I’ve got a question about external drives display in the folder tree. For some reason, when I add a folder on an external drive, I get a new “Volumes” folder, and then the drive appears as a folder under the “Volumes” folder. So, instead of having a quick view of which drives are connected, I get a bunch of “missing images” question marks on the folders when the drives disconnect.I don’t get the extra collapsable bar (Under Macintosh HD) as in your video.
I'm using Lightroom 2.6 on a Mac G5. I've got 93.36Gb of photos ( 9,000 RAW files plus their sidecar files) on a 500Gb firewire 400 drive. I'm upgraing to a 1TB firewire 800 external, and my file is (I believe) on my internal hard drive under users somewhere.
I can piggy back the new and old externals, or copy my photos to the internal and then transfer to the new drive when I connect it, but I have no way of connecting both firewire drives to the computer at the same time.
What's the most effective and easiest way to transfer my catalog and photo files from one drive to another and have Lightroom find them and sort everything out?
When I am in Lightroom all I see in the Folder Section is my internal hard drive. I have many images on my external hard drive. How do I get the external hard drives to show up along with the internal hard drive?
I'm running Windows 7 RC but I've been using that for a while. It seems like this problem started after I began running my lightroom catalog from my Drobo, but I'm not sure if that is related as well. When I bring up a Browse for Files or Folders dialog box, for example when chosing where to export or import images, nothing shows up in there except for my user name and folders that are inside there such as documents, pictures, music etc. My drives and folders do not show up at all. If the location I want to import or export to is in the list of previous locations, for example e:pictures then I can still use that location. But if I wanted to pick that location from the browse dialog there is no way to do so. I need to export some photos to a CD, I can't select the drive. I attached an image to make my problem more clear.
I have 6 external hard drives containing NEF / JPG and DNG files plus i have some more recent photos on my laptop hard drive some of the files are the same on several of the drives (backup copies)
what would be the best way to merge all this into a single LR 4 catalog ?
or would it make sense to have a separate catalog for each external drive ?
I only have one drive connected to the computer at one time
I've got LR4 on my MBP, but all my photos are on a network drive. I'm about to go on a two week trip but I'd like to work on photos for my son's baby book whilst there. The photos are all on a 6TB LaCie which I obviously can't bring with me, but I have a 1TB LaCie Rugged that I can bring along. I have LR set up such that I have all my son's photos organised by weeks and months, so I would like that set up preserved whilst I'm working away from home. So I thought one way was to copy the entire catalog to my 1TB LaCie, but how do I get it to sync with the photos in the network drive when I get back home? What's the best way of doing this? It's quite a big catalog as well, about 400GB of photos and videos. Previously what I did was to copy the entire catalog to a portable drive, but I ended up having multiple copies of the library in my catalog, i.e. the same picture folders on two different drives. I had to delete the portable drive from the catalog cos they were too many differences between the 2 drives and I couldn't keep up which was which.
When I try to move folders or pix selected individually between my hard drive and external drive withing Lightroom 5 an error message pops up unable to copy to destination...
I have a number of old external drives in "My Folders" lightroom thinks are still active mostly because the computer has assigned a new drive letter to the same drive several times. I would like to delete these from Lightroom and assign a new letter to the current drive I am using, how to remove the old drives?
I recentely upgraded to LR4.1 and it seems to have done something strange with my Folders. As you can see in the earlier version all of my harddrives are displayed as panel items in the folders panel. However now it's only displaying the boot drive and i have to drill down to the volumes folder to get to my hard drives..This is pretty annoying since i work on multiple hard drives.
I have read in earlier versions that people found a workaround by using the "Promote Subfolders" option until all drives were displayed. However this option doesn't seem to be in LR 4. None of my hard drives are compressed, and they are all internal.
It may be worth noting that when I went to create a new catalog it didnt show any hard drives begin with.
Original Display of the Folders Panel
Current Display of the Folders Panel - as you can see only one drive is displaying.
How can I get photos in folders on an external hard drive to display in Bridge? At present only those located in Users>Pictures will display. I'm in CC.
I'm not even sure I can explain so I attached this screen capture. LR4 is showing two 'FSE-PHOTO' external hard drives when it is really only one. It has the same folder on both called 20120523_straight_down on each but in each folder there are 4 images even though it says 3. Two of those images are swapped and I think thats why it says 3. I have tried Updating Folder location. I have tried Synchronizing the Folder. I have tried deleting the top folder called 20120523_straight_down which then gets rid of the top FSE-PHOTO. After that I try to add the missing fourth image to the other 20120523_straight_down folder and it just adds back that second FSE-PHOTO mystery drive.
All of this happened after I moved the catalog and images to this external drive and then ran Carbon Copy Cloner to back it up to a second external drive. Once that was done I restarted LR4 and began to work on an image in PS6. When I closed that image adn went back to find the Edit version in LR4 I couldn't find it. Once I did find it after searching All Photographs with its file name I saw that there were two FSE-PHOTO folders. When I tried all the trouble shooting above I disconnected the backup drive.
MacBook Pro 13" 2.4GHz Intel Core i5 8GB RAM OS 10.7.4 External drives: LaCie Rugged 500GB
Computer (laptop) shut down while viewing images on ent drive, After restarting the computer, LR in not picking up the primary folders on the drive, only the latest sub folders.
When I go to import to select the device from which to import in, it doesn't show me the folders in that device. So I click show subfolders and then it shows me my thousands of photosI want to be able to select the folders to look at from my External Hard drive but there is no drop down menu.
Why I cannot see all my folders from my external disk on the navigator? When I go into import mode I see the missing folders BUT all the pics are greyed out meaning that they are part of the catalog already how do I get them in the Navigator library?
I use lightoom everyday, editing images from multiple external hard drives. These hard drives appear as their own folders, but today they are gone. Only my Macintosh HD is listed under folders. I can get to all the images through the Mac HD folder, but I am wondering why my hard drives are no longer listed as folders. They are not offline or missing.
when i import all my photos from an external hard drive LR4.4 will not include all the sub folders and some folders .. there are about 38,000 photos and the size of all the photos is 350 GB
I bachup with an external hard drive(ehd), itcotains folders fro 2007 to 2013 plus a "test"folder. when i plug it into my computer and open light room,in the left hand pannel where the ehd appears, it shows all the folders except 2009 ,2013 and the "test" folder. why doesn't L.R. read all of the ehd.,,
Until I launched LR4 today, my Folders display would show a chronological listing of the path names of the import locations I made, with the most recent import location at the bottom of the list. Today, it only showes the folder structure with icons that are in my main "pictures" folder on my "C" drive. I didn't change antything that I know of, and now can't find out how to get the chronological listing back without the icons. That was a very convenient to easily get back to any of the most recent import sessions and associated photo locations I had. How can I get rid of the folder icons and structure?
My external drive(s) aren't showing up in Premiere Pro... and yes, they were working just fine yesterday. The internal drives both show up, but the external drive(s) aren't accessible.
At first I thought that perhaps it was the drive (a new USB 3.0 that worked yesterday)... I tried changing the cable, changing the drive, even changing from a USB 3.0 drive to a FW 800 drive. All show up on my desktop, as well as in other applications (including After Effects, and "other" editing platforms) etc... but none are showing up in Premiere Pro.
FWIW, I tried in both Premiere Pro CC as well as Premiere Pro CS6. I have tried rebooting the computer, creating new projects, holding down the option key while starting Premiere, using Digital Rebellion's CS Repair... all to no avail. Any thoughts?
My system is a MacBook Pro (late 2011), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 with 16 GB Ram, running Mac OS X 10.8.5
Our general manager strongly worries about data security after reading this news. [URL] ..... How we can forbid staff from Saving files into external drives, Printing specific files, Printing screen? We are also in finance field and we are not going to pay for penalty charge due to data loss.
When I soft proof an image in Lightroom (5) and in Photoshop (CS6) on my external display there is a noticeable difference between the two proofs.
This is the case both with "simulate paper & ink" on and off (with matching settings in both applications) and with a variety of different profiles being used. On my laptop screen the proofs always match (between Photoshop and Lightroom).
On the external display with soft proofing off there is an exact match between images in LR and PS. With soft proofing on saturated areas of images (particularly reds, greens and yellows) become noticeably less saturated and blocked up in LR as compared to PS. Subdued colours appear to match. It's almost like they are both using the same profile but Lightroom is squashing it into a smaller gamut. I'm fairly sure PS is correct and LR is the one with something going wrong.
I'd like to sort it as I'd prefer to soft proof in Lightroom as that's where I print from. I've read up a lot on colour management and can't find a solution.
(I'm on a Macbook pro running 10.8.4 and the external display is an NEC Spectraview 271 (euro version of PA271W), the display is calibrated and profiled with Spectraview 5, with an i1 Display Pro. Working space in PS is Prophoto RGB and it's set to preserve embedded profiles. I've checked with various test images but mostly been using Bill Atkinon's printer test image. I set up the image in LR and PS to match on screen position and with the same colour (white) background, I can then flick back and forth and there should be no change but there is and it's very obvious.)
I have a student running Elements version 10. He has been importing all his images into his hard drive. He now wants to move them onto an external hard drive. I've tried following varying directions from discussions but haven't gotten the results I expected.
How to go over the process clearly so that he will end up with the same Elements catalog on his computer but the images will all be stored on an external hard drive?
I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).
I renamed a lot of my photo folders in Explore. Now in LR4, all these folders appears with an ?. I can't work on pictures from these folders - I get the message: File named xxx is offline or missing. It does not sync the parent folder. Nor does it sync the folder it self. If I right clik on a LR4 folder with a ?, and try to locate the folder, I only get the option to merge the identical folders. Is there any way to sort this. I can't restore the old folder names.
I am using LR3. I appear to be digging a massive hole for myself trying to sort out the catalog. When I first got LR, I had initially added just a small number of files just to see how LR worked. At this time I was still completing sorting out my full photo collection in 'my pictures' which were also copied to two external hard drives. Once that work was completed, I imported a complete folder (some 4000 images) into LR. The folder/subfolders appeared in the folders panel but the sub folders I had initially imported were displayed with a ? and a message 'file is missing or offline' Going down the road of 'find missing folder' eventually led to my problems.
About 6 sub folders are involved so I eventually took the decision that it could be easier just to remove them so I could then re-import them from 'my pictures'. That hasn't worked out as planned. When I go into 'file' to import photos from 'my pictures' the missing sub folders are there but the images are 'greyed' as well as the import button. When I put the cursor onto one of the greyed-out images the message 'appears to be a duplicate of another photo already in catalog' appears.
how I can restore the 'missing' sub folders into the folders panel.
The question is, I have all my photos,in two hard drives and I want to have the LR catalog in both HDs. When I close LR, it creates the security catalog into" A" HD, then I copy this backup folder into the second hard drive"B" but when open the second HD, the photos does not reflect the changes I did in the "A" HD.
How can I do to have the same stuff in two or three different HDs??
For example, I have two HDs, one in my house (disk A), and the other one (disk B) in a friend's house (it has the same photos than the "A" HD) and use it as second security backup.
How can I copy the LR catalog, created as a backup in the disk A, and copy it to the disk B? ? Normally I copy the folder that LR has created into disk "A" when I closed LR and I paste it on disk "B". But when I connect the disk "B" and open LR with this catalog, the modifications are not there.