Illustrator :: Zoom In Multiple Documents Simultaneously?
Nov 20, 2012
Is it possible, when you have three different documents open, to zoom in all three documents simultaneously? Or to move around with the hand tool in all documents simultaneously?
I'm running Illustrator CS5/CS6
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Nov 13, 2012
The very first 3d program I ever used was Lightwave. The view ports in light wave pan and zoom simultaneously by default. I got use to Maya pretty quickly but I was wondering if this is a feature in Maya as well that I would have to turn on and I may not know about.
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Feb 17, 2013
I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how Adobe Illustrator (CS6) manages character styles imported from different ai documents. If I create all character styles in a single .ai document and only use them in in that document, everything works as expected--colors, fonts, and typography settings are maintained in the character style, and newly added text can be quickly styled with the character style.
My trouble starts when i want to re-use those character styles in a new .ai document. From the character style menu I use the option to import the character styles from another document, and they import correctly--all of the styles work and style text as expected. But then i save & close the document and re-open it to find that the character style entries are there, but the fills and strokes are all messed up--fonts, sizes, typography settings are maintained, but styles with a blue fill are suddenly filed with black, or some other color.
This happens even if the swatches associated with the character styles are imported to the new document as well. I've read that all character styles are based off of the 'normal' character style.
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Aug 14, 2012
My first time using this forum, as I new to Photoshop CS6.
How do I link(or whatever) 3D layers in order for them to move together (such as, rotating)? I have a logo that has two layers, and I want the 2nd layer to be raised up off the other layer.
I have tried to link them, but when I do that, there's a circle with a line through it, signifying this I can't rotate the; environment, scene, current view, or the shape.
How do I over come this?
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May 3, 2012
I have an assembly with multible parts which all have iLogic rules in them. I want to controle when the rules are executed in each part, thus I have set them as "Don't run automatically". These rules are iTriggered by the top assembly, if they are active.
Is there a possibility of how I can run multiple rules simultaneously?
The code below is an example of the controle rule that determines the rules to be run but it takes one rule at the time...
IfComponent.IsActive("5580 Heating element package 1")=TrueThen
iLogicVb.RunRule("5580 Heating element basket 1", "iTriggerRule")
IfComponent.IsActive("5580 Heating element package 2")=TrueThen
iLogicVb.RunRule("5580 Heating element basket 2", "iTriggerRule")
up to x
I have also tried with For - Next statements...But the rules are run in the order that tey are written...
As the computer has a lot of memory in reserve; I want somehow all the iTriggerRules to be run at the same time as this would save a lot of time.
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Jul 9, 2009
Someone told me that in an Adobe product (not sure if its PS) there is a way to resize several image files simultaneously to the same size. I cannot find a way to do this. Has anyone done this before or does anyone know how to?
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Dec 27, 2011
I would like to know how to ingest multiple cards simultaneously using lightroom.
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Aug 5, 2011
I'm a new user of PSP X3, having upgraded from X2 and previously from X. When I used earlier versions, I could have numerous images open in the workspace, re-sizing, comparing, cross-cloning, etc. Now with X3 I can't seem to find any setting that will allow that same multiple image viewing. I've looked at the documentation but can't find any mention of this issue.
Am I just missing some checkbox or did Corel abandon this capability?
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Jan 8, 2008
I'm working on an image, and I need it to say "The Wedding of Jane Smith."
I have 4 different text layers showing up, and they're all visible. (a real small "the," a much larger "Wedding," a small "of," and a large "Jane Smith.") I like to have the different words on separate text layers so I can move them around and lay them out the way I like.
I got to the point where I wanted to apply blending effects to the text (drop shadow, bevel, whatever). Now, since I have 4 different text layers, what I'd normally do is merge them into one rasterized layer and then do my effects. But I'm wondering if there is a better, more non-destructive way.
I do video graphic design at my job, working with a video editor, and it would be extremely convenient if I could apply effects to multiple text layers without first rasterizing and merging the layers. i.e. when my boss or the client is looking over my shoulder, and I can show him what the text looks like with the blending FX without having to commit to the text placement/size by rasterizing/merging.
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Nov 28, 2013
I would like to import multiple catalogs simultaneously into one catalog.
The thing is that I lost my main catalog in a hard-drive failure and my last backup is too old. Fortunately I always "export a folder as catalog" into the original pictures folder, so I always keep starring, color editing, etc.
What I would like to do now is to import each of these litle catalogs into one new main one, without having to import each at a time, but all simultaneously, which would save me an enormous amount of time.
Is there a way to do this?
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Jan 8, 2008
I have 4 different text layers showing up, and they're all visible. (a real small "the," a much larger "Wedding," a small "of," and a large "Jane Smith.") I like to have the different words on separate text layers so I can move them around and lay them out the way I like.
I got to the point where I wanted to apply blending effects to the text (drop shadow, bevel, whatever). Now, since I have 4 different text layers, what I'd normally do is merge them into one rasterized layer and then do my effects. But I'm wondering if there is a better, more non-destructive way. Code:
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Aug 1, 2013
I have an assembly with multiple parts.
I wish to change the colour (how they're displayed) of a few of them.
When i right click on the part, i can select iProperties>Occurrence>Appearance
When i control + select multiple items, then right click, the Appearance tab is greyed out.
Not a huge problem at the moment, but in future, I may wish to make 30 + different parts a different colour and would like to do it in one step.
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Dec 9, 2004
I've got around 400 images in photoshop cs...I basically need to reduce each image size, then alter the canvas size, and save.
My question is, is there a way to do that set of actions once, and then have it automatically applied to the other 399?
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Dec 5, 2012
I am a total beginner at this thing. I have a vba routine that I have used for years to execute a lisp routine on an open document, then switch to the next already open document, and continue until the routine has been performed on each already open documents. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how in to get a document collection and make each document the active document so that I can execute the lisp routine.
Option Explicit
Dim objAcadApp As AcadApplication 'Acad application object
Dim objAcadDocs As AcadDocuments 'Acad documents collection
Dim objAcadDoc As AcadDocument 'Acad document object
Dim i As Integer
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Apr 16, 2014
Can InDesign CC create an index using multiple documents (i.e., the chapters of a book)?
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Oct 25, 2013
I accidentally hide that bar at top of screen that lets me hide/close multiple documents... I pressed something, but I don't know what - it's tough to hide PS now (Version CS6)
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Jun 19, 2004
I need to find a way to export the file info frrom many images back to a word or excel file. Does anyone know how to do it.
I can't even get the information out of one image file without the old copy and paste one field at a time, and have several hundred to do.
Just to clarify, the info I need is when you rightclick on the title bar and choose file info, and choose "description" then akk the fields on the right.
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Nov 27, 2012
I'm currently working on a project that requires that I eTransmit a large quantity of files, which is becoming very time consuming. I need writing a script that will allow me to etransmit all of the files at once.
My requirements:
- All .dwgs must be saved as individual .zip files with all references included.
- .zip file must have same name as associated .dwg (basically just swap extensions).
My progress:
- Seems very simple, basically my script is:
ROADBLOCK!!!!!!! D:<
My problem is that I want to have AutoCAD return the filename sans extension and filepath when I'm prompted to input the filename for the .zip file. How can I do this? I've been looking up options using VBA, but with limited success given.
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Oct 3, 2007
I'm not sure if this is possible in PS, but I was hoping someone could confirm it one way or the other.
Is it possible to have the screen divided in PS in some way so that you can work in one section fully zoomed in, but in the other section see the 100% zoom?
When i work on small UI elements etc, I often need to work with highly magnified stuff, but I often don't know how it works when viewing it at 100%, so end up zooming in/out all the time to check.
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Jun 21, 2012
I am using Civil 3D 2013, Windows 7 x64.
Intellizoom does not seem to work properly on certain drawings, where if I undo... nothing happens. Rather, it tries to undo *each* click of my scroll wheel, without doing anything. This results in dozens and hundreds of undo commands, most of which are totally useless. This of course breaks my undo command, rendering it almost pointless. If I make a change, zoom out and decide that the change is not needed, I cannot easily undo; I have to undo something like 50 "commands" that do nothing, before I get to the "real" undo that I wanted to undo in the first place.
I understand there is the "Combine zoom and pan commands"; this is checked off. It does not seem to do anything. How do I make my undo command useful again? As a keyboard user, I want to use ctrl-z for my undos. I do not want to go to the undo button, pull down the menu, and search trhough the 50 commands to find the correct command to undo to, especially since I never had this problem before in previous versions of Civil 3D.
Some additional information:
1. I can open some other drawings that get the correct undo/zoom behaviour.
2. I can open the drawing I have problems with using a previous version of Civil 3d (2012), and get the correct undo/zoom behaviour.
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Dec 19, 2012
I have been struggling today with an issue I've encountered with my documents that I made in Illustrator, then had them uploaded to the web. The document displays big squares around all the paths in my document, containig text and gradients inside them.
When I open the document on my laptop, using adobe reader, it displays correctly, with no hassles, but when I upload them to the web, or even drag and drop the document in to my browser, these big squares appear. I'v etried different PDF settings to try and fix this, but it's not working and as a temporary solution, the document was uploaded as a PNG.
The document itself isn't linked to any =thing, it's just a document that opens when you click on the web button to view it, and then you can download the pdf document from the website.
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Oct 23, 2013
I scanned a worksheet containing chemical structures with VueScan 9.3.14. I tried to use acrobat 11.0.5 along with the highlight tool to highlight parts of a chemical structure. Adobe did not recognize all parts of the chemical structure. Some parts (mostly single covalent bonds between 2 atoms) could be highlighted, but other's could not. Those parts which could not be highlight were important parts I was aiming to use acrobat's highlight tool for. I was hoping if something like the highlight tool in acrobat could be used in illustrator and/or other third party software.
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Mar 13, 2014
how to change the default font for new documents, but how to make it so that you have a preferred default font that overrides Myriad for any document you open. Is that even possible? I receive files from many different sources and most people just stick with Myriad. I need to change that font constantly in documents to Helvetica Bold and want the type tool to just stay there unless I manually change it myself.
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Jan 9, 2014
How can I turn hyphenation off for all documents? Is there a way to change the default setting to hyphenation off? I know how to turn it off for individual documents, but I want it to always be off.
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Jun 10, 2013
I want to open a document and Force illustrator to open it using CM or MM as the Default Units.
i.e If a client sends me an .ai file and they use Pt or Px, How can i get the document to open by default with Centimeters, I've changed it in Adobe preferences but it only applies to new documents.
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Mar 5, 2014
I am struggling with color variation between different documents in AI. Even when both documents have been assigned the Adobe 1998 RGB color space, and colors are identically called out in RGB, my output varies between the documents. This is difficult as when I do color management is a "swatch" document to get my client approval, then insert that color into a different document, it changes. Any input?
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Aug 4, 2013
I have two open files in illustrator and I want to use the eye dropper tool to select a color from one document and use it in the other. Is there a way to do this?
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Mar 12, 2012
I have multiple documents that need to share the same swatches. I can't find a nice workflow for keeping them all in sync. At the moment I have a separate document that I use as a swatch library. Every time I change or add a swatch I have to resave the document as a swatch library, then re-import the library into every document that uses it, then reassign each swatch as changes are not picked up. This is really time consuming.
I am looking for a way to have a single swatch library that is shared between multiple documents, all of which dynamically update when I make changes to the library in the same way that an AI file can be shared amongst multiple documents and will reflect any changes made. At the very least I want to be able to reimport a swatch library and have any object using one of the library swatches update. I have tried placing the library document in the files, but it seems swatches are not carried over.
This is driving me crazy. It seems like once you share a swatch library there is no support whatsoever for edits to that swatch library being picked up by documents that use it even if you re-open the edited swatch library.
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Sep 25, 2013
I created some sample pie charts for a client - had no problems with the document while it was open. It saved fine, I even saved it as an EPS. However, when I try to reopen the document, it gives me an error (whether I open the illustrator or eps file).
I haven't been able to track down the reason for it. It has 6 sample pie charts on it. The text and labels are simply text or lines drawn on a separate layer. The "hole" is simply a white circle on top of the chart. There isn't really anything complicated with it, so I'm not sure where the error is. I've already recreated this but had the same problem again.
This does not happen for all pie charts - there is another file I created with other samples, and I've been able to reopen that. The odd thing is that even though I get the error, it seems to partially open the file - only a few of the elements show up.
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Jun 25, 2013
For years, we've been printing large documents to our plotter without issue. Suddenly last week, nothing large will print.
I've seen a few different error messages, and have tried different computers, and different versions of Illustrator, but nothing large will print.
When trying to print, I currently get the following:
I've also seen an error suggesting not enough memory is available, which is bogus. And I think another error that was more vague, something to the effect of "can't print"
I've setup a clean install of illustrator on a clean windows install, same issue. I setup an alternate print server with our rip software, same software we've been using for years. Same error on the alternate server.
Nothing changed, and it's effecting everything here, and new installs. I don't know what happened, but this is getting critical, we need the ability to print.
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Nov 26, 2013
When I make a pattern on a document and save it, it shows up fine. BUT when I go to my other documents, it doesn't show up on the swatch list for that document (it ONLY shows up on the swatch palette where I made the pattern). It also doesn't show up if I make a new document.
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