Photoshop Elements :: Can PE11 Make Edits To Photos On CMYK Specifications
Jun 26, 2013
Can Adobe Elements 11 make edits to photos on the following photo specificiations?
Minimum size – largest dimension, with tight crop, to be min. 3in @ 200dpiPreferred size - largest dimension, with tight crop, to be min. 5in @ 300dpiCMYK color modeGray balanced, Clean and BrightCatchlights – 0%Highlight – 2% - 3% White - (C – 2%, M – 1%, Y - 1%, K – 0%)Shadow – 85% - 90%Black - (C – 70%, M - 50%, Y – 50%, K – 90%)Total Ink Limit – 260% Saved Clipping Path included with a Flatness of 1-5 JPEG file format with Quality compression setting no lower than 10
I use photoshop elements on the mac. I will be color correcting photos for a project and must convert to CMYK format. Elements does not have a CMYK option for photos. Can I purchase an upgrade of Photshop Elements, or do I need to upgrade to full Photoshop?
Error Message in Premiere Elements 11 (mac) when loading .MPEG videos: “The selected file cannot be played because your system does not have the required compressor / decompressor (codec) installed.” Question is, how do I determine what codec is needed?
Old computer was XP with PE10 installed. Moving to new Win7 computer, so did catalog backup of PE10 onto a network drive. On new computer, have serveral Drives: C, E, G (XP drive from old computer for moving stuff over to new system). Installed PE11 on new computer to drive E. Then opened PE11 and did a catalog restore from the network drive. Set restore location to Drive E. Restore said successful, conversion worked OK. Organizer in PE11 shows the pictures and references drive G (my old XP drive that is in my new system). How do I get PE11 to change path to Drive E catalog??
Every time I open a photo in Organizer with Editor, Editor changes the time specificaciones of the photo to one hour earlier. So the photos changes the order in Organizer. What is the reason and how to repair it?
I copied photo folders from my hard drive to lightroom 4 and edited them but then accidentally removed these folders from lightroom. I then imported these folders again into lightroom but all the edits I made orginally in lightroom don't show up for the individual photo's.
I backed up the Lightroom catalogue regularily. Is there any way I can reattach these edits to their respective photos'. There is lot of photo's involved.
I want to put 8 photos side by side and make one photo out of it. With Photoshop Elements "version 7" this could be accomplished by using the menu point "New" --> "Photomerge-Panorama" in the File menu. In the German Photoshop Elements "version 10" which I use now this does not work any more. I consulted already the related manual and the instruction videos in the internet, without success.
Need menu points which I have to choose for my request.
How can I make mini photos? I don't want several of one photo. I want one of several photos and mini photos of components in a photo, such as a face. I'm a very inexperienced Photoshop user.
Recently upgraded to Lightroom 5. Now when I publish photos, those photos are the originals, without any of the edits that were made in Develop (such as crop, color, etc.). The tags are being published and updated, but that's all. This is happening for both publish to hard drive as well as online services.
A friend recently backed up her LR catalog in new external drive but failed to back up her photos as well.Now when she tries to restore her photos with "restore catalog" she shows all broken links...(?)..Is there any way to restore her photos with associated edits..Just wondering if they still exist anywhere on her hard drive.
I used to make a really neat strip of merged images using PSE 4 and its photomerge feature. How can I make a merged group of photos blended and being aligned side by side horizontally like PSE 4 used to do? Using PSE 10?
I want to print tiled photos to make posters - cannot find the tiling option on the advanced print pop up menu. I use Windows 8 and have an HP 7610 wide format printer.
I took several pictures, seven to be exact of a rocket launch at night, thinking that one long exposure might make some sections of the photo too bright. The beach is a little underexposed, but that is OK. how to join them? I thought I would use the first one as the base and basically merge the others after I take out all of the content except the rocket plume/flare, but when I try this, it puts the rocket plume in the middle of the layer and I would have to manually align the rocket trail, but can't seem to do it very easily. I'm only trying to cut and paste, and obvious newbie to elements. I have just upgraded to 12 but still have 9 on my machine if one is any better than the other for doing this type of thing.
I have LR 3.5 on my windows desktop and my laptop . I have 4 folders on my laptop with many edits to the photos. I need to copy to folders, photos, and edits from my laptop to the LR on my desktop. I'd like to get them into the LR on my desktop with the original photo as well as the edits as oppossed to exporting the edited photos. I've done this before and forgot how to do it. How to copy everything to my desktop?
I am using InDesign for a class presentation. I was told I should convert any Photoshop images that I use from RGB to CMYK for printing, but I am just printing it at home on my little desk-jet.
Second question: If it IS necessary, why do I get a alert in Photoshop saying "You are about to convert to CMYK using 'U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2' profile.
I have installed actions / effects which i have paid for and have finally got them working in EXPERT mode but now when I go into GUIDED mode into PSE 11, I have no editing options to chose from (for example the cropping option, straightening, vignetting, EVERYTHING is gone)
What have i done and how do I get these options back?
I have a brand new MacBook Pro Retina Display 13" computer." I am unable to save my edits in Photoshop Elements 11. I get an error message stating that I do not have "write access." What does this mean? What can do or should do?
I'm trying to find the best way to plan my workflow while I'm on the road. While I'm away from home, I will be uploading and editing photos to my laptop in LR and then when I'm home, I would like to store the files on my external harddrive, so that I don't eat up so much space on my computer. Would I need to make two libraries for this? One for temporarily holding the images, and then a main one for everything on my external harddrive? How do I go about copying the metadate or edits that I make to each photo to my external drive?
When I open a file from PSE 11 Organizer in ACR 7.4, make my edits and hit done, the edits made in the Detail tab are not reflected when the file is viewed in PSE 11 Organizer. I had this problem a while back and found a thread that provided a cache or directory change that fixed the problem.
I need to create an image to these exact specifications:
542px x 300px at 150 dpi in the GIF format.
I have tried over and over scaling my source (a JPG at 300 dpi) to those exact specifications, but once I export to a GIF, the resulting file is at 72 dpi. I feel like a dummy. Better yet, are those specifications even possible?
I created an ad using one PMS color after orginially being told that it was a "Thanksgiving 4 column x 4.5” spot color ad”. I received the following message from the newspaper printer today:
"Please relay to your corporate art department that the newspaper does not print in PMS/Pantone colors, except on a full color page, which requires an additional color charge. For spot color, we print in primary colors such as red or green, or in cyan or magenta alone.
As I understood it, spot color meant pantone, and CMYK was process. Am I wrong here or are the printers using the term "spot color" incorrectly?