Their IDs when importing in the new catalog would probably pose a problem if we were just to import them like that.
On the other hand, there are in the SDK some functions to go through the collections and some functions to create collections, collection-sets, smartCollections...
Would it be difficult to include such a functionality in a future release ?Would it be difficult or possible to write in the mean time a plugin that would do just that: import/export collection hierarchies ?
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Aug 14, 2012
My first time using this forum, as I new to Photoshop CS6.
How do I link(or whatever) 3D layers in order for them to move together (such as, rotating)? I have a logo that has two layers, and I want the 2nd layer to be raised up off the other layer.
I have tried to link them, but when I do that, there's a circle with a line through it, signifying this I can't rotate the; environment, scene, current view, or the shape.
How do I over come this?
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May 3, 2012
I have an assembly with multible parts which all have iLogic rules in them. I want to controle when the rules are executed in each part, thus I have set them as "Don't run automatically". These rules are iTriggered by the top assembly, if they are active.
Is there a possibility of how I can run multiple rules simultaneously?
The code below is an example of the controle rule that determines the rules to be run but it takes one rule at the time...
IfComponent.IsActive("5580 Heating element package 1")=TrueThen
iLogicVb.RunRule("5580 Heating element basket 1", "iTriggerRule")
IfComponent.IsActive("5580 Heating element package 2")=TrueThen
iLogicVb.RunRule("5580 Heating element basket 2", "iTriggerRule")
up to x
I have also tried with For - Next statements...But the rules are run in the order that tey are written...
As the computer has a lot of memory in reserve; I want somehow all the iTriggerRules to be run at the same time as this would save a lot of time.
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Jul 9, 2009
Someone told me that in an Adobe product (not sure if its PS) there is a way to resize several image files simultaneously to the same size. I cannot find a way to do this. Has anyone done this before or does anyone know how to?
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Nov 20, 2012
Is it possible, when you have three different documents open, to zoom in all three documents simultaneously? Or to move around with the hand tool in all documents simultaneously?
I'm running Illustrator CS5/CS6
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Aug 5, 2011
I'm a new user of PSP X3, having upgraded from X2 and previously from X. When I used earlier versions, I could have numerous images open in the workspace, re-sizing, comparing, cross-cloning, etc. Now with X3 I can't seem to find any setting that will allow that same multiple image viewing. I've looked at the documentation but can't find any mention of this issue.
Am I just missing some checkbox or did Corel abandon this capability?
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Jan 8, 2008
I'm working on an image, and I need it to say "The Wedding of Jane Smith."
I have 4 different text layers showing up, and they're all visible. (a real small "the," a much larger "Wedding," a small "of," and a large "Jane Smith.") I like to have the different words on separate text layers so I can move them around and lay them out the way I like.
I got to the point where I wanted to apply blending effects to the text (drop shadow, bevel, whatever). Now, since I have 4 different text layers, what I'd normally do is merge them into one rasterized layer and then do my effects. But I'm wondering if there is a better, more non-destructive way.
I do video graphic design at my job, working with a video editor, and it would be extremely convenient if I could apply effects to multiple text layers without first rasterizing and merging the layers. i.e. when my boss or the client is looking over my shoulder, and I can show him what the text looks like with the blending FX without having to commit to the text placement/size by rasterizing/merging.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have 4 different text layers showing up, and they're all visible. (a real small "the," a much larger "Wedding," a small "of," and a large "Jane Smith.") I like to have the different words on separate text layers so I can move them around and lay them out the way I like.
I got to the point where I wanted to apply blending effects to the text (drop shadow, bevel, whatever). Now, since I have 4 different text layers, what I'd normally do is merge them into one rasterized layer and then do my effects. But I'm wondering if there is a better, more non-destructive way. Code:
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Aug 1, 2013
I have an assembly with multiple parts.
I wish to change the colour (how they're displayed) of a few of them.
When i right click on the part, i can select iProperties>Occurrence>Appearance
When i control + select multiple items, then right click, the Appearance tab is greyed out.
Not a huge problem at the moment, but in future, I may wish to make 30 + different parts a different colour and would like to do it in one step.
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Nov 18, 2012
I have some RAW images stored on a network drive, and I was working on them with my laptop. After completing the album, I removed the photos from the catalog on my laptop, so Lightroom wouldn't be so slow when I didn't have access to the network drive. This was short-sighted becuase I need access to those edits again, and I am wondering if I can re-import into the Lightroom catalog on my laptop and recover the edits.
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Mar 12, 2012
After trying LR4 beta for about a month as a LR3 heavy user, my conclusion is there are features worth the upgrade, BUT I prefer the earlier Process Version and Basic Develop panel to the new one. I understand that I may choose not to upgrade the Process Version on photos in my present catalog as I import the catalog into LR4, thereby causing LR4 to look like LR3 for those preexisting photos. However, I'm unclear as to whether there is a way to configure LR4 so that it will import all new photos using PV2010, thereby continuing to develop them using the LR3 Basic panel and other develop controls. Does this option exist?
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