Lightroom :: Can Import V2 Catalogs Into A Fresh Install Of V4
Oct 28, 2012
I used Lightroom 1 and then 2 for years. Now I am purchasing LR4 and doing a fresh install. Will LR4 recognize my LR2 catalog(s)? I do not have the LR 1 or 2 serial numbers. I don't mind matching everything up manually, I just want to make sure LR4 will read my previous catalogs.
I am unable to import pictures from an iPhone into a fresh install of Elements Organizer 12 which was installed on a brand new installation of Maverics on our iMac. I receive a nasty looking error. Are there any known issues? I would think there would have to be known issues as both my Organizer installation and Mavericks version is freshly installed.
I have CS2 Premium which I'm running on an older PowerPC Mac (G5 - Dual 2.3 GHz ) running OS 10.4.11. I've had this setup for many many years (registered/activated with Adobe) but suddenly one day I could no longer launch my Photoshop app: when I clicked on the Pshop icon it would start the launch (open) procedure ... and then almost instantly it would quit (in just a few seconds ... before the application even got to the 'title/credit' screen).
I've recently tried uninstalling CS2 (everything except Acrobat) and I ended up doing a manual uninstall of Version Cue. I've been on Macs for 20+ years so figured this would be a pretty straightforward procedure - uninstall -> reinstall and then back to work. Nope.
I'm attempting a fresh installation direct from the original CS2 CDs. In any event, when I try to (re)install CS2 - and after going through the standard screens with Adobe's usage terms agreement and installation hard disk selection - I arrive at the screen where one selects which application(s) to install by checking the various boxes (or alternately, to install the entire suite) but the 'Adobe Photoshop CS2/Adobe ImageReady CS2' line and checkbox are grayed out, so it will not allow me to check them and continue with the Photoshop installation process.
I just completed a fresh install of PDS on a computer and all seemed to go well but when i pick on any of the desktop icons, the little donut spins for about 1-2 seconds and then...nothing.
Everything was working last week and then AM stopped working but Inventor was okay. I uninstalled and reinstalled only AutoCAD and it didn't work and now neither did Inventor. So i uninstalled all Autodesk stuff and reinstalled all PDS apps and now nothing works.
Just installed X6 on a computer everything was working well then I installed the latest hotfix now all I get is a blank error window (no text a red circle with an X on it and an OK button.
It never finishes loading. Has not since installing the hotfix.I tried repairing the install, dumping temp files, F8 on start and none of them made any difference.
When metadata is saved in the underlying photo (whether JPG, DNG or side-car XMP) it would be very nice to include the Lightroom develop history states. This allows the photo and state to exist outside Lightroom or later be moved to a different catalog or different machine without the need to export/import catalogs themselves. It would also assist in rebuilding a catalog from scratch if the catalog were damaged but the underlying files were not.
Updated my preivous copy of Ligtroom 4.2 to 4.3 when I opened lightroom 4.3 it was a new copy without any of my previous catalogs or images or publishing. How can I transfer 4.2 information to 4.3?
I have images that I export as a catalog from my notebook and external drive to my desktop . Did this all the time before the release candidate 4.1 without a hint of problems. With 4.1, it crashes 90% of the time....average export/import of a catalog I am running is about 3000 images. What is particularly wierd is that it crashes on multiples of 500. Normally first crash is at 500, the next at 1000 or 1500 and so forth.
I would like to import multiple catalogs simultaneously into one catalog.
The thing is that I lost my main catalog in a hard-drive failure and my last backup is too old. Fortunately I always "export a folder as catalog" into the original pictures folder, so I always keep starring, color editing, etc.
What I would like to do now is to import each of these litle catalogs into one new main one, without having to import each at a time, but all simultaneously, which would save me an enormous amount of time.
I believe that only exporting the smart collection settings is not enough. I have in my collections a hierarchy of collection set, collection and smart collection that works with my workflow:
-special [CS] -- pano [SC] -- fuse [SC] -themes -- holiday... [SC] -- ... - worklist [CS] -- dominant color [CS] --- dominant color to review [SC] --- dominant color reviewed [C] -- weather [CS] etc. -- geography [CS] etc.
Being able to export the hierarchy from one specific node would be great when I switch from catalog to catalog. After all, smart collections content can be re-created.
I've seen that in the DB, there are these two tables that would need to be 'copied' : agLibraryCollection & agLibraryCollectionContent. Their IDs when importing in the new catalog would probably pose a problem if we were just to import them like that.
On the other hand, there are in the SDK some functions to go through the collections and some functions to create collections, collection-sets, smartCollections...
Would it be difficult to include such a functionality in a future release ?Would it be difficult or possible to write in the mean time a plugin that would do just that: import/export collection hierarchies ?
I have 4 main catalogs in LR 4.3 at the moment. They all appear as folders in LR.What I'd like to do is create one main folder, with all four of these in there. Is that possible without rebuilding all of the catalogs?
When I delete old copies of LR5's catalog off of my backup external drive, I leave the 3 most current. For some reason the next time I start LR, it cannot find the catalog, and I have to manually point to the backup, since I know that one is current. I'd assume the one in My Pictures is current also, but for some reason I keep getting this error.
I run Windows 7, on a Gateway PC laptop, Two external HDs Seagates 1 1TB, 1 2TB External HDs. How do I remove all my catalogs to start over fresh and new?
One catalog is in LR 4 (called catalog B) on Ext HD F, and one is in Carbonite waiting to be restored (had an ext HD failure on Ext HD E, catalog A). I want to put these on a new 4TB external hard drive and in one catalog called A on my just purchased Lightroom 5 upgrade from 4. How do I do this without screwing up?
Have LR5.3 on a Windows 7 machine. Have SSD for programs and usual HD for pictures. Want to have LR catalogues on my SSD rather than default Pictures folder (on the HD). How do I move them to SSD and have LR find them and use that as a default hereafter?
I have several versions of my catalog due to "updates / upgrades" of the catalog. I believe this happened as I added plugins and it would tell me I needed to update my catalog. Is it safe to delete the old ones? Will I lose any data? These haven't been accessed for quite some time. See screen shot.
I recently converted to Mac from pc, and upgraded from LR 3.6 to LR 4 at the same time.Apple transferred all of my pc files transferred to the Mac, and then I downloaded the LR upgrade. That may have been a mistake, as all of the 3.6 catalogs remained on the PC. How do I get the 3.6 PC catalogs into the new version on the Mac? I'm thinking that perhaps I should uninstall LR, have Apple repeat the data migration, and then reinstall the LR 4? Or, is there another way?
When i loaded up lightroom 3 this morning all my catalogs are missing the only catalogue showing is the default lightroom one. i run weekly back ups on the catalogues i use most but theres no sign of them. Im a win 7 user
I had imported photos as CR2's worked on them in develop screen. Closed Lightroom5. When I reopened it all catalog references are gone- from this session and previous sessions. So I pulled in the photos from folders but none of the metadata changes were there (I now know it's because they were imported as CR2's-- won't do THAT again!) Is there anyway to get changes back?
Pictures do not show up in catalogs. Older pictures are there but newer imports appear as grey boxes. I can click in them in develop mode and work on them so they are in the program. After working on them they appear in the catalogs until I develop other pics at which point they switch to the grey box again
Unfortunately I removed all my catalogus (photo's) out of LR. I do have a backupfile in my computer (windows). How can I reinstall these files/catalogus?
I had a computer crash and burn. My hard drive was ok, I have a new computer and have rearranged all my photos on the new hard drive. I need to start fresh with Lightroom but when I reinstall the software it auto loads the catalogs. I have about 7000 photos and its a big job but I have to do it. Can I reload Lightroom and not the catalogs?
Also, If I delete all metadata and previews associated with my pictures will this also delete all editing of my photos or will that just get rid of the Catalogs?
I have a catalog for personal photos, and another for stuff I will print, etc. I just imported all my photos into my print catalog from a trip, and was wondering if some of the photos can be in both catalogs. I have a few pics of my wife and I, and since they are just virtual copies would like them in each one.