Lightroom :: Delete Preference File In C User Data Roaming Adobe
Jun 11, 2013
Every time I want ro start LR5 I have to delete the preference file in C User data Roaming adobe lightroom other wise LR5 just hangs at strt up screen. This is a right royal pain as it means I have to re do my preferences in the program every time I use it ?
I'm trying to set a system setting and it won't stay. I open up options, and Under User Preference, I'm checking Make New Dimensions Associate, but everytime I close out and reopen it's not checked.
I have 2x user presets (one for each of 2x camera's), which I use to apply to images on Import.
When moving a catalog from my laptop (rMPB) to the desktop (iMac) (created of just one image folder), using the export / import catalog routine, these presets just list as "unavailable preset" in the Develop Status metadata sorting options in the library module.
I have exported these presets from the laptop and imported them to the desktop and then re- exported/imported the catalog but the results are the same. Is there a way for these presets to be recognized and sorted by correctly when importing a catalog?
I'm hoping this could be a quick fix without completely reinstalling CAD.
I jammed too much LiDAR data into my Index file for point cloud data, and now I can not even open it. Even new drawings are trying to open the overall index with everything in it.
What I want to do is just delete the whole thing and start fresh again, but not sure how to do that. If I could open it once I could start deleting stuff from it, but it is too large to even open.
When i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?
Is it possible to embedd data in a table so that a user can select from a group of data within one cell?
I use this technique quite often in Excel. One cell in a table can have various values: A, B, C, or D. While another cell can have a different set of values to choose from: BLUE, RED, ORANGE, or PURPLE. The user can pull down an arrow (similar to a dynamic block) and choose from a set list of values.
Since ADM is not available in CS6, I am wondering how to add preference items to the preference panel. Though AddPreferencePanel is still available in preference suite, it is taking a dialog id as parameter and the doc refers to ADMDialogSuite, so I guess it is still there by mistake.
I am using Qt, and of course I can create my own preferences dialog, but is it possible to add it to the existing preferences dialog to provide seamless interface?
Is there any way to set a preference for the file-format? Each time i save a file i have to adress it's format manualy, so it would be handy if there was a way to set a preference (via the short-cut menu maybe?!) for this.
Now that I have spent much time getting my preferences customized, I would like to back them up to another location in case I have to reload. Where are these files located?
I'm running OS 10.8.5 using PS CS5.1. My mac was left on overnight (not sure how relevant that is) and when opening up PS this morning it crashed with the message 'end of file encountered' 'preferences file is invalid/has been deleted'
I've read up on a few older posts about the same thing. I uninstalled/reinstalled from disk but the same thing happens.
CS6 x64 (Windows 7 SP1) keeps loosing OpenCL, requiring I trash my preferences to gte it back. This evening it happened again. I was using Bridge 6, ACR 7.1 Beta and CS6 x64 version and it happened again. Trashed the preferences and even with mutilple reboots would not recognize OpenCL. So being the curious type I did a search for the Pref's file; and found two (2) instances of CS6 x64 preferences, One in the normal place....../Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop 6/Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings, then another instance in /Roaming/Adobe/ Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop CS5 Settings. Trashed this one as well and OPen CL worked again.
Is this normal behavior to have duplicate Pref's for CS6 x64? Probably not, so what is going on? And can confirm that every now and then a duplicate will show up in the CS5 directory, not consistent, and have not yet found the trigger, but one is definitely there.
Apart from OpenCL not working when this happens, everything seems to work normally...
Most of the time, I delete an user parameter without problem. But, in a part, I got an error for two of them and I don't understand why. I create a new parameter and redirect all dependencies from the old one to the new. (oldParam.Dependencies.Count = 0).
But when I try to delete it, I've got an error. Also, when I try to delete it by the interface, I don't see the Delete option.
I have both programs but due to CC issues with Topaz and Nik plugin issues I prefer to Edit my photos from lightroom 5 in CS6. The problem is that I don't see anywhere in preferences where I can change it.
When using an external editor (PS CS5) to edit photos from Lightroom 3, there is an inital preference to select whether to use ACR in PS to process the raw file, or to use LR. I always want to do this in PS. There's often times where I'm compositing multiple photos. I only need to open up that raw file to quickly grab a section of it to move into another file. I don't want to save the raw file as a psd, tif or whatever, just select, copy and move that section of the file and then close it.
The problem is that preference setting is only when you first set up the Lightroom, I'm not seeing it anywhere on any of the preference menus. And for some reason, it has switched to processing the raw in Lightroom. So now i'm ending up with useless psd files. That takes up space on my hard drive, takes longer to archive on to external hard drives, and is slower to open the files into PS. It may seem like a small inconvenience, but when shooting 1000s, or 10000s of images a week it adds up quickly. And to get rid of them, i have to reveal in finder, then delete, then remove from catalog in LR - which just wastes time.
Mac Pro, dual quad-core, 16gb ram, GeFOrce 8800 GT 512mb graphics card OS X Snow Leopard
LR 3.6 5d Mk II CR2 files PS CS5 (12.0.4) and also the newest prerelease (can't disclose much on this)
LR and PS are both great in their own right, and do things better than the other in some situations, I wish Adobe would make them play nicer together.
If I make changes to configuration while profile is "open" we run into lots of trouble including total dis-functioning of the mold design and OS does not recognize the inventor file extensions and more problems.
A work around solution we found is to completely un install the program from one computer while the profile is "open" so there will be no association between the profile and the local installations on all computers.
However, now I can not save the configuration changes in any of the class computers. ( our OS disk is protected against permanent changes and will reset itself on any restart reboot, unless an administrator does them).
I tried making changes to the configuration both as administrator user and also when giving the local user administrator privileges, but with no successes.
When I try to delete a file from the disk in Lightroom 3 a window appears saying: "the files are on a volume that does not support trash". I've never seen this before and I don't know what it means.
I can't open the file Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.pkg. There is a message that says it cannot open this file and that I should eject the disk image. I have an iMac running on Mac OS 10.7.5, 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, with 6 GB of RAM.
When I am using Lightroom 5.2, and I try to edit a file in Adobe Photoshop CC from Lightroom, Photoshop starts up and after 15 to 20 seconds, I receive the following error message: "The file could not be edited because Adobe Photoshop CC could not be launched." If I click "OK" on the error message form, the image finally opens in Photoshop.
I've uninstalled and reinstalled Lightroom 5.2 and Photoshop CC multiple times, but the edit in Photoshop problem won't go away.
I created user defined AI brushes which I can't find to delete within MAC Lion. They are not in Library>Application Support>Adobe, because Adobe Illustrator folder does not exist there. They are not under Users either. Any clues as to were these custom brushes are buried?
If I want to delete a file, I don't just remove it from the cataloge, but to delete the master file, too.
If I use the remove key, I get the (annoying) pop up, what I want to do: Delete from hard diskRemove (default selected)Cancel Is there any chance to avoid this dialog? Or at least to chance the preselected button, so I've just to use the enter key?
Actually I've to press deletepress left arrow keypress enter.