Lightroom :: Delete Old Catalogs / Preview File And Rename New Ones?
Mar 6, 2012
As LR 4 updates my LR3 catalogs it makes a new copy of the .lrcat and Previews file and renames them with -2. Should I delete the old LR 3 catalogs and previews and rename the new ones?
I have several versions of my catalog due to "updates / upgrades" of the catalog. I believe this happened as I added plugins and it would tell me I needed to update my catalog. Is it safe to delete the old ones? Will I lose any data? These haven't been accessed for quite some time. See screen shot.
I recently mistakenly deleted my LR catalog and the .lrcat backups. I have dragged and dropped (COM+C) the backups from my trash into the Lightroom folder where it previously lived. When i opened LR everything was back in place (mostly) and I was very happy untill I realized I had opened LR into the wrong catalog (an old LR3 catlog instead of LR4).
1. Would it work to simply COM+C, drag and drop, the backup to its folder again but this time with the LR4 catalog open to put all the data in the correct LR4 catalog.?
2. Then could I delete the old LR3 catalog as it is i.e. with the content I just incorrectly placed in it ? How would I go about that ?
3. There are a few catalogs in the "Open Recent" dropdown list of catalogs. These were created during the process of stubling through LR to figure out how to resolve my issue. Can these be safely deleted ? Some are LR3, some are LR4.
4. LR3 is still installed on my computer. How do I safely delete (uninstall) it ?
What is the process used to delete unwanted catalogs from the listing that comes up when loading LR 4? Any web article on the general subject of deleting unwanted catalogs?
Somehow I ended up with three catalogs in LR 4 -- Catalog.lrcat, Catalog-2.lrcat and Catalog-3.lrcat. My original catalog in LR3 was Catalog.lrcat. When I upgraded to LR4, Catalog-2.lrcat was created, and this is the catalog that I use. I'm not sure how Catalog-3 was created, but all of the images are grayed out and have question marks on them.
I would like to free up some space on my hard drive by getting rid of -- deleting -- Catalog (104MB) and Catalog-3 (103MB). Is this not recommended? And exactly how do I go about deleting a catalog?
When i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?
Is it possible to have Lightroom rename the source images according to my custom naming convention?
I just imported 278 photos and they are all correctly renamed within Lightroom however the source files retained the original Canon generated names. I want to rename them for backup/in case I ever decide to stop using Lightroom/etc.
Is there a way, in finder, to enumerate the catalogs an image file is included in?
I've run into some finder organization trouble when an external drive died. I want to be able to select an image and find out which catalogs it is included in and/or if it is even in a catalog.
I just found that renaming presets use the "Original/Digitized Date Time", which could differ from the actual Date Time when camera battery deplished and the time got reset, or simply when having DST/Time Zone issues.Is there a way to call the modified time? I mean... IMHO this should be the default case!
I accidentally included a file rename when I just imported a batch of several hundred pictures. I violated a rule that I teach my own Lightroom students, and that is to look carefully at the import panel choices before proceeding.
How can I correct this so that the files are named as they originally were? I know how to easily fix the filenames in Windows (using a tool called BulkRename, for example), but then I'd have to "find" each image one-by-one and correctly point to the renamed version. I tried selecting all the images and then using F2 to rename, but none of the templates allow deleting a portion of the filename.
P.S. Here is an example of what I mean:
ON CARD: IMG_0001.NEF ... IMG_0300.NEF
IMG_0001 {shot by John Doe}.NEF ... IMG_0300 {shot by John Doe}.NEF
I have imported thousands of photos into LR4 without a problem but today I hit a problem. I have converted a number of PDF documents into JPEGs as I wanted them to be available to view via LR. I receive the message that 'Preview is unavailable for this file' and then 'Failed to find a place for the imported file'. The JPEGs are stored on an external drive. When I try the same thing in Aperture the JPEGs load into Aperture without a problem.
When I try to delete a file from the disk in Lightroom 3 a window appears saying: "the files are on a volume that does not support trash". I've never seen this before and I don't know what it means.
We have standard XMP files with metadata for our collections - box number, folder number, copyright, creator, etc. Is there a way to add this to Smart Preview so that it will apply it to all photos at the same time?
It would save so much time to be able to use Smart Preview and apply all the metadata and just tweak it for descriptions, than to upload the XMP files for each image.
for some reason I get the message 'preview unavailable for this file' for about 50% of the photos in the import module of LR4.1. This only seems to be an issue upon import since the files still import as usual and I do not encounter any further issues after the import with developing etc. It's not a huge problem for me but still quite anoying as I am not able to review my photos before actually importing them.
Here are some further details:I am shooting with a Nikon D300s, all photos are in NEF-format, I use USB-mini USB connection between computer and camera. The problem occurs on both my Macbook Pro Retina 2012 and my iMac Mid-2010. The problem only occurs with LR4, I didn't have any problems with LR3.
If I want to delete a file, I don't just remove it from the cataloge, but to delete the master file, too.
If I use the remove key, I get the (annoying) pop up, what I want to do: Delete from hard diskRemove (default selected)Cancel Is there any chance to avoid this dialog? Or at least to chance the preselected button, so I've just to use the enter key?
Actually I've to press deletepress left arrow keypress enter.
Suddenly, I am getting the above message, when trying to import RAW files in LR 4.3. I tried with two different cards and two different Readers.
When I click on Import, I get a blank thumbnail of all the photos with the message in it. I was able to see the photos in Finder on the Compact Flash card with no problem.
I have LR and camera up to date for a while, so nothing different has been done that I know of.
I have my pictures on an external HD, formatted to Windows (XP). On my WIN7 computer, I've imported the pictures from the ext HD, into LR5. But I can't delete a bad picture, only remove from catalog. When I try to delete, I get this message : "the file could not be moved to resycle bin". If I go to the folder in Windows I have no problem deleting the file.I Should mention, that a Macbook Air have been reading files from this ext HDD.
deleting watermarks from Lightroom 4. I had a bunch of watermarks that I had created in LR4 that was a result of trying to redo a previously created watermark (why Adobe don't allow you to overwrite I don't know) but instead of overwriting the currently selected watermark LR4 lets you create a new preset from the changes. These changes build up over time and you sometimes end up with missing or moved files. If these graphic files are missing then you may or may not have ran into my dilema where when you select the watermark to try and delete it, the dialog box just keeps disappearing and nothing you do seem to work. Don't dispear, here is a solution I've discovered that I couldn't find anywhere else.
1. Open LR4 (Not sure if this works with other versions)
2. Select the Print module (this seem to be the fastest, easiest way to access and edit watermarks)
3. Select the check box next to the watermark under the "Page" pane on the right (this will allow you to select and edit the individual watermarks)
4. select the dropdown menu and chose the watermark that you want to edit. The dialog bot will open but beware it will quickly vanish in a couple seconds so here is my solution (at least until Adobe fixes this problem). Grab hold of the dialog box before it closes and hold it for a few seconds, this will delay or stop it from closing instantaneously.
5. Select the dropdown menu within the dialog box and chose delete watermark option, confirm that you want to delete and voila!
Recently I reorganized my system so that my image files were on a different drive that I had previously been using a backup drive, so no additional file copying was involved. When I ran Lr it did not find any images, as expected, at the original location and I told it where to find them by pointing it to the new parent image folder. That worked fine but then it seemed as if all of the previews had to be rebuilt on the fly by Lr as I went to each folder. Could it be that the previews in the preview cache are location specific to drive/volume level rather than just folder level ? Or is there a way to aim that ole preview cache at the new image locations ?
Likewise, would this apply to the ACR cache too ? i.e. if I point Lr at the same images in the same folder names on a different drive, will the ACR cache data still be relevant or should I just scrap it and start again ?
I told Lr to rebuild previews for many of my images and it did so overnight, but now the preview cache is about 30GB instead of about 12GB. It's possible that I picked up previews of images that were previously not in the cache, but would the new cache still contain previews of the now non-existant images at the old locations ?
I have previously reverted to system backups in which the whole drive volume had previously been been copied intact. Lr always worked fine in those situations. Is my present problem because I shifted the images folder relative to the drive volume where Lr is running ?
I'm using Lr 3.6 on a 2011 MacBook Pro with Mac OSX 10.6.8.
Every time I want ro start LR5 I have to delete the preference file in C User data Roaming adobe lightroom other wise LR5 just hangs at strt up screen. This is a right royal pain as it means I have to re do my preferences in the program every time I use it ?