Lightroom :: 5.3 - Unable To Delete / File Could Not Be Moved To Recycle Bin
Jan 2, 2014
I have my pictures on an external HD, formatted to Windows (XP). On my WIN7 computer, I've imported the pictures from the ext HD, into LR5. But I can't delete a bad picture, only remove from catalog. When I try to delete, I get this message : "the file could not be moved to resycle bin". If I go to the folder in Windows I have no problem deleting the file.I Should mention, that a Macbook Air have been reading files from this ext HDD.
I have a Canon 6D and recently purchased Lightroom 4.4 so that I could open my Canon RAW files. They do open in Lightroom, but when I move them to PHotoshop CS4 I can't open the files. I get a message telling me I can't open them.
Recently upgraded to LR3. When moving a number of files from one folder to another, about every third time, it moves all but one file and I get this message about the unmoved file. If I then try to move just that one remaining file, it moves it fine.
I moved a folder in Lightroom in the file pane, in Library mode and now Lightroom thinks they are missing. I looked for them in Finder and they aren't were they were and they aren't where I moved them too. I can't figure out how they just disappeared into the ether. The pictures are on a network drive, but I've done this before and Lightroom had no problems whatsoever.
I get an error code "file could not be moved to selected location" when trying to move an image or a folder from one hard drive to another within Lightroom.
I am migrating from a Windows-based PC to an iMac. I successfully used Lightroom to move all my images and catalogs from the PC hard file to a USB attached hard file. I was able to go to the iMac and move the Lightroom Catalog from USB attached drive to the Apple Macintosh drive. I was able to bring up Lightroom with moved Lightroom Catalog and work with all of my images. Then using Lightroom I was unable to move the images to the Macintosh hard drive without getting the error code above.
When i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?
I can't delete keywords easily. How can I delete keywords easily?
I found instructions that said to select the keyword. But I have no way to select the keyword. At least I haven't found the way. In the Library, where the keywords are, I found no way to select them. Clicking on them does no good. I found I could uncheck keywords from the Keyword List, but that requires a lot of scrolling. There must be a faster way.
deleting multiple photos in lightroom 3. I shift-click to select multiple photos and press delete, but it always only delete 1 of the selected. How do i fix this?
I am unable to delete one of my published collections for Flickr. Also the title of the photoset is uniquely in italics. When I right click on the item, Rename ... and Delete ... are missing from the options. What gives?
The view of the window of my Library is not the way it used to be. I miss for instance the zoom, compare, 'spray' tool etc. Recently I could add and delete items, but now I don't see the arrow to do this(?) Here's an actual view of the bottom of the window: I use lr 4.4rc (the problem occured in 4.3)
When I try to delete a file from the disk in Lightroom 3 a window appears saying: "the files are on a volume that does not support trash". I've never seen this before and I don't know what it means.
If I want to delete a file, I don't just remove it from the cataloge, but to delete the master file, too.
If I use the remove key, I get the (annoying) pop up, what I want to do: Delete from hard diskRemove (default selected)Cancel Is there any chance to avoid this dialog? Or at least to chance the preselected button, so I've just to use the enter key?
Actually I've to press deletepress left arrow keypress enter.
As LR 4 updates my LR3 catalogs it makes a new copy of the .lrcat and Previews file and renames them with -2. Should I delete the old LR 3 catalogs and previews and rename the new ones?
deleting watermarks from Lightroom 4. I had a bunch of watermarks that I had created in LR4 that was a result of trying to redo a previously created watermark (why Adobe don't allow you to overwrite I don't know) but instead of overwriting the currently selected watermark LR4 lets you create a new preset from the changes. These changes build up over time and you sometimes end up with missing or moved files. If these graphic files are missing then you may or may not have ran into my dilema where when you select the watermark to try and delete it, the dialog box just keeps disappearing and nothing you do seem to work. Don't dispear, here is a solution I've discovered that I couldn't find anywhere else.
1. Open LR4 (Not sure if this works with other versions)
2. Select the Print module (this seem to be the fastest, easiest way to access and edit watermarks)
3. Select the check box next to the watermark under the "Page" pane on the right (this will allow you to select and edit the individual watermarks)
4. select the dropdown menu and chose the watermark that you want to edit. The dialog bot will open but beware it will quickly vanish in a couple seconds so here is my solution (at least until Adobe fixes this problem). Grab hold of the dialog box before it closes and hold it for a few seconds, this will delay or stop it from closing instantaneously.
5. Select the dropdown menu within the dialog box and chose delete watermark option, confirm that you want to delete and voila!
Every time I want ro start LR5 I have to delete the preference file in C User data Roaming adobe lightroom other wise LR5 just hangs at strt up screen. This is a right royal pain as it means I have to re do my preferences in the program every time I use it ?
I do my 3D modeling by use of simple cylinders,boxes and everything looks fine. but when I re-open the file just minutes later lots of objects has moved. See attachment. The attached picture shows a highlighted cylinder that is BOTH highlighted inside the module (where it is supposed to be) and on the outside where it has moved.
This happens all the time and I have to move the objects back in position. The distance the objects are moved is random. I use 'acadiso3D' template for these models
how to move the XMP files when I drag a folder of photos from one external drive to another external drive.
I drag the folder with 500 photos over the photos go but I get a message saying the following files did not transfer and its all my XMP files for the images I transfered. How can I get the folders and the edits to transfer from a 500gb to a 4TB external hard drive
Until yesterday I was able to delete pictures, using the contextual menu or the delete key. I got the message asking me if I wanted to delete them from disk or from the catalog.
But now, that popup message doesn't appear. The picture is not removed, just nothing happens.
I checked the logs and this is the error message:
performCommandDesc could not perform command ag.library.expandAllStacks (Command was disabled.).
I uninstalled LR moving it to the trash. Then I deleted the com.adobe.Lightroom4.plist and I also removed the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom.
I rebbooted the machine and installed it again. But the issue is still there, with the same error message.
I verified the disk and checked file permissions.
I also tried to use another catalog from a backup.
Nothing, same error.
One anusual thing that I did before the error was to install the "HDRsoft Merge to 32-bit HDR Plug-in for Lightroom - Version 1.0"
I removed it but the error was still there. After the re-install I didnd't install that plug-in again so if it was the problem, it shouldn't be after the clean installation that I did again.
Machine Specs: Man mini server mid 2011 2GHz Intel core i7 Ram: 8G Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 512MB OSX: 10.8.2 (12C60)
I am using elements 7 and photograph in raw. After editing the raw image I create a jpg, saving to the same file as the raw image and its associated xmp file. If I further edit the jpg, elements sends the previous version of the jpg to the recycle bin together with the xmp file, so that if I want to reopen the raw file I have lost the editing information. Is this a glitch, or normal? Is there a way to stop this happening?
I am unable to upload PEF File to LR 5 or Elements 11 If thay do upload file Disappear in front of me. New camera a Pentax K3 shoting Raw I ave two typs of file that I can used PEF or DNg files
So I bought the new 27" iMac. I was keeping all my photos on an external drive but decided to use that for back up and move all the pics onto the new iMac's 3TB fusion drive. I made the move outside of Lightroom. Of course, when I did that, I botched up all the links.
Lightroom 4.3 now shows thumbnails of all my photos, none of my folders in the catalog window, all of my saved collections. What's the most efficient way of getting LR to link my catalog to my newly-located (internal) photos file?
I'm running LR2 (I know, first step, UPGRADE!), but in the meantime, I had to move my catalog because my drive got full. Under the Backup dialog box I chose the new location. But when I just click on the LR icon to open the program it opens with the default C: drive catalog location that it first installed with. Then I open the specific catalog from in the program and relaunch it. I have LR set to bring the dialog box everytime I start LR since I don't use it everyday. So I back it up when the dialog comes up and when it's done it goes right back to the default catalog with none of my library in there. Why do I have to keep opening the catalog manually?
New computer. Moved catalog to essentially same location but moved from external drive to the main drive. Searching "find" does not seem to do anything. How do I redirect?
When I first started using LR, I converted several folders full of CR2s that had been imported into LR to .dng using the stand-alone DNG Converter and then used the OSX Finder to move those folders to my archive drives. (For those beginners following along - don't do this!!)
I want to re-link LR to those files but find that I need to do the relink routine one file at a time (instead of being able to use the "find nearby missing photos") because LR is looking for an exact match of filename + extension instead of just filename. The problem is that the files on the archve drive have a .dng extension and LR is looking for a .CR2 extension.
Is there a way of having LR look for just the filename? Perhaps a script of some sort?
3000 files to relink - one at a time is not a happy prospect.
(Of course, now I do everything from within LR. Live and learn!)