I have several versions of my catalog due to "updates / upgrades" of the catalog. I believe this happened as I added plugins and it would tell me I needed to update my catalog. Is it safe to delete the old ones? Will I lose any data? These haven't been accessed for quite some time. See screen shot.
I recently mistakenly deleted my LR catalog and the .lrcat backups. I have dragged and dropped (COM+C) the backups from my trash into the Lightroom folder where it previously lived. When i opened LR everything was back in place (mostly) and I was very happy untill I realized I had opened LR into the wrong catalog (an old LR3 catlog instead of LR4).
1. Would it work to simply COM+C, drag and drop, the backup to its folder again but this time with the LR4 catalog open to put all the data in the correct LR4 catalog.?
2. Then could I delete the old LR3 catalog as it is i.e. with the content I just incorrectly placed in it ? How would I go about that ?
3. There are a few catalogs in the "Open Recent" dropdown list of catalogs. These were created during the process of stubling through LR to figure out how to resolve my issue. Can these be safely deleted ? Some are LR3, some are LR4.
4. LR3 is still installed on my computer. How do I safely delete (uninstall) it ?
As LR 4 updates my LR3 catalogs it makes a new copy of the .lrcat and Previews file and renames them with -2. Should I delete the old LR 3 catalogs and previews and rename the new ones?
What is the process used to delete unwanted catalogs from the listing that comes up when loading LR 4? Any web article on the general subject of deleting unwanted catalogs?
Somehow I ended up with three catalogs in LR 4 -- Catalog.lrcat, Catalog-2.lrcat and Catalog-3.lrcat. My original catalog in LR3 was Catalog.lrcat. When I upgraded to LR4, Catalog-2.lrcat was created, and this is the catalog that I use. I'm not sure how Catalog-3 was created, but all of the images are grayed out and have question marks on them.
I would like to free up some space on my hard drive by getting rid of -- deleting -- Catalog (104MB) and Catalog-3 (103MB). Is this not recommended? And exactly how do I go about deleting a catalog?
When i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?
Until yesterday I was able to delete pictures, using the contextual menu or the delete key. I got the message asking me if I wanted to delete them from disk or from the catalog.
But now, that popup message doesn't appear. The picture is not removed, just nothing happens.
I checked the logs and this is the error message:
performCommandDesc could not perform command ag.library.expandAllStacks (Command was disabled.).
I uninstalled LR moving it to the trash. Then I deleted the com.adobe.Lightroom4.plist and I also removed the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom.
I rebbooted the machine and installed it again. But the issue is still there, with the same error message.
I verified the disk and checked file permissions.
I also tried to use another catalog from a backup.
Nothing, same error.
One anusual thing that I did before the error was to install the "HDRsoft Merge to 32-bit HDR Plug-in for Lightroom - Version 1.0"
I removed it but the error was still there. After the re-install I didnd't install that plug-in again so if it was the problem, it shouldn't be after the clean installation that I did again.
Machine Specs: Man mini server mid 2011 2GHz Intel core i7 Ram: 8G Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 512MB OSX: 10.8.2 (12C60)
I have 4 main catalogs in LR 4.3 at the moment. They all appear as folders in LR.What I'd like to do is create one main folder, with all four of these in there. Is that possible without rebuilding all of the catalogs?
When I delete old copies of LR5's catalog off of my backup external drive, I leave the 3 most current. For some reason the next time I start LR, it cannot find the catalog, and I have to manually point to the backup, since I know that one is current. I'd assume the one in My Pictures is current also, but for some reason I keep getting this error.
I run Windows 7, on a Gateway PC laptop, Two external HDs Seagates 1 1TB, 1 2TB External HDs. How do I remove all my catalogs to start over fresh and new?
One catalog is in LR 4 (called catalog B) on Ext HD F, and one is in Carbonite waiting to be restored (had an ext HD failure on Ext HD E, catalog A). I want to put these on a new 4TB external hard drive and in one catalog called A on my just purchased Lightroom 5 upgrade from 4. How do I do this without screwing up?
Have LR5.3 on a Windows 7 machine. Have SSD for programs and usual HD for pictures. Want to have LR catalogues on my SSD rather than default Pictures folder (on the HD). How do I move them to SSD and have LR find them and use that as a default hereafter?
I recently converted to Mac from pc, and upgraded from LR 3.6 to LR 4 at the same time.Apple transferred all of my pc files transferred to the Mac, and then I downloaded the LR upgrade. That may have been a mistake, as all of the 3.6 catalogs remained on the PC. How do I get the 3.6 PC catalogs into the new version on the Mac? I'm thinking that perhaps I should uninstall LR, have Apple repeat the data migration, and then reinstall the LR 4? Or, is there another way?
When i loaded up lightroom 3 this morning all my catalogs are missing the only catalogue showing is the default lightroom one. i run weekly back ups on the catalogues i use most but theres no sign of them. Im a win 7 user
I had imported photos as CR2's worked on them in develop screen. Closed Lightroom5. When I reopened it all catalog references are gone- from this session and previous sessions. So I pulled in the photos from folders but none of the metadata changes were there (I now know it's because they were imported as CR2's-- won't do THAT again!) Is there anyway to get changes back?
Pictures do not show up in catalogs. Older pictures are there but newer imports appear as grey boxes. I can click in them in develop mode and work on them so they are in the program. After working on them they appear in the catalogs until I develop other pics at which point they switch to the grey box again
Unfortunately I removed all my catalogus (photo's) out of LR. I do have a backupfile in my computer (windows). How can I reinstall these files/catalogus?
I had a computer crash and burn. My hard drive was ok, I have a new computer and have rearranged all my photos on the new hard drive. I need to start fresh with Lightroom but when I reinstall the software it auto loads the catalogs. I have about 7000 photos and its a big job but I have to do it. Can I reload Lightroom and not the catalogs?
Also, If I delete all metadata and previews associated with my pictures will this also delete all editing of my photos or will that just get rid of the Catalogs?
I have a catalog for personal photos, and another for stuff I will print, etc. I just imported all my photos into my print catalog from a trip, and was wondering if some of the photos can be in both catalogs. I have a few pics of my wife and I, and since they are just virtual copies would like them in each one.
In my New Years' organizing spree today, I decided to split my Lightroom catalog into two separate catalogs. I didn't see an efficient way of doing this, so what I did was copy my entire catalog into a new catalog, and then I deleted (from disk) the ones that didn't belong in the respective catalog. After I deleted a few "catalog A" photos from catalog B, I double-checked catalog A to make sure I wasn't totally deleting them. . .only to later find out that I was only looking at a thumbnail. So now ALL of my photos are deleted, and I can't figure out how to restore them.
I used Time Machine to restore yesterday's version of Lightroom 4 lrcat. I created a new catalog--trying to start fresh--tried to import the photos from LR 4 lrcat. I have thumbnails, but on each it says "the file named x is offline or missing."
I also have a LR 3 catalog which houses the bulk of my years of photos since I just upgraded to LR4 a month or so ago. I tried restoring that from Time Machine as well but was unsuccessful in getting anything more than a picture that says "the file named x is offline or missing."
Although I am hopeful because I do use Time Machine, I do have a foreboding feeling because at some point when I deleted over 1000 images, I got a message that said that this action could not be undone because I was doing it to 1000+ images.
I am using LR 4.3. Using OS X 10.8.2. I am using some RAW files, others from earlier years are JPGs.
I just wanted to know if there was anyway to have lightroom 4 backup catalogs upon launching the program instead of upon exiting? I know in previous verisons you were able to do this..
I am planning to purchase Lightroom soon. When I install it, will the 5 different catalogs that I have in Elements 9 automatically form 1 large catalog in Lightroom, with version stacks, keywords, and ratings intact? Or will only the current catalog show up, and if so, how would I get the other 4 catalogs into Lightroom? The reason I am switching to Lightroom is that I can't handle 5 different catalogs easily, so I want to make sure I can combine them into one catalog in Lightroom.