Lightroom :: Unable To Delete One Of Published Collections For Flickr
Mar 19, 2012
I am unable to delete one of my published collections for Flickr. Also the title of the photoset is uniquely in italics. When I right click on the item, Rename ... and Delete ... are missing from the options. What gives?
I have approximately 500 photographs in folders and collections. Want to delete them and start over. What is the best way to go back to Lightroom 5 cc as it was when initially downloaded?
I added a new tag to a large batch of photos which then needed to be re-upoaded. It was taking a very long time and about halfway through, I got an error. I started the Publish funtion again and all was fine, but then again with a handful of photos left, I got the error. This time the Publish function didn't move anything and I just got the error. Even after removing the new tag from the remaining photos, I am unable to use the plugin to upload any new photos to my flickr account. I use the flickr library within LR as part of my organization strategy and really don't want to use any other uploader.
The error message in question: Flickr API returned an error message (function, message Bad URL found)
I'm trying to export photos to Flickr using the Flickr publish service. When I try to log in to Flickr in order to authenticate my account, I get the error message "Could not contact the Flickr web service. Please check your Internet connection." Similarly, I have tried to use Jeff Friedl's "Export to Flickr" plugin. When I try to enable this plugin, Lightroom can't contact Flickr - I get the error message "cannotconnectToHost", and Lightroom just keeps retrying to connect with no success.
I have Internet access, and can log into Flickr without any problems using my browser.
I can't delete keywords easily. How can I delete keywords easily?
I found instructions that said to select the keyword. But I have no way to select the keyword. At least I haven't found the way. In the Library, where the keywords are, I found no way to select them. Clicking on them does no good. I found I could uncheck keywords from the Keyword List, but that requires a lot of scrolling. There must be a faster way.
deleting multiple photos in lightroom 3. I shift-click to select multiple photos and press delete, but it always only delete 1 of the selected. How do i fix this?
I have my pictures on an external HD, formatted to Windows (XP). On my WIN7 computer, I've imported the pictures from the ext HD, into LR5. But I can't delete a bad picture, only remove from catalog. When I try to delete, I get this message : "the file could not be moved to resycle bin". If I go to the folder in Windows I have no problem deleting the file.I Should mention, that a Macbook Air have been reading files from this ext HDD.
The view of the window of my Library is not the way it used to be. I miss for instance the zoom, compare, 'spray' tool etc. Recently I could add and delete items, but now I don't see the arrow to do this(?) Here's an actual view of the bottom of the window: I use lr 4.4rc (the problem occured in 4.3)
I want to publish foto's to my iPad. In Lightroom 3, there is no problem. In Lightroom 4 I only have the choice between "Create published Smart Folder" or "Create a set of folders". The possibility "Create Published folder" is not available. I work on a Mac.
I recently upgraded from LR4 to 5. When I opened LR5 it asked to convert my LR4 catalog. That all went well, I thought. Once completed, I created my Flickr published services connector. How do I now tell LR5 that I have previously published photos to Flickr in LR4 so that I do not have to republish those 1000+ photos? If I were to do that, then I'm afraid all comments will be lost, etc.
I alreayd published to HDD a series of five images. I then rename the images, and mark the images to republish. But when they're published again, the old names are there. So, I change the publishing service to a custom name, mark the images to republish again, and try once more. Still, the old names are there.
Recently upgraded to Lightroom 5. Now when I publish photos, those photos are the originals, without any of the edits that were made in Develop (such as crop, color, etc.). The tags are being published and updated, but that's all. This is happening for both publish to hard drive as well as online services.
If I right-click on a published collection there is a command "Edit Published Collection". In the dialog box that comes up it seems the only thing I can do is rename but there is already a rename in the right-click menu. Hitting EDIT in the dialog seems to do NOTHING. What am I missing on the use of this command. There doesn't seem to be any info on this in a Google search.
The issue we have all been experiencing with LR 4 RC2 seems to still be in the release of 4.1
When I try to publish a photo to my flickr photostream I get the following error:
Can't update this collection. And internal error has occurred: A semi colon character was expected.
I find this to be ridiculous. We let the powers that be know of this issue and still nothing seems to have been done. I guess I have to return to the RC1 release just to get my photos uploaded and retain my usability with comments?
when I try to setup and authorize Flickr it ask me to signin to my acct. I sign in then it asks me to allow Flickr to authorize and I say yes then it brings up a blank browser window and nothing happens so I can not get past the authorize section of the publish dialog box
I'm using jf plugin to publish to zenfolio. When the client adds comments, they download into LR5. Is there anyway to show just the photos that have comments?
I've just published my first book on Blurb. Looks great but all the pages are offset by one in Blurb when compared to my LR original. So all the pages that are on the left in Lightroom are on the right in the Blurb version. I can easily add another page and re-publish but it un-nerves me when things are inconsistent.
I'm running Lightroom 4.3, and have set up a publishing service to my revel account. Starting yesterday, I'm having a problem with creating new smart published collections to publish to my revel account. After I enter the filter criteria for the collection and hit "create" I get a "An error occurred while attempting to create a new album." message. I've tried authorizing and reauthorizing my account without any success. I had no problems the last time I created a collection last week, so I'm wondering if it's a server type issue rather than something on my side.
On completion of an image upload to Flickr using the Lightroom Flickr publish plugin I see in the progress bar at the top left state that "comments are being retrieved from Flickr". I never see any other mention of "comments" in Lightroom so what does this mean? I have many comments on my images on Flickr so are they retrieved and downloaded? I have LR4 and Mac OS.
My .JPG exports look more vibrant and contrasty when viewed on Flickr and Facebook. I didn't have this issue until I calibrated my monitor. I recently purchased a new monitor (Dell Ultrasharp U2711) and went with the factory calibration for awhile. Using the factory calibration my test prints were acceptable for color but the prints came back a little too dark so I decided to calibrate the monitor with an Xrite i1. I haven't submitted test prints with the new calibration on the monitor yet but I have exported and uploaded some .JPG's to Flickr and Facebook and they look way more vibrant and modestly more contrasty than they do in Lightroom.I want others to see my images the way I intend them to.
When exporting the images I have always selected sRGB as the color space. I tried selecting the monitor profile as the color space for the .JPG's but it didn't make a difference. The exported .JPG images looked the same on Flickr and Facebook. I also tried using a color space called sRGB IEC61966-2.1 but it did not correct the boost in saturation and contrast that I am seeing now either.
I want my exported .JPG's displayed on Flickr and Facebook to look the same as they do in Lightroom. I had no problems with this when I first got the new monitor and was using the factory calibration. It's only become a problem since calibrating the monitor with the i1. I don't think I can go back to using the factory calibration but even if I could, eventually I am going to have to calibrate my monitor.
After getting a bit of a nagging from the in laws I got round to cataloguing the last few months photos to upload the pics of the kids.
When I go to upload to flickr it will publish two images then crash and the cycle repeats - having a few hundreds to upload there is no way on earth I'm going to babysit Lightroom while it does this.
I'm using jFlickr and have the most up to date version - although I was reluctant to mention this as I half suspect my issue will now be shelved using this as a get out - but frankly Adobe's offering is poor and presumes you've just started with Flickr.
The OS is Windows 8.1 64bit - LR 5.3 (same results on 5.1 and 5.2)
I got the beta 4.1 and it's giving me the following message when trying to uploading images (update collection) to flickr. LR 4.0 was working great. Is there a specifc forum for 4.1beta errors?
"An internal error has occurred: Error Domain=NSXMLParserErrorDomain Code=4 UserInfo=0x11b7b1d80 "Line 1: Document is empty"
I can't seem to find a way to export to Flickr - is this supported in LR4?
Running on OS X Lion
Plugin Manager shows the Flickr plugin as "installed and running'. The status is enabled.
When i click on "Export" in the Library section, I get the Export dialogue. At the top is the "Export to" drop down. The items in the drop down are "Email, Hard Drive, and DVD. and Adobe Revel", but there's nothing about Flickr (or Facebook).