Lightroom :: V5 - Photos Published Do Not Have Edits

Mar 8, 2014

Recently upgraded to Lightroom 5. Now when I publish photos, those photos are the originals, without any of the edits that were made in Develop (such as crop, color, etc.). The tags are being published and updated, but that's all. This is happening for both publish to hard drive as well as online services.

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Lightroom :: V4 To V5 Published Photos Migration?

Jul 2, 2013

I recently upgraded from LR4 to 5.  When I opened LR5 it asked to convert my LR4 catalog.  That all went well, I thought.  Once completed, I created my Flickr published services connector.  How do I now tell LR5 that I have previously published photos to Flickr in LR4 so that I do not have to republish those 1000+ photos?  If I were to do that, then I'm afraid all comments will be lost, etc.

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Lightroom :: How To Rename Already Published Photos

Feb 9, 2014

I alreayd published to HDD a series of five images. I then rename the images, and mark the images to republish. But when they're published again, the old names are there. So, I change the publishing service to a custom name, mark the images to republish again, and try once more. Still, the old names are there.

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Lightroom :: Not All Photos Are Being Published To Smugmug

Jan 25, 2014

LR5 will not publish all of my photos to Smugmug. I get a message that LR failed to export some files.

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Lightroom :: Filter Published Photos That Have Comments Added

Oct 25, 2013

I'm using jf plugin to publish to zenfolio.  When the client adds comments, they download into LR5.  Is there anyway to show just the photos that have comments?

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Lightroom :: Photos Deleted Accidentally - Reattach Edits To Their Respective Photos?

May 28, 2013

I copied photo folders from my hard drive to lightroom 4 and edited them but then accidentally removed these folders from lightroom. I then imported these folders again into lightroom but all the edits I made orginally in lightroom don't show up for the individual photo's.
I backed up the Lightroom catalogue regularily. Is there any way I can reattach these edits to their respective photos'. There is  lot of photo's involved.

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Lightroom :: Way To Restore Photos With Associated Edits

Jun 2, 2013

A friend recently backed up her LR catalog in  new external drive but failed to back up her photos as well.Now when she tries to restore her photos with "restore catalog" she shows all broken links...(?)..Is there any way to restore her photos with associated edits..Just wondering if they still exist anywhere on her hard drive.

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Lightroom :: 3.5 - Moving Folders / Photos And Edits From Laptop To Desktop

Jan 2, 2012

I have LR 3.5 on my windows desktop and my laptop .  I have 4 folders on my laptop with many edits to the photos.  I need to copy to folders, photos, and edits from my laptop to the LR on my desktop.  I'd like to get them into the LR on my desktop with the original photo as well as the edits as oppossed to exporting the edited photos.  I've done this before and forgot how to do it. How to copy everything to my desktop?

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Lightroom :: No Published Folder Available?

Sep 17, 2012

I want to publish foto's to my iPad. In Lightroom 3, there is no problem. In Lightroom 4 I only have the choice between "Create published Smart Folder" or "Create a set of folders". The possibility "Create Published folder" is not available. I work on a Mac.

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Lightroom :: Import Published Galleries From LR3 To LR4?

Mar 14, 2012

How does one import published galleries (Smugmug) from LR3 to LR4?

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Lightroom :: Published Folder Migration From LR4 To LR5?

Jul 17, 2013

I have a published folder with about 400 photos in LR4 that I would like to bring over to LR5. How is this done?

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Lightroom :: What Does Edit Published Collection Do

Feb 16, 2014

If I right-click on a published collection there is a command "Edit Published Collection".  In the dialog box that comes up it seems the only thing I can do is rename but there is already a rename in the right-click menu.  Hitting EDIT in the dialog seems to do NOTHING.  What am I missing on the use of this command.  There doesn't seem to be any info on this in a Google search.

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Lightroom :: Changing Publish Status From New To Published

Oct 10, 2013

Is there a way to change status of a photo in a facebook export publish folder from "new photos to publish" to "Published Photos"?

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Photoshop Elements :: Can PE11 Make Edits To Photos On CMYK Specifications

Jun 26, 2013

Can Adobe Elements 11 make edits to photos on the following photo specificiations?
Minimum size – largest dimension, with tight crop, to be min. 3in @ 200dpiPreferred size - largest dimension, with tight crop, to be min. 5in @ 300dpiCMYK color modeGray balanced, Clean and BrightCatchlights – 0%Highlight – 2% - 3% White - (C – 2%, M – 1%, Y - 1%, K – 0%)Shadow – 85% - 90%Black - (C – 70%, M - 50%, Y – 50%, K – 90%)Total Ink Limit – 260% Saved Clipping Path included with a Flatness of 1-5 JPEG file format with Quality compression setting no lower than 10

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Lightroom :: Unable To Delete One Of Published Collections For Flickr

Mar 19, 2012

I am unable to delete one of my published collections for Flickr.  Also the title of the photoset is uniquely in italics.  When I right click on the item, Rename ... and Delete ... are missing from the options. What gives?

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Lightroom :: Page Shift When Book Published To Blurb?

Jun 7, 2012

I've just published my first book on Blurb. Looks great but all the pages are offset by one in Blurb when compared to my LR original. So all the pages that are on the left in Lightroom are on the right in the Blurb version. I can easily add another page and re-publish but it un-nerves me when things are inconsistent.

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Lightroom :: Creating Smart Published Collection For Revel

Mar 28, 2013

I'm running Lightroom 4.3, and have set up a publishing service to my revel account. Starting yesterday, I'm having a problem with creating new smart published collections to publish to my revel account. After I enter the filter criteria for the collection and hit "create" I get a "An error occurred while attempting to create a new album." message. I've tried authorizing and reauthorizing my account without any success. I had no problems the last time I created a collection last week, so I'm wondering if it's a server type issue rather than something on my side.

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Lightroom :: Published Smart Collection Rule Is Not Working As Expected (Adobe Revel)

Nov 24, 2012

I have a set of Categories with Collections published at Smugmug.  I am trying to map each Category and Collection in Smugmug to a similar Published Smart Collection in Revel using the rules so that when I add a photo into one of my collections in Smugmug it will populate to similar Revel Smart Collection.
In Smugmug I have a category "Portfolio" with a collection "Dogs".  There are 75 photos in this collection.
I create a Revel Publish service for a library "Portfolio".
Now I go to the left sidebar and for this Revel service, I create a new Published Smart Collection.  I title it "Dogs".  I set the rule to Publish Collection starts with Dogs.  The result is over 400 photos selected.
What appears to happen is that any Published Collection with the word Dogs in it is being used, even though the name of the published collection is for example "Our Dogs" or "Example Dogs".
The rule "Starts with" does not seem to work.

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Lightroom :: How To Get Edits From JPG

May 29, 2013

I have a finished JPG and I am trying to re-create the settings I used in another image.  Unfortunately, I didn't save the settings in a preset.  Is there a way I can have Lightroom compare the original RAW/JPG with the final JPG and extract settings from that?

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Lightroom :: Understanding DNG Edits Done In ACR?

Aug 9, 2013

With the Adobe CC upon us, I'm am questioning staying with Adobe proprietary DNG (proprietary in the fact it has edits embedded that only Adobe products understand) and PSD files long term.
I have never used Lightroom. But am a heavy Photoshop/ACR user.  I have many ACR edited DNG files and multi-layered Photoshop files.I want access to my files in the future (including edits) without having to always have the monthly CC subscription (in the future).
Question:  Can Lightroom  (not a CC product currrently and hopefully not in the future) open & understand the edits (cropping, color balance, lens correction, ...) I've already done to my many DNG files in Adobe Camera Raw?
Even if I use the CC in the near future and eventually not subscribe, I want future access to my DNG and PSD format files, including all the edits).if Adobe guaranteed a free PSD & DNG viewer (understand the layers, edits, ...) and give the ability (for all time) to export to a flattened image with edits applied to TIFF!

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Lightroom :: 4.3 - No Group Edits

Dec 16, 2012

After high lighting several photos, clik on rotate ( see there is no load on the CPU only a very small one in the middle)  only the highlighted photo will rotate NONE of the others will not even over time do they respond. same in Libary mode as well
NOTE - why is  "auto sync"  showing as an option in libary mode?... is that not only availible in Develop mode?  after i reset ( see below on the update)   sync meta data is NOW shown as the option...
There are not the little 3 dots on the selected photos, showing that it is "working on the edits"
I cleared raw cache,  reset all develop presets, restored all local adjustment presets,  changed Catalog settings to  preview quality to medum ( down from high)  Previews size unchanged at 1440 pixels
lr4.2 clean new install, upgraded to lr4.3rc, upgraded to lightroom 4.3  all versions were 64bit.

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Lightroom :: Why Edits Don't Transfer Between LR4 And CS4

Mar 27, 2013

I edit my images for the most part in LR4 then export as a raw file into a new folder. Then when I view the images in bridge my edits don't show up. Do I have to convert to JPEG for my edits to stick?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Edits Not Saving?

Mar 9, 2014

I use Lightroom 4 and when I went in to look at some images I had recently edited, (all my images are large jpegs, and I "add" my photos to LR) they all started to change to some weird high contrast edit right before my eyes, one by one without me touching or changing anything. They also had a little exclamation point on them. When I clicked on the exclamation it says "the metadata was changed by Lightroom and another application" and I could "import settings from the disk or overwrite the disk settings." When I clicked import settings it reverted back to my original edit. But this didn't last.. after a few minutes they kept changing back to this other random edit.

I read online that I should save the metadata so it can't be changed, so I highlighted every image I have in Lightroom and saved the metadata. (this took about an hour for Lightroom to do) But now when I go back into Lightroom to look at my photos they do something different.. now they start to revert back to the original UNEDITED files all my themselves, one by one! I have already exported all the edited photos into folders so I have them. But what do I do!? If I ever want to go back to an edited photo and export it at a different size or retouch it or something, none of the edits are saved, I have to start from scratch! I'm a wedding photographer and I'm scared to load more images and work on them just for LR to change them back

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Lightroom :: 4 Edits Don't Transfer To CS5

Mar 9, 2012

Love the new basic editing sliders.  But, finding when I "edit in > PS > edit with LR adjustments", the image in PS is NOT the same as in LR.  It's "darker", the histogram isn't transferring properly. 

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Lightroom :: Lost All Edits

Jun 7, 2012

I went to pull an image for a vendor. I added a few to the quick collection.  Fine right? Now when I look through the master files in the hierarchy, ALL of the edits are lost, including color labels, starring, flagging, etc.  The only images that were not affected are any duplicates that I converted to black and white.I swear I did not change a thing with the catalog or moving files on disk etc.  Can I import from an older backup of a catalog to restore my edits?

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Lightroom :: 4 Not Showing PS6 Edits?

Jan 8, 2013

When I edit in Photoshop CS6, then SAVE, then CLOSE, it isn't in lightroom, stacked or un-stacked. I've reinstalled both LR4, PS-CS6, and ACR.
I can eventually track them dow, they are in the folder, but I have to import them before I see them!
It doesn't matter if I process as TIFF or PSD.

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Lightroom :: Replicating Edits In LR

Oct 20, 2012

Last night I made some adjustments to a shoot which I did using Lightroom presets.  I synced the rest of the images so they were all the same before opening them from Lightroom into Photoshop for further editting.  I unfortunately removed all the images from Lightroom but I still have the psd files which were opened in Photoshop.  Unfortunately i discovered this morning that I have missed a couple of images and try as I might I have been unable to replicate the same use of presets I used last night.  Is there anyway for me to tell from the psd files what presets I used so I can edit the ones I missed in the same way?

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Lightroom :: Edits In NIk HDR Pro Not Saved?

Aug 23, 2012

I have the plugins for Nik HDR Pro in my Lightroom 4 on my Mac (OS X 10.6). When I save the file with the changes and return to Lightoom, the changes I made are not there. I have had the same problem with a filter on my Olympus E5 which emulates an HDR effect - the effects are not visible when downloaded to Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: How To Save Exact Edits From LR5

Jan 25, 2014

I have been doing many edits in LR5 and I am losing something along the way...this is what I have been doing....
The image is edited in LR5 (exposure,blacks,whites etc) The image is edited in Photoshop (spot heal)...(copy with lightroom edits) Edits made in Photoshop are saved back to lightroom (not sure saving method here?) Final product is exported from LR5 to email (sRGB /JPEG)
The blacks in the image look VERY different once emailed from the Mac Computer.  When viewing on the IPAD, Laptop, Mobile devices these images dont look exactly the same prior to being sent via email.

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Lightroom :: 4.3 Edits Are Applied With Delay?

Dec 15, 2012

I notice a rather strange behaviour in Lightroom 4.3 in the Develop module:  it appears that the Develop preview ("zoom to fit" setting, I guess that's what 99% of people are using when using the global adjustments) is only updated when moving the mouse pointer AWAY from the slider that controls the adjustment (it doesn't matter if it's Clarity, or Highlights, Shadows, whatever).
I happen to often click somewhere on the sliders range, say somewhere in the middle between 0 and +100, to get an idea what a Clarity ~50 might look like. If I keep the mouse pointer hovering over the knob, the Develop preview will look pixelized/blocky, and not update to a more refined preview.
Only if I move the mouse pointer AWAY, the preview will be updated. It's as if the rendering is delayed until you're really sure you want that setting, perhaps to improve responsiveness/performance? This didn't happen in LR 4.2.
I tried this with a NEW catalog and only imported something like 100 photos to it, and no plugins - the behavior stays the same. I uninstalled the latest AMD/Catalyst graphics driver and let Windows 7 (64bit) "fall back" to a default driver - again, behavior stays the same.

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Lightroom :: 5 - Lost All Recent Edits?

Jun 11, 2013

Did  a bunch of edits to some photos in a particlular folder. Went to another folder and did the same. When I went back to the original folder, all the last edits I did were gone.
And, LR5 Develop Module is way slower than 4.

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